Unit plan in Language Arts : Grade V


Part of Philippine Educator

Unit plan in Language Arts : Grade V
Lesson planning.
Language Arts.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
(As used in Alangilan Elementary School, Batangas)
Unit Plan in Lailguage Arts: Grade V (As used in Alangilan Elem. School, Batangas) INTRODUCTION: JN THE past language arts as a part of the curriculum was treated separately into reading and phonics, language and spelling, and writing. The newer trend in treating language art is to fuse all of these traditional subjects into a broad field and set a large block of time in the class program for this area, taught in close comelation with one another and in relation to functional center of interest. The following unit plan in language arts is based on the unit of Social Studies, "Good Citizenship" published in the July issue of the Philippine Educator. Unit: Useful Lives I. GENEHAL OBJECTIVES: 1. To be able to read and listen understandingly, talk and write intelligently, and think and act wisely in solving the problems of daily life. 2. To Jove and serve the Republic of the Philippines willingly performing civic duties, intelligently exercising individual and collective rights, and faithfully practicing the ideals of democracy that should be preserved at any cost. 3. To carry on the Filipino way of life, retaining the priceless heritage in our basic culture, especially the ethical virtues, while using to advantage the valuable experiences of the human race. II. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: A. Reading Phonics 1. To develop the ability to enjoy and to profit by an increasing variety of reading activity. 2. To have an appreciation for and pride in all things pertaining to good citizenship. 3. To develop the habit of reading for one's own pleasure and for the pleasures of others. 4. To develop the habit of moving the eye rhythmically along the line from left to right. 5. To be able to recognize words and word groups accurately and rapidly. 6. To listen attentively to the pronunciation and enunciation of good readers. PAGE 43 7. T0 learn to use the dictionary as -an aid in knowing the meanings of words. 8. To learn to read orally at right with ease and with a natural expression. 9. To read orally with clear, pleasing ar.id audible voice. 10. To be able to read with proper phrasing. ' 11. To be ahle to read with correct stress and intonation. 12. To form the h~bit of reading silently before reading orally. 13. To acquire interest in current events through the reading of newspapers and magazines. ,14. To develop habits of correct pronunciation, enunciation and atriculation. 15. To form habits of correct posture while reading. 16. To form the habits of reading silently without head and lips movement and without any audible expression. 17. To read for the purpose such as to get information, to verify statements, to answer specific question, to visualize details to reproduce, to pantomime, to compare, to outline and to organize. 18. To become familiar with the different parts of the newspaper and to realize the value of its parts. 19. To read with understanding. 20. To be able to show the end of a sentence in oral reading through proper inflection. B. Language and Spelling: 1. To be able to spell correctly, words relat~d to the unit. 2. To learn the correct spelling of words needed in the written work. 3. To be able to retell the story read. 4. To learn to locate the topic sentence, which best expresses the main thought of a paragraph. 5. To talk with naturalness and spontaneity of expressions. THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR 6. To enrich the vocabulary through the common use of new \VOrds and expressions found in stories. 7. To participate actively in class discussion. 8. To gain more skill in making simple outline. 9. To be able to write summary through the guide of an outline. 10. To be able to understand poems and to enjoy reading, hearing or dramatizing them. 11. To understand further how to use descriptive words properly. 12. To learn to appreciate beautiful descriptions or expressions found in the story or poems. 13. To develop a love for good pictures through contact with them. 14. To write original paragraphs with correct margin, indention, etc. 15. To understand such functional grammar as may - be necessary to meet expressional demands. C. Writing: 1. To write with uniform slant. 2. To write legibly in all forms of written expressions. ' 3. To develop neatness in all written work. 4. To write with correct posture. III. