Minutes of WCOTP Executive Committee Meetings


Part of Philippine Educator

Minutes of WCOTP Executive Committee Meetings
Meeting minutes.
World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession Executive Committee Meetings.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Minutes of WCOTP Executive Committee Meetings' Friday, August 2, 1957 Present: Gould, chairman, Ashbridge, Buhagiar, Coldwell, Carr, Hombourer, Hutchings, Lorenzo, Michel, Natarayan, Patterson, Richner, Welty. The Committee took the following action: 1. Approved the minutes of the Manila meetings. 2. Asked the Secretarv General to express app~eciation to the Educational Press Association of the U.S. for help in preparing the pictoral report on the Manna me~ting. 8. Decided to present to the Assembly of Delegates an official message of sympathy concerning the death of President Magsaysay of the Philippines ancl Secretary of Education Hernandez. 4. Asked that the Executive Committee be notified of the results of any vote by mail such as the one in which a majority of the Committee had \'oted not to participate in the Swedish seminar. 5. Commended the Secretary General for his prompt action in sending Mr. Richner to Austria to investigate for WCOTP the situation concerning Hungarian refugee teachers. G. Voted, by a majority of one, to publish in the form of a footnote to the Constitut1on the recommendation adopted by the Committee of Fifteen in 1951. 7. Agreed to present the Secretary General's report to the Assembly of Delegates as the Executive Committee report, with certain reservations expressed by . Mr. Hombourger. 8. Asked that information concerning membership dues received by IFT A, FIPESO, and the WCOTP Washington and London Accounts be exchanged as soon as possjble after June 30th, the end of the fiscal year, without waiting for auditor's reports. 9. Agreed to appoint the following rapporteurs of section groups: I - What constitutes a reasonable and proper teacher loancl and how is this related to teachere flhortage? - Mr. J.O. Mendis (Ceylon). PAGE 64 II - What devices and procedures have been use.cl to meet .. quantitative standards? Have these been at the expense of quality of preparation? - Mr. Lyman Ginger (U.S.A..-) (Chairman, Mr. H. Baude of France) III - Economic Causes and Remedies ..,-- Mr. J. Procter (England). (Chairman, Mr. C. H. Wittrock of Sweden) IV - Non-Economic J. Mounolou (France). of Germany) Causes and Remedies - Mr. (Chairman, Dr. K. Bungardt 10. Agreed that rapporteurs should be members of the Resolutions Committee and that Dr. Patterson should be chairman of the committee. 11. Decided to recommend admission of the following national member organizations: Burma - Union of Burma Teachers Union Cuba - Associacion Educacionai de Cuba Federacion Nacional de Colegios de Profesionales de Ense:fianzas Especiales Colegio Nacional de Maestros de Artes Manuales Colegio Nacional de Maestros Normales y Equi,. par.ados Colegio Nacional de Pedagogos Germany - Deutscher Philologenverband Hong Kong - Hong }{ong Teachers Association Panama - Association de Professores de la Republica de Panama (provisional, pending acceptance by FIPESO) Sweden - Tekniska Latoverkens Lararforbund 12. Agreed to recommend acceptance 'of the following associate member organizations: Classroom Teachers Association of New York (U.S.A.) Educational Press Association of America (U.S.A.) Fecleracion de Institutiones de Ensefianza Comercial de Cuba (Cuba) Indiana· State Teacpers Association (U.S.A.) Philippine Association of School Superintendents (Philippines) Singapore Graduate Teachers Association (Singapore) Karachi Schools Federation (Pakistan) 13. ·Accepted the resignation of the Suorrien' Yksityiskoulunopettajien Yhdistys Privat~koJlar~rforenin­ gen (Finland and recommended the termination of membership of the following organizations since they have not paid dues for more than two years: Austria - Sozialistischer Lehrerverein Osterreichs Mauritius - Union of Primary Scho9l Teachers and of the following associate members: Albuquerque Classroom Teachers Association Elmira Women's Classroom Teachers Association Geogia Education Association THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Joliet Teachers Association Lawrence Educational Council Naperville. Teachers Association Prince Georges County Teachers Association' Utah Education Association. 