ADNAA to honor poll winners


Part of The Bicol Star

ADNAA to honor poll winners
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2 ★ 1HE BICOL STAR * December 30, 19i7 * Jhcol Star * Entered as Second Clase Mail Matter at the Post Office, City of Na-gn, Philippines on May 20, 1933. Published every Saturday D. A. ESCALANTE — Gen. Manager, Editor Ci Publisher ADVERTISING A PROMOTION: BENNY TAWAGON — ROMY ASUNCION BAL. M. DUMAGVIN — SILVERIO ALCALA ROMEO ESCALANTE — Circulation & Subscription Subscription Rates: r4.00 per year; P2.50 6 months P. 0. Box 123, Naga City, Philippines It’s supposed to be merry Christmas, but my paisano, the "Partial Reviewer" is never merry at all. His candidate was unable to go through. Unknown to the "Star Witness" is the story that Mr. Diez was the " mastermind" of the Fuentebella-for-governor movement. Manong Andres, mayo lamang kita dian? Veinte sana. • The election of governor Armando Ciedera is a blessing to the Nacionalistas in the province. Under the NP party rules, he automatically becomes chairman of the party. The fight for supremacy is ever. @ • Former Rep. Juan F. Trivino appears to be interested in having a return bout with the incumbent 1st district Congressman. Mr. Trivino must have heard that the "great parasakdo” is in trouble. No "lagdong sakdo" this time. 9 • The people of Noga City did not believe that Concejal Naldo Borja consumed more NESCAFE than Hizzoner Inting Sibulo. They elected the man to the City Board. No more coffee break this time, maybe. • • Atty. Gerry OR A A, my candidate for Congress in 1969 is the most academically prepared man for that fight. He holds two engineering degrees in addition to his law degree. Whai he 'acks is s "third degree" in the assessment business. 9 9 Councilor-elect Bob Ruelo will soon be the guest of honor of a meeting of the "CASARAROAN NIN KINAPOBREHAN" headed by Mr. Jacinto Romero. This organization after all is not a political group. Its activities are not limited to the compaign period. 9 9 The incoming Naga Municipal Board should learn from the bitter lessons of the past. Partisan considerations should be subordinated to the overall interest of the people. That's the only brand of politics which will stand the test on the day of reckoning. 9 9 Why are we supposed to be happy during the Christmas season? The heavenly hosts proclaimed the answer. Glory be to God in the highest. Reason? He has declared that henceforth man is at peace with Him. God sees sinful man through the perfection of His own beloved son. Christian joy is founded on the rock of divine pardon. ® 9 The rebellious attitude of our young people may be traced sometimes to the stubborness of patents in refusing to see things from their young ones point of view. Love and understanding from a father or mother can go a long way- to cement a lasting harmony in the family. 9 9 The rising wave of criminality reveals the powerful influence our movies and comics have over those who patronize them. Stories glorifying crime amount to a hypnotic suggestions through association. The mind of man is largely "subconcious" and this subconcious state is highly suceptible to suggestion. Under the influenceof his conditioned mind, man stands helpless. ADNAA to Honor Poll Winners The Alenej de Naga Association will award certificates of merits to all newly elected alumni cfficials and other alumni who have distinguished themselves in other fields this year during the ADNAA luncheon in the gym-auditoi i im on Rizal Day. Invited gu st speaker for the 21st ADNAA Homecoming affair is Senator-elect Benigno S. Aquino, tena oria' lopnotcher in Camarines Norle, the ADNAA president’s home province A concelebralcd Mass by aium.iipriets, a motorcade and lloral offering al the H..« - za Rizal, the traditional noon luncheon andcve.iiug Bine and Gold Bill w.h mark the ADNAA Hi.n> coming this December 30lh. Updated Aleneo de Naga alumni files record another provincial governor, a total of ten may >rs (two of chartered cities), two vice-mayors and two city councilors with governor-elect Armando Ciedera, HS’s41, Mayor Vicen.e Sibulo, HS’4 > of Naga City and Mayorelect Giegoiio Imperial Legazpi Li.y heading the rosier of winning alum ii in the ‘67 elections. Mayor elect Jose Timaner, HS’48 of Daet, Camarines Norte had for campaign manager his brother Crank 1 imoner, 20ih ADNAA President. Other members or HS’4l_Jose^icarle was re-elected mayor of O-as (Albay) while: Eusebio General was Voted back to the City Council of Naga. Other, elected mayors are Esteban de la Ciuz of Gainza (C. Sur) and Francisco San Jose of Juban (Sorsogon) both of HS‘69; Ernesto lino, AA‘51 of Balo; Eugenio Aguilar, HS‘54 of Cabusao; .Gualberto Manlangit, . HS’55 of Tigaon; Ramon Constancio, HS’57 ofBuhi - towns of Camarines Sur. Elected vicemayors are Ramon Raneses, AA’49 of Legaspi City and Romeo ’ Gonzales, HS’55 and BSC’62 of Polangui, Albay. Carlos Castillo, AA’54, likewise made the magic seven of the Naga City Board. FM on Human Rights President Marcos declared recently that the acceptance of human rights by the government and peoples of the world is “one of the foundation stones of civilization.” During the observance of Human Rights Day, the President pointed out that it "is both as reminder and an encouragement” for enlarging the "moral possibilities of our culture” thtough the extension of human rights to every individual and community in the world. Despite the significant gains (Continued on Page 5) Of PW Funds: Allotments, Releases Investigations RA No. 5187 tarries an allotment of about ¥111,000 09 for various small public works projects in Carn. Snr thougfully sponsored by Sen. Gerry Raxas and ul.icli is brclien down us follows: , , - Tinambac- for barrio Tierra Nevada, const/uclion of school building ¥5,000.00; and for the _ cons'rml ion ol a barrio market building in same barrio - 1*.5 OOJ.JJLagonoy- construction of school building at barrio Agpo¥5,000 00. . • c / R igay- construction of school building at barrios Salvation and Lahong - ¥5,000 00 each. v^nnnno Parubcan- construction of school building - 15.OJU.UU. Balo- construction of feeder roads - ¥5 000.00 Iriga- construction ol academic building al Bo. San Antonio, ¥10,000.00. . Milaor- aid for various PW projects - ¥2,000.00. Nabua- construction of Roxas Social Pediatrics Pavilion Construction of road vis Palsong to Bula- ¥2.000 00 Cumaligan- Completion ofviriris community projects Tigaon- Repair of municipal streets - ¥5.000.00 Calabanqn- Construction of Sea Wall • 0 ’ c Buhi- Construction of Feedir roads (Sta. Isabel x San Isidro, San Fern indo- Conitruction of Cogon DamP20.000 00 (¥10,000.00 Naga Ci'y-Drainage lay out a: construction for barrio Tab.ico - P30,000.00, ★ * Mr. Martos should explain thru Commissioner SyChangco, the nature of the 28 million pesos in government funds released during the 5-month period immediately preceding the Iasi elections as exposed by Sen. Roxas;, otherwise he’s just as good as making his own obstacles in 69 ★ ★ The LP Senators are right in demanding from the Budget Commissioner the nature of the funds released during the electoral campaign period. It’s most unfortunate though, that Mr. Sy-Changco is responsible only to Mr. Marcos, and the latter in turn responsible only to the people. Nevertheless^ Sen. Ziga & Co, should know better than making Commissioner Sj Chingcr their source of information. ★ ★ Sec. Antonio Raquiza reportedly spent almost all of his 12 million-peso contingent fund and. about half ol his 9 million discretionary fund during the period f rom Oct. 1 to Nov. 20, 1967. So What? He was authorized by Congress It spend ' it, was’nt he? Why blame Raquiza? or Marcos, for that matter? If ai all, there should be anytne who should be more blamed for all lh:se abuses of public funds expenditure, it should be the very people who approved the national budget in the first place. ♦ * There is no truth to the rumor that another Marcos cabinetman is due to resign for the complication of his wife in another shaddy government-deal Prizes for Red Cross Tickets Raffle Here Reduced Prizes stipulated in the Red Cross raffle tickets will suffer major changes due to losses wrought by typhoon “Whelming” to agricultural crops and properties in Naga City and Camarines Sur. This was the consensus of opinion made by members of the local Red Cross Board as attempt to step up sales of raffle tickets failed to materialize. Individual agents and group agents like Public School Teachers, Municipal Mayors and Treasurers, other Red Cross volunteers and supporters due to hardship in the present living condition the effect of last natural disaster failed to cover their respective quotas or goals. Dr. Joaquin I. Perez, Camarines Sur-Naga City Chapter Chairman of the Benefit Division, at special meeting of the PNRC board, presented the problem after hearing a report on partial collection amounting to P3,700 The raffle, a fund raising drivr suppose! to be held Decembe 31, 1957, registered a very poor sale and placed the local Red Cross board in adilemma. Considering the poor sales output and expenses incurred incident to the holding of this raffle plus the individual or group shares of solicitors, the local Board modified and approved the follow ing prizes: ,st Prize 1 Hegal Sewing Machine; 2nd Prize Radiola Model with crystal mik> and 3rd Prize,1 Standard Brand Wall Clock. Consolation prizes of P5 each will also be awarded to ten other lucky winners. Incentive prizes for agent8 or solicitors will also be given on the following basis: Individual agent selling the 1st Prize P 50;2nd Prize, P30; 3rd Prize, P20; Group agents selling tbe first Prize, P50; 2nd Prize P30; 3rd Prize, P20. (Continued on pate 5)