Ojeda, Villafuerte belie visual progress in Naga City under LP


Part of The Bicol Star

Ojeda, Villafuerte belie visual progress in Naga City under LP
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MAGAMPs Belittle LPs Accomplishments »««♦♦«& ♦ Southern Arms & Equipment Co. ♦ *Ter 14-96-R P. O. Box 136 ♦ ♦ 236 Elias Angeles Street j X Plaza Kiosk, Nafia City J J ••EUTECTIC" low-heat welding $ Jiods, for cast iron, stainless steel ♦ ^.copper, aluminum, zinc, etc. I ♦’•BUKII” and ‘‘SOUTHERN Z to ROSS” diesel engines, Pumps, { X Lathes, Shapers, welders, grin- § ♦ ders, drills, etc. « ♦ Service - Sales - repairs ♦ 5 Fabrications;—Steel windows, ♦ grills, doors, etc, «> Founded In J.933 The Oldest Regional Weekly Newspaper > Year 35-Vol. 32, No. - 31 City of Naga, September 23, 1967-10 Ctvos. 8 Pages MW l«THE6IFT\Z^ OfUFE BEA BLOOD DONOR G// at your LOCAL » CROSS OFFICE T<O-^ay../ Ano ta Ginadan Si Gob. ALBERTO? Ojeda, Villafuerte Belie Visual Progress in Naga City under LP ll PC zone Commander Visits Bicol Pighahanap An Nagbadil Ki Gob. Alberto Can Catanduanes Ex-Mayor Victorino L. Ojeda and former ViceMayor Mariano R. Villafuerte Jr. yesterday rallied all city Nacionalistas to unite in a common effort for a political crusade that will eventually bring them back to power after the November polls. Ojeda and Villafuerte headed the political combine that gave local NPs political control over the city administration after winning the ’59 elections. The two NP leaders emphasized the need of defeating the Liberal party ticket led by Mayor Vicente P. Sibulo to establish an eventual tieup with President Marcos’ progress goals for local governments. An overall program for city development could only be fully realized if the NPs win in the coming polls here, the two said. For the LPs to speak now of implementing a coordinated progress plan for the city after the ‘67 elections would be “a mere political catch-on” because Mr. Marcos is still inMalacanangfor the next two years, Ojeda and Viliafuerte said. Ojeda recalled that all the LP’s claims for “originality” in completing vital projects like the city market, public streetlighting, beautification and (Continue a on page 2> Farmers Cautioned On Pesticides Tha Parks and Wildlife Office has recently cautioned government agencies and private individuals against excessive use of raticides and other insect controls to bolster their rice production efforts. It was pointed out that pesticides kill, not only rats and other insects but also cats, owls and snakes which are the predators responsible for checking the population growth of the pests. To safeguard (Continued on page 8) M. Villafuerte, Jr. Brig. General Melito Bulan, commander of the Il PC Zone, accompanied by two of his staff officers conducted a flying visit to the Cam. Sur PC Command for one and onehalf hour today, Sept. 23. He had been to Daet, Cam. Norte where he was the guest of honor in the inauguration of the newly constructed integrated PC Headquarters and Barracks. Gen. Bulan was met at the Pili Airport at 8:20 a.m. today by a group of PC officers and their ladies led by Lt. Col. and Mrs. Rafael Dumlao, Cam. Sur PC Commander. Miss Emilia Efondo and (Continued on pat;- 8) Mare Proofs of Cledera’s Official Candidacy Below is a news-release from the headquarters of Atty. Armando Cledera who is an NP candidate for governor of Camarines Sur which are self-explanatory: HON AMBASSADOR JOSE FUENTEBELLA TIGAON, CAM. SUR MY RECORDS SHOW THAT ATTY. GLEDERA HAS BEEN PROCLAIMED BY JUNTA REGARDS. PRESIDENT MARCOS ★ ★ ★ September 18, 1967 General Manuel Yan Philippine Constabulary Dear General Yan: Due to an urgent request of Mr. Armando Cledera, Nacionalista Official Candidate for Governor of Camarines Sur, may I ask you to assign to him a PC Security Man. He is asking that Mr. Gonzalo Aspe of CaBiyong nacobhanan an GSIS building sa calle i------ r?:i: rroceros sa Manila mient> as siya naghahalat can e evator pasacat sa icaduang escalon, sa saiyang (Dagos sa pagina 8) bilog na nacion nin Filipinas kan pagbadila si Gobernador Juan Alberto can Catanduanes can lunes na aga Sept. 18, sa Fiivaldo Roasted Secretary M. Balatbat Commerce Secretary Marcelo Balatbat recently tried hard to enligthen GOV. J. FRIVALDO In Cebu City the Cebu Jaycees on what the government is doing to develop tourism but got burned in a searing open forum. Three alert Jaycees took turns roasting Balatbat on the Aguilar Namarco deal. Another Jaycee asked why most Nacionalista candidates are just pointed to by Malacanang. But the most telling shots were fired by Sorsogon Gov. Juan G. Frivaldo who had the cabinetman burning in his seat. The governor was in Cebu as guest of the PAL inauguration flight on the Manila - Legazpi - Cebu thrice weekly flight. Frivaldo asked Balatbat why despite the P6 mil(Continued on page 8) U.S. Admiral To Visit ’Sailor Town’ Southern Luzon U.S. NAVAL BASE, Subic Bay (PAO) — Nabua, a town in Camarines Sur province noted for its many active and retired U.S. Navy personnel, will throw wide open its doors for an American admiral next week. Rear Admiral Fillmore B. Gilkerson, commander ol ATTY. CLEDERA this Seventh Fleet logistics marines Sur be assigne^^^Ll^!