How Norberto took care of flags


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

How Norberto took care of flags
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
No•vember, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 417 HOW NORBERTO TOOK CARE OF Tl=<~ FLAGS By ALEJANDRO GABORNI * ·"~ Norberto was pr,oud of the flags. NORBERTO was a pupil in a barrio school. In the school which he attended there was a boy scout troop of which, Norberto was a member. The school had an American flag and a Filipino flag. Every morning at sunrise some member of the boy scout troop raised the flags, and every night the same scout took them down. Each of the scouts took care of the flags in turn. Norberto was happy to have his turn. He loved the flags; he was proud of them. When it was his turn, he got up early in order to hoist the flags at sunrise. He raised them briskly. Sometimes the morning breeze would catch the~ and they would wave in the morning air and sunshine. In the afternoon Norberto was very careful to take them down properly. He • Tea~her, Pinabacdao Barrio School, Calbiga, Samar. never let the flags trail on the ground. He never let them get dirty. He never let the mud or any water get <in them. He folded them carefully. He loved the flags and was loyal to them. One afternoon Norberto's father asked him to go with him to t-0wn t<i see a movie. "I think a Tarzan picture is showing this afternoon, .Norberto, and I am sure you would like to see it." Norberto was very happy and jumped i for joy. "0 father," he said, "may I?" "Y e.s, if you will come quickly,'' s.aid his father. Norberto was soon ready to go. Then-he thought of the flags. It was his turn to take care of the flags. The sun would soon be going down. "0 father," he said, "I cannot go. I must lower the flags at sundown." "Cannot some of the other scouts do it?" asked his father. "All of the other boys are gone,'' answered Norberto. "I was left to take care of the flags. No, I cannot go. Each member of our scout troop has to do a good turn every day. It would not be a good turn to leave the flags out all night." "Good for you, Norberto," .said his father. "I wanted you to go with me, but you are doing a better thing. I am proud of you, for you can be trusted. Taking care of the flags is rendering a service to your country." So Norberto's father and mother went to see the Tarzan movie, which Norberto wanted very much to see, ·and Norberto staid at home in order to do his duty. When the boy went to lower the flags (Please turn to page 436.) THE YOUNG CITIZEN November, 1940 NORBERTO TOOK CARE BOOKMAKING SAN CARLOS NEWS (Continued from page 417) (Conti~ued from page 425) (Continued form page 412) that evening, he stood under were copies of Greek and We shall have a program them and looked up at their Latin classics, as well as on Thanksgiving Day. bright colors. They had Bibles and other church We will all be thankful. never looked more beauti- books written in Latin. On We all want to ~e good ful. He took them down, page 424 is shown a picture citizens. and put them carefully into of one of these old "illumin- We are going to do our the box. ated" books. very best each day. When Norberto's father In ·the I Ith century, pa- We are always glad to came home the next day, he per made from linen rags have visitors.· brought two new· flags, an began to find its way into Welcome, .everyone! American flag and a Fili- Europe from the Orient. After the pupils had read pino flag.· He gave them to The use of such paper in~ the first "issue" of The San Norberto. er.eased rapidly after the Carlos News, Miss Merca"You may present these invention of printing, for it der said, "I think that is a to your school, my son,'' said was cheap and could be splendid beginning, . boys his father. · used easily on the printing and girls. .We shall have Norberto was very proud presses. . . our 'newspaper' each Tuesof the new flags, and he and Before the invention of day and · Friday mornthe other. boy scouts took printing from movable ing." good care of them.' types, small religious books That is the way Thi San "By taking good care of were sometimes printed Carlos News was started in the school flags and hoisting from solid blocks of wood. the S an C a r Io s Barrio and lowering them proper- These blocks of wood were· School. ly,'' said Norberto to the the size of t~e page, and Every boy and girl in other scouts, "we are ren- consisted mostly of pictures, that room thinks it is a very dering a service to oilr with perhaps a small good "newspaper." country. My father said amount of lettering en- Perhaps· you can have a so." graved at the bottom. "newspaper" in yout room. I think what Norberto's The method of printing if you will ask your teac.her; father said is true. Don't from movable types is----------you? called typo9raph. The first signed beautiful types and book printed from movable printed exquisite books, WHAT WOULD YOU DO type is supposed to have with elaborate coverings of I. If you were to raise the flags at sunrise? 2. If you were to lower the flags at sunset? 3. If you saw the flags had been forgotten on . the flag-poles at night? 4. If you saw the flags up during a rain? been a Bible which ap- vellum, silk, velvet, or other peared about 1453. beautiful materials, such as Early in the 16th century ivory and precious stones. the books became smaller The most famous artists in size, thinner paper was of the day made the illus-· used· for the pages, and the trations, using not only wooden boards of the cover woodcuts, but copper enwere replaced by paste- gravings, The titles of those board. Artist-printers de- (Please turn to page 439.)