Appropriation for salary adjustments of Public School officials and teachers


Part of The Local Government Review

Appropriation for salary adjustments of Public School officials and teachers
Philippines. Congress. House of Representatives.
Philippines. Congress. Senate.
Republic Act No. 347
Public Schools – Officials and employees – Wages.
Teachers' salaries.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
APP RO PRIA TION FOR SALARY R. No. 23SS OF THE lt~tpubltr of tbt JI bilippines :ii .ourtb ~tssion Begun and hel<l in the City of Manila on Monday, tne twentyfourth of .Tan\lary, nineteen hundred ancl l'otty-nihe [REPUBLIC AcT No. 34-7 ] AN ACT APPROPRIATING THE SU.M OF TWELVE MILLION PESOS FOR THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE SALARIES OF PUBLIC SCHOOL OFFICIALS, TEACHERS, AND OTHER SCHOOL PERSONNEL OF THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Be it enacted by ihe Senate an4 House of Representatives of the Philippines in ·congress assembled: SECTION 1. The sum of twelve million pesos, or so much thereof as may be necesisary, is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in the National.Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out the provisions of Republic Act Numbered Three hundred twelve and to effe~t the salary adjustments authorized for teachers in section five of Republic Act Numbered Three hundred and twent~ Said sum shall thereafter be included in the Annual General Appropriation Acts. S EC. 2. This Act shall take effe<;.l; as of July first, nine"''" huud»d forly-,ight. ~ L App<Md, ,c:::_f-/..r: ~!~ ................ . . .D~ .. . .....-/ Act~e ident of the Senatk . ) /I ...., I . ·····-~- -· ·-··-···-··-·-·· .'!::-!'1L. .... J a1cer of the H~i:S~/ of Representatii>es ... , ____ ,:i7'3.~ ... -... ~. ADJUSTMEtUS Page 212 Courtesy of the PPSTA THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW Ql. PUBLIC SCHOOL OFFICIALS AND TEACHERS ) I 2 Finally passed by'the Senate on March 16, 1949. ·4 · ~ / };';;:;1;;;;~t!:t:Tth7;:2~ This Act, which originated in the House of Representa10, 19 . President of the Philippines 6727 0 I , I I ,) l _____ ,_ ! I ·-----------· - · ----~---'-'- ·;:·_;_~~- '~-J Courtesy of the PPST A APRIL, 1949 Page 213