Unit plan in Arts and Physical Education


Part of Philippine Educator

Unit plan in Arts and Physical Education
Dilay, Anacleta B.
Lesson planning.
Arts and Physical Education.
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Unit Plan in Arts and Physical Education Unit-Life in the Community Introduction: The present trend of education is often characterized by the iqtegrating of activities, that is, a subject formerly taught in isolation, like Music, Art, and Physical Education are now taught integratively as one subject, in the curriculum, as "Arts and· Physical Education." In Arts, we include Music, Art, and Drawing, while in Physical Education, the different activities as games, storyplays, mimetics, marching and the like are correlated with the songs studied. This is also true with Art and Drawing. Learning situations thus are made more meaningful and functional if there is a carry-over of the songs studied in their games, dances, and other activities in Physical Education. Closely related activities are apt to give more inspiration to children for their per.. ' sonality and development. In as much as most of the songs prescribed for each grade are divided into "Experience Areas" it would be likewise suggestive to have a unit plan for this subject. I. General Objectives: A. To gain consciousness of and appreciai;ion for the beautiful things around us. B. To acquire desiraqle and essential attitudes, interest, ideals, and habits through creative, appreciational, and practical experiences. C. To gain knowledge of and appreciation for our own culture and traditions through music· and art. D. To discover how music and art may enrich one's daiiy life. E. To encourage worthy use of leisure. F. To appreciate the beauty of g.ood music and respond to it with satisfaction. G. To develop many specific neuro-muscular skills. H. To develop organic vitality. I. To develop proper ideals and attitudes toward physical activity. J. To establish admirable habits or conduct. II. Specific Objectives: A. Music: 1. To develop through art and music the abilfty to sing songs depicting the life in the community. 2. To find the best in music and speed in the community. JANUARY. 1958 By. Anacleta B. Dilay 3. To sing songs of ~'our sentiments and of musical value. 4. To sing with spontaneity, enthusiasm, with a light pleasing quality of tone. 5. To sing with proper expressive countenance · 1 as befits the songs. 6 .. To sing with a pleasing quality of tone, distinct enumeration and expression. 7. To sing songs with motion to cfevelop rhythm. 8. To sing alone to correct fault>' expression of melody, intonation, tone, quality and articulation. 9. To memorize songs for recreational use in later life. 10. To sing with beautiful tones and intelligent interpretation. 11. To sing with natural tones that are light, sweet delicate and melodious. 12. To acquire the ability to recognize and com- pare familiar phrases. 13. To acquire the ability to recognize familiar syllables in different keys. 14. To gain ability to sustain melody. 15. To acquire a vocabulary of musical ideas to be used in the development of a definite knowledge of music. 16. To sing notes as they are seen with correct time values of notes and r~sts. 17. To sight-read a song quickly, orderly, "rhythmically, and artistically. ... 18. To acquire the ability to sight read in notation of a song independently. B. Drawing and Art: 1. To work on a va.riety of activities, such as clay modeling, soap carving, paper cutting, and drawing. 2. To understand how the life of the people in the community is expressed through drawing activities. 3. To express one's self free!>' by drawing, sketching, ancl painting. 4. '1,'o know ho\v one'8 life may be enriched through various activities in art. PAGE 45 C. Physical Education: 1. To express in games the fundamental instinctive tendencies, such as running, jumping, chasing, and catching. 2. To develop organic power through repeated participatio"n in a variety of games. 3. To develop coordination by continuous repetition of the movements in the games. 4. To develop desirable social attitudes through the constant interrelationship of the individual. 5. To develop the proper spirit toward victory and defeat. G. To develop poise and control as well as a sense of rhythm. 7. To learn characteristic movements of typical \veil-known activities even without equipment.· K To develop dramatic ability by encouraging observation and imitation. 9. To develop the fundamentals of rhythm, such as grace and lightness of movement. 10. To get training in simple foot movements. 11. To develop balance, accurate adjustment of body weight, and sense of direction. 12. lfo develop a sense of rhythm by responding to various tempos. 13. To culti,·ate and develop rhythmic sense and dramatic response. 14. To develop ease. erectness and grace in carriage and in all bodily movements. 15. To develop coordination and vigor. 16. To• develop leadership. 17. To correct physical (postural) defects. 18. To maintain the normal functioning of the organic systems of the body. 19. To improve and maintain agility and suppleness. . 