Test fo Ateneo scholarship set


Part of The Bicol Star

Test fo Ateneo scholarship set
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$ Southern Arms & Equipment Co. ♦ t-Tef 14-96-R P.O. Meet 136 * ♦ 230 Elias Angeles Street ♦ 2 Plaza Kiosk, Naga City X ♦ “EUTECTIC" low-hsat welding ♦ J rods ,for cast iron, stainless steel * X copper, aluminum, zinc, etc. 2 ♦ BUKH” and “SOUTHERN I $ CROSS’’diesel engines, Pumps. J < Lathes, Shapers, welders, grin♦ ders, drills, etc. o ' Servict - Sales - repairs ♦ X Fabrications;—Steel windows, ♦ grills, doors, etc, $ <♦«♦♦»<> Founded In L933 The Oldest Regional Weekly Newspaper Year 35-Vol. 33, No. 6 - City of Naga, Feb. 10, 1968 -10 Ctvos. 8 Pages ie THE GIFT OF LIFE BEA BLOOD DONOR Call at your 4OCAL RED CROSS OFFICE r~>day..f Aatakehon An Filipinos Sa Vietnam (?) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ C.S.-NC Red Cross Chapter Cited for Oversubscribing its quota in Fund Drive Ex-Editor of "Pillars" Wins A NS CO Prexy Former Editor of The Pillars. Hermenegildo A. Benjamin, AB-BSBA 4, won the Presidency of the Ateneo de Naga Student Council Organisation (ANSCO-1968-69) during the college annual campus election, last week. Benjam’n succeeds Tony Bravante who is now the NUSP Auditor. Elec’ed with Benjamin were: 1st Vce-Pres.- Romulo '■! Fabul; 2nd Vice- Pres.- Daisy Enojado;-. Secretary - Lourdes Cuadro; and Treasurer - Reynaldo Gomez. Induction of the officers was ■ ; r__. a civic leader in the city will intentatively set on Feb. 10. Pinasakitan an Convoy Can Est&dos Un id os Sa Khe Sank Base; Dai takot an NK sa US An huring bareta casuhapon ni Brig. Gen. Gaudencio Tobias na comandante can PHILCAG, mga Filipinos na yaon sa South Vietnam, igua daa nin report na nagabot sainda duman na boot atakehon can mga comunistas can North Vietnam an campo can Filipinos (PHILCAG). Mientras tanto an PHILCAG yaon sa peligro nin gutom. An duang ribongFilipinos duman sustenidos na sana can C-rations (de latas) hale sa campo can Americanos na harani sa campo can Philcag. An dalan na inaagihan ■ can'pagdara nin supply sa Philcag na pintoan can bagong i n i n g caribocan sa S. Vietnam. An mga civilian na Filipinos na yaon sa S. Vietnam, arog can familias can mga yaon sa cons-, truccion privadas can Eastern Construction Co. asin ibang ciw'lianos duman; pinapaporoli na digdi sa Filipinas, bilang pagnamdam ta tibaad maglabo-labo an ralaban. Sa laban duman sa Vietnam iyong nagrave an comunista. Si daan n a ciudad can Hue na bawe can S. Vietnam catabang an mga Americanos. Dacul man an gadan (Dagos sa pagina B) Secures P900,000 for For oversubscribing its quota in the Red Cross Fund Campaign for the last six consecutive years, the Camarines Sur-Naga City Chapter of the PNR was awarded a “plaque” with a citation of merit for such performance. Credit for this accomplishment is attributed to r____ __ ____________ the RC volunteers, government officials, civic leaders, school officials who gave their efforts in the fund drive and to the people of Camarines Sur and Naga City, and the various entities that gave their sustained cooperation in helping the RC fund campaign. During the recent meeting of the local chapter board at the headquarters in Naga City the "plaque” which was hand-carried by Mrs. Emily P. Bichara from Manila, was presented formally to Chairman Mrs. Sison and Chapter Board Secretary Dr. Joaquin I. Perez as shown in the picture above. Those shown in the picture (left to right) are Mrs. Irene C. Mariano, Mrs. Alejandra O. Papica, Mun. Treasurer Sofronio Clavecilla, Mrs. Emily P. Bichara, Mrs. Dolores H. Sison, Dr. Joaquin I. Perez, RC Administrator Manuel C. Torres, Lt. Col. Rafael Dumlao, Domingo A. Escalante, Dr. Magno V. Jamito and Dr. Ambrocio M. Herrera. The plaque was awarded to the chapter thru Mrs. Dolores H. Sison at the Manila Hotel Fiesta Pavilion during the closing program and dinner of the RC 7th Biennial Convention last December 10, in the evening Mrs. Sison is the local chapter chairman and is also a member of the (Continued on page Al duct them. The new officers pledged to further the involvement and commitment of the Ateneans in the academic, spiritual, aesthetic, and physical activities of the college. Tests for Ateneo Scholarship Set Congressman Fuentebella Concreting Poblaciones of Pili, Baao, Iriga, Nabua, Bato A Year of Continuing Confrontation By: BUBBY P. DACER President, Federation of Provincial Press Clubs of the Philippines (Inaugural address delivered during the 6th Annual Dinner-Induction of the Federation of Provincial Press Clubs of the Philippines at "Bulivagang Plaridel” of the National Press Club January 27. 