14. Recommended the establishment of subjectmatter committees on handicapped children, technical and vocational teachers, rural education and a committee of education editors. 15. Postponed selection of an official seal for: a year .and suggested that the Secretary General circulate to national members the seals already submitted with a request for additional designs. 16. Asked the Secretariat to consider translating for publication the constitutions of national teachers associations. 17. Agreed in principle to urge national members to cooperate in the observance of Human Rights Day on December 10th each year and to participate in the celebration of .the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the Unive11sal Declaration of Human Rights in 1958. 18. Accepted the reports of WCOTP representatives at international conference as presented in the C-series of conference documents. 19. Received an invitation from Miss Martha Shull, president of the National Education Association of the U.S. to hold the 1959 Assembly of Delegates in Washington. 20. Adopted the draft budget for presentation to the Assembly. 21. Close the following conference themes to recomend for acceptance by the Assembly: (a) Public support for education - 1958; (b) East-West understanding - 1959. .22. Assigne~ Mr. Ashbridge responsibility for reco~mending standing orders to be considered next year for adoption by WCOTP. 23. Noted a letter from Israel concerning the situation in the Middle East and agred to take no action. ,. 24. Asken_ tlJe President to consult delegates of Yugoslavia, Ireland, India and Israei concerning pos- - sible arrangements, for a meeting-place in 1957 and 1 take up the matter with the Executive Committee again during the week. 25. Heard reports from IFTA and FIPESO on their decision with regard to the Comite d'Entente; noted that FIPESO had voted to retain its membership in the Comite and IFTA had voted to withdraw in passing the following resolutions: JANUARY, 1958 IFT A re~olutions: 1. This Conference reaffirms its desire to encourage contacts among teachers throughout the world, on a professional and educational level. · 2. This Conference resolves: - that IFTA shall leave the .Joint Committee forthwith, and cease all relations with .FISE --:- hat IFTA call upon WCOTP to undertake immediately all measures necessary to establish professional relations with all teachers throughout the world. FIPESO resolution: "The Council of FIPESO, having comddered the resolution presented at Manila on August 8, 1956 at the WCOTP Assembly, agrees that the Executive Committee should taek immediate steps to establish the position of WCOTP in international affairs according to the Constitution and the resolution of Istanbul in 1955. It is, however, of the opinion that it is only at the stage at which it has been possible to reconstitute the Comite d'Entente in accordance with the Constitut~on and the Istanbul resolution that FIPESO can properly be asked to reconsider its cooperation with FISE as suggested." Tuesday, August 6, 1957 Present: Gould, chairman. Ash bridge, Caldwell, Carr, Hombourger, Hutchings, Lorenzo, Natarajan, Patterson, Richner, Welty. 1. The Committee, by a vote that was unanimous with one exception, approved the following letter to be sent by the WCOTP President: Dear Sir: The Executive Committee and the Assembly of Delegates of WCOTP, meeting at Frankfurt, have carefully examined the questions of the relationship of WCOTP with other international educational organizations. I now write to tell you that WCOTP has appointed representatives to establish liaison with such organizations. These representatives are prepared to discuss with representatives of your organization means of cooperation on professional topics. In accordance with the WCOTP constitution, questions involving political, party-political or religious controversy would have to be excluded. If your organization wishes to begin such discussions, I shall welcome your suggestion regarding a mututally