Our local officials


Part of The Local Government Review

Our local officials
Public officers – Philippines.
Cuenco, Manuel A., 1907 – 1970.
Balbino, Kabigting Y.
Palma, Ladislao.
Samaco, Filemon.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
"OUR LOCAL OFFICIALS" · Frontispiece Picture : HON. MANUEL CUENCO Provincial Governor of Cebu and Chairman, Conference of Provincial Governors and Qi,ty Mayors. Personal Circums.tances :,-Born in Cebu City, November 10, 1907 and married to nee Milagros Veloso. Schools attended anct honors :-Always at top of class from elementary .grades to high school; magna cum laude in A, A. (Pre-Medic) ; Meritissimu8 in Doctor 9f Medicine, U.S.T., 1931; post-graduate work in general medidne and surgery, University of Vienna, Austria; and practiced clinical surgery in Berlin, Germany. Experiences and Positions held :-Plant Physician of Cebu 'Portland Cement Co. for three years ; practiced profession at St. Joseph Hospital; Manager, Bisaya Land Transportation Co. (1935) and ·President and Manager of Monte de Piedad de Ce_ bu (1941); appointed provincial governor of. Cebu in 1946 at the age of 41 ; elected to same position in 1947 by unprecedented majority Of 30,000 votes; and chosen unanimously early in 1948 as Chairman of the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors. Achievements :-Rebuilt roads of provinces ; established eleven high schools in strategic municipalities; initiated opening of Sudlon Agricultural High School, a Soil Conservation Service, the Roxas Memorial School of :Fishery, and a provincial nautical school. 1 Plans reopening of Madridejos Cannery a'nd faunding of a Cebuano col<tny in, Negros Oriental. Instrumental in installing modern sanitary facilities and starting new deal for prisoners and delinql,lents by having them taught handicrafts. Ran provincial government economically and had unexpended balance of P200,000 at end of 1948 fiscal year. APRIL, 1949 . . ··--··......___._ BALBINO KAiBIGTING Y YUSON Provincial Treasurer of Lagima · Birth, parentage and · family.-Born in Arayat, Pampanga on· March 31, 1878; grew up in San Isidro, Nueva Ecija; son of Nicolas . Kabigting and Froylana Yuson; married on December 2, 1902 and became a widower on Nov. 1, 1947; had nine chlldren-seven died in infancy and two, daughters, survived and already married. · ·Education.- Elementary education· in. A rayat, Pampanga and San Isidro, Nueva Ecija; secondary education in private colleges ih Cabanatuan and Manila; obtained no college degree due to the revolution from 1896 to 1898. Eligibiiities.-Second grade, 1903; Assistant P.rovincial Treasurer, 1911; and Certified Public Accountant, 1927. · Experiences and Activiti!es.-Clerk (Spanish Gov't.), Court of First Iri-· stance, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, 1894'~5; clerk (Spanish Gov't), Justice of the Peace Court, Arayat, Pampanga, 1895-'96; Clerk (Spanish Gov't), Custom · House, Manila, 1897~'98: principal (Continued on.page 226) Page Z19Instructions ... (a) In the capitals of, Cebu, lloilo, Zamboan. ga, and Davao ........ 400.00+ (b) In first and second class munieipalities 280.00+ (c) In third, fourth and · fifth class municipa· lities ............................ 200.00+ 8. Proprietors, lessees, or concessionaires of cabarets 50.00+ For example, if in municipality "X" the existing annual rate of municipal license tax on retail dealers in tuba, basi, and tapuy- is PS, then the annual rate of municipal license tax to be fixed now for such business should be PlO plus P8 or P18 x x x To repeat, the imposition' of the combined national and municipal rates on the above business will not mean any · additional burden on the part of the taxpayers concerned since, as already stated, the national taxes thereon have been or are being abolished. Provincial boards, provincial treasurers, and mu· nicipal and municipal district treasurers should therefore urge municipal councils and municipal district councils to act immediately in accordance with the above instructions. Should the combined rate x x x exceed by more than 50% the municipal license tax in force in the municipality or municipal district, such increase is hereby approv_ ed under the provisions of Section 4(3) of Commonwealth Act No. 472., (To be continued) Sciope .•• en manera alguna. Se revoca la sentencia apelada, se declara va!.ida la ordenanza .No. 8 del Municipio de Tanauan, Leyte, y se absuelve al demandado de la condena de tlaiios y perjuicios, sin especial pronun· ciamiento en cuanito a las costas. Asi se ordena. RAMON AVANCE&A CONFORMES: Antonio Villa-Real, Carlos A. Imperial, Anacleto Diaz, Jose P. Laurel, Pedr-o Concepcion, Manuel V. MOTan. Page 228 OUR LOCAL ... clerk (Spanish Army), Quartermaster, Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija and San Fer· nando, Pampanga, 1898 ; special deputy, ·Provincial Treasury, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, 1901; traveling ~eputy, Provincial Treasury, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, 1902·'04; Municipal Treaisurer and Deputy Provincial Treasurer, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, 1904-'06; Deputy Treasurer, Provincial Treasury, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, 1908-'09; senior clerk, District