Activities of the local governments and their officials


Part of The Local Government Review

Activities of the local governments and their officials
Public officers – Philippines – Meetings.
Meeting minutes.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Excerpt from the minutes of the Regular Session held by the Municipal Board of the City of Cebu in its Session Hall on the 23rd day of February, 1949.
Excerpt from the minutes of the Regular Session held by the Municipal Board of the City of Cebu in its Session Hall on the 23rd day of February, 1949. · Present: ·Hon. Florencio S. Urt>t .... President Hon. Florentino D. Tecson ······-----Pres. Protempore Hon. Jose L. Briones ·········---········---Floor-Lell!der Hon. Euiogio E. 'Rorres ____ Member Hon. Jose A. Cavan····-------- Member Hon. Carlos J. Ouizon ........ Member Hon. Eugeriio G. Corro .... Member Hon. Casimiro V. Madarang ········---Member Ab,sent: None. --o-The .Board, upon recommendation of Board President Urot and on motion d Member Tecson, seconded by Member Cuizon, approved the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 137 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE AND NA· TURAL RESOURCES TO RECOMMEND TO CONGRESS THRU THE PRESIDENT OF 'THE PHILIPPINES THE ENACT· MENT OF A LAW GRANTING CROP LOANS TO CORN GROWERS OF. THE PHILIPPINES. . . WHEREAS, the government has embarked on the policy of maintaining the independence of the Philippines economically, and for such aim and jpurpose the government has been giving aid in the form of crop loans to the rice and sugar producers of the country; · WHERF<!AS, the government has spent millions of pesos for the improvement· of the cultivation of sugar, rice and coconuts in the Philippines; WHEREAS, the government recently has made efforts for a systematic campaign for food production to relieve the country from dependence upon imported rice; ·WHEREAS, the rice producing regions have received one of the greatPage 244 est attentions of the government by the grant of crop loans to the rice producers of this country; · WHEREAS,' corn, which is one of the prime foodstuffs in the ·regions of the Visayas and Mindanao, and in these regions the efforts of the government for the food production campaign would be useless unless sufficient funds be given to the corn growers of these regions due to the loss of their working animals; WHEREAS, the lands in these regions, particularly in the provinces of the Visayas and Mindanao and specifically in the provinces of Cebu, Bohol, and Leyte, could no longer yield more corn due to soil erosion which has caused it to be almost barren, for which reason the production of. corn in these regions is. very much lower than is eX'pected ; WHEREAS, the government has found some fertilizers for sugar cane, it is but proper and necessary that the government should also look and find ways and means for the fertilization of the corn growing regions to produce more corn; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, that the Secretary· of Agriculture and Natural Resources be reques;ted to recommend to Congress thru His Excellency, the President of the Philippines to pass a law to grant crop loans to the corn growing regions of thfs com'.· try and al:so to find ways and meana for the fertilization of these regions so as to produce more corn ; BE IT .FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be furnish~d the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the !President of the Philippine Republic, the President l'f the Philippine Senate, the ~peaker of the House of Representatives, to. all City Mayors of the Philippines, to. all Miunicipal Mayors of the provinces of the Visayas and Mindanao, and to all the newspapers in Cebu and Manila. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW Gov. Grenorio Santayana of Quezon with Mayur Bienvenid11 A. Marquez and Members of the Munimpal Council of Padre Burgos seeking National aid from the President of the Philippines 0n March 29, 1949. I hereby certify to the correctness . of the above quoted resolution. (SJgd.) PIO 1A. KABAHAR ATTES'l1ED: Secretary (Sgd.) ·FLORENCIO S. UROT President Minules of the Conference of Provincial Governors. and City Ma.yors held at the City of Manila from October 4 to 9, 1948. Pre.~ent: Hon. Manuel Cuenco ........ President Jose 'B. Lingad .. Vice-President Perfecto Faypon .... Secretary Polnciano Bernardo .. Treasurer ,, Manuel de la Fuente .... Auditor All Governors and City Mayors ........ Members. The meeting was called to order by APRIL, 1949 the Chait'1'Tlan at 9 :00 o'clock Ante Meridian. The mi:n'lltes of the last Convention were read apd signed. NO. 1 WHERflA.S, at 1he opening of this Convention the Honorable, !.he Secretary of the Interior delivered the opening address for the proper guidance of each and every member of this convention in 'Particular and the Association in general; WHEREAS, the policies enunciated in the speech just delivered by the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior are of paramount importance in the proper administration of provincial, city and municipal governments; WHEREAS, in order that each and every policy laid down therein could at any time be availed of by each and Page 245 every member of thiB convention; NOW, THEREIFORE,. on motion by Governor Ricardo Miranda of Davao, the Conference of. Provincial Governors and City Mayors unanimously RESOLVED, as it· hereby resolved, that the speech of the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, be inserted in the records of the Convention and that each and every Provincial Governor and City Mayor be· furnished with a . copy thereof, and that this .Body subscribes to all the policies laid down therein. RESOLVED FURTHER, to furnish copy of this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of. the Interior, Manila, for his information. Carried. NO. 2 WHEREAS, the Department of the . Interior is the \Agency of the National Government which exercises direct supervision and control for the proper ndministration of the provincial, city and municipa1 governments; WHEREAS, the· Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, .as head of the executive department bearing that name, exercises also supervision and control over all ·provincial, city, and municipal chief. executives; · WHEREAS, this· Conference of Provincial and City Chief Executives has been made possible through the initiative and sponsorship of the Honorable, the Secretary. of the Interior; NOW, THERE1FORE, in view of the foregoing considerations the Conference of. Provincial Governors and. City Mayors has. On motion by Governor Doroteo Aguila of La Union Resolved, as it is hereby resolved, to consider as it is hereby considered the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, as the FATHER of the Conference of !Provincial Governors and City Mayors. RESOLVED F'URTHER, to forward this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, for his information. Carried unanimously. No. 3 WHEREAS, in the last com•ention Page 246 of this B<>jly sometime in the earJy part of this year, the granting of more local autonomy had been one of the most important problems which had been taken up by this Body with the National Government; WHEREAS, the granting of more autonomy to Provincial and City Governments has not, in spite of the seeming interest of the Administration to grant same, as yet been realized; NOWi, THEREFORE, on motion of Governor Gregorio Santayana of Quezon, be it RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to authorize .the Chairman of