Making candies


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Making candies
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
November, 1940 THE YOUNG' ClTIZi!N MAKING CANDIES (CtJ11tinued frnm tlie OcttJbPr number) IN THE ISSUE of The iowed to cool before cut: I be purchased at any goo~ Young Citizen for last ting. Dip the knife used grocery store). Cook the, month thete were some ex- for cutting in. powdered mixture to 240 degrees. Add -cellent recipes for candies. sugar·which will prcvc·c:t iv the c:c:1:c.ed cocnnut and This month we are giving sticking. Nut meats_ moy; l">oil to 2+2. dc.~rces_. "':dd. more. These can be used be added to any caramels j one teaspoon of \"?.mlla Jt.St for making a plentiful sup- just before pouring. before pouring. ply of candy for the holi- Chocolate- Oar4mels Pulled Caramels days which will soon come. Melt two and one-half Put 2 cups of rngar, oneThen, too, candy-1)1aking tablespoons of butter in a half cup of boiling water. ·can help 'to increase the kettle, add 2 cups of mo- one-third of c t-::aspoon of family income. The boy or lasses, one cup of brown cream of tano ond onegirl who has learned to sugar, and· one-half cup of h~lf of a teaspoon nf glycmake delicious candy at milk. Stir until it begins to crin in a saucepan and home rnn. build up a boil, and then add 3squares 1 bring it to thebn:: "'.'; po_int. little business by .selling of unsweetened chocolatelLet the mixture bot! w1thhomemade candy. Many (to be purchased. at any out ,stirring un,il it will people prefer it to the ex- good grocery store). ·Boil turn brittle when tested in pensive candies bought in to 240 degrees Fahrenheit. cold water. When nearly the stores. Add one teaspoon of vaniBa cooked, add .2 tablespoons In this article we shall flavoring just before pour- of heavy cream (or Carnagive recipes for making car- ing. ti.on evaporated milk) and. amels. Caramels contain Coconut Caramels one and one-half squares of the ingredients that make Pour into a kettle one bitter chocolate. Pour on·. the can.dy. boil very high pound of granula,t~d sugar, a buttered platter, and as and burn easily, Therefore one and one-half pounds of the edges cool fold towards ~t m·Jst hr stirred contin- corn syrup, one cup·of~Weet ·the center. As soon as it is uously. Have a shallow cream (or jf it cannot be cold enough to ])andle, pull square pan oiled or greased obtained use one cup of until it is Then cut · .: \•:hi ch to pour the candy Carnation e vapor at c d it into small pieces; using ·.vhen it is done. It should milk), one can of condensed a knife. or scissors. Put on be, poured to a thicl{ncss of milk, and the liquid of one a slightly buttered platter about one inch and be al- can of Baker's coconut (ta· (To he rontinufd)