convenient time and place of meeting. Very truly yours, RONALD GOULD President PAGE 65 2. The Committee adopted the following procedure concerning the above letter: a. Organizations to which it will be addressed: ( 1) !mediately: FISE (World Federation of Teachers Unions) WUCT (World Union of Catholic Teachers) IAUPL (International Association of University Professors and Lecturers) SPIE (International Federation of Free Teachers' Unions) (2) Later, other organizations as approved by the Executive Committee. b. Composition of the WCOTP group: Sir Gould, chairman; Coldwell, Hutchings, Michel, Mendis; the Secretary General or his representative, on a non-voting basis. All to meet with representatives of FISE, any two to meet with other groups. c. Instructions to the WCOTP groups: (1) Its functions outlined in the draft letter. (2) Full and frequent report to be made to the Executive Committee and transmitted by the Executive Committee (with comments as it considers desirable) to the Assembly of Delegates and member organizations. (3) Decisions to be reported to the Executive Committee and the Assembly of Delegates for their approval. 3. The Committee decided the 1958 Assembly of Delegates should be held in Rome, provided satisfactory arrangements can be made. 4. The Committee advised that in publishing national reports on the "Shortage of Teachers" theme the report by Dr. Patterson and the four group reports be included. 5. The Committee provisionally recommended acceptance of the teachers association of Iran, pending receipt of an English version of the associa~ion's constitution. Friday, August 9, 1957 Present: Gould, chairman, Ash bridge, Caldwell, Carr, Hutchings, Lorenzo, Mendis, Michel, Natarajan, Nordstrand, Patterson, Richner, Welty. The Committee took up a series of matters referred to it by the Assembly of Delegates, namely:· 1. A proposal by Mr. Carson that there be an annual conference of the secretary of national member organizations. The Committee recommended that this group might hold an informal meeting during the Assembly of Delegate8 in 1958. 2. Proposal8 of the delegation of the National Union of Teachers of England and Wales concerning PAGE 66 group meetings. These proposals were read and referred to a committee consisting of Mr. Croskery, Dr. Patterson and Mr. Carr for consideration in February 1958, with the possibility that they might submit a report to be voted on by mail. 3. The proposals put fowarcl by Mr Baude at the 1957 meeting and previously by Mr. Forestier in 1956 concerning increasing participation by national associations in the work of the Confederation. The Executive Committee noted that the most effective participation by the national a8sociations was to contribute ideas and information and that all associations were urged to reply to requests for such material. It suggested drafting a letter to all national members outlining specific areas in which their participation was requested, the response to this letter to be the basis of a report to the Assembly in 1958. 5. The proposal of Mr. Lepouse that there be shorter meetings and less documentation. Arrangements were considered to reduce by one day the total attendance of most delegates. The Committee agreed that no unncessary documents shoulq be issued but noted that some delegates believed there was not sufficient documentation and that many of the documents would be useful for reference after the conference. 6. The recommendation that Dr. Patterson be invited to extend his study of the shortage of teachers. This recommendation was approved. The Executive Committee made the following committee appointments: 1. Afro-Asia Committee. Mr. S. Natarajan (India), chairman. Mr. J.D. Seervatham (Ceylon), U Htun (Burma), Mr. Ricardo Castro (Philippines), Mrs. Ora Horton (Liberia), and the WCOTP Secretary General or his representative. 2. Representative group. (Liaison committee) Sir Ronald Gould, chairman, and the following members of the Executive Committee: Caldwell, Mutchings, Michel, Mendis, and on a non-voting basis, the Secretary General or his representative. Any two will be empowered to conduct discussions with IAUPL, ·wucT or SPIE; all members of the group will meet with representatives of FISE. 3: Committee on Unesco Relationi;l. The Ptesident and Secretary General or their repi~£Nlh.tives, Mr. Natarajan and Mr. Richner. Unesco is to be· notified that since Mr. Natarajan has succeeded Mr. Hombourger as Vice President the composition of the committee is being changed accordingly. 