Manila Choral Society presents choral music here


Part of The Bicol Star

Manila Choral Society presents choral music here
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B * TH E BI COL STA1 Social Ordained to the Sacred Priesthood last Feb. 3rd at St. Vincent de Paul Church, San Marcelino, Manila was the Rev. Michael Gimarino, C.M., son of Atty, and Mrs. Rafael Q. Gim a r in o. Ordaining prelate was Msgr. Teotimo C. Pacis of Palo, Leyte. The breakfast reception was held at the Pius XII Center. The newly - ordained priest, an alumnus of the Naga Holy Rosary Major Seminary, offered his First Mass at the San Miguel Pro-Cathedral in the evening of the same day. XXX Married last Feb. 3rd at Mary the Queen Parish Church, LittleBaguio, San Juan, Rizal were Mr. Renato Serrano and Miss Jennifer Magno by the Rev. Alfredo G. Parpan, S.J. The groom is the son of Mrs. Rosario Obias vda. de Serrano and is an alumnus of the Ateneo de Naga, AB’60. The bride is the daughter of Col. and Mrs. Nicolas H. Magno of Quezon City. Principal sponsors were Messrs, Senen P. Valero and Teodoro C. Araneta, Mrs. Valentina Plaza and Wenceslao Labrador Gadana Si Wenceslao Labrador, Sr., 53, nagin empleado caidto sa oficina can Bureau of Forestry digdi sa Naga asin haloy na nagpara helang nin paralisis asin alta presion, nagadan sa saindang harong sa Sabang Poro, Naga City can Jueves, 11 a.m., Febrero 8. Ilolobong an bancay nia noodmang hapon, 3 p.m. sa cementerio nin Penafrancia. Gnonian na hapon dadarhon an gadan sa capilla can Sabang ta diyan iaatubang sa Misa noodmang aga. An gadan dating taga Libmanan, C.S. An saiyang nabayaan iyo an saiyang viuda na si Mrs. Leonila Tolosa de Labrador asin an walong aki na iyo sa Wilfredo, Wenceslao, Jr. (may fgom na); Antonio, Arturo, Rosalii a, Rosalinda, Francia asin Fernando. Affidavit of Adjudication of Real Property Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that TEOFILO M. SANCHEZ who alleged to be the only legal heir of the late Sps. Gonzalo Sanchez and Feliciana Monte who died on February 14, 1959 and November 23, 1953, respectively, in Milao-, Cam. Sur, executed an Affidavit adjudicating unto himself that certain parcel of residential land, situated in the barrio of San Antonio, Milaor, Cam. Sur. belonging to the deceased spouses, having an area of 400 Sq.M., declared under Tax No. 8683 and assessed at P40. , The affidavit was executed and acknowledged before Notary Public Isidro Bulao at Milaor, C.S. on Feb. 6, 1968 per Doc. No. 104; Page 35: Book 13; S. 1968 of his notarial records. Pub. Feb. 10, 17, 24, ’68. B. Star ★ ★ February 10, 1968 Notes Mrs. Amy S. Lim. The wedding reception was at the Nile Supper Club. xxx Baptized last Sunday, Feb. 4th, at the St. Raphael’s Parish Church, Pasay City by their uncle, the Rev. Alfredo G. Parpan, S,J., were Maryanne Clara and Annamarie Scholastica, first-born twin-daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Tirso “Teegee” Parpan (the former Charry Tirona.) The twins had for godparents Miss Dolly Tirona, Mrs. Lulu P. Vibar, Mrs. Lita P. Calleja, Mrs. Tessie T. Sham. Atty. Carding Francisco and Engineer Boy Tirona. The twins were named after maternal and paternal grandmothers r e s p e ctively, Mrs. Clara A. Tirona and Mrs. Escolastica G. Parpaii. Manila Choral Society Presents Choral Music Here The Manila GSIS Choral Society under the direction of Prof. Vicente M. Sales won the applause of Naga music lovers with their presentation of “evening of choral music” last February 4 at the auditorium of Colegio de Sta. Isabel. The affair was well attended, both the matinee and gala presentations. The musical benefit was held here under the sponsorship of the Bicol Circle in cooperation with the Apostles and Handmaids of Mary Associations and the Naga GSIS office. Mrs. Carmen F. Cervantes is the president of BMC. Basketball Tournament Tomorrow at Triangulo Under the sponsorship of the “Triangulo Athlethic Club” in Triangulo, Tabuco, this City, a basketball tournament will be held tomorrow afternoon at the basketball ground of Triangulo, located