20. To increase muscular strength. III. Suggested Content A. Music: 1. The Filipina Maiden (Ang Dalagang Pilipina) C- 200 V 2. The Fishing Boat A-192 V :-L Sampaguita Vendor (Ang Magsasampaguitci) G- 194 VI 4. Spanish Polka G - 178 VI 5. A Prayer (Panalangin) G - 198 VI G. Portuguese Hymn {Adeste Fedelis) G - 206 all gr. 7. Children's Hymn G - 206 all gr. 8. Come thou Almight~· King G - 208 all gr. 9. The Bell Doth Toll (three-part round) F - 150 VI 10. All That's Good an<l Great D - 208 all gr. 11. Oh, Workship the King B - 207 all gr .. PAGE 46 12. Gay Mountain Folk E - 202 VI 13. Bontoc Serenade (Harana sa Bontok) C - 199 VI 14. Sharp Keys 15. Flat Keys 16. Music Terms and Signs (found in the songs to be studied) B. Drawing: 1. Fishing Boat on the Sea 2. Basket of fish and Green Leafy Vegetables 3. Sampaguita Flowers and Garlands 4.. Ringing Bell 5. Shepherd in a .. meadow C. Physical Education: 1. Garden Scamp 2. Going to inarket 3. Fishing 4. Ringing the Bell 5. Selling Sampaguifa 6. Polka Sala 7. Creative (Native) Dance 8. Marching 9. Freehand exercises 10. Flag exercises 11. Wand exercises IV. Suggested Activities A. Music:, 1. Singing Activities a. Community singing b. Part singing of: Three-Parts song c. Rote singing dt Drilling on isolated difficult parts 2.. Listening Activities · a. Listening to recognize quality of voice, technique and expression b. Listening to discriminate c. Listening for mood 3. Rhythmical Activities a. Rhythmic Drills (1) Review notes and rests (2) Review_ quarter-note beat (3} Review eighth-note beat. ( 4) Equally divided beat (5) Unequally divided beat 4. Sight Reading a. Reading notes at sight (so-fa) syllables b. Individual ;:;ight reading c. Beating time while sight reading 5. Study of musical terms and symbols. a. Copying songs for the purpose of: (1) Understanding symbols (2) Understanding intervals used B. Drawing and Art: 1. Drawing and Painting (Creative Illustration) THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR a. Pencil sketching - . elements of notation, chromatic signs, sharp keys, and flat keys. b. Wax crayon drawing of action figures from memory,. c. Water color painting. (1) a fishing boat on the sea (2) Sampaguita garlands (3) Green leafy vegetables 2. Design and Craft (Creative Designi1i.g) a. Soap carving of ·fish, vegetables and other figures. b. Making a sketch pad with cardboard backing. c. Spatter work 3. Appreciation a. Picture study - Magazine and calendar pictures (1) Marine s.howing how water is painted. 4. Lettering and Poster Making. a. Using simple stroke alphabet, printing famous quotations with pen and ink. b. Making color posters. 5. Color a, Making sketches recording color harmonies seen in water, flowers, animals and nature. G. Home planning and Arrangement of Accessories a. Picture mounting, framing, and hanging. b. Use of margin and background C. Physical Education: 1. Games a. Garden Scamp 2. Mimetics and Story-plays I a. Going to Market b. Fishing c. Ringing the Bell d·. Selling Sampaguita 3. Rhythmic Activities a. Dance - PoJka Sala b. Creative dance steps - Filipina Maiden' c. Fundamentals (1) Marching (2) Freehand exercises (3) Light Apparatus - Flag exercises wand exercises V. Expected Outcomes: A. Attitudes and Appreciations: 1. Foster love and develop appreciation of community life through singing and drawing. JANUARY, 1958 2. Enrich one's daily !if e through music and · · art activities. 3. Develop attitudes of cooperations, resourcefulness, self-confidence, tolerance, honesty, and selfhelp. 4. Appreciate music as the language of one's soul. 5 .. Create love and apprecia~ion for the beau; ties of nature and for wholesome forms of physical growth and development. B. Knowledge and Understanding: 1. Kn~w and understand how music and art help to develop love, interest, and appreciation for on.e's community 2. Learn through music, art, and physical education the various culture and traditions of the people of the communit'y. 3. Respond to songs from staff notation and associate the words with correct melody. 4. Respond to beautiful songs and rhythms. 5. ·Write songs in staff notation. G. Sight read songs from staff notation and associate the words with cohect melody. 7. Know some game~ commonLy played in the community. C. Habits, Abilities, and Skills: 1. Develop creative self-expression in the pupil through music and art. 2. Develop greater skill and ability in the use of community resources as a means of growth and devefopment. 3. Acquire the ability and skill in the use of various art~craft and musical instruments. 4. Form good habits in the wise use of leisure. 5. Develop the ability and skill to assemble facts gathered from various sources and materials read. G. Develop th~ ability to sight read notation clearly and independently. 7. Acquire sense of respect, obedience, sportsmanship. and leadership. VI. References: For Teacher: 1. Curriculum Development for the Elem~n­ tary School - ,Baguio 2. C. of S. Art Edi,1cation for the Elementary Grades 3. Art in Everyday Life - Goldstein 4. Fundamental Dance Steps - Francisca Aquino 5. Physical Education - by England For Pupils: Phil. lVf usic Hodzons PAGE 47