Auditor, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, 1909-'10; chief clerk and deputy, Provincial Treasury, Bulacan, 1910·'12; Actg. Provincial Treasurer, !Bulacan, 1912-'13; chief clerk and deputy treasurer, •Provincial Treasury, Bulacan, 1913·'14; Actg. Provincial Treasurer, Bataan, 1914-'16; Provincial Treasurer and Agent, P. N. B., Surigao, 1916·'17; Provincial: Treasurer, Bohol, 1917-'20; Provincial Treasurer, Rizal, 1920-'21; 'Provincial Treasurer of Laguna and President, Provincial Treasurers' Association, 1921 ·'33; Provincial Assessor, Laguna, 1925-'33; Agent, P. N. B., Laguna, 1921-'33; Provincial Treasurer, !Provincial As· sessor, and Agent, P. N .!Bi., Rizal, 1983-'39; Provincial Treasurer, Provincial Assessor and Agent, P. N. B .. Batangas, 1939·' 44; !Provincial Treasurer, Rizal, 1944; and Provincial Treasurer, Provincial Assessor and Agent, P. ~. B., Laguna, 1945..:__, Designations . ....:.... Member, Financial Survey Committee of the Department of the Interior and Labor, 1933; Meril~ ber, Committee on Local Finance, in cooperation with the Constitutional Convention, 1934; Supervising Treasurer for the Third District (Rizal, Ma· rinduque, Mindoro, Cavite, Bataan, Palawan and Manila), 1935; Member, Committee on .coordination of Collection Activities (Dept. of Finance) , 1937 ; one of .the judges of the Sweepstakes draw of 1937 and detailed in 1939 by the President of the Phil· ippines to assist in the assessment work in the newly created Quezon City. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW Our Local. .. chief of section in·. the Department of Insular Audits at P2400; transferred to the Bureau of Lands in.1924 as Chief Accountant at P3,200; returned to the Bureau of. Audits in 1929 and star.ted his career as Provi·ncial Auditor in one dozen provinces of Luzon, and the Vi· sayas from 4th.- thru 3rd and 2nd, to. lst-class provinces, with Cebu, his present station, as his 13th assignment from 1947, by transfer from Negros Occidental. Auditor 'Palma is also an attorney-at-law and a certified public accountant. (Continued on page 236) It is just a8 halrd , to do your duty when men are steering at you as when they. are shooting at you. LADISLAO PALMA Provincial Auditor of Cebu !Born in Camiling, Tarlac, on June 27, 1895; graduated from the interme-' • dia.te ·-school of same town in March, ~ 1911f; appointed municipal teacher of ·~ said town at P15 a month~ studied ste- ~ nography, typewriting and bookkeep· ~ ing; employed as clerk in the unclassi- ~ fied municipal treasury service in ca.. ~~ . miling, Tarlac, and provincial treasury • of Bohol and Cebu, 1912·13; enterea the classified civil service on May 1, • 1 .913 in ;Butuan, A . g.u. sa . n.;~~lerk; Audit.~ or's Office, Bukidnq~. 1~.\!i; served in ~ District Auditors' ~Offices . .in several provinces in LiJz<m anij fl).,~Mindanao, ~ transferring from .the Mit/:Province to ~ the Central Offiee, Manfla, in 1920. ; In Manila, he was assigned in the Department of Corporations, Inspection and Examination as field examiner at PlSOO per annum; made in 1923 as t'\PRIL, 194!i __;Woodrow Wilson United Wine Merchants Manufacturers. · o/: · high class wine .!.\ Sanitary ... paration in ithe case of every 'fiesta' held, they would cease to be detrimental to the public health. "These 'fiestas' undoubtedly bring a greaf deal of money to the towns at which they are held and are an im· portant source of revenue to the townspeople, but if they also bring with them diseases which cost the municipal, provincial, and insular governments large Sums of money to eradicate, they cease to be a benefit, and become a bad busi· ness · proposition, carrying with them losses in life and money which make them mos:t undesirable." The above suggestions of the Director of Health are appr.oved by this Office as they will undoubtedly contrib· ute to the eradication . of. dangerous . communicable disease. Municipal councils, therefore, are directed to comply therewith strictly, and for the purpose, ·consult with the health authorities as to the best means of carrying out the above suggestions at least two months before the date of the. celebration of r·················~~·~1 t N. 0. Barrios Trading : i • • • • • • General. Merchandising ~ OFFICE SUPPLIES f PAPER SUPPLIES t' • ENGINEERING SUPPLIES i CRY;ST AL SOUND DEVICES • I 40s sta. M~ Blvd. • Manila, Philippines l .............................. 4 Page 236 OUr Lo~aJ, .. - -· - ··· FILEMON SAMACO Municipal Mayor of Calapan, Mindoro. .Born Nov. 22, 1902, in Calapan, Min· doro; married to Marta Ylagan ; . high school graduate and second grade eligible; had been public school teacher, bud·rat inspector, deputy governor; paymaster, auditing clel'k, and, previous to his election to his present post, acting municipal mayor of· the same municipality by appointment. Hobbies: Reading books and poultry raising . Motto: "Be Helpful" . the fiesta in the municipality. Failure to comply with the above !nstructions will be considered by this Office sufficient cause for the imposition of disciplinary punishment upon the negligent officials. (Prov. Cit. N~. '124.) Mama, when the fire goes out where does it go? My dear boy , I don't know. Y:ou might just as well ask me where your father goes when he goes out. THE LOCAL GOV]ijRNMENT REVIEW