DBP has new Coco Financing Program


Part of The Bicol Star

DBP has new Coco Financing Program
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2_* TUE B1C0L STAR * September 16, 1967 A knotty problem solved by wisdom For the last six months, Mr. Napoleon Valiente brought a knotty problem to the Nacionalistas of Camaligan by assuring all and sundry that he was a candidate for Mayor whether official} or not. This is the way lie made the people believe in all six months of intensive campaign. But because convention is mandatory following the Rules of the party, Mr. 'Valiente was earnestly supplicated by the local chairman to enter the municipal convention which was set for yesterday Sept. 13. 1967 even if only to prove that he was a loyal Nacionalista This supplication was offered to him for several times but his answer was always firmly on the negative One day before the convention, Standing Cledera. the NP official candidate for governor, always intellectually resourceful as he is, called Mr. Valiente to a conference for the purpose of making him see the side of the question that he (Mr. Valiente) could not clearly see. Watch now the beauty of thought that was expressed in simple terms to Mr. Valiente. “I called for you this morning to tell you that the'convention of our party will be held in your town tomorrow evening. I was reliably informed that you will not. by any consideration, enter the convention. That will leave Mr, Loriaga the lone candidate for Mayor and because he has no opponent his election in the convention is already a matter of fact, lou have been assuring the people of Camaligan that you are definitely a candidate for 'Mayor whether official or not. In that case, there will be two of you for the Nacionahsta to choose against only one for the Liberals. How can both of you hope to win under such adverse position! Two against one. that certainly is a hopeless fight. Considering further that the odds are in favor of the Liberal candidate, one, because he is the incumbent and two, because he has money, 1 honestly believe that both of you are as good as beaten from the beginning to the end, “But one decides to be a candidate because he wants to win and not to be defeated. This should be your point of view. Between you and Loriaga, you are my choice but a I I the people in Camaligan with wh >m I had personally contacted for general opinion, are unanimous that Loriaga can lick the present Mayor. It is for this reason and for the sake of public interest that I am now asking you to be the team mate of Loriaga for the position of Vice-Mayor instead of Mayor. It is my opinion that both of you will be Jormidably unbeatable. “Now, before we end. my last question is: Are you agreeable to my proposition! Convinced that there was wisdom in the sermon of Cledera, Valieate's reply was a curt “Yes". The conference was ended. The municipal convention was held as scheduled, unanimously voted Loriaga for Mayor and Valiente for Vice Mayor after which and in accordance thereto were proclaimed by Atty. Abonal, the party's official candidate for Board Member amidst cheers and ovations and the congratulations of everyone that was present.” My reason of putting this event into'writing is primarily because of my personal admiration for the beauty and splendor of Cledera s imagination in solving problems that are considered knotty by the ordinary minds. Greetings from— Kalayaan Wines & Liquors Igualdad St. Naga City Advertise in— £>tar The Oldest Regional Newspaper in the Bicol Region. ' 603-D P. Zamora St., City of Naga Art Tilt at NPS The on the-«pot Pefiafranoia Art Contest sponsored by the Holy Rosary Major Seminary’s Missionary Union of the Clergy and the Ateneo de Naga’s Apostleship of Prayer was held at 3:00 P.M. last Thursday, Sept. 14th, within the Naga Paroobial School Qiadrangle All budding ortiote (professionals are disqualified) assembled witbin the quadrangle fifteen minutes before time for briefing. They brought their own drawing materials for either the bla k Jc white or colored oategoriea they vlih to enterAll entries are on display in the “Faith Through the Missions’* exhibit room at Santoe Hall; ADN campur. Prizes will be awarled io the morning of the 18th and all □on wiuning entries may be reolaimed. ADNAA Reunion On Rizal Day The Atsneo de N»ga Alum ni Homeooming will be held on Deoember 30 this year, it was agreed at the last ADNAA monthly meeting last Sunday. The day’s festivities, starting with a Coocelebrated Mass to be offered by alumoi-piiestsin the school ehap l f >r the late Er. Fran oia D. Burns S.J., 1st ADN Reuter. w II be capped by tbe traditional alumni ball and induction of officers. In between, there will be a motorcade around tbe city streets and a floral offering at the Rizal monument, tbe morning business meeting and election of new board members) luncheon, and basketball g mes featuring loud and out of-town teams. Io ebvga of thia yasr’t