Governor Estevez plans to construct cultural center in Legazpi City


Part of The Bicol Star

Governor Estevez plans to construct cultural center in Legazpi City
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The BICOL STAR April 25, 1970 NOTICE 4 Albay Stu des hold demonstration rally or teach-in LEGAZPI CITY -A rally demonstration or teach-in for the non-intervention of private intities with vested interests in the coming constitutional convention and other local issues was held recently at the Penaranda Park of Legazpi City. Among the listed speakers in the program were Rafael A. Banzuela, Jr., Secretary-General of Bicol Union of Students (BUS) and the following: Noling Cabredo, Henry Lunas, Conrado Bootan, Jr., Alberto Realubit, Roger Azupardo, Reynaldo Princesa, Antonio Sajuela, Orland Naag, Oscar Apuli, Eligio Barzaga and others. Domingo Rodriguez, president of the BUS read the manifesto and clarified the stand of the BUS in the issues deliberated upon. The "Manifesto” reads as follows: We, the members of the Bikol Union of Students, publicly manifest our aspiration for a peaceful and real democratic society and thereby make known our appeal and stand in the issues that greatly affect the destiny and posterity of our country; 1. We appeal for and support the non-partisan election of delegates to the coming Constitutional Convention; 2. We appeal that we, the youth of today that comprise the majority of the present population of the Philippines, be given a greater share of responsibilities in the amending of the fundamental law of the land to suit the needs and sentiments of the Filipino people, unstained with Governor Estevez Plans to Construct Cultural Center in Legazpi City LEGAZPI CITY - The plan of Governor Jose S. Estevez of Albay to establish a center for the advancement of cultural awareness side by side with his socio-economic program of the province is now fast shaping up. A sizable amount to be drawn from the proceeds of the Karangahan ’69 Fair and National Funds will be earmarked in the construction of a Provincial Cultural Center here soon. The two-storey edifice will house the latest findings in our historical and cultural aspect in the Bicol area. The Governor disclosed that the cultural development program has for its aims the following: 1) To save what may yet be retrieved of the region’s past from oral traditions and from the few remaining records that are deteriorating or getting lost due to neglect and indifference. 2) To arouse pride in things Bikol ... of being a Bikol. 3) To seek the personal involvement of every citizen of the province towards a re-awakening and a re-discovery of the province's and region's rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and vast any external and/or internal pres* sures, by lowering the age requirement of delegates to tie coming Constitutional Convention from 25 years of age to 21 and the voting age from 21 to 18 years of age; 3. We solemnly believe in the interest of all to be united against any intervention or meddling of entities and persons with vested interests in the election of the delegates and the subsequent deliberations of the same to the coming Constitutional Convention. 4. We wish to express our sympathy to the students who have shown courage and perseverance for the sake of changes and reforms that would all be a benefit to every Filipino regardless of political affiliation, social status and religious beliefs by denouncing the brutalities of and obstacles posed by some government agencies against the students who clamor for reforms, that is the strict observance of the application of the democratic way of life; and 5. We demand for the immediate abrogation of the military bases agreement and other treaties that place the Philippines in a disadvantageous position, e.g. Military Assistance Pact, JUSMAG, Mutual Defense Pact, Laurel-Langley Agreement and the Qoirino-Foster Agreement. The students also issued the following: “An Appeal to the Youth”: The recent upheavals brought about by the militant activism of the youth, which jolted society, have cempletely changed the course of our history. The docile youth of yesteryears, who acpotentials for greatness, economically and culturally. The first of its kind, this boost for culture is in keeping with Governor Estevez’ life-long obsession of not just upgrading Albay’s material prosperity but together with it the more subtle satisfaction and civilizing exposure to the people's best in social refinements and artistic accomplishments. “This will fill the void created by the swift pace today for material advancement and strike a healthy balance in the people's sense of values, especially among the youth”, the Governor stressed. Unlike previous projects of similar nature, this cultural development program will not be a fossilized gesture intended oniy for the learned few but a living, vital force that will personally involve the people of Albay by way of cultural and historical committees that will function along provincial and town levels. Meanwhile, Prof. Merito B. Espinas, until recently the Assistant Dean for Research of the Graduate School of Aquinas University, has been tapped by Governor Estevez to assist in the research aspect of the program. - dac Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that Merced A. Talisay, and Asuncion Talisay, married to August Martinez, widow and daughter of the late Vidal Talisay, respectively, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of the Intestate Estate of the decedent, consisting of a parcel of coconut land, located in barrio Sta. Elena, Iriga. Cam. Sur with an area of 4.4375 hectares under Tax No. 15663 assessed at P2,270, adjudicating it between themselves share and share alike. The instrument was acknowledged before Not. Public Rosendo Barrameda at Na a City on April 17, 1970, per Doc. No. 479; Page 32; Bk. 