Enlarged land reform program


Part of The Bicol Star

Enlarged land reform program
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• 'LEGAL NOTICES € Halat an Desision Can Juez sa Protesta Ki December 30, 1967 + THE BICOI. STAR * * LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the late Cresenciana Resare situated in the Barrio of Malindog, Caramoan, Cams. Sur, covered by O.C.T. No. 3021, with an area of 28,642 sq. m., has been the subject of an extra-judicial settlement with sale by her heirs, namely: Urbano Ferran, the surviving husband; and children, Preciosa, Marciana, Tranquilina & Felix, all surnamed Ferran, who sold the same unto CECINIO S. PADUA, for Pl,. 700.00, said deed acknowledged before Not. Pub. Ex-Officio, Felix B. Panis per Reg. No. 33; Page No. 53; Book IV; S. of 1965 on March 15, 1965. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967, Jan. 6, 1968. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the intestate estate left by the late Angelo Eduarte, all situated in Bacon, Sorsogon, covered bv OCT Nos. 518, 270; TCT Nos. 1769, 3632, has been the object of an Extrajudicial Partition with Quitclaim, executed and acknovleged before Notarry Public Maximino R. Ables of Sorsogon, Fo'sogon, per Doc. No. 4329; Page 12; Book XIX; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967; Jan. 6, 1968. - A: LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that PANFILO C. ROBLES executed an Affidavit of Adjudication of Estate of the De seated Person on April 5, 1967 at the City of Naga, Philippines, affecting the intestate estatate of the late ELIODORA N. ROBLES who died in the City of Naga on September 21, 1962. The said property is a residential land located in the Mucipalitv of Bombon, Camarines Sur, having an area of 214 square meters declared under Tax Dec. No.. 2282 and assessed at P860. The instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before NotaryPublic Hilario Espano on April 5, 1967 at Naga City per Doc. No. 196; Page 40; Book 18; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 30, 1967, Jan 6, 13, 1968. 4 H Proj ct Training Libmanan, C. Sur- A whole day 4Hpcjcc» tia-r.irgwrsheld receutly at San Juan Public High School to orient 1-H project leaders of the eleven youth clubs in this municipality under the supervision of Rechildi Asia, RYO and concurrently Actg. Rrovincial Rural Youth Officer of the Agricultural Productivity Commission in Camarines Sur. Resource persons invited who discuts:d the different subject matters assigned to them were: A PC Regional Information Officer Feli ibcrto T. Villegas- Culture of IR-8 and the 4 H Club Organization; Mr. Antonio Peralta-Control of Pests and Diseases of Rice; Mr. Alex Jaucian- Proper Method of Fertilizer Application; Mr. Nestor MilarpnsPoultry Raising and Management; Mr. Maximo MarquezBackyard Gardening; Miss Helen nriquez and Ernesto Bien- Re4estration and Forestry Project; '-'Yirs. Virginia Villaluz- M e a 1 Management and Table Serving and Miss Rechilda Asis-Nutrient ’ Content of Fruits and Vegetables and Tables Etiquettes. Mr. Joseph Abante, adult leader of Handong 4-H Club was NOTICE Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the legal heirs of the late FRANCISCO M. CAGUIA who died intestate in September 1966 at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Absolute Sale to co-heir, adjudicating unto themselves pro - indiviso in equal shares the parcels of land; viz., Lot 4298 Cad-192 of Sorsogon with an area of 27,224 Sq. M. described in OCT No. 2582, located in Ticol, Sorsogon; Lot. No. 1717, Sorsogon Cad-192 with an area of 7,477 Sq. M. covered by OCT No. P2587. located in Ticol, Sorsogon; and Residential Land, located in Basud, Sorsogon, Sor. with an area of 3,117 Sq. M. covered by Tax Dec. No. 3480 assessed at P240 and simultaneously sold for P2,000 to their co-heir, Juan J. Caguia, as vendee; and co-heirs Paulina Jintalan, widow of decedent; Purification, Eriberta, Jaime, Arnparo, Paz, Jose and Belen, all surnamed Caguia, of legal ages, children of decedent, as vendors. The document was executed and acknowledged before Notary Public M. R. Ables at Sorsogon, Sor. on Oct. 1, 1967, per Doc. No. 4120; Page 69; Bk. 18; S. ’67. Pub. Dec. 30, 1967; Jan. 6, 13, 1968. - A. New Trainees Join Regular Force Malacanang was informed recently