Airstrip alongside friendship highway


Part of The Bicol Star

Airstrip alongside friendship highway
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
\ < 1 HE BICOI STAR w December ,i', i’> partial review bi) Andres G. Dies Relax, Mr. Padilla, ReLx Senator Padilla, in his recent speech delivered at the Manila Bay Eiiakfast Club before its members, made himself very clear hi his denunciations against the armed goons, with PC officers support, that made iha last election the “bloodiest and the dirtiest”. To include PC officers in his charges for corrupting our elections is a veiv serious matter that lie should not condone. IL- should see to it that they arc tried before the military court of justice. If there are witnesses. To accuse is one thing. To prove is another. If Senator Padilla sees no way by which the political crimes committed can be prove.1 in any court, 1 personally believe that, for the peace of his conscience, it would be wiser for him to keep quiet about all that happened. If it is true that those who terrorized the elections by committing a hundred murders are goons, who are they? By wham were they hired? Who were the PC officers that he said supported the goons? Senator Padilla should know that it is not he alone who is eager to have them prosecuted and penalized' to the limit of the The moros are eager. The Igorots are. The Visayans, Bicolanos, Tagalogs are. The religious and sectarian organizations are. So he has practically all the peaceful citizens of our coun»rv behind him. With reference, however, to some killings and frauds bring committed in our country every election campaign, one fact rennins incontrovertible for guidance of Senator Padilla. And that is that those who commit them, either by their own free will or by inducement of others are fools. Or imbeciles. Or stupids. Or Mr. Padilla may have other descriptions for them. One hundred fools or more that emerge from the earth inhabited by 33 millions of free people on^v represent an infinitesimal portion. And can not be avoided by even' the enactment of the severest of laws. Mr. Padilla should understand that.: All Liberal critices should also understand the same. To blame President Marcos of the crimes committed by the fools is out. of order. Foul. Mean. Brutish. Unjust. President Marcos campaigned for the candidates of his party. He appealed to the electorate for support on the basis of the achievements of his administration. He did not encite anyone to kill another. No President can ever think to -be unlawful. Not even Mr. Padilla, if he becomes one. Not even Roxas. Not even Osmeiia. Not even Villareal. ' ■ Only the Octopus of Mindanao can. Only Mao Tse Tung can. Therefore, out of respect to the high position that he occupies, it is expedient that Mr. Padilla learns to temper his language agair.s President Marcos who is easily his Sire in all respects. In law. In imagination. In bravery. In love of country. In administrative wisdom. In personal behaviour. Also, perhaps, in other matters. While it is a privilege of a citizen in a democracy to criticize anyone in public service for any wrong done, the same privilege exacts the critic to exercise prudence and always the best of manners. Senators, and good manners are presumed to be synonym, eh, Mr. Padilla? Jan. 1-7 Declared Bo. Community Dev. Week Field workeis of the Presidential Arm on Community Development in the Centra! Lu'.on have been enjoined to help barrio people in the celebration of Commun ty Development Week on January 1 7, 1968, Malacahang was informed recently. Director Roscndo Marquez of the I CD Area made this appeal to all field workers in (he area upon receipt of Lhe presidential proclamation declaring the first of January as Community De.el lament Week. In the proclam i'i > 1, the PACD assigmu lhe job of all activiii s a J program in the ubseivance of the week. Director Marquez also added that all pi ovine al governors, city and inuaicipul mayors and l> irr o captains are enjoined by President Marcos to give fit ing observance of this we?k in order to foster among lhe people the spirit of community development thru self - help, and thus e icourage them to become active participants in lhe development of Um country. President Marcos, it was ldjried, male th?, proclama ion in recognitio 1 cf lhe value and significance of community development in improving the lives of barrio people. Rizal Day Cnmnittee on Lecture Created Airstrip Alongside Friendship Highway ‘ Seven airstrips alongside the projected Friendship Highway in different regions of the country have been programmed for construction. They will be located in the vicinity of Claveria (Cagayan), Abuyog (Leyte), Himayan (Leyte), San Francisco (Laguna), Cuevas, (Agusan), Balabag (Davao) and Licum (Zamboanga del Sur). The plan to construct these airstrips simultaneously with the Friendship Highway was approved by President Marcos last Nov. 29. Aside from serving as emergency landing fields, the airstrips will also serve as driers for palay, places for public meetings and athletic meets, and as stations for motorists and buses. CARRIER CHRISTENING—“J christen thee John F. Kennedy,” says Caroline Kennedy, <Ku liter of lhe late U.S. President, as she breaks lhe traditional bottle of champagne on lhe hull of the new aircraft carrier. Watching lhe ceremonies at Newport News in Virginia are President Johnson, John Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy. In an earlier address to the crowd of 15,000 in attendance, Mr. Johnson expressed the hope that “the carrier’s years wi 1 be years of peace.” Dr ’ Jose Riz I KENNEDY AFLOAT—Tugs push the aircraft carri r John F. Kennedy into the James River at Newport News in Virginia following christening ceremonies. rhe 61,450-ton vessel will undergo further outfitting. It measures 315 meters in length and is the largest nonnuclear carrier ever built. When completed in 1968, it will carry a crew of about 5,00) men. Storiia-Warehouse Construct! n and Coconut Farmars Loans Available at DBP Malacanang announced the creation of the Lecture Committee which will coordinate . all lectures to . be given in connection with {he commemoration of Rizal Day on December 30. The committee is headed by Carmen Guerrero Nakpil, chairman of the .National Historical Commission. The members are Teodo.o F. Valencia, Jorge Revilla of the Knights of Riza'; Galo Ocampo, director of the National Museum; and under-secretary of Public Works Felix Codilia. The series of lectures will enThe Friendship Highway, whose construction has been scheduled will connect by one single road Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao. It will start in Laoag Citv and end in Zamboanga City. compass the tr'fl of Rizal. Senator Jose W. Diokno and Fr. Horacio de la Ci sta, rector of Ateneo de Manila University, head the list of lecti rers. The lectures will be given at., the Open Air Theater in Fort ‘Santiago, at 4,:30. p.m. on December 30. Lectures' will also be given in Calamba, Laguna, birthplace of Rizpl; and,’in Dapitan, where ha was exiled. -The national hero was imprisoned at Fort Santiago, where he wrote his famous poem “My Last. Fa-e veil.” It was deaided by the National Rizal Day Committee in its meeting last December 12 in Malacanang "to do away with speeches. Instead the observance of Rizal Day will deal mostly with the practical aspects of the hero’s last days. Mrs. Nakpil said formal invitations to the lectures will be issued to members of the Cabinet, members of Congress, justices of the Supreme Court, historians, scholars, and students leaders. Responding to the representations of people engaged in the rice and corn industry and anticipating the ‘warehousing needs of the country resulting from increased harvest of these staples, the DBP wishes to announce that it will finance 100% the construction of storage-warehouse or construction of an annex to an existing storage-warehouse or rice mill camarin following substantially the standard plan prepared by the DBP for the purpose. The-term of payment is 5 to 10 years in equal quarterly or semi-annual amortizations counting-from the date of last release at 7% • interest per annum. Release shall be made in installment as funds are needed and as construction progresses after perfection of necessary documents. Interest on partial releases are payable quarterly. Generally, this type of financing is available to rice producers traders and millers who are RICOB members although preference will be given to producers who undertake scientific farming practices such as seed (Continued on Page B)