at the southeast of Naga Railroad Station. The participants in this tournament with their schedule of games follow: first game — Midgets: LARKS vs. VULTURES; second game —• Juniors: VALIANTS vs. RED FOX; third game — Seniors: REDS vs. D’BLUE ACE. Exhibition game: UNC Intramural Champ Vs. ATENEO DE NAGA Intramural Champ. Before the start of the games there will be a parade around Tabuco at 1 p.m. participated in by the officers and members of the Apotles of Mary Ass’n., Tabuco Barrio Officials, officers and members of the TRIAFAS, Triangulo Mothers Club, St. Therese Youth Club, the different teams with their muses. A short program will follow the parade with the following numbers: invocation by Fr. Demetrio F. Imperial, raising of Juan Sorita taga Pili, C.S. Victima can Bomba sa Laos An Bicol Star nagrecibi nin sarong Surat hale sa Vientiane, Laos, na an sabi si Juan Sorita, taga Pili, Cam. Sur asin nacaagom sa Vintar, Uocos Norte maypeligro na saro sa nagadan can pagbomba can comunistas aso Diciembre 25, 1967 sa Moung Phalane, Laos. Sagkod can Enero 31, mayo pa nakukua si Sorita. Apat na gadan an nakua sa estacion ninda, alagad dai namidbidan kun sa isay an gadan. Si Juan Sorita. reserved officer sa PA, naghale sa army can 19t!5 asin naglaog sa Eastern Consiraction Co. sa Laos. Nagbalio siva sa radio station can Air America can Marzo, 1967. como radio technician. U.S. Official Cites Filipinos’ Role in Nation - Building MANILA—The problem of building the Philippines of the future must fundamentally be solved by Filipinos: by Philippine money, Philippine workers and Philippine skills, according to William E. Knight, Counselor of Embassy for Economic Affairs, American Embassy. In a speech before government officals in Mati, Davao, Mr. Knight said “we believe that a strong, healthy and growing Philippines can play an important role in showing ho-.v democratic government and economic progress can go forward together.” Mr. Knight added that there has been no very snbstantial movement of new American investment to the Philippines for many years and that U.S. businessmen have their doubts about entrusting their capital to ventures in the Philippines. American businessmen, he said, are uncertain as to what their position here would be if they were to come. Being uncertain, he said, most of American businessmen are not plunging but are following a wait-and-see attitude. As a percentage of total U.S. private investment overseas, what is coming here is almost invisible. It is only a fraction of one per cent of total American investment overseas, he said. Mr. Knight added: "Whether this situation is to change will depend on the conclusions that these investors reach as to whether their investments are really wanted ... As to American investteam colors, opening remarks by Dr. Jose Cervantes, president of Apostles of Mary Association; dance number by St. Therese Youth Club, short talk by Rev. Mother Mary Therese, induction of officers of T.A.C., address by Benny Havana, president ofT.A.C.; speech by Victor Bichara, Jr., surprise number by Didoy & Susing, oath of sportmanship led by Reyes Twins, presentation of the T.A.C. Muse and team Muses by Mrs. Corazon Opiana, president of Mothers Club, closing remarks by Adolfo Ajero, president of TRIAFAS. Tony Opiana is the master of ceremonies. Gene E. Balftrmoso FROM THE HILLTOP Libre'ng Pilipino (3) On the week-end I was on may hilltop retreat busily temporizing on the many aspects of the Cosmos - this orderly habitation where reside our troubled planet, the earth. I was thinking of the 'competitive’ space conquests that lie two super powers of the world, the. United States and Russia are trying to outdo each other in the field of technology. Then my mind recedes to the 'gravitational’ impact of man-made errors to erode the progress of "free society.” I have in mind the ‘whims and caprices' of man in order to protrude an image of self-serving personal power to satisfy his egoestic tendencies. This brings me to the conclusion that the slow-pace of progress that 'flusociety” was