alumni affair are tbe * 68 AD. NAA board beaded by Frank Timmer, president; Juen Ragragio, oioe-president; Jean Navera L'orin, secretary and Armando Pural, treasurer. Meanwhile, Fr. Alfredo G. Parpan, 8 J., ADNAA Moderator, announced that tbe long awaited alumni directory now in the proccau of correction and up - dating, would include tbs ’67 graduates and should be out before the end of tbe school year. DBP Has New Coco Financing Program The Development Bank of the Philippines is pleased to announce its new Coconut Financing Program which is designed to insure the steady and orderly development of the industry, thereby stabilizing and strengthening the country's previous position in the world market; and to promote the efficient production of copra and other exportable coconut products. The financing plans under this program are of two (2) broad categories: the special coconut financing plan and the ordinary straight coconut loans. Under the first set-up, (Conf, on page 8) Gene E. Balfertnoso FROM THE HILLTOP American Responsibility To The Free World (Nineteenth of a series) ' One of our great mistakes was to assure (lie enemy in advance wc were not going to use such nuclear weapons.” Former President Dwight Eisenhower The Vietnamese Resistance Continued—The’ rallying point in the stalemated American involvement in South Vietnam is the belief that U.S. supremacy in the land and air war which has gone to the point ot escalation is the quid pro quo that military victory is in sight Gen Wesley Westmoreland, the American allied commander in South Vietnam lias made the assurance that to meet the primacy of this requirement - there fshould be a comparative increase in U.S. manpower deployment to an aggregate of 1,000 0(>0 soldiers that could handle effectively the recurrent problems ol North Vietnamese infiltration passing the notorious Ho Chi Minh frail onto South Vietnam. The situation t? be rightly appraised would mean that in filtration is going on steadily despite the U.S. bombing runs which Defense Secretary Robert McNamara definitively answered his critics that the bombings is intended solely to reduce the mode of infiltration of North Vietnamese military manpower and equipment. Todate the American manpower status in South Vietnam is placed at 545,000 soldiers thus overshotting the half-million mark. With the request of Gen. Westmoreland for more fighting units-the U.S is expected to bolster its fighting men to 3/4 million or 750 000 soldiers by the end of 1967 and may reach the million mark by the middle of 1968. Thus far it is safe to sav that the U.S. pragmatic policy is that U.S. involvement as a result of continued Vietnamese resistance is to live in an indefinite doldrums until such time as American strategy to devise better means or deploy better weapons of war as will compel and break the backbone of North Vietnamese to the negotiating table. Vo Nguyen Giap—North Vietnamese Tactician Tn the preceding installment the writer discussed and traced the movement of the Vietnamese resistance culminating in the ignominious defeat of the French forces at Dien Bien in 1854 Nominally the Indo-Chinese war wts so costly to the French trying the main bulk ol the French armed forces to the Asiatic mainland for over a decade, The defeat of the French forces automatically reduced France as a second rate power. In the travestry of the stiffened and continuing North Vietnamese resistance from 1944 to the end of the Indo-Chinese wirii 1954 and from the year 1954 when the Americans took the cudgel for the defense of freedom in Southeast Asia-one man aside from President H> Chi Minh of the North Vietnamese Republic is to be reckoned with and who consistently keeps the communist forces feverishly fighting without let up .for their amor patriae The man is Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap-the agile North Vietnamese Hanoi Professor turned military man. As Secretary of Defense of the North Vietnamess communist forces lie has indoctrinated th • wily art of guerrilla warfare to the point that Nguyen Giap personality has become the symbol of the continuing Vietnam dialogue and ever continuing stiffened resistance. From the year 1954 when the Kingdom of Annam (Indo China) was partitioned as a result of the Geneva Conference , the United Stales has practically stayed in South Vietnam for 13 years in a straight row without yet knowing for sure when the undeclared war would end. Compliments of: NAGA Hardware Gen. Luna St. , Naga City Mr. & Mrs. Sabas Adanzo, Sr. and family Welcome Penafrancia pilgrims and devotees ©EDEN ADANZO ©JUDGE FELIX ADANZO ©CELY ADANZO ©SABAS ADANZO, JR. ©MRS. LINA ADANZO YANTO Daet Cams. Norte Compliments of: SAUJD’S STORE laualdad St. Naga C|ty Compliments of: STEDMAN TAILORING Gen. Luna St._____________ Naga Chy 8 > THE BICOL STAR * September 16, I9») ★ ★ "The Star Witness” • By ELIX ABEJERO > Politician, the Queerest of all Animal In the City of