Rep. F.A. Fuentebella urges early completion of Quirino Highway, improvement of S. Manila - Road


Part of The Bicol Star

Rep. F.A. Fuentebella urges early completion of Quirino Highway, improvement of S. Manila - Road
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Gene E. Balfermoso FROM THE HILLTOP “Masyadong pakikisama” not good for studes. The Graduate The future’s rosary, excitingly a garden world The background of a penchant green pastel A landscape where the fairest flowers bloom Redolent over plateaus, hills and valleys fair. As you walk along, don’t stare at the garden Too long to rave, leastwise you get lost with joy The life has crowned your fate with easy burden Too young to know, don’t let it float on a buoy. For life began doesn’t mean vehemently blest Nor easy will it end on yonder horizon . . . Life’s task and goal much far apart is set Sailing . . . sailing ... the sea of no return . . So let not the heart be troubled or bend Tor in every steady soul reward lies just ahead. The Author's ‘Garden of Verses’ A dedication to: Chuchi, Don and Buena for meritorious class honors. Employment Dilemma WHITHER YOU BOUND - QUO VADIS? — This year’s crop of graduates predominate the portals of the college campuses, exceedingly a gargantuan figure of a half million strong that should catch in time the attention of well-meaning citizens and leaders of this country, who are in an enviable position to exploit all plausible means and avenues appurtenant to stave off the so-called ‘brain drain dilemma’. It is conceded that the Philippines tho small nation is ranked a close second to the United States in point of scholastic turnover - to eclipse even the Soviet Union and other western countries of high standards like Great Britain, France, Ilaly or Germany. This explains why at this sta.e the ‘exodus of brain power’ is on the run either to the United States or to Canada. Despite the fact that our per capita income is rated one of the lowest in Asia yet it is surprisingly great tho thirst for higher education in this country has given added impetus to produce more and more graduates al the college level. But while it is most encouraging to portray a behemoth intellectual elite passing thru our universities - it could be equally alarming that such an army of vast labor potential could not be harnessed for lack of adequate financing system. Such a prospect could indeed be viewed with serious consequences inviting the specter of discontent incontrovertible to the common denominator of tumult and dissent in our growing society. Anachronism Much has been said of the technological gap prevailing in an atmosphere tensed with the prospect of a gloomy future for continued job displacements. While we take pride to present fanciful figure of an aggregately strong labor potential, it is conceivably the number one problem perpetuating the anachromistic tendency of harboring an intellectual elite doing nothing positive. This saddening experience in a country that possesses all the earmarks of natural wealth and resources for survival should demand a thorough restructuring of on educational system basically colonial. While attempts at legislation to improvise an abrupt change in the educational paranoia - the means and vehicle to implement the desired change is predominantly sluggish if not dilatory. The present educationol upbringing has led to breed the teeming millions of white-collared population about to swing to the left due to discontent and it is about to detonate. The jet-age has caught us flat-footed with a national discipline harrassed with ponderable 'isms’ and ideologies slumbering on the take-off state of an agro-industrial economy. It is about time the present leadership from the priva'e sector up to the government level do something and take stock of the saddening predicament creating a wide cleavage in the employment dilemma. should be afforded extra guidance and counselling by fond-loving parents. 'Masyadong Pakikisama’ defaces the personality of the teener-student who could otherwise dedicate to serious scholastic studies. Not the peeping-Tom that a parent should be but on the psychological aspect of parenthood - responsibility should be exercised to limit teener-action to envisage the utilization of productive school enToday’s teener who are prone to seek more deavors, the 'masyadong pakikisama’ could lead to freedom of leisure hours entertaining their friends early teen-age marriages. Masyadong Pakikisama 4s I See It stolen peso, of course. These are the guilty rich. The honest rich can not be guilty of any crime just because they are r'ch. They can not have that sense of guilt unless his richness is stolen. The dishonest rich cannot have the capability of accepting any sense of guilt at all because if he can, then he would not steal. But then how many among the rich have the real sense of honesty? To them, money first, the rest follow after. The preoccupation of our lawmakers to-day is to raise or not to raise the minimum wage. I hope they will not forget the plight of the plain Citizens that do not receive wage at all. They far outmumber the wage earners. They, too, have the right to be protected. They are also paying their taxes and they are the producers of wealth, not just consumer of wealth. As I see it, maybe the solution to the present high cost of living that agitated the wage earners to demand higher pay, is for us to produce . ... produce . . . and produce, not just ask and ask. After ell no amount of legislation can change or alter the effect of the LAW OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. If we produce foodstuffs we increase the supply and thus reduce the price. Let us start home gardening. Require every school child and even teacher to plant any thing