that 2,480 new trainee graduates will be retained in the regular force for possible alignment in the military socio-economic program of the defense department. Brig. Gen. Romeo Esplana, PA commanding general, reported that these trainees have been trained along military, socio-economic and vocational lines in various military camps and reservations throughout the country. These trainees, in accordance with the provisions of the new Trainee , Utilization Law (R.A. 4091), will be enlisted in the massive socio-economic, civic action, engineering and other national development projects of the Philippine Army. Earlier, 1,295 young recruits were scheduled to undergo field training with the First Infantry (Tabak) Division in Fort Magsaysay, Nueva Ecija. This batch forms part of the 5,179 youths who will take the 6-month military training under the national defense law. They will compose the biggest group of recruits that have so far completed military and specialization training under the regular armed srevices. The PA’s trainee program, Espino said, also boosts the defense department’s scheme of citizen-army build-in besides implementing the Trainee Law to its maximum and pioviding integrated and progressive development of skills among Filipino youths. The utilization of trainee also brings about great economy on the part of the armed forces since the cost of maintaining one recruits is almost half the price of maintaining one regular. the host for all 4-H club members and project leaders from Sipocot, Del GallegJ and Lupi. About 299 4-H members attended the project leadership training. Mayor Medroso Si vi9ta can Quo War ranto laban ki rt-e’ccted Mayor Dominador Medroso (N) can Calabanga ni Leoncio Elopre (L) na dinaog ni Medroso, tapus na can Diciembre 15. Sabi can juzgado sa laog nin 20 dias itatao an decision. Mientras tanto. digdi sa Naga City si Concejal Temporo Dy nagpresentar nin protesta contra ki Concejal Esteban Rosales na nacadaog saiya nin 8 votos sana, como ultimong concejal, icapito, ta si Dy icawalo. Si Carlos "Itos” Reyes nagpresentar man nin protesta can resultado nin si election saiya como ica siam, na minahagad nin “recount” o bilagnon oli an saiyang votos, siring can hagad ni Dy. Caya sindang dua mag.iba na sa pagbilang liwat can saindang votos. Si Ex-Judge Jose T. Surtida iyo an abogado ni Dy. An sabi ni Judge Surtida sa Star an catoyohan ni Dy macierto sana si apre-iacion can balotas entre Dy y Rosales. Siring man ki Reyes. U S. Economist Suggests Flexible Approach to Development Athens - A pragmatic, flexible approach to accelerate economic and social progress, is suggested by Walter M. Kotsching, U. S; delegate to the U.N. international symposium on industrial developHe noted *a teijdecy in the economic and social agencies of the United Nations and other world bodies to formulate “evernew sets of principles and a seemingly endless torrent of repetitive resolution.” He said these approaches, “however deserving of attention and respect, are not alone the answer.” “We have to find which approach and attitudes are best designed to set in motion and accelerate economic and social progress in developing countries and to help them achieve the state of self-sustaining growth which they are seeking,” he said. Rusk Praises Pr;gress in Philippines, other Asian Nations New York - -“The remarkable” political and social progress in the Philippines and other noncommunist countries in East Asia shows polit:cal stability and confidence in the future, says Secretary of State Rusk. In the Philippines, Secretary Rusk said, “the Marcos administration is making noteworthy progress with a program concentrating on rice production and road building. “New rice strains are coining into use. They were developed at the International Rice Research Institute at Los Banos, organized in 1960 by the Ford and Rocke feller Foundations in cooperation with the Government of the Philippines. These new strains, combined with new techniques, including proper use of fertilizers and pesticides, are increasing production dramatically. “The Philippines has responded to the request for help from the Republic of Viet-Nam by sending a 2,000-man military engineering unit and other assistance.” AON Alumni Priests To Concelebrate Mass for Msgr. Santos, Frs. Hurley, Burns With Fr. Ramon