Naga, in spite of the fact that some Liberals wanted to loss in this coming elections, the Nacionalistas in general doesn’t want to win. Aod the queerest yet, among the families deeply involved in the city politics is one who expects to reap faith and confidence out of the seeds of intrigue and jealousy that it now sows. ★ ★ ©f courie there is no truth to the rumor that the candidacy of a former Liberal in the city of Naga is being financed out of the NP campaign fund, for obvious reasons. ★ ★ As an organization, the "Citizen for Good Government Committee" would sound mere convinc ng if it were beaded by an executive who doesn’t run a compla nt ridden telepone company. Certain y, the good government Naguinos want - is not the "goad government" run the Natelce way. * ¥ As of this writing (Friday), only Armsndo Cladera ol the NP and Apo onio Maleniza of the LP, are known >o be on the run for for the much coveted governorship of the province of Camarines Sur. Ramon Hernandez hat his papers (certificate of candidacy) ready for filing as soon as he receives advise from Malacanang. Hep. Felix Fuenteb ila and Emilio Tib'e Jr., are likewise ready to dispute the aspiration of Cledera and Maleniza by way of filing their own candidacies for the same position. -k ★ Rep. Sebastion Caruso Moll, Jr. however, is the fellow who holds the ‘ Ace’’ in the current game of ‘ wits” and “guts". While theNPs hopes that he runs, AGM piays that he (Moll) shouldn't. For one thing, Moll possesses the right characteristic of a leader the LP is longing for in this province. The next ' move” therefore - is Molls’s, ★ ★ A lady engineer virtually called Gov. Maleniza a liar, io the course of her explanation to the official demand for clarification bv Vice Gov. Odiamar regarding a supposed statement of Gov. Maleniza that appeared in a local paper mot the Bieol Star), to the effect that Odiamar spent his 70,000 pesos PW allotment in only one project, and that the expenditure of the same having been made "miraculously" ★ ★ For, how indeed! could Odiamar possibly mis-spent any public works fund or allotment when it is the Governor who approves the vouchers and payrolls; including the requisition for supplies and materials, needless to mention the fact of course that Odiamar was all the while confined in a Quez n City hospital during the time when the subject PW project was prosecuted by the provincial engineers under Mr. Maleniza’s administration and supervision. For a decent and high level discussion of current public issues, alway listen to— FELIX A. ABEJERO in his "HOROP HOROPA DAW' over DZGE (850 on the dial) 5:30-6:30 PM, Mon. to Friday, & 11.- 30-12:00 Noon every Sunday Pagsakay kan . . . n a ibang imagen can Virgen sa kiosko na minimisahan diyan sagkod sa sonod na aldao na domingo. Ginigibo ini huli can sadit an simbahan asin dati nang tradicion poon caidto can an simbahan diyan sadit na ermita, gogon pa an atop, caya mina togdoc can .inaapod “engramada”. P2 - M allocated for Sorsogon PWs 8OR8OGON, SorsogonSenator Sergio Osmena has allocated ?5-millian for Sorsogoa under tbe 1967-68 public works appropriation, it was disclosed today by Gov, Juan G, Frivaldo. Funds allocated were for the following projeots: San Roque-Talaonga road P130.030, Matnog-GalusiButag road-P445,000| StaMagdalena-Talaonga road; P50 000; asphalting of Sta. Magdalena - Pawa roadP90.000; Sawaga-Manlabong road- P100.000; Bacon-Osiao •Manito road - P150 000; Consol - Banuang GurangJoVellar road - P85.000 and Burabod • Malbog ■ Panpang. Pineda road • ¥ * 200,030. Tbe governor said Ibis is so far the biggest allotment given at ane time by a senator to tbii provinoe. DBP Has New . loans are available to owners of privately-ownad idle agricultural lands suitable fcrcoconut but handicapped by lack of capital for the development of euob lands; The loanable amount is Pl,500.00 per hectare secured by a first mortgage on the project site and releases of loan funds shall be in partial amounts spread over a 6»year period, Repayment shall ba within a period of 15 years starling on the 8tb year for interest aocruing from the first to the tenth year while payment on the principal together with tbe interest thereof shall comments on the 11th year up the 15th year. The seeend plan is for owner of private owned titled or untitled lands presently planted to ooeonut who are in need of financial assistance to maintain and develop their coconut plantation, tbe amount of loan grantable shall depend on the actual Deeds of tbe project, paying capacity of the borrowers and loanable value of the collateral which shall consist of a first mortgage on titled or untitled real estate and in s u r a b I e improvements tbereon and chattel mortgage on machinery. Loans secured by real estate or bund new maobinery shall be payable in 10 years while leans secured by secondhand and or light machineries shall be payable in 5 years. Both plans ebarge 9% interest per annum