in their back yard or in any vacant lots. When everybody starts harvesting who will buy? Who will pay high price? Another thing that we must consider is the money supply in circulation. That has a very direct bearing to the high cost of things in the market. If one has only a limited cash in his pocket how can he pay for anything that is priced very high? The trouble is, people who can afford to pay are the ones who are complaining the most. Reduce your wants, man. . . and you will find out that you can adjust with the present situation. Do not force employers to close shop because when that happens, we will have widespread umemplovment and the aftermath will be CALAMITY. Let us not forget that there are so many of the now operating business firms who barely breaks even. They are still in operation hoping to improve later. And if we force them to meet the increase wage they will be force to close shop and there will be more problems in our hands. So Let’s bear with the present situation for the time being until things get better . . . Do not kill the hen that is laying the golden eggs. There are only few days more left before the opening of the State Lions Convention here in the City with the Mayor of our City as the man on the spot. Not only because he is spearheading the success of the Convention but because he, as the City Mayor, gets all the blame if in the end the City cannot April 25, 1970 The BICOL STAR Rep. F. A. Fuentebella urges early Completion of Quirino Highway, Improvement of S. Manila - Road Thursday (April 16). The second district legislator said that in as much as the proposal to separate the management of the PNR Southern Line from the Northern Line has not yet been realized as proposed by Masbate Rep. Emilio Espinosa, Jr., it is most logical to finish immediately the mentioned projects in an appeal to Secretary ' Manuel B. Syquio of the Dept. , | of Public Works and Communications. REP. FUENTEBELLA Rep. Felix A. Fuentebella (N2nd district, Cam. Sur) batted for the early completion of the Quirino Highway and for the improvement of the Manila-South (through Camarines Norte) road to give better _r facilities to Bicolanos to supplement the services of the Philippine National Railways during the Bicol Bloc meeting last show and give what the Conventionists expect. In this score, we can help a lot if we start harping now on the cleanliness of the City and public eating places. The Police can do so much to tell our more stained Characters to LAY LOW while our visitors are in the City. There are so many more that we can do to help. What we should do is to help in any way we can. Let us start in the market. There is a strong force today who is bent on going after the scalp of Dr. Domingo Abella, Chief of the Historical Div. of the National Library. The supposed lost valuable documents from the National archives were carted away for good. If we are to evaluate the pros and cons of the matter, I’D say that the good Doctor have all the reason to be carefull about all the papers in his care, especially if they are of historical importance. Did not Doctor Abella spent money time and efforts abroad to research for historical purposes and gave all what he got to the Museum to enrich our historical records? How manv of the rich Filipinos can do this? What we should do is to really pinpoint who is responsible for the neglect of records. We will be helping the Library more with that attitude. We will be avoiding also the possibility of ruining the good name of the Director. The mass media is partly to be blamed for the much unsavory publicity lately but that can still be remedied by the (Continued on page 6) The financing, Fuentebella pointed out, will be taken from the discretionary fund of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications. Sec. Syquio and PNR Gen. Manager Nicanor T. Jimenez were the Bicol Bloc guests during the meeting. Fuentebella explained that the PNR Southern Line is self. __ , liquidating and its income can transportation - support the improvement and maintenance of its own route efficiently. Camarines Norte Rep. Fernando Pajarillo suggested that in case the management is given to the private sector the Bicol Development Company (BIDECO) will be the logical enterprise to handle the PNR Southern Line. Fuentebella also asked for the putting up of a Philippine Veterans Bank branch in Iriga City which City Mayor Jose C. Villanueva immediately offered the site. Catanduanes Gov. Vicente Alberto, who is concurrently a member of the board of directors of the PVB, assured the Camarines Sur solon to help in realizing his (Fuentebella) pet project. The Bicol Bloc meeting was attended by Sen. Dominador R. Aytona; Reps. Felix A. Fuentebella, Jose Alberto, Carlos Imperial, Roberto Sabido, Amando Cope, Fernando Pajarillo, Emilio Espinosa, Jr., Rafael Aquino and Salvador Encinas; Catanduanes Gov. Vicente Alberto, Albay Gov. Jose Estevez, Masbate Gov. Moises Espinosa; Legazpi City Mayor Gregorio Imperial, Iriga City Mayor Jose C. Villanueva and Naga City Mayor Vicente P. Sibulo. —J.T.T., Jr. SIPOCOT, Cam. Sur—Rep. Felix Fuentebella (N-2nd district, Cam. Sur) will be the guest of honor and commencement speaker during the first commencement exercises of the Impig Barrio High School, here, on Sunday, April 26, This is accoraing to Florentino V. Avengoza. Impig Barrio High School PTA President. • At the same time Congressman Fuentebella and Mayor Jaime G. Avergoza will be awarded a “certificate of appreciation” by the PTA in recognition of their valuable contribution to the welfare of the people of this municipality and their unselfish devotion to public service. The PTA president’ said, that the second district solon and Mayor JAvengoza have contributed (Continued on page 6)