Mores, S.J., of pre-war ADN and present vice-rector of Ateneo de Naga as principal celebrant, alumni priests currently in Naga City and neighboring towns will offer a Concelebrated Mass in memory Prizes . . . Meanwhile PNRC Administrator Manuel C. Torres in collaboration with Benefit Division Chairman Joaquin Perez, had decided to provide a display area for the valuable prizes at a convenient place at the Red Cross headquarters for interested persons to see. FM On . . already made in the extension of human rights to peoples of the world who have been denied these rights. He said that it is his hope that human rights will continue to spread and take root "toward giving the fullest possible opportunities for the pursuit of happiness to all men”. The President’s message follows: “One of the foundation stones of civilization is the acceptance of human rights not only by sovereign governments but humanity as a whole; acceptance . not intellectual assent, but as a moral and spiritual conviction. In the last few generations, the recognition of human rights as a basic element in human progress has gained wide currency, and through the United Nations.respect for human rights has become tn ethic for many governments to live by, who perhaps in time will be able to enforce this respect with all the authority necessary. The celebration of Human rights Day today (Dec. 13) is both a reminder and an encouragement. We have, as a whole, made sigrfificant against in enlarging the moral possibilities of our culture, through the hastening of the process of accumulation of experience in the validation and extension of human rights to every individual and community in the world. It is my hope, as the Filipinos join this celebration, that respect for human rights as an attitude and way of life will continue to spread and take root toward giving the fullest possible opportunities for the pursuit of happiness to all men.” of Msgr. Pedro P. Santos, Very Rev. Fr. John F. Hurley, and Fr. Francis D. Burns of the Society of Jesus in the ADN gymauditorium on . December 30th at 7:30 A.M. Msgr. Pedro P. Santos, 31st prelate of Caceres, was founder and benefactor of the Ateneo de Naga; Fr. Hurley was the Jesuits Superior who sent the Jesuits to Bicoi while Fr. Burns was the first Rector of the Ateneo. Some twenty-four ADN alumni have been ordained priests; fifteen are seculars, eight are Jesuits and one Benedictine. Fr. Vicencio Tioson, HS’50. Alumni priests of pre-war ADN are Frs. Vicente Cornejo and Ramon Mores. First post-war alumnus to be ordained secular priest was Fr. Benjamin Almoneda, HS’50, present Rector of the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary. First ADN post- war alumnus to be ordained Jesuit priest was Fr. Juan Bonafe, HS’47, present HS Student Counsellor at the Ateneo de Davao, Davao City. Fr. Andres Bolinas, HS’47 is present HS principal of the Ateneo de Naga. Still on studies abroad is Fr. Walter Isaac, S.J., valedictorian of HS’50. Just returned from the USA is Fr. Jesus Fernandez, HS’49, now teaching at the Loyola House of Studies. Most recently ordained is Fr. Selh Saez, HS’54, now assistant priest of Capalonga, Enlarged Land Reform Program The Administration’s land reform program will be expanded within the-next two years. More land reform areas will be declared possibly «to integrate the entire Centrral Luzon. The second district of Pampanga was made a land reform area last year. President Marcos made this disclosure in his speech before the Philippines Historical Association seminat last No. 29. He said that his administration can now concentrate more on land reform, because its programs on rice production and infrastructure like irrigation, road, schoolhouse and pier constructions, have been successfully launched. The declaration of an area as a land reform area is the first phase among the steps taken in making tenants eventual owners' of the lands they are tilling. The government will eventually buy big landholdings, which will be subdivided and resold to tenants under liberal terms of payment. Wishing our Friends and Customers a Happy Prosperous New Year Malabon Candy Factory Home ot High Quality Candies 5th Avenue, Grace Park Caloocan City Wishing All a Happy Prosperous New Year FILIPINO CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITY OF NAGA