for loans up to Pl00 000 aod 10% «d - terest per annum for loans exceeding Pl00,000. For particulars, feel free to call at the DBP officers in Naga City aDd in Daet, Camarines Norte. Fluvial Procession . . . Since laet Thursday, up to this day. all buses, trains, motor boats, bancas and other means of transportations enter Naga filledup to full capacity with Penafrancia devotees and pilgrin s Beside tbe pilgrim?; businessmen of various kinds of trades ply to Naga from different regions with their wares for sale to tbe mammoth crowd of people that eancentrate in the city. Tbe side-roads are now filled up with small temporary stores where goods are displayed. It is estimated that more than half million people sonverge in this city duriBg the last two days of tbe grand fiesta. Police and sanitary measures are provided for tbe occasion, for tbe 'peace andaider and health safety of the people. City and provincial officials fully ecoperate sod coordinate for the success of this segional festival; tbe biggest and unique in the whole Philippines; Spotlight By JACK CABIGAO Happy days arc here again. So a number o/ political leaders told us. Would that mean more money to line up their pockets? ★ ★ The choice of Gov. Peping S. Estevez of Albay by no tess than Pres. Marcos, to run for re-election under the NP banner, a number of friends told us, augurs unprecedented progress for Albay. It would mean unlimited public works improvement and rural development. In his speech during a huge proclamation rally at Legazpi Port the President told Gov. Estevez to prepare and submit to him projects amounting no less than ¥300,000. That .would also mean reduction, of unemployment in the province, ★ ★ Some friends asked us: Why had Gov. Estevez been changing parlies? to ...clarify matters and set the record s raight, we brought this question to the youthful and affable Albay provincial executive. He said: The windfall that lhe province will receive froni Malacanang will eventually mean progress for Albay. I believe that one has to disregard sometimes one's party loyalty if it would mean more benefits for the people.” ★ ★ Political observers are of the opinion that lhe Albay NP provincial slate is a team hard to beat. Powered by Gov. Estevez. he counts with the assistance of Board Member Jess Salalima and his running mate for the governorship. Known as “Mr. Nacionalista”, Salalima is popular with the mas-, ses. ★ ★ Pres. Marcos muit be a master political strategist. During his recent visit here, he was able to iron out NP squabbles to the satisfaction of everybody. For the first district} he was able to convince Board Member Poloy Bocalbos, another NP loyalist, to forget his gubernatorial aspiration and run as a good follower for the unity of the party.” ★ ★ Another partyman, Maning Aytona, brother of our favorite Senator, Bading Aytona, buried his vice gubernatorial plan and accepted a draft as member of the provincial board this coming November elections. He represents the second district. For the third district, young Obet Reverente of Oas was equally happy with his candidacy for board membership. (^Messages My. District, the “Lone District of Masbate”, an island province and one of the components of the Bieol provinces. Though we are such distance we always consider ourselves Bicolanos. May I therefore, join the people of Bicolandia during this REGIONAL ANNUAL FESTIVAL in honor of the Virgin of Penafrancia that always continually bless us with peace, brotherhood and understanding. I am honored in extending my warmest greetings and sincere felicitations to everyone. Manila, September 8 1967. (Sgd.) Rep. ANDRES CLEMENTE, JR. Lone District, Masbate It gives me immense pleasure to greet the people of the Bieol Region on the occasion of the feast day of their Patron Saint, Our Lady of Penafrancia. Mauy are the blessings, both spiritual and material, which we have received due to the intercession of our Lady. Our region is truly one of the most religious areas in our land. We have contributed many of our sons and daughters to the various Catholic religious orders as well as to the secular clergy. Some of our sons have risen to high echelons in the hierarchy, These are indeed blessings for which we should be grateful and of which we can be justly proud. The Bieol Peninsula is a rich agricultural region. We are almost self sufficient in everything. This is proven by the fact that although many areas in the country suffered starvation and want during the last war, the Bieol people were relatively prosperous during those dark days of our history. For all these manifold blessings, we should raise our thoughts and our hearts in fervent prayer of gratitude to our Patron Saint. On this day, it is meet that we should ponder on her life, virtues and labors so that, imitating them, ure may achieve the dream of our lives by winning eternal life. (Sgd.) HON. SALVADOR R. ENCINAS Congressman, 1st District, Sorsogon