Returning Philcag troops to be utilized in civic action work


Part of The Bicol Star

Returning Philcag troops to be utilized in civic action work
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
★ LEGAL NOTICES ★ Republic of the Philippi COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR lOtb Judioial District IN RE; PETITION FOR THE ALLOWANCE OF TH H WILL OF GREGORIO TOLIBAS. AQUILINA TOLIBAS OCFEMlA, Petitioner, ■ PEG. PROCS. NO. 1064 X — — - — — X Notice of Hearing A petition having been filed with this Court by Aquiline Tolibas Qcfemia represented by Atty. Quirino babul, praying that pending the probate of tbe will, tbe petitioner be appointed tbe special administratrix and that after due hearing tbe petitioner be adjudicated tbe properties in conformity of tbe will of the late Gregorio Tolibas, who as al'eged in tbe petition died on October 3, 196 * in Minalabac, Camarines Sur, hia residence at the time of bis death, leaving properties with a probable value of about P2 000.00. WHEREFORE, notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard on January 4. 1968 at 8:30 o’olock in the morning in lhe cession hall of Branch III of thia Court at Naga City, on wbiob date, time and place all persons having opposition thereto may appear to show cause, if sny they have, why said petition should not be granted. Let this notice be published at petitioner’s expense onoe a week for three consecutive weeks iu the “Bieol Star’’, a weekly oewsprper edited in tbe City of Naga and of general circulation in this province for lhe information of all concerned. Naga City, Philippines, August 30, 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDQ Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 9i 16. 23, ’67. NOTICE An extra-judicial settlement cf tbe Estate of the late PETRA NARVAEZ covering a pareel of land situated at Mabatobato (Cagma n a b a) Fili, Camarines Sur containing 112,781 sq. meterj and more particularly described under TCT No. 2294 bs Lot 6 D of the subdivision plan Psd-223G7, being a portion of lot 6 described on plan Fed 30225. G.L.HO Reoord No. 22493 and declared under Tax No. 1163, assessed at P8630.00 baa been entered into by JESUS MAG1STRADO and ESPERANZA MARTINEZ as her sole and legitimate heirs per instrument bearing Doc 200, Page No. 96; Book No. 1| Series of 1967 of the notarial regieter of Notary Public Melencio Cortero dated September 4) 1667 at Iriga, Camarines Sur. ESPERANZA MARTINEZ Pub; Sept. 9, 16, 23, * 67. NOTICE An extra-judicial settlement of the Estate of the late ANTONIO DE DIOS covering a parcel of land situated in sitio Cuyapi. barrio Sinibaan, municipality of Libmanan, province ol Camarines Sur, containing an area of 4.5173 heoteres has beSD entered Into by NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 ol the Rules ef Court, notice is hereby given that ALFREDO CABALLERO who alleged to be tbe only and sole legal heir ol tbe late Tomas Caballero executed an Affidavit of Adjudication of the intestate estate left by the deoedent, adjudicating unto himself tbe parcels of land covered by Tax Declaration Nos. 3»3, 2034,390, 766, 394 and 391, all situated at Dsnriea, Garchitorens, Camarines Sur. The instrument was duly subscribed before Notary Public Eustaquio 8. Beltran as Doo, No. 108; Page No. 55; Book IVj Series of 1967 of bis Notarial Register. Pub. Sept. 2, 9, 16, 1967. B.8; LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Seo. 1, Rule 74 of tbe Rules of ®ourt, as Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Right has been executed by tbe Heirs of Domingo Fortuno, Sr., namely Felisa Obien, the surviving widow and the children Remedios, Anita. Conchita. Domingo, Jaime Bnd Jose( all surnamed Fortuno affecting a pareel of land in Agos. Bito, Camariaea Sur with an area of 68,479 Square Meters covered by Tax Declaration No. 4289 and valued at P4,550.00. The children have wadvei their rights in favor ol their mother Felisa Obien; The instrument was executed August 29, 1967 before Notary Publio Hilatio Espcno of Canaman, Camarines Sur and recorded as Doth No. 110: Page No 19; Book No. XX. Series of 1967. Pub September 2, 9 and 16, 196’. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE i9 hereby given that pursuant to See. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules ot Court, Extrajudioial Settlement of Estate With Sale, baa been executid Ly the Hrs. of the late Juliana Peloan and tbe surviving husband Filemon G o y e n a, namely Soocorru, Salvador Celestino; Alfredo, Romeo, Cesar and Napoleon, all surnamed Goyena, over a parcel of land which is a portion of O-C T. No, 505 aod which is situated in Parubcan, Camarines Sur) containing an area of 25,000 square meters. The sale is in favor of tbe Raman Catholle Archbishop of Caoeeee represented by Monsi Teopisto V. Alberto. The iostrument was executed before Notary Publie, Hilario Espano of Canaman Cam. Sur and reoorded as as Doo. No. 196| Page No. 36; Book No. XX| Series of 1967. Pub. Sept. 16, 231 & 30, 1967 Maria de Dios and Jesus de Dios as his sole aod exclusive heirs per instrument bearing Doo. No; 1311 Page No. 981 Book No 9; Series of 1966 of the Notarial register of Notary Public Jose Borromeo * Subject property declared under Tax No. 1590, ass’d at P230; Date of instrument Oot. 24, 1966. JESUS DE DIOS Pub. Sept. 2, 9, 16, 1967. Chinese National Ordered Deported The immediate arieat sad deportation of a Chinese national was recently ordered by President Marces for misrepresentation. Jhe Chief Executive ordered tbe deportation of William Lee, whose known address is 555 San Andres, Malate, Manila. Lee, who was inden I if ied as the son of Severino 8y Li and Yang Yau Ho, both CbiofSe, misrepresented himself as an American citizen. By such deceit, he wae able to convince a Filipina to accept bia proposal of marriage, with the wedding subsequently set for September. 1963. But then Lee’s duplicity was discovered, and tbe marriage wee cancelled. Tbe parents ef tbe would be bride brought suit, seeking Lee’s expulsion from tbe country. After duly bearing the ease, the Deportation Board found that Lee ’’made false statements as to bis identity, citizenship, date of birth and residence,” He also supplied false information on tbe application for a marriage license that be filled. Lee admitted having misrepresented himse f ‘ for the purpose of winning complainant’s love aod affection;” 'Ibe Board recommended Lee’s expulsion and * thereafter to exclude him from tbe Philippines. ” UN Convention On Narcotic Drug Confirmed Tbs United Nation General Assembly Convention providing (or cootinous international cooperation and contrcl of narcotic drugs was confirmed recently by President Marcrs. Narcotic drugs, under this Conventi >n. will be limit d only to medical and scientific applications. It replaces existing treaties on sueb dregs, The President, in confirming tbe UN Convention on narcotio drugS| underscored tbe ooncern of hie administration over tbe growiog narcotios menace in tbe country, especially among students and other youths. Recently, he issued a proclamation imposing rigid Curbs on a number of drugs which he delined as habitforming The list of 52 drugs covered by the proclamation was transmitted to tbe Philippines by tbe World Health Organization. The strict control imposed by the President is alio in accordance with tbe provisions of tbe Narcotic Drugs I aw. Its purpose is to prevent or minimize use of addiotioo-forming or addiction sustaining drugs and thus put more teeth in the drive against drug addiction. In a parallel move ta strengthen tbe law, a move whiob baa a direct bearing oo tbe administration’s pease and order drive, tbe President also recently directed tbe NBI to beef up its narcotics bureau; Tbe President also instructed Coli Jolly Bugarin, NBI ehief, to adopt a more effective program in the drive Bgainst illegal traffic in narcotics. Narootios addition, among others, is a determinant factors in the increase of crime in the country, tbe President said in bis directive. September 16, 196? Ar THE BICOL STAR Jr 6 Returning Philcag Troops To be Action Work Utilized In Civic Returoiog Philippine Civic Action troops from South Vietnam will be utilized for oivie action, purposes, on orders cf General Segundo Velasco, AFP chief of staff. Operations in Central Luzon will receive an added boost with tbe utilization of