40; S. 1970 of his notarial register. Asuncion Talisay, et al. Pub. April 18, 25, May 2, 1970. cepted the dictates of their elders is now a thing of the past. Indeed in our hands lie a tremendous reservoir of power which could either build or destroy, make or unmake society. "Certainly, we must choose to build rather than destroy. We must tear down dead or decaying structures in society but in destroying we must build a new and better structure. We earnestly APPEAL to you, the YOUTH OF THE PROVINCE OF ALBAY: "To take utmost care in the selection of your leaders. Choose the men who will not sell your power to anyone. For the direction of student power will depend on the quality of leaders which you have. “We ask you to guard against abusing your power. Use it NOT for selfish interests, personal aggrandizement or ulterior motives, but use it to help achieve the common good and in the country’s march towards progress. “Do not allow demagogues to harness your power in order to create disorder and confusion. Never permit anyone to use you to further their political ambitions or promote their own selfish interests. BE ALWAYS ON GUARD AGAINST PERSONS WHO MAY USE YOU TO DESTROY THE CHARACTER OF ANOTHER PERSON. “Never use your power to cause damage or destruction of property. Remember that liberty is NOT license. Liberty is never the freedom to do wrong. "Before you demonstrate for the purpose of denouncing a person or an event, ascertain the facts first and strive to have a dialogue with that person and hear his side and exhaust all avenues first to effect a peace ul solution to your problems before resorting to the “parliament of the streets”. There is no room for faultfinding and character assasination in our movement. Indeed, our enthusiasm and eagerness to effect a change in our society, must always be tempered with REASON, SOBRIETY, PRUDENCE, A SENSE OF FAIRNESS AND JUSTICE and CHRISTIAN CHARITY. Then and only then the YOUTH shall really serve as the driving force in the awakening and the renovating of the structures of society. “The Star Witness” By: ELIX ABEJERO Filipino Breed improvement should be included in Family Planning Family planning should not only be geared on the control of population growth. Science have already provided a means that even sterility would no longer be a problem to the husband and wife, if on* ly to attain their dreams and desires—the fulfillment of marriage. Dr. Nilo Roa, a local family planning expert, hinted that artificial insemination is very much applicable to humans as it is to animals. Like our native livestock, I would like to think that tvt* could likewise improve the Filipino breed by the same scientific means. For the human seed-stock we can choose from either the Australians - for size, Japanese - for industry; or even from the Chinese for patience and frugality. Speaking of the Australians, the 3rd Secretary of the Australian embassy in Manila, Patrick Caroll, was here on a socio-economic tour of the region. He and his charming wife made a courtesy call in the office of the Governor and had a brief informal chat with our provincial executive. The golden haired micro-minied Mrs. Caroll attracted every male animal in the Capitol including the youngest of the Governor’s aids named Andres Diez, who tactfully took advantage of the most strategic position facing the maximum of the mini-covered Australian female anatomy as she comfortably rests on one of the seats at the Governor's office. The Provincial government led by Gov. Armando B. Cledera scored a real "pakikidamay" when a medical “task force” under the auspieces of Operations Pakikidamay, Inc. invaded the coastal barrios of Pasacao and Libmanan along the Ragay Gulf. Some 700 medical and dental patients were treated or examined in a 3-day operation covering the barrios of Dalupaon and Tinalmod of Pasacao, and Bahao of Libmanan. The medical task force under the direct supervision of Dr. Fernando Avelino, the new provincial health officer, was composed of 3 Physicians, 2 Dentists, 3 Nurses, I midwife, and 1 Sanitary Inspector. The municipal rural health team of Pasacao led by Mayor Karingal and Dr. Alejandro Miciano collaborated and assisted in the pakikidamay. More and more believers of physical fitness (who believe in family planning) have rediscovered that wonderful feeling of viewing the Sunrise by the shoulder of Mt. Isarog while they perform physical exercises at the CSHS athletic ground. These people who are all over 35 years of age, call themselves “Aerobics", whatever that means. With 12 commercial Banks now operating in this City, my barber has every reason to be confused as to where to bank his little savings. I of course advised him to select the bank that will invest his savings here and not the bank that will merely hoard our money in favor of some borrowers outside of this region. I understand, only the government owned or controlled banks (DBP, PNB, PVB) hereabouts are actually investing in our local agro industrial development projects. Again, family planners should not forget the fiscal management of the family. Other matters of local interest were treated by the students, such as the following: an anticipation of the projected FARE HIKE in the city and other districts in Albav; the implementation of the Republic Act providing for the creation of the Bikol University; the PNR loathing situation; the issue on the partition of Sorsogon and the alleged mauling of a student by a solon; etc. The 1970-1971 members of the Executive Board of the Bikol Union of Students follows: Domingo Rodriguez, president; Jose Marabe, 1st Vice-President; Erlinda Palmieno, Secretary to the Board; Narciso Monaas, treasurer; Fernando Balane, auditor; Provincial Chairmen: Emma Lisay, Albay; Ireneo Monte, Camarines Sur; Fernando Balane, Camarines Norte (Acting); Rafael A. Banzuela, Jr., Sectetary-General.— Vic R. Argayoso.