1968) The President of the Philippines, Ferdinand E. Marcos, in his inaugural address on his induction two years ago this month, called upon the people to make this nation-the Filipino nationgreat again. There was no pretention in that call-there was only a quick sense of history and tradition, an awareness of a degeneration in national morality, a sharp appraisal of the weakening of national strength and enterprise, and a continuing faith in the. tremendous potential of the Filipino for great accomplishments. The last two years have witnessed an administration quick to respond to needed reforms in national policy and passionate in its desire for accomplishments. Anxious to test the response of the people to its programs, this administration, in the off-year elections just past, fielded its candidates on the single and all embracing issue of performance. Now, it seems obvious, that the administration is proceeding in the right direction. The mandate of the Filipino electorate was overwhelming, by electing to the senate all but one Liberal party candidate. The naked fact, however, is ungainly. Two years after the Marcos administration, the Filipino nation is no where on its way to becoming great again. In the cities, employment is scarce and crime is on the increase. In the countrysides, the exodus of manpower is unchecked, the people remain poor, and conditions remain feudal. There is here a broad gap that needs to be bridged. For even as so much in accomplishment is credited to the Marcos administration, so little is felt in (Continued on page 4) Rev. Maximo David, Rector and Dean of the of the Ateneo de Naga ..... ...... ced today the 1968 competitive scholarship examinations to be given by the Ateneo de Naga College Department on Sunday, February 25, 1958 at 8:30 a.m. in the Ateneo de Naga Gym. Subjects: High School English and Mathematics. Fourth (iyear high school graduating students who are taking the college preparatory course and have not attended college are eligible to compete. Four full and four half tuition scholarships worth more than P2,500 are at stake. High School seniors who are interested should submit to the Ateneo College Registrar a written application for admission into the examinations not later than Friday, Feb(Continued on page A) Philippine Navy gets Six U. S. Vessels MANILA—The capability of the Philippine Navy has been greatly increased with the recent acquisition of six vessels from the U.S. Government. The six vessels are the U.S. Navy minesweeper frigate RPS Quezon, the Coast Guard Tender RPS Limisawa and four patrol craft fast baats Nos. 3Q6, 307, 308 and 309. President Marcos accepted the vessels from U.S. Charge d’Affaires James M. Wilson, Jr, during turnover ceremonies at the Philippine Navy headquarters. In presenting the ships, Mr. Wilson Said the vessels "are being turnfed over as part of a longterm program for assisting in the anti-smuggling campaign. These will help also in making greater revenues available to the (Continued on page A) S. J., College announPresident Marcos has authorized the release of Public Works amounting to Nine Hundred Thousand Pesos (P900.000) for the concreting of the Poblaciones roads in the towns of Pili, Baao, Iriga, Nabua and Bato which are in the Second district of this province, according to Rep. Felix A. Fuentebella (N-2nd District, Camarines Sur). The amount released is covered by the Pork Barrel of Rep. Fuentebella and under the Republic Acts 1200, 1411, 1000 and 4854. Rep. Fuentebella made representations for the release of the PW funds. The Second District Solon said Baltazar Aquino of the Bureau of Highways, in a telegram dated January 24th, has directed Camarines Sur Highway Engineer Jaime Sarte and Supervising Engineer Santiago Maralit to proceed