Rep. Fuentebella guest speaker of Impig Barrio High School


Part of The Bicol Star

Rep. Fuentebella guest speaker of Impig Barrio High School
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LARGEST CIRCULATION? IN THE BICOL REGION X ■ALBAY CAM. NORTE ; CAM. SUR c a t a n d u a n e s MA SB ATE SORSOGON IRIGA CITY LEGAZPI CITY NAGA CITY Year 37 * Vol. 35 • No. 17 • City of Naga, April 25, 1970 • 6 Pages * 15 Centavos ►»♦«»»« : JADE THEATRE » Fully air - conditioned !(NAGA’s FINEST CINEMA) X ****^***27*— May***'1970*** ♦ > "Shadows in the Dark"* > A film based on the report on X * ''Venereal Diseases-Today" „ > also £ •War in Wild Kurdistan f • ♦ President F. Marcos Guest of Lions Meet Explanation of the Negative Vote of Rep. Felipe on the National Budget Fiscal Year 1970 - 1971 (APRIL 15, 1970 - 7:00 P.M.) PFM tops Guests of Lions 21st State Convention in Naga City on April 30 - May 3, 1970 REP. FELIPE, JR. THE PRESIDING OFFICER (MR. SAN JUAN). Gentkm.n from Camarines Sur. MR. FELIPE- Mr. Speaker, may I explain my vote. THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Continued on page 6) Workshop - Seminar on Mushroom & Vegetable Culture April 27 to May 11 atCSN AS,Pili LEGAZPI CITY-In a concerted move to tap Bicol Region’s potentials in mushroom and vegetable r production, the Bicol Development Planning Board (BDPB), Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) and Camarines Sur National Agricultural School (CSNAS) will lunch a two-week seminar-workshop on this particular aspect. This workshop-seminar on Mushroom and Vegetable Culture will be held on April 27 to May 11 at the CSNAS in Pili, Camarines Sur. Participants to the said seminar will come from various government agencies (municipal and city levels) and private sectors interested along this line. This training program is being initiated by the BDPB in our effort to train competent men in the Bicol area in the production of mushroom spawn to supply he need of our prospective (Mr. San Juan). The gentlemen has three minutes. MR. FELIPE. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In his Bataan Day message last April 9th, our warrior-President stated that our people are clamoring for “drastic” changes in government and in the private srctor, and he assured us that the government is ready to make the necessary “drastic” changes. In his budget message to us. he also stated, as one of the guidelines in the preparation of the budget, to enact a budget with fiscal restraint.” I was very happy, Mr. Speaker, upon learning this because I know that people are becoming restless and our students have grown very vocal against the extravagance and the graft and corruption in our government. But I was very much disillutioned, Mr. Speaker, when we passed a budget on mushroom growers and to train in participants as future trainers in their respective provinces and cities in the field of MushroomVegetable production geared towards market-oriented approach. The subject matter will cover the economic importance, marketing, laboratory technique, harvesting, packing, preservation of mushroom. Subject matter on vegetable will cover: Seed production and treatment, cultural practices such as seed bed preparation, sowing, pest and diseases control, fertilization, multiple cropping scheme, grading and marketing. Meanwhile, the BDPB has acquired recently the services of Mr. Dan Berdin of APC. He will serve as BDPB Agricultural Development Officer. Mr. Berdin is a graduate of Araneta University and has undergone specialized training on rice at the IRRI,— f. b. ubalde Tour guiding Seminar Sked May 19-23 here On May 19 to 23 this year, the City Mayor’s Office of the City of Naga and Regional Office of the . Board of Travel and Tourist Industry (BTTI) will be holding a Seminar on Tour Guiding. Graduates of this seminar will be licensed as tourist guides by the BTTI. The following are the qualifications: a. male or female, 18 to 25 years of age; b. a college graduate or at least a second year college; c. pleasing personality; d. good command of English and other languages. Application forms can now be obtained from the Research and Statistics Office, City Hall. The deadline for the submission of application forms will be April 30th. The applicants will be interviewed and screened by a panel of top personnel from the BTTI Manila Office on May 17 and 18 at the City Mayor’s Office. There will be a seminar fee of P30 for each participant. Tour guiding graduates will have the opportunity of meeting different people and learn a lot of them. They will undergo a thorough instruction on the techniques of tour guiding, background on Philippine culture and history, detailed descriptions of tourist spots and other relevant subjects. The site of the seminar will be the air-conditioned CPA Review Room of the University of Nueva Caceres. Other information and details of the tour guiding seminar can be obtained from the Research & Statistics Office. City Hall, City of Naga. Rev. Fr. Romeo P. Zantua Newly ordained priest says Thanksgiving