able to muster across the ages as it is now obtaining among the emerging nations in South Vietnam, South Korea and elsewhere are being threatened to extinction by communist expansionism and subversion. The case of the U. S. intelligencegathering Pueblo off the coast of Wonsan might have triggered a global powder-keg if our big brothers the Americans do not ‘ play it cool.” But this communist monstrosity which is playing havoc on the face of Asia is a matter of consideration in my book-length commentaries "The American Responsibility to the Free World,” which will be off this column soon on its 20th series. What is disturbing my peace of mind now is the Libre’ng Pilipino concept - the better it is to be understood that it is titilated by economic inconsistencies and handicaps. That is why modestly aside - this writer is on the aggregate suoport of the President’s tax measures and proposal now under considerations in this year’s congress. The reality of this policy the libreng Pilipino is yet on the sunrise stage of a new dawn someday. For this duration the Filipino nation is therefore confronted with attitudes of our people to be humstrung with "factional” tendencies sometimes intended to sabotage *nd therefore undermine the noble objectives of our leaders on the move. This tendency presuppose a speculative drama violent in its nature which in the long run may be identical if not parallel in proportion to the tragedy of William Shakespeare or George Bernard Shaw’s monumental opus "Julius Caesar.” Writhing in pain and falling from 'dagger-thrusts Caesar recognized his friend and uttered "El.tu Brutus!” In my Libre’ng Pilipino series I started by saying that Mayor Tony Villegas appropriated T10 M for his ‘free’ water for bona fide Manilans as a bold attempt to introduce the first phase of his welfare program which is a breakthrough in this direction. His "free” university, his medicare program in the schools is a boon to all Manilans. Although his free funeral does not sound good at all when in all candor the general trend in Manila the teachers art not even paid on lime and while we should speak of Pilipino Libre - how about the problems of internal security for the City of Manila? The upsurge of crime, the existence of teen-age hooliganism, and gangland elements, of ex-convicts riding high for hire and how this malady is affecting the suburbs and the entire country should really prod the President to effect and implement remedial measures to contain the crime wave in our midst. While we should further speak of Pilipino Libre - there should be cause for alarm that members of our Provincial Board seem to be flexing their muscles as a gesture of open defiance to the Chief Executive of the province - the Governor. This we may have to surmise that ’factionalism’ is flaringup and unity which has become a semblance of reality during the last polls in so far as harmony is concerned - for the ruling Nacionalista Party in this province - recent events transpiring should warn deposters that all is not well that does end quite well. We - the fence-sitters are watching with interest if ’war’ should erupt anew as a ’crack in the wall’ - a reminiscence of the divisive tendencies of the NP during the last eight years. Pinasakitan asin nalugadan sa aliados. Si convoy can marinos can E.U. hinaplagan can comunista sa may base sa Khe Sanh, ilagang maubos si americanos. Sa Korea sagkod gnonian dai pa nin maray na arreglo dapit can pagcadacop canbapor “Pueblo” ments already here, I think it goes without saying that we continue to believe that it is most important that they be given fair treatment after the LaurelLangley agreem mt expires in 1974” an ♦ ♦ ♦ na espia can E.U. Sabi sa enot si E,U. naghagad nin tawad sa N. Korea, alagad pignegaran ini can E.U. An mga bapor can Russia pinadara man sa dagat can Hapon can saindang maaraman na pinadarhan can E.U. nin boques de guerra diyan. Sabi ni Premier Kim II Sung can jueves na bangi, “kun an mga imperialistang americanos magpoon nin “total war” sainda man na sasabaton nin total war.