Rural Health needs mulled


Part of The Bicol Star

Rural Health needs mulled
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★ LEGAL NOTICES ★ N NOTICE September 23, IH7 * THE BICOL STAR ★ 3 Republio of the Philippines MUNICIPAL COURT OF RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR 101b Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL 8HERIFF City of Naga LE0DEGAR10 ESTORPE & RAYMUNDA AFRICANO, Plaintiffs^ —vereus— SANTIAGO VERGARA & ROGELIO MUNOZ. Defendants. CIVIL CASE NO. 67 EXECUTION Sheriff's Notice of Auction Sale Whereas, by virtue of the Alias Writ of Execution dated the 8th day of September 1967, issued by the Municipal Court of Ragayi Camarines Sur, whereby the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur or any of bis lawful deputies was commanded to make effective from the defendants hereof the sum of FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00), Philippine currency, F200.00 for actual damages and P200 00 lor attorney’s fees with interest thereon from the date of this execution until the date of payment at the rate of eix per cent (6%) per annum plus the sheriff’s fees and expenses incident to this execution) Whereas, on September 22, 1967, upon indieation of the plaintiffs hereof, the undersigned Deputy Provin c i a I Sheriff, Angel LI. Borja, levied upon and attached all the rights, title, interest, deminion and participation that the defendants hereof have or might have in and over the following described property together with all tbe improvements thereon, to wit: 1. "A pareel of ooconut land, situated in Nagboom, Agrupaeioo, Ragsy, Camarines Sur, Lot G Pad 55424, bounded on the North, by Felimon Abonalee; on the Northeast, by Saba a n Creek; an tbe South, by Lot H, Leonardo Kariogal and on tbe West, by Lot E. Matilde Navarro, having an area of 2.3213 hectares, more or less, and assessed at P750 in the name of Santiago Vergara.” 2. “A parsel of corenut land, located in Naghoom, Agrupaeioo, Ragay, Camarines Sur. Declared in tbe name of Santiago Vergara and Tranquilino Vergara, under Tax Deo. No. 479, with an area of 3 1168 hectares, assessed at Pl,610.00, NOTE: The lot in tbe name of Atilaoo Africa is excluded.” Wherefore, by virtue of tbe sfo'ecited Alias Writ of Bxecution, levy and attachment, and in pursuant of Section 16, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, the undersigned announces that on October 17, 1967, between Ibe hours of 9.00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. he will sell at public auction at tbe offioe of the Provincial Sheriff (located on ibe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Capitol of Camirioes Sur, in Naga City, to tbs highest bidder for easb and io Philippine currency. all tbe rights, title, interest, dominion and participation that tbe defendanta hereof have or have Republio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE ©F CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial Bislrict IN RE: PETITION FOR THE ALLOWANCE OF TI1E WILL OF GREGORIO TOLIBAS. AQUILINA TOLIBAS OCFEMlA, Petitioner, iPEC. PROOS. NO. 1064 x — — — — — x Notice of Hearing A petition having bean filed with this Court by Aquiline Tolibas Oofemia represented by Atty. Quirino Fabul, praying that pending the probate of the will, tbe petitioner be appointed tbe speolal administratrix and that after dua bearing the petitioner be adjudicated tbe properties in conformity of tbe will of tbe late Gregorio Tolibas, who as alleged in tbe petition died on October 3. 1966 in Minalabac, Camarines Sur. bis residence at the time of bis death, leaving properties with a probable value of about 1 * 2.000100. WHEREFORE, notice is hereby given that said petition will be beard on January 4. 1968 at 8:30 o’olook in tbe morning in tbe session ball of Branch III of this Court at Naga City, on which date, time and place all persons having opposition thereto may appear to show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be grant * ed. Let this notice be published at petitioner’s expense once a week for three conseeutive weeks iu the "Bicol Star", a weekly newspaper edited in the City of Naga and of general circulation in this province for the information of all eonoerned. Naga City, Philippines, August 30. 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDO Clerk of Court Pub. 8ept. 9. 16. 