these officers and enlisted men, as well as the 1st Philippine Civic Action Group who will be completing one year tour ol duty in Vietnam. Most of tbe nen-cembatants troops are dootors, nurses, end tivic action technicians, end the experience gained by these Philippine Contiogsnts and PhilipReport Of The Present Status Of The P.N.R, Its Defects, Reason for Such Its Role In Our Economy And Program 01 Improvement Now Being Undertaken. As Per Interview Conducted By The Writer At The P.N.R. Control Office, Tutuban, Manila By B. M. Dumagain The Philippine National Railway is very far from what it should be, but it is much better than it used to bt, thanks to the improvement instituted by the new management. That is if eraphatiu statement made by the General Manager. Co * . Nick Jimenez when interviewed at tbe P NR Control Office at Tutuban Station, Manila recently. Tbe Coutrol Office is a new addition to the existing offices of the P.N.R aimed at maximizing tbe utilization ot Otherwise idle bex cars end other equipment tbrougout the entire railway lines. Under tbe present setup, Up and down Santos Hall W.leome to tbe ’67 PefiafrsDCia Arcbbiebop Pedro P; Santos Memorial Exhibits, Santos Ha'|, Ateneo campus. Co sponsored by the Holy Rosary Major aod Minor Seminaries end the Ateneo de Naga, tbe varied exhibits w’ll go oo from Sept. 15 to noontime of Sept. 18th, from 8:00 to 11-30 A.M. and 2:00 to 8:00 P.M, 1st doors rooms 314-315tbe mission exhibits of tbe Holy Rosary Major Seminary’s Missionary Union of the Clergy; 316-cetecbetica aod liturgy displays by tbe Holy Rosary Minor Seminary; 317 vocation exhibits on religious life and female religious congregations by tbs St. Tberese College Sodality of A DN; 318-vocation exhibits on the priestheod and religious life by the St. Francis Xavier College Sodality of ADN. 2nd floor: room 332-Bikol Press exhibits; 323-324-MiniBookfair; 328-Catholio Press Exhibits, all three by the The President has assured the NBI of adequate funding in support of the anti narcotics campaign. While the NBI narcotics staff is highly capable, it is not being given enough support to be effective, according to studies made by visiting experts. pine Civic Action Group who served in Vietnam ean be put to effective user Pbilcag personnel rendered n_ediral, dental. surgical, engineering and other eivio action services, risking their lives in their missions to help ibe Vietnamese peasants. In 26 weeks, some 600 beotares of jungle have bsen cleared and a nelwo k of roads and security outposts censtrucied. Io the medical-dental field of activities a!o"e, the Filipino oivic aetim wokers have treated for free over 2 40, 622 Vietnam --<■ patients as uf July 24 this year. the Manager went further, the P.N.R. can not rexlly give the service and e” -ency that tbe pub c expects duo to so mans factors. Among them be said, is tbe lack of government zueport and tbe public’s lack of cooperation in the care of equipment especial y in the passenger coaches. While other meaos of t<aneportaiion like tbe Airlines for io-tance, the government maiatgina airports, the shipping hues got the wharf an 1 p ers the Bus Companies, tbe governmfot maintains roa is and bridgesl Whereas the Nat Oh - s ' Railwav Line ms itai s its (Continued on page 7, Philippine Nat'l. Bank vs. Macaria Begonia . . on three different public and censpicuos places in the municipality of Caramoan, Catm Sur where ths abovedescribed real properties arc located; aoother three copiss of same will also be posted in the City of Naga where tbe auction sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers at tbe abovs-deseubed properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and the encumbrances tbereon, in ease there be any. Naga City, Philippines, September 5, 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. lept. 9, 16, 23. 1967. Apostleship of Prayer, ADN 3rd floor: room 332-Bikol Culture exhibits by tha H8 Bikol Culture classes of Ir. James O’Brien. 8.J.; 333Commuaity Development exhibits by Mr; Modesto Abainza and the ISO; 334-conferense room available for groups; 338-Seripture^exbibits by the ADN College Theology Dept. Read and Advertise in- - - (Elie JStar