4. Committee of Education Editors. Preferential votes by the editors meeting at Frankfurt were taken into consideration in these appointments. For twoyear terms: Dr. G. Kerry Smith (U.S.A.), chairman; Mr. Ricardo Castro (Philippines), Mr. Gilbert Smith THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR (England). App"intcd for om· .Year: Mr. Vincent J. .Jasper (Hong Kong), Mr. Albert Herzer (G(~rman~'), :\fr. Sean Sweeney Ireland). The Committee is expected to elect its own secret<U"y next ~~ear. 5. Committee on Vocational Education. l\'Ir. Armand Tamigniaux (Belgium), chairman; Mr. Charles Mcf'arthy (Ireland), secretary, appointed for two~·ear terms. Appointed for one .vear: Mr. Philip Ricke~' (U.S.A.) and Mr. Harry Tornquist (Sweden). Two \'acancies were left for future appointments from national members of WCOTP interested in this field. G. Committee on Rural Education. Mr. Diw:rn Ch:rncl Sharma (India), chairman; l\'Ir. E. E. Esna (Nigeria) an cl lVIr. Pedro Guiang (Philippines), two year terms. Two one-year appointments to be made on the recommencla ti on of (1) the Syndicate N acional des Instituteurs et Institutrices (France) and (2) member a-;<.;ociations in Cuha. 7. Committee on Handicapped Children. Dr. L. P. Patterson (Canada), chairman; and a member of the HTU (Israel) to serve two-year terms. For oneyear terms: Mr. J. Brosnahan (Ireland), Miss Elsa Schneider (U.S.A.), a representative of the Danish member organizations, and one person to be appointed to fill the remaining vacancy. Mr. Michel offered to available to the committee the report of a study by IFT A on handicapped children. The Executive Committee agreed to the following appointments of WCOTP representatives: 1. August 28-31, Vienna - World Union of Catholic Teachers - Mr. Asee;·vatham (Ceylon) and Mr. Buhagiar (Malta). 2. September 2-8, Geneva - World Federation of Unitd Nations Associations - Mr. Th. Richner. 3. September 9-14, Florence - Secretariat for Educational Sciences - It was reported that Mr. Rodeinstein (Germany) was expected to attend and might be asked to represent WCOTP. 4. O~t01:l•".>:i-<2'!-21, Paris - Unesco Advisory Committee·· on Curriculum - Miss O.M. Hastings (England). 5. 02tober 23-November 1, Ciudad Trujillo - Ibero-American Congress on Edu ca ti on. It was agreed that the Secretary General should appoint a member cf the Fuerto Rico Teachers Association to represent WCOTP. G. June 15-21, Paris - "Organismes Familiaux" - vYCOTP to send regrets. 7. Aclditiona l represent at ins to he a ppointcd b~· the Secretary Gl·1wral and c;1refull~' IJridted so that they will be able to express the Confederation's point of view on questions discussed and not simply extend greetings and make reports. With regard to plans for the 1958 Assembl~· of Delegates, infor mthe ExecutiYe Committee made the following decisions: 1. Theme - Public Support for Education. :.\Ir. Richner and the Swiss teachers association to prepare a questionnaire for national member asocsiations and a summarizing report. (The 1959 theme - East\Vest Understanding - is to be referred to Mrs. Calrlwell and the National Education Association of the U.S.) 0 Schedule of meeting·s. The follo\\·ing schedule was adopted: Sunday, .July 27 - WCOTP Executive Committee meeting J.\Ionda~', .July 2~ - IFTA and FIPESO Executive Committees Tuesday evening, .July 28 -- IFT A and FIPESO opening sessions Frida~', August 1 - Wednesday, August G WCOTI-' Assembly of Delegates \Yeclnesday, August G, or Thursday, August 7 WCOTP Executive Committee 3. Additional arrangements were refened to the Secretaries of WCOTP, IFTA and FIPESO, who met at once to discuss facilities in Rome and hotel accommodations. '-Ol¥1,11A· #E'NTJlfOl 0 40GM ,s..t.uCrLIC AC•D I 500M 'PfS:O~C· .. 01. 3 ooc;.~, 1 '"'c Q)'10E 'COG~ ' p1ucrP1'l'AftDS1J~PWv~ 3000M,9E ... 20• .. ATE'O LAl?D 3o ooc...,, ,0•1. o~ SE~G.AN>OT 0 s