^0^ wiH to him. I shall be deeply grateful if you will give this request your usual prompt attention. Thank you and regards. Admiral Gilkerson in the landlocked municipality of 80,000 inhabitants on Wednesday, Oct. 4.fc He will be on a Peopleto-People mission for his government, at the same time swapping naval memories with some of the town’s 140 Very truly yours, retired U.S. Navymen. America’s Feopie-to People Program, a worldwide active exponents of project instituted during the this program in thcs * Eisenhower administration, parts has been Admihas gone far and wide in the r Philippines. One of the more (SGD.) GIL J. PUYAT NP President True copy: AUGUSTO 0. CLEDERA NP Legal Counsel Of ral Gilkersn. (.Continued on page ') 2 A T11E BICOL STAR * September 23, 1967 Trust Agreement Signed ★ ^icoi ^iar * Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office, City of Naga, Philippines on May 20, 1933. Published every Saturday D. A. ESCALANTE — Gen. Manager, Editor fit Publisher ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: RO.Wy ASUNCION BENNY TAWAGON — SILVERIO ALCALA MARIA ACACIA ESCALANTE - Circulation & Subscription Subscription Rates: P4.00 per year; P2.50 6 months P. 0. Box 123, Naga City, Philippines partial review by Andres G. Diez Undeserving Question for Answers “Mr. Diez, despite the fact that Atty. Prila was present in the NP convention held on August 20, 1967 why is he launching the candidacy of Congressman Fuentebella for Governor when Atty. Armando Cledera was the one elected by the convention? Is this man (Atty. Prila) already a Nacionalista or still a Liberal or is he mad? Prieto Diaz Scores Big Registration of Voters PRIETO DIAZ; SorsogonEighty-five percent of the 3,229 voters in this municipality who voted in th 1965 elections have already registo ed under the new registration law, according to Comelec sources here. Ae cf August 15, 2,606 have then registration applications already approved. Tamaraw,Philippine Eagle For National Seal The removal of the Spanish lion rampart and the American eagle from the Philippine seal was recently endorsed by the Parks and Wildlife Office following a proposal made by the U.P. Law Center. The PWO suggested instead the use of the tamaraw and the great Philippine eagle as replacements to make the President Marcos has authorized the Trust Agreement between the RP-US Joint Veterans Commision and the Philippine Veterans Bank for the $31-million veterans benefits claims. The agreement was formally signed at the Osmena Suite of D’ Ptaza, in Makati, Rizal; Former Senator Eulogio Balao chairman of the Philippine )panal. signed on behalf of the RP-US Juint Commission and Rafael Arnaldo, acting president of the Philippine Veterans Bank, signed for tba part of the PVB. The payment pf the $31 million veterans benefits claims was embodied in the Rxuoulive Agreement signad by Secretary of Foreign Affairs Narciso Ramos and Ambassador William Mo Cor-nick Blair, Jr in Manila on June 29, 1967 and recently turned over to the Philippine government. The benefit claims will accrue to the more than 600,000 Filipino veterans who were members of the United States Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) io whch thev were inducted at the outbreak of the Pacific war. The amount will be used to pay certain claims for pay and allowances of recognized Phil ppine guerrillas which have previously deduSjtions from the backpay of certain RP veterans. Those entitled to payment are alieady known and wiil receive their pay meat through the Veterans Claims Settlement Office, Department of National Defense, Fort Aguinaldo. Among those who witnessed the signing were Senator Jose Roy, Undersecretaries of Defense Manuel gyquio and Manuel Salisntes, Assistant Executive Secretary Gilberto Duavit who represented the President, Alfredo G. Alvarez, PVB assistant vice-president and Augustus Calantuan, vice-president auditor. PWO Urges Conservation Education Officials of the Parks and Wildilfe Office recently sought the inclusion of Conservation in the high schools arid collegiate curricula to stem the fast depletion of our natural resources: Ceferino Datuio, new designated officer in charge of the Office said that the undue stress o d exploitation instead of conservation is detrimental to Philippine sgriculture and economy. PWO officials appealed to the Committees on Education of both bouses of Congress to immediatly