Mass Rev. Fr. Remeo Prado Zantua who was recently ordained as Catholic priest celebrated his Thanksgiving Mass last Thursday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock at the Carmelite Chapel in barrio Concepcion, City of Naga. Rev. Zantua is from this city. Dr. Amando H. Zantua and Mrs. Carmen Prado-Zantua, the parents of the celebrant, entertained their friends and relatives at a reception party held at the lawn of the Carmelite Monastery after the Mass. ‘ PRES. MARCOS The City of Naga will be the site of the 21st Lion-i State Convention in the Philippines fr<.m SPOT NEWS ! ! ! Local Soroptimists await Mrs. Batten’s Arrival Mrs. Pluma Batten, Soroptimists Directress of Extension Asian-Pacific Areas is expected to arrive here in Naga City on Monday, April 27, as guest of the local soroptimists club headed by its president, Mrs. Virginia F. Perez, the Vice-Mayor of Naga City. A welcome dinner party will be given in her honor at seven o’clock in the evening at the Hotel Lindez Deck House Restaurant . . . s. martinez. PNR Southern Termi Ligao; for Freight: The Philippine National Railways announced yesterday that its southern terminal for passenger trains will be temporarily transferred to Ligao, Albay and its freight terminal to Naga effective Monday, April 27, 1970. General Manager Nicanor T. Jimenez said that this move has become necessary because of its dwindling motive power which has come down to only 15 heavy locomotives. Jimenez said that at present there is one locomotive in Legaspi which does nothing but to push all trains coming from that end on account of the steep grade between the present Legaspi and Camalig terminal. He Apr il 30 to May 3, 1970. The meeting will be held at the University of Nueva Caceres Sports Palace. Delegates of the different Lions Clubs in the Philippines and some guests from other countries are attending the convention. Registration will be next Wednesday, April 29 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Opening ceremonies of the convention will be on April 30 at 1:30 p.m. Pres. F. E. Marcos will be the main speaker of the convention on May 2. Umekichi Yasuda from Japan will be the keynote speaker during the opening program. Nicanor T. Jimenez, the general manager of the PNR will be the lunchean speaker on April 30 at the UNC students pavilion. Sen. D. Aytona, president of the Bicol Bloc and Director Juan F. Trivino of the PNB are the other guest speakers of the convention. Hosts of the luncheons are PNR, Filipinas Life Assurance Co., Inc., Coco Chemicals Philippines, GSIS, and Banco Filipino. The Air Manila will host the dinner-dance on May 1. Other donors to the convention are PCI Bank, Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola firms. 35 Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Domingo M. Guevarra are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary next Monday morning, April 27 with a solemn Thanksgiving Mass to be held at the Penafrancia Shrine. The celebrants with their family from Manila will entertain their relatives and friends with breakfast at the Cursillo House, adjoining the Penafrancia Shrine. nal for Passengers: Naga] Temporarily explained that with Ligao as terminal the company could utilize the pusher engine to pull one train. ■t*' The PNR head said that the move is only tempdrary and Legaspi will be restored as the southern terminal just as soon as spare parts ordered will arrive. But more permanent solution would be the construction of the diversion line from Guinobatan to Daraga, he added. Freight trains Nos. 535 and 536 running between Naga and Legaspi will likewise be- cancelled affective April 27, and henceforth no freight shipments will be accepted for points south of Naga. (Continued on page 6) The BICOL STAR April 25, 1970 Rep. Fuentebella ... much in the allocation and release of various funds for the construction of different roads and bridges and specially the pre-fabricated schoolhouses (Marcos and Army types) in this town. He explained that Fuentebella, and the Sipocot Mayor, the members of the municipal council, PTA and school officials of Sipocot worked hard hand in hand for the approval of the continuation of the operation of the Impig Barrio High School which started operating during the school year 1968-1969 despite the opposition of a private high school owner in this municipality. Meanwhile, the officers of the Impig Barrio High School PTA requested Cong. Fuentebella to allocate P15,000 for the construction of additional buildings, seats and equipment and another PIO,000 for the improvement of the school grounds of the barrio high school. The other PTA officers are Prudencio Palivino, vice president; Vicenta Flores, secretary and the board of directors. Explanation second reading which is very far from being a budget of fiscal restraint. In the first place, the budget that was presented to us by the President was in the total amount of P3.8 billion, which is P500 million bigger than the budget for the present fiscal year 1970. It is true that we trimmed