New procedure in WAC recruitment


Part of The Bicol Star

New procedure in WAC recruitment
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Philippine Nat'l. Bank vs. Macaria Begonia . . (From page 5) on three different public and oenspicuos places in tbe municipality ot Caramoan, Cam; Sur where the abovedescribed real properties are located; another three copies of same will aleo be posted in the City of Naga where the auction eale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers of the above-described properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and tbe encumbrances thereon, in case there be any. Naga City, Philippines, September 5, 1967. MAURO B; FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. Sept. 9, 16, 23, 1967. DBP I vs. PANCHITA BAYOT VILIA BAYOT picipality of Juban, province of Sorsogon. xxx Bounded on tbe NE., end j£., by Creek; on the 8,, ty Creek; snd Lot 509 of Juban Csd-223;on theSW., bv Lot 509 of Jubsn Cad223; on tbe W., by Lots 509 and 510 of Juban Cad 223 and on the NW by creek, xxx containing an sea of TWO HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO (203,142) Square Meters; more or less. NOTE: Tbe area surveyed is covered by FV-20463. In accordance with law, this nonce of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be published once a week for th'ee consecutive weeks, in the LICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in tbe City ®f Nass, having a wide genera! circulation in the Bieol Region, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, for tbe same period of time, three copies of this notice will be pc-sted in the municipality of JubaB. Sorsogon where tbe above-descrided property is located and another copies of same will be posted in tbe municipality of Sorsogon , one on the Bulletin Board at tbe office of tbe Provincial Sheriff below tbe Courthouse at Soreogon, Sorsogon, wbete (he auction sale will be eonducted. Prospective bidders or buyers arehereby enjoined to in vestigate for themselves the title of tbe property and the encumbrances thereon if any there be. Sorsogon, 8oraogon, Philippines, September 16, 1967 ARTURO ARGUELLES Ex-offici® Provincial Sheriff By: APOLONIO L. ESCOBAL Deputy Provincial Sheriff Pub. Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 7, '67. Support The — RED CROSS "BLOOD PROGRAM” Don’t delay—be a blood donor today. Blood—a gift that saves life Second Site For Rice Production Project Selected Rice and Corn Production Coordinating Council (RC.PGC) baa selected the Binabaan-Tabak area in Leyte Norte as the site of the seoond riee production and extention projeot, President Marcos was ioformed recently. Tbe site was recommended by the joint Filipino-Chinese Team after conducting a survey of the area aod favorably endorsed by Vise President and concurrently Secretary of Agriculture Fernando Lopez, Tbe implementation of the project will be undertaken by; the Filipino-Chinese Agricultural Technical teams patterned after tbe Baliuag project; The projeet site is lieated 18 kilometers west of Taoloban City wiln a spread of about 12 kilometers, along tbe national highway comprising 8ta, Fe, parts ol Palo, Pastrana and Alang-Alang. It has a total acreage of over 10,009 hectares of which 2,400 hectares consist of irrigated nee paddies bounded by coconut plantations. The survey team reported that tbe Palo clay loam, the type ot soil found in the area, is considered suitable for cultivation of high yielding rice varieties (HYVs). Tbe Binabaan-Tibal area is characterized by tbe absence of a dry season with a pronounced rainful from November to January. The present average r:oeyield >n tbe asea is from 40 to 42 Cavans per hectare. With the introduction of HYVs, harvest is expeoted to average about 80-i00 cavans p.r heetare. PAL Highly Praised By Gov. Frivaldo Philippines Air Lines received high praises frsm Soreogon Gov. Juao Frivaldo for opening the Manila-LegaspiCebu flights. The governor said tbe new route would bring Bicolandia closer to Cebu economically, culturally and along tourist development. In the past Cebu paseengers who desire to go to Legaspi and Bicolandia had to fly first to Manila then backtract to T egaspi. In tbe same way, Bicelanos wbe desire to go to Cebu and Visayas baa to fly first to Manila then bead south. Bieol official and businessman beaded by Gov. Wenceslao Q VinzoRS, Legaspi City Mayor Luis Los Banos and Frivaldo found to their surprise that Cebu goods of similar kinds are cheaper than in Manila, that Bieol home industries products have big potential in tbe Visayas, and that trade between tbe two regions has bright potential. Last week a group of Cebu businessmen, officials and civic leaders visited Bioolandia to explore its business and tourism potential. Tbe trip was sponsored by PAL; Gov. Rene Espina and Mayor Carlos Quison ef Cebu, Jaycees, Lions, and other businessmen were included in tbe group of guests. New Procedure in September 23, 1967 ★ THE BICOL STAR * 7 WAC Recruitment----------------------- - -------------------------------------Malacafiang was informed recently of the revised procedure in recruitment of applicants from tbe provinces and other areas to tbe Women Auxiliary Corps (WAC) The announcement was made by tbe General Headquarters, WAC detachment of the armed forces of tbe Philippines, WAC officers, 2nd Lieutenant Restitute Matela and Perla Perlado, commanding officer and executive officer, respectively, said they requested officials of constabulary zones and military areas to help in tbe recruitment drive of the detachment Tbe request inoluded the eutorizatioD of tbe zones and military areas concerned in the processing of applies tione, giving out examinations and conducting physical and medical fitness tests. This new procedure of reeruitment is expected to bridge the distance between the recruiters and tbe reoruite * It will also enable the AFP to choose from among a great number of young women tbe belt af possible materials on whom to invest. Only selected 40 applicants will be admitted finally to undergo training which starts November I, to last for 13 weeks. This will bring to 80 the number of WAC enhsted women already working in ths camp headquarters. Reeruitment will continue until tbe desired 120-man force has been constituted. Applicants siould at least be high school graduates, 18-25 years old, 5’2” in height, Filipino citizens, of good moral character, single, ■ nd willing to slay unmarried during a three-year c Dtract which they will sign. Training will consist of acquisition of skills that will enable them to do adtninis tralive, clerical, and technical work. They will fill up vacancies left by enlisted men and offieers who beve been assigned in tbe field to undertake eivio action, engineer ing, anti criminality and peace and order missions. PERFORMANCE & LEADERSHIP responsive to the public need ... VOTE: STRAIGHT NACIONALISTA Dr. Protacio ‘Taci’ TOLENTINO , City MAYOR Atty. S. Dy-Liacco OBIAS ★ ★ + * Vice MAYOR ★ ★ ★ Cou n c Atty. Bob Ruelo Lieut. Memong D’Asis Atty. Naldo Borja Capt. S. Hors: Atty. Lut del Castillo Atty. Jimmy Viola Tony Antero Tacorda ••Public service geared to the greatest good for the greatest number” Oscar Peralta Attends Confab In Denmark A Sorsnjueno was ehosen as the Philippines’ delegate to the International Cooperative Trade Union oonfereoca slated is Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 17 to Oetober 1, 1967. Selected was Atty. Oscar LI- Peralta, "president of the Phi,ir,oine 0 Credit Union Leagu , Sorsogon chapter anu jt. Anthony Cooperative Credit Union, Inc. of Gubst town. The cred’t unien in that municipsl’ty is the biggest io the province today. Ki ESPINOSA kita gabus, tunay na tugang niato. Si MILING brillante sa tataramon asin sa guibo. Lalaki na may palabras de HONOR. Tabonekan "ESPINOSA for SENATOR MOVEMENT" PERFORMANCE * RESULTS: GOOD GOVERNMENT for responsible leadership in the City Council ... VOTE: Atty. S. DY-LIACCO OBIAS I Vice Mayor TOPNOTCUER in 1963 ELECTIONS 1st Lt., AFP Reserve Officer