Appropriation for Public Elementary Schools


Part of The Local Government Review

Appropriation for Public Elementary Schools
Philippines. Congress. House of Representatives.
Philippines. Congress. Senate.
Republic Act No. 346
Public Schools.
Public education financing.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
APPROPRIATION FOR 0. No. 2312 . , OF THE l\tptiblit of tbt llbilippinel) ..f'ourtb ~tision Begun and held in the City of Manila on Monday, ihe twenty. fourth of January, nineteen hundred and forty-nine [REPUBLIC AcT No. 346 I AN ACT APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF THIRTYTHREE MILLION SJX HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT THOUSAND AND NINE HUNDRED EIGHTYEIGHT PESOS TO COVER THE DEFICIENCY IN 'THE CURRENT APPROPRIATION FOR THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS .FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING ELEMENTARY CLASSES AUTHORIZED IN ITEM J-IV- 1 OF REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED THREE HUNDRED TWENTY. Be it enacted by the Senate and, House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress a-~sernbled: SJ?CTION 1. The sum of thirty-three million six hundred ninety-eight thousand and 'nine hundred eighty-eight pesos, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to cover the deficiency in the current appropriation for the Bureau of Public Schools as authorized in Item J-IV-1 of Republic Act Numbered Three hundred twenty, "for salaries and wages of teachers and other employees, sundry expenses, including the purchase of textbooks and supplementary rea'ders, and for the acquisition of furniture and equipment,· in connection with the operation and maintenance of public elementary j s:h~!:6 including tho~e organized during previous yeai·s." - - - Courtesy of the PPSTA PUB~ Page 210 THE LOCAL GOVERNFENT REVIEW JC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 2 SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, Finally passed by the Senate on March 16, 1949. ~~~tc~' Acting Secrntary of the ~ate of Repre.sentatives Prcs·ident <y f the Pkilippines 6735 0 Courtesy of the PPSTA APRIL, 1949 Page 211