enact a bill r e q u i r i ng conservation education in both high school and college levels in this country. coat of arms truly Filipino. Many congressmen and senators have expressed approval and support for the nationalistic propo-al of the Parks and Wi'dlife Office. Gene E. Balfermoso FROM THE HILLTOP I The Political Pipeline Ojeda, Villafuerte Buhi C.S. - In an impressive political rally on the proclamation, ot re-electionist Mayor Nazario Equizabalformer Ambasador Jose Fuentebella in his usual acateleclic mood fired his first broadsides on the misconception of his stand on the gubernatorial question between his brother the Congressman Felix Fuentebella of the Second District of Camarines Sur and gubernatorial aspirant Atty. A. Cledera. What amounts to be a spirited defense of the conduct of the Nacionalista Parly convention at Abo farm, 2 igaon a month ago - the Ambassador spelled in black and white his stiff opposition on the dictates of the Junta to put up Congressman Felix Fuentebella as a compromise gubernatorial candidate. The ambassador berated supposed detractors who would not stoop to incarnate the influence of divisionary ladies thereby weakening the stand and chances of the party. He said he would not allow even his brother, the Congressman, to tamper the dignity and the sacred intents of the convention. He added, the convention was glamourized with a Dei Gratia solemnization to the extent that cursillistas participated in a number together with the invocation calling for divine assistance from the Almighty as well as the spirits of the founding fathers of the party. He said the Congressman had assured him before the convention that he would not or is in any way interested in the gubernatorial post since being a congressman he could better serve his' people than to be a receptionist governor. Convinced on his stand on the majority result of the convention although short of the required 6O%- the ambassador stressed no less than the President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos had called the NP Junta to act on the proclamation of Atty. Armando Cledera. He even cited the remarks of NP President Gil Puyat who said the case of Cledera is a special one since it involved the special attention of the President himself who is the titular head of the party-calling on the junta to act favorably on the proclamation of Atty. Armando Cledera. The Ambassador added that if such a thing would happen that his brother would run- he said to preserve the spirit of the convention expressing the voice of the majority in a democracyhe would not vacillate to support the candidacy of Atty. Cledera . Of all the gubernatorial aspirants- Cledera has no relation to him whatsoever only that his forebears represented the founding fathers of the party. The Ambassador said that he would cross the province from end to end to tell the people the gospel of truth as the affirmation of his conviction tho it would cost the ire of the whole NP junta including the President of the Philippines- He stressed further that for twenty years he fought the lote President Manuel L. Quezon on a certain principle that Camarines Sur should stand on the validityof thewill of the people not a mere goose-stepping member of a legion who would not know to dissect between truth, justice, righteousness as against the malfeasance of the wrong-doer. xxxxxxxxx On the local political scene five protagonists have decided to throw their hats into the mayoral fight: Three NP’s * Reelectionist Mayor Nazario Equizabal. Madam Benita Noble, Local NP President, Atty. Qvirino Fabul; Two LP’s Atty. Ramon Constancio and Mr. Juan Abasola a resigned school teacher. roadbuilding would “indeed be a farce for these were the very same goals carried in our political platform way back in 1959.” Villafuerte also cited their ad ministration’s role in seeu ring the multi-naillion-oeso funding for Naga’s waterworks improvement project and Malacafiang release for the construction of the new city hall. It would be the height of hypocrisy for the Liberals to claim credit for projects undertaken by the past Nacionalista administration, the former city executive added. Both Ojeda and Villafuerte expressed confidence that the NP city ticket beaded ■by mayoral bet Protacio G. Tolentino and Vice Mayor Siegfredo D Obias would carry the election battle here barrio-to barrio ”to prove ones and for all that man to man the Naeionalista party in Naga has the best political machinery.” The NP’s councilor-slate is composed of: Atty; Roberto R. Ruelo, Lt, Felieisimo D’ Asia, lawver-CPA Reynaldo P. Borja, city fiscal’s special counsel Carlos G. de1 Castillo, former munlpal board secretary Jaime O. Viola, university aide Antonio Antero and retired army Capt. Severiano Taoorda. Read and Advertise m- - - Who jBtcnI JBtar