Farmer Juan thanksgiving dinner


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Farmer Juan thanksgiving dinner
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Nf'Jvember, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 411 LI'ITLE STORIES FOR LITILE. PEOPLE FARMER JUAN'S ,TJiANXSGIVING DINNER ADAPTBD BY PANZ!TA FLORES Our in Farmer Juan's garden Susana Squash lay smiling in the sun. "How big I am growing!" said Susana Squash. 1'1 must be the finest squash in the world. Soon Farmer Juan will take me to the market where all the world can se~ me." And Susana Squash rolled over in the sun and wept fast. asleep. Turkey Lurkey was out walking around under the trees. He strutted this way. He strutted that way. "What· a fine turkey I am!" he said. "I'm sure Farmer Juan. will take me to the market. Then the people .Will see the finest turkey in the land." Just then Farmer· Juan came with some rice. • "Come, Turkey Lurkey," he called. "Here is some good rice. Eat and grow fat; Thanksgiving is coming. What a good dinner I shall have! Squash and turkey roasted in the oven." Night came. But Turkey Lurkey could not ,leep. He was thinking. "So that's it," he _said to ~ · !f. "Rice three times a day so l'l, grow fat and make a fine dinner. We'll see abour that!" Finally, a few weeks later, it was the day before Thanksgiving. Turkey Lurkey. went into the garden. There lay Susana Squash fatter than ever. "Good morning, Turkey Lurkey," said fat Susana Squash. "W.ill you look at me? Did you ever see before such a nice, fat squash as I am? What fun I'll have at the m·arket I I'm sure I'll be the largest . squash there." "Oh, Susana", said Turkey Lurk,·y, "you're not going to the market. You are going to be cooked for Thanksgiving· dinner. You and I are to be eate1\ Thanksgiving Day-" . · "Oh! Oh!" cried Susana Squash.' ''What shall we do? Think fast, Turkey Lurkey. Perhaps Farm~r Juan wifl c::ime now." And Susana Jquash began to cry. Turkey Lurkey bent down. Snip, snap went his sharp bill, .\nd fat Susana Squash rolled off the vine. · "Come with me," said Turkey Lurkcy. "Roll fast." . O'l'er and over rolled fat Susana Squash. Down the road they went. Faster and faster. That night Farmer Juan went to the place where Turkey Lurkey· always rbosted in. a tree. · (Please turn to page 434.) 434 THE YOUNG CITIZEN FARMER JUAN'S DINNER GLASSES {Continued from page 41 I) (Continued from page 426) "Where are you, Turkey people whose eyes are seemLurkey ?"he called. "Come ingly very good, ,Yet for here. I'm ready for you. whom the use of properly What a fine Thanksgiving fitted glasses would prove a dinner I shall have!" relief from nervous strain. Then he looked up and There are multitudes of down with his flash-light. people whose imperfect In the tree and around the sight prevents them from tree and most everywhere. seeing things-which make But no Turkey Lurkey was life beautiful and worth to be found. Then he looked while. There are many in other trees. No Turkey others for whom properly Lurkey. chosen glasses are the neces"Where can that turkey sary means for correcting November, 1940 FIRST THANKSGIVING (Continued from page 416) (Produces a long. pipe which he puts to his lips as if smoking it. He then hands it to the Governor.) This is Indian peac'e pipe. Smoke it, brother White Chief, as sign of friendship between Indians and white men. (The Governor places the peace pipe to his lips as if he were smoking it.) CURTAIN be?" said Farmer Juan. reflex nervous trouble, and SGENE III "Well, anyway I'll cook whose headaches, indiges- Place: In a field at harthat fat squash for my tion, neuralgja, or dizziness vesnime. Thanksgiving dinner." pass away with the relief of Time: Down .to the garden he eye strain. later than went. He looked· in the But there ·are also many scenes. Some months the previous corner where the squash people whose eyes are per- (Piles of cornstalks may had been growing. Susana fectly normal, who are en- be seen in the background. Squash wasn't there. He tirely comfortable without There are also some pump1ooked and looked. No wearing glasses. For these, kins or squashes. Pilgrims squash. glasses are wliolly unneces- -men and women-are Finally he gave up, sary. busy gathering the corn and walked· to the house, and If you are in doubt as to pumpkins.) went to bed. whether or not you should GOVERNOR (entering): And on Thanksgiving wear glasses, go to a good My friends, God has reDay what do you think eye physician, and then do warded our toil with a Farmer Juan had for his what he advises.-Con- bountiful harvest. We have Thanksgiving dinner? dense d from "Good corn and squashes ·and dried Did he have squash? No. H ea/th." wild ,fruits. We have veniDid he have turkey? No. son from the forest and fish He had only some camo- 3. What more did he in- from the streams. Wild tes. tend to have at his Thanks- turkeys and other fowl are QUESTIONS giving dinner? in abundance. These are I. W fie n was Farmer 4. How did the turkey blessings from our Heaven] u an going to have a and the squash escape from ly Father. Let us all give turkey dinner? Farmer· Juan? thanks to God for his kind2. Why did he feed rice 5. What did Farmer ness. Let us have a day of to his turkey? Juan have for dinner? (Please turn to page 439.)