with these administration projects as soon as poss’ble. District Engineer for Public Works Vicente del Rosario was Rep. F. Fuentebella to send Public advised to send a representative to Manila in order to get some more pre-fab parts (like window frames, knots, and bolts, etc.) which were not yet delivered to the province to enable the immediate completion of the prefabricated school houses in the province, Fuentebella added. Cong. Felipe Files Bill Making C. Sur Provincial High School Into C. Sur National School Representative Ramon H. with the object of converting ____ ___ ___________ into a Cam. Sur National High School and at the same time making it into vocational as well as general high school. In this way the province of Camarines Sur will he relieved of maintaining said institution and therehy expanding its services and improving further the instructions thereat. His bill H. No. 16585 and explanatory note follow: Felipe, Jr. has filed a bill recently the Cam. Sur Provincial High School Rep, R. Felipe, Jr. AN ACT CONVERTING CAMARINES SUR HIGH SCHOOL IN THE CITY OF NAGA, INTO A NATIONAL SCHOOL, TO BE KNOWN AS CAMARINES SUR NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, AND AUTHORIZING THE APROPRIATION OF FUNDS THEREFOR. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: SECTION 1. The CamarinesSur Provincial High School in the City of Naga, is hereby converted into a national school to be known as the "Camarines Sur National High School.” General (Continuedon page .i) February 10, 1968 A T11E BICOL STAR ¥ A Congressional Materials in the Prov'l Board? Local legislative bodies such as the municipal Board of Naga City and our own provincial Board are good training grounds far future Congressmen. Congressional talent scouts for both the NP and LP can now start the hunt preparatory for the 1969 elections. There’s no doubt about the presence of good congressional materials in the municipal Board of Naga City, although they have yet to go along way to convince the electorate of their maturity and fitness for a congressional seat. ★ ★ Mr In the provincial Board however, there’s the independent-minded Vice Governor, who is proving to be a meticulous fiscalizer. B/Member Tible has the cool and sober attitude to all legislative problems; while B/Member Orifio has the facility in speech as well as aggressiveness. B/Member Abonal has the experience, maturity, and broadmindedness in the approach to various problems confronting the Ecctd. In a "nutshell”, the present provincial Board is composed of good congressional materials who could be easily harnessed immediately for a real legislative job in Congress, come 1969. ★ ★ Speaking of congressional materials, provincial Secretary Veluz could not just be disregarded. As a matter of fact one of those I have mentioned above doesn’t seem to like Veriong’s face, possibly because of his being a potential rival for nomination in ’69. That’s just it, you know. ♦ ¥ Presently, the appointment or designation of Engr. Jimmy Sarte as Ex-Officio Provincial Engineer is quit* in order. Between now, and the end (June 39) of the current fiscal year, however, the P/Board should be able to decide whether or not it would be advantageous for the province, to hale its own provincial Engineer. ★ ★ The United Bicol War Veterans Association will have its 5th annual regional convention in Daet, C. Norte on March 30th. That’s going to be a grand affair for all veterans all over the Bicol area. Pres. Marcos and other top brass, including the Bicol provincial Governors and City Mayors are expected to attend. * * Up to now, I still don’t understand why Malacafiang insists on running the police force of Manila, the implementation of RA 5185 (Decentralization Act) not withstanding. The more it is intriguing to think why Gen. Ricardo Papa insists on holding-on to his position as Chief of Police of Manila inspite of his being a persona non-grata to the City Mayor. Other self-respecting military officers would have long requested for relief or tendered their resignations at the first sign of loss of confidence by their immediate superior. ★ Mr The mistake however of Gen. Ricardo Papa in acting as if he were still the Chief of the P