this proposed budget of the President to P3.5 billion, which is still P200 million bigger than the budget for this fiscal year 1970. And this P3.5 billion that we are approving tonight, Mr. Speaker, is only for the programmed items. We do not know how much the unprogrammed items will total. According to the estimate in the budget message, it will be about P17 billion. I will cite a specific instance, Mr. Speaker, to illustrate my point that our budget is not a budget fiscal restraint. The appropriation for the Public Information Office, which is popularly known as the "Malacanang Press Office” or the Malacanang propaganda machine is ?9,429,530. In this recent fiscal year 1970, under RA 6050, the budget for the same Office is only | P5,761842. In other words, we have increased the budget of the Public Information Office by more than P3.6 million. It will be recalled, Mr. Speaker, that in fiscal year 1965-1966, the last year of Macapagal administration, the budget of the Public Information Office was only P692,000. Today, from a half-million-peso office, the Public Information Office has grown to a nine-millionpeso giant! And if we examine the plantilla of the Public Information Office we will find that there are more than 400 positions provided for in this office. There are moviedirectors, photographers, TV operators, etc. . .. more than 400 positions! We are indeed;<turpnsed, Mr. Speaker, why we have to enlarge the propaganda? machine of Malacanang, considering that our President has assured our students verbally that he is not running for a third term. What will be the purpose of enlarging the propaganda machine if it is true that our President is not running for a third term? PNR Southern Jimenez assured PNR patrons that a more effective and lasting solution is presently being undertaken as plans for a complete rehabilitation and selective modernization of PNR facilities have already been approved by President Ferdinand E. Marcos. He, however emphasized that unless the PNR is given a more substantial financial assistance soon it will surely stop operations. It is high time, he said, that the railroad be given a bigger share in this year’s reparations allocation for after all the company was almost totally destroyed during the war and up to now has not really been rehabilitated from the destruction it suffered. As I See It judicious reporting. It would be a pity if disgruntled elements were allowed to assassinate the character of a dedicated public servant. xxx The picketing of the local G. S. I. S. building by school teachers and other government employees who are members of the system was avoided because President Marcos gave way partly to the demands of the employees. (To be continued) of the ... In comparison with the appropriation of the Public Information Office, Mr. Speaker, let us look into the appropriations of the different hospitals which are almost heroically serving our people in spite of their inadequate budgets. The Philippine General Hospital, Mr. Speaker, has an appropriation of only P9,951,316, which is about the same as the budget for the Public Information Office. Does this mean that the Public Information Office, the Malacanang propaganda machine, is an important as the Philippine Gen. Hospital? The North General Hospital, now known es the Jose R. Reyes Memorial Hospital, which is one of the most congested hospitals in the citv, has a budget of only P4,458,525, or less than half of the budget of the Malacanang Press Office. San Lazaro Hospital, which is a landmark in Philippine history, has a budget of only P5,190,660, or again, about one-half of the budget of the Public Information Office of Malacanang. The National Orthopedic Hospital, a very important hospital, which is still unfinished up fto the present because it has not been given sufficient funding, has a budget of only P4,955,380. Mr. Speaker, I regret that this budget which we are enacting tonight is not a budget of fiscal restraint. It is the same budget that we have been enacting year in and year out and it has been the source of the mounting complaints of our people. It is a budget that is filled with useless appropriations and unnecessary expenditures which could be better used for such worthy projects as the Philippine Genera) Hospital, San Lazaro Hospital, North Gen. Hospital, National Orthopedic Hospital & the National Mental Hospital, which has been criticized-as a "snake pit”. For these reasons, Mr. Speaker, I am constrained to vote NO! Thank you. THE ACTING SECRETARY, reading: Banco Filipino goes to Bicol. ^ight in the heart of Naga City - the center of trade, commerce, industry and education. Your very own city-mates led by Jovito Hernandez are now waiting to give you the biggest banking benefits ever! Like interest every month on saving deposits. Advance interest on time deposits. 8 to 8 banking hours . . . even on Saturdays. "Magagayon” naCRMs who’ll do anything for you. And many, many more. So, come ... bank with Banco Filipino. Your “amiga" and "amigo” are waiting to serve you.