23, ’67. in and over the foregoing described property together with all tbe improvements thereon, in order to satisfy therefrom the amount of tbe execution and tbs sheriff’s fees and expenses incident thereto. In accordance with law, this notice of auotion sale will be published in the Bicol Star, a weekly regional newspaper, published aod edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before tbe date of tbe auotioo sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three different publia and conspicuous places in tbe municipality of Ragay, Cana, Bur and another three copies of same will be posted In tbe City of Naga where tbe auction sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title of the property and tbe encumbrances thereon, in case noy there be. Naga City, PbilippineSj September 22, 1967. ANGEL Liar BORJA Deputy Prov; Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub, Sept 23, 30 & Oct. 7, 1967. An extra-judioial eetllement of the Estate of tbe late PETRA NARVAEZ covering a parcel of land Bituated at Mabatebato (Cagma ns bn) Pili, Camarines Sur containing 112,781 sq. meters and more particularly described under TCT No. 2294 as Lot 6 D of the subdivision plan Pad-22307, being a portion of lot 6 described on plan Ped-30225. G.L.R.O. Reoord No. 22493 and declared under Tax No. 1163, assessed at P8630.0Q has beeD entered into by JESUS MAGISTRADO and ESPERANZA MARTINEZ as her sole and legitimate heirs per instrument bearing Doo 200, Page No. 96; Book No. 1| Series of 1967 of the notarial register of Notary Public Melencio Cortero dated September 41 1667 at Iriga, Camarines Snr. ESPERANZA MARTINEZ Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 23, ’* 7. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant lo See. 1, Ruie 74 of the Rules ot Court, Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With Sale, baa been executid by the Hra. of tbe late Juliana Peloan and tbe surviving busband Filemon G o y e n a, namely Soeoorro, Salvador Celestmot Alfredo, Romeo, Cesar and Napoleon, all surnamed Goyena, over a parcel ot land which is a portion of O-C.T. No. 505 aod whioh is situated in Parubcan, Camarines Suri containing an area of 25,000 square meters. Tbe eale is in favor of tbe Remao Cotholie Archbishop of Caoe * ees represented by Monsi Teopisto V. Alberto. The instrument was executed before Notary Public, Hilario Eipana of Camman Cam. Sur and records! as as Doc. No 196| Page No. 36; Book No. XX| Series of 1967. Pub Sept. 16, 231 & 30, 1967 NOfICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 of tbe Rules of Court notice is hereby given tbat’tbe heirs of tbe late Sps. INOGENTBS BELLEZA and SOCORRO MANAOG who died on October IT 1964 and July 28 1965, respectively, in Naga City, namely; Alex, Jsue, Rosalinda, Geme, Balvaoion, Lilia, Osoar and Inoceates, Jr., all surnamad Belleza aud minor, and under tbe guardianship of their grandmother, Florenoia G. Vda. de Belleza by virtue of tbe Letters of Guardianship issued by the Clerk of Court under Spec, Proc. No. 1041, executed ai Extrajudioial Settlement of the intestate estate left by deceased Spa, Inooentei Belleza and Socorro Maoaog, which is one ■ third (1/3) of tbe real estate covered by TCT No. 145 embracing two parcels of land under Tax Noe. 691 and 740 by adjudioating unto themselves by their guardian, in equal interest or ebares pro-iodiviso. The Instrument wai acknowledged by tbe guardian (Florenoia G. Vda. de Belleza) on Sept. 19, 1967 before Notary Publio Domingo A. Escalante at Naga City per Doc. No. 30; Page 9; Bk. V) I. 1967. Pub; Sept. 23, 30, Octi 7.’67. Rural Health President Marcos has instructed Health Secretary Paulino Garola to eonduet a seminar on rural health to indoctrinate the people in tbe rural areas to sanitary and more wholesome living. The President oalled representatives of private organizations engaged in rural beeltb work to a conference recently io Malaoafiaug, to coordinate with government efforts in meeting tbe health needs of tbe rurnl population. “Rural medicine has taken a back seat” in publio awareness, with the press virtually ignoring it,” the President pointed out in bis brief remarks to the conferees. Tbe President said that the progress and problems ot this area of development have not been appropriately eppreoiated beoause not muoh information baa been dissemiuated en this. Tbe private organizations represented in tbe conference included tbe Chamber