hilippine Constabulary who is responsible only to the President, doesn t make right the acts of Mayor Villegas in interfering with the detailed matters of police administration - to usurp in effect the powers and resposibilities of the Chief of Police. Congratulations and Best Wishes I to Brod CIRILO A. DIAZ, Jr. fer having passed the 1967 Bar Exams From: The Officers & Members of the CAM. SUR PRESS ASSOCIATION, INC. 3-Storey ConcreteBuilding to Rise Soon in Ateneo de Naga Campus Ariother educational landmark in the city will rise soon even as the Rev. Maximo David, S.J., ADN rector, officially announced the Construction of a 3-storey concrete Buildirig at the Ateneo campris, here, over the weekend. A replica of the Archbishop Santds SciencB Hall, the new building will accommodate 12 classrooms, and offices fOr the Dean of Women, Dean of Discipline, College Registrar, a Teachers’ Lounge, Students’ Lotinge, arid activity jooms. Construction of the P500.000building structure started Feb’. 1. Designed with maximum flexibility arid expandability, it is being constructed by Puno Construction Co. of Manila. Mariano Barrameda is architect and Roger de Mesa, Project Engiriear. Rev. Marlin Thibulth S. J. takes direct supervision for the Ateneo de Naga. Expected to be completed October or earlier, this year, the new building will be named after the late Rev. Francis D. Burns, S. J., first rector of the Ateneo de Naga. "The construction of the Fr. Burns Hall will be Ateneo’s answer to the pressing needs of the Bicol students for more school facilities,” Fr. David said. Con$. Felipe . . (Continued from Page 1) as well as vocational courses shall be offered in the said school. Sec. 2. The Secretary of Education is hereby empowered to reorganize said school accordingly. Sec. 3. The sum of two hundred fifty thousand pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby authorized . to be appropriated, to carry but the purposes of this Act during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-eight. Thereafter, such sums as may be needed for its operation and maintenance shall be included in the , annual General Appropriations Act. . Sec. 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval1 Approved, EXPLANATORY NOTE The Camarines Sur High School in Naga City, was established in 1910 and during its more than 50 years of existence, it has consistenty been. the training, center for the youth of the entire Bicol region. As such, it has the distinction' of having produced ' many successful and CS-NC Red Cross ♦ (Continued from page 1) Board of Governors of the PNRC, in Manila. The delegates from the local chapter who attended the biennial convention Were Mrs. Bichara, Dr. Juan Amanse, Antero Sto. Tomas, Domingo A. Escalante, Dr. Herrera and Administrator Mr. Torres. Philippine Navy ♦ . . (Continued from page 1) Philippine Government arid in turn assist the well-being and development of its people. The transport ship is expected. to assist significantly in the Philippine Navy’s splendid work of providing support for your government’s civic action program?..” President Marcos said in his acceptance speech that "the six vessels will partly alleviate the need of the Navy and Coast Guard for patrol and transport vessels to take care of our interr hal security and developinent;” We bitterly protest, Mr, Aytona Somewhere ih the middle part of 1965, when the Executive Committee of the Nacionalista Party convened in Mapila to select the eight (8) senatorial candidates for the election of that pear, one had to be necessarily included to represent the Bicol Region. There were several Bicolano aspirants from whom to choose and one of them is the present Senator Domihador Aytona. Being the weakest of all the Bicolano aspirants, he had to have a powerful PADR1N0 to support his nomination. There was only one man for the big job and that was Ex-Ambassador Jose Fuentebella of Camarines Sur. So he persistently appealed in person and in continuous convincing correspondences why it should be him that deserves support; The Grand Old Man of Camarines finally acceded to Aytona's supplications and entreaties by likewise pleading to all the members of the Executive Committee by