

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
NOtJnnbtr, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 427 HEADACHES THE CAUSES of headaches are so many that the very idea of a headache "cure" by means of drugs is foolish. A headache· may be caused by many reasons, some of little importance, others important. Bad ventilation .and· eating too much may cause the head to ache. Continuous use of the eyes in bad· light, in connection with some kind of eye · defect, may cause head.aches. Infections in the nasal sinuses are frequent causes of aching in the head. A badly placed wisdom tooth may cause the head to ache. High blood pressure may do the same. Headache preparations are advertised under various names. Any person can buy tablets of any popular pain-killing drug from anyone who sells them as a headache "relief" preparation. The drug may be aspirin which is· inoffensive to most persons .. It.may, however, be irritating to the stomach and the krdneys, and depressing to. the n¢rvou.s system. Phenacetin or acetanilid . may be used in the headache remedy. These drugs are definitely depressing to the heart. and may do harm to ·the ·red-blood cells. Or the headache remedy may be iminopyr inc, which is still more likely to do harm to the blood cells. Whatever the drug, it . should not be used except when prescribed by a doctor, if it is powerful enough to produce results. Acute infections with fever resultin·g from· such dangerous d i seas es as small pox, influenza, or spinal meningitis, to trilling diseases as colds, et cetera, all may begin with aching in the head. There are many other diseases which cause a headache. Some l"11tlacht1 are btst treated S om e headaches The list cOUld go on ai- b~ rest in :,;, darltned room with most indefiiiitely. cool cloth~ 1Jn tht head. Don't tale It is foolish to think ~=:~:r°:us~tadscht cures-thty art are best treated by rest in a darkened and quiet room with cool or cold· cloths that any tablet, powder, or so-called headache cure on sale in most of the drug-stores everywhere can do anything more than give temporary relief. Unless the cause is found and removed, headaches come again and again. If certain drugs are taken to secure relief from headache, the drug itself may do harm, either to the nervous system, the blood, or the heart. or an icecap on the head. Headaches which come back frequently should 'be investigated by a doctor. This is much more sensible than taking poV(erful drugs for temporary relief from pain.· The doctor will probably be able to remove the C?use of the headactie. This will afford permanen.t relief.-Condensed from "Good Health."