of Philippine Drug Manufacturers, the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association i tbe Drug Association of tbe Philippines, the Philippine Pharmaceutical and Drug Manufacturers, I b e Philippine Medical Association, the National League of Pucriculture Centers, tbe Catholic Welfare Organization, the League of Health aod Medioai Administration of the Philippines) the Philippine Mental Health Association, tbe National Council of Churches in he Philippines end the Colleges of Medicine of U3T, FEU, MCU and UE. Other agencies represented at the meeting were the PACD the US-AID. tbe UNICEF, and the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Offioe. Tbe President enjoined those st the conference to enlist tbe help of the barrio poop'e, who should willingly extend their assistance, he said, onoe they realize that they are tba ultimate bene * fioiaries of the rural health pregram. The President said that he hopes to improve tbe entire atmosphere in the rural coca munities. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby gi?eo that pursuant to Seo. 1, Rule 74 of tbe Rules of Court, an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Rights has been executed by tbe Heire of Leon Dialogo, namely |JE imrda Millares, the surviving widow and ANTONIO and JUAN, all surnamed DIALOGO, over tbe property covered by T.C.T. No. 915 situated in Nagoupa, Libmanan, Camarines Sur containing an area of twelve (12) hectares and Forty 8even (47) oentares. Antonio N. Dialogo, and Juan. Dialogo, have waived tbeir rights in favor af their Mother, Eduarda Millares. Tbe instrument was executed before Notary Publio Hilario Espano of Canaman Camarines Sur and entered as Doc. No. 229; Page No. 41, Book XX Series of 1967. Pub. Sept’ 23, 39 aod October 7. 1967, needs mulled The President noted that indigency burdens 70 to 80 per cent of the rural areas, thus lull eeordmatien of government and private efforts is very much needed This situation; he said, prompted him into calling the conference, which primarily explored the ways to tighten coordination between the private seotor and the gavernmsnt. The President observed that many government workers do not have tbe neoessary enthusiasm to energize tbeir work, but added be has "completo trust in our Secretary of Health.” Ha said that “I have a very great interest in rural health not only because it is my duty, but because it is my intention to inorease and give the best possible assist ance in meeting the health needs of the people, especially tbe poor,” He reealled that when still a congressman, he participated actively in the passage of legielatian creating rural health units. The President said that the present program of the Philippine Medical Association compliments the activities of rural health teams. He asked the private sector to provide not only the facilities but also tbe personnel needed in rural health work Tbe President expressed the hope that the private sestor will immediately inorease tbeir participation in tbe rural health effort. Tbe President ooneluded bis remarks by saying that “you are in a better position to tell mo what should be done.” He added, “this appraisal is nesded to define the national direotioo and it is my duty to eall your attention to this need.” U.S. Admiral . . . The 52<year-old, two-star admiral assumed cemmand of Bubis Naval base in September af last year. Flying with him from Subic to Nega City’s Pili airport are two of biB staff offieere, Lt. Rodger Gillespie, publio affairs officer, and Lt (jg) Gary Zwirscbitz, tba admirals aide. Also with tba party are 11 U.S. Navymen, allnatives of Nabua who are currently serving a tout of duty at Subic. They are Petty Officers Felix Denina, Celestino Moreno, Nioelaa Lastreila, Gregorio Velaeso. Higino Bsylonj Moisas Vasquea, Nicolas Daza, Psdro Gortar jt Hersulano Maogente, Eduardo’’Bob” Fresnillo, and Vir * gilie T, Fernandez; U.S. Navy Journalists Ely U. Orias, alto a native of Nabua, and Phil Gillitte, Subic’s People-to-People caordi naior, have gone ahead of tha admirers party by train. Tbe admiral's airaraft, an HU-ll, will land at Pi i airport at 9 a.m of Get. 4. Provincial and Naga City officials beaded by Gov, Apolonio Ma leniza and Mayor Vicente Sibulo will meet Admiral Gilkerson at tbe airport. A whirlwind tour of Nags City is an tap for t ie visiting A mtricans, departing (Coninued on page 8)