correspondences for their unconditional support. And the result was the election of Aytona as topnetcher of all the eight winning nominees. We all became happy beyond bounds because the emblem of the Bicol region was upheld to rise high and above all others. In consistency to this regional sentiment and affection, the peoplq of Camarines Stir gave Aytona an overwhelming majority that easily made him the senator that he now is. Bui what is Sena tor Aytona doing now for the Nacionalistas in our province in particular and for the people in general? Nothing worth writing on paper. For all. we can read in the local papers and hear from radio telecasts aiehis help for Albay. Despite the fact that for the last 60 years Albay had been receiving much bigger financial help frotn the National funds for having three Congressmeh against two only for Camarines Sur which is two times bigger in land area and in population, practically all his financial help and- attention are given to Albay. And to make his concern for us more, pungent,ly painful is when he worked hard for the appointment of a Liberal to be Judge of the CFI which is noth correctly in terpfeted to mean that, to the opinion of Aytona, no Nacionalista iatvyer of Camarines Sur is qualified for that position. We don’t only protest, Mr. Aytona, against your disregard for us but also for messing up things of party and public interest in our province. This is because we know that despite the fact that Cledera was already officially proclaimed by the NP Junta for governor on September 8; 1967, you supported Felix Fuentebella in his maneuvers to have the official proclamation of Cledera annulled. The people of Camarines Sur only trust a leadership that symbolizes justice. In a leadership where partiality is imbued, hatred takes the place of loyalty. Is Aytona a leader or not, when he contradicted the correct and justifiable support for Cledera of the Grand Old Man who was most instrumental in making him a Senator? respected leaders in their chosen fields Of endeavor. Among the legion of its prominent alumni, to mention A few, are: Ex-Sec; of Finance Jaime Hernandez, Sr?, Ex-Secretary of Education Celedonio Salvador, Sen. Tecla San Andres Ziga, Ex-Sen. Edmundo B. Cea, preseritly Director, Bicol Development Co., Representative Felix Fuentebella of the 2nd District of Cafnarines ,Sur, ExRep. Juan F. Trivino, Director of the Philippine 'National Bank, Dr. Wilberto Clavecilla, Chief of Police Tomas Karingal ’ of Quezon City and a host of others. The attached bill seeks to convert the Camarines Sur Provincial High School into a national high school to ,, be known as the “Catharines Sur National High School”, just like many other riational high schools in other provinces, to enable said institution to expand its services and improve its instruction and thereby accomplish its aims of providing a high standard but inexpensive education to a greater number of deserving but poof students of the Bicol region. At present, the same is supported, exclusively by the Province of Camarines Sur which has to charge relatively high tuition and matriculation fees due to lack of funds. This measure also seeks to authorize appropriation of funds partial review Ay Andreis G. Diez Test for Ateneo . . ♦ ruary 22, 1968. No other credentials are required. Last year’s scholarship winners came from St. Agnes Academy of Legazpi City; J. Panganiban High School of Daet. Camarines Norte, Anglo Chinese School of Nagri City and Ateneo de Naga High School. Non-conipetitive scholarships Father Rector also announced that the Ateneo de Naga offers full tuition scholarship for one year renewable every semester thereafter if the required standards are maintained, to the top three students of the graduating class- of recognized high schools offering college preparatory courses. in the amount of P250,000.00 to defray the expenses for the purchase of modern educational equipment and facilities, employment of qualified instructors to augment the present uridermanned teaching staff, and to improve existing buildings; In View of the foregoing, early approval of this bill is eainestly requested. (SGD) RAMON H. FELIPE, JR; Congressman, 1st District Camarines Sur