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES . AND CONTENTS: A. Reading and Phonics: 1. Silent Reading (Work type) a. Text Book (You and Others, Bernardino J· and Castro) (1) Have Faith in God - pp. 3-9 (2) Too Good to. be True - pp. 11-22 (3) The Young Hero - pp. 30-34 (4) The Law Breaker - pp. 40-45 (5) Taxes, Taxes - pp. 48-54 (6) The Precious Gift - pp. 57-64 (7) The Student Choice - pp. 66-72 (8) Not Guilty - pp. 82-87 (9) A Boy in a Thousand - pp. 101-104 (10) What a Temptation - pp. 106-110 (11) A New Hope is Born - pp. 115-120 (12) Two Worthy Sons - pp. 133-139 (13) The Most Patriotic Pair of ~hoes - pp. 153-159 b. Supplementary reader (1) Tandang Sora's Bravery - - pp. 114118 JANUARY, 1958 (2) Who is Who Among Our National Heroes - pp. 119-122; Y. R. R. (3) How a Child Can Save - pp. 162-163 ( 4) The Unknown Heroes - pp. 171-172, Y. R. R. (5) A Lesson from Balagtas Life - pp. 213-215, Y. R. R. (6) A Great Hero - pp. 218-220, Y. R. R. (7) Community Improvement - pp. 170171, Spoken English for Filipino Children (8) True Victory - pp. 172-173, Spoken English for Filipino Children (9) Charity Drives - pp. 174-175, Spoken English for Filipino Children 2. Silent Reading (Recreatory) a. Magazines or Newspapers brought by the children to class. 3. Oral Reading (Work type) a. Some materials as in silent reading. 4. Oral Reading (Recreatory) a. Selections brought by the pupils in the class. 5. Phonics a. Reading for correct pronunciation, enunciation, articulation, correct stress and intonation. B. Language and Spelling: 1. Vocabulary development: Faith, gloominess of the weather, swerved, famished, quivering voice, nourishment, unsightly rubbish, drained the canals, stagnant, wrigglers, feel rotten, pocket-book, committed the same offense, etc. 2. Opportunities for oral expressions a. Informal conservation. (1) Telling stories or personal experiences. (2) Using the expression or vocabularies in original sentences. (3) Giving ideas or information gained through reading or listening. ( 4) Discussing the important points or incidents in the story or poem being studied. ( 5) Retelling stories read OT heard. (6) Answering and asking question. 3. Opportunities for Written Expression: a. Writing original sentences or paragraph. b. Recording dates gathered. c. Writing down important notes about the story read. PAGE 49 ct. Making an outline of the .selection read. e. Writing su'mmaries. 4. Opportunities for functional grammar: n. Nouns (1) Knowing the singular and plural nouns -pp., 38-40 Essential of English (2) Understanding Ii.ow some nouns form their plural - pp. 48-Text (3) Further understanding of the common and proper - pp. 27-30-Text (4) Picking out nouns that show ownership - pp. lGl-Text (5) Picking out nouns from the selection re a cl. b. P1:onouns: (1) Understanding the further use of pronouns. (2) K1:10wing the possessive i)ronruns - pp. 58-60 - Essential of English c. Adjectives: (1) Knowing how to use adjectives· properly. (2) Knowing the limiting· adjectives-pp. 70-71 - Text cl. Capitalization: ( 1) Proper Nouns (2) Beginning of Sentences (3) Important words in titles-p. 119, Text (4) Writing Initials-p. 29, Text (5) Writing I's and O's-p. 32, Text e. Punctuation marks: (1) Uses of comma - pp. 85-86, 94-95, Text (2) Different encl marks (3) Period after abbreviation and initials -pp. 6, 29, 95, 96, Text. ( 4) Apostrophe is possession-p. 161, Text. f. Correct usage: (1) Ashamed of, ashamed to, borrow, lend, was, were, etc .. g. Writing: (1) Writing original sentences or paragraph (2) Writing rough drafts (3) Writing formal composition IV. EXPEtTED 0l'.TCOMES IN TERMS O;F: A. Attitucleg and A1~preciation 1. Interest in reading stories about Philippine literature, arts, etc. PAGE 50 2. A desire to follow if not imitate the good teaehings of our heroes living or dead. 3. Appreciating the beautiful expression or words gained in any oral situation or written work. 4. A desire to read stories pertaining to the dignity of labor. B. Knowledge and Understanding: 1. The qualities of a good paragraph. 2. The use of pronoun. 3. The difference between the common and proper nouns. 4. The proper use of different punctuation marks. 5. The use of adjectives in comparing. 6. How some nouns form their plural and possession. 7. The good traits of our heroes, both living or dead. 8. The meaning of the Code of Citizenship and Ethics through reading the sample stories about each code. C. ·Abilities and Habits and Skills: 1. Talking with ease, .naturalness, and freedom from self-consciousness. 2. Relating stories and personal experiences in an interesting manner. 3. Taking active part in the discussion. 4. Writing an original paragraph, story or personal experiences. 5. Writing summary. 6., A habit of spelling words correctly. 7. A habit of writing legibly. 8. Ability to capitalize and punctuate correctly. 9. Using pronouns and adjectives properly. 10. Skill in reading for particular purposes. 11. Habit of correCt pronunciation, enunciation, and articulation. 12. Reading with correct stress and intonation. V. REFERENCES: A. Teacher: 1. C. of S. in Reading and Language for Grades V & VI 2. Bulletin No. 3, s. 1955 #7 B. Pupils: 1. You and Others - Bernardino and Castro 2. Year Round Reader 3. Spoken EngJigh for Filipino Children 4. Essential of English, Book V 5. Dictionary THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR