My book friends


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

My book friends
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
November, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN MY BOOK FRIENDS By H.ILDRED TOPE 419 l - l i Ji } r p I r ) J I ?' J\ -; r p I f > IL\ Books are the lin •est. friends l kno~; They take ·me with them when they· ' ...If,, J J. I f P J. R I F p J J~ I f R J RI F D J. V go· To fair• y. land or lands. a· far. Some -timcsthey let me ride a star 1J~it ) J, ;\ F p I r } J.1 pj] p F p I f. ; J .Pl~ Up to the moon and peek in • side, Or show me where the fair • ies hide O•") )If\ f p p. ~ p I F } J. I) J\ ) f )I J R f" II where the beau - ti .. fol · rain - bow ends-- Bo0ks are the ver - y fin - est friends. 2. Books are the closest friends of all, Ready to help me when I call, And teach to me what I must learn; 'Tis waiting there for me to turn The page and find what I must know. To these good friends I'll often go, And they'll not fail me in what I need; Books are the closest friends, indeed. 3. Books are a store of treasures rare; Mine for the seeking-mine to share With· others who, like me, must go And find the things that they should know. Treaiures are there for me to take; If I but look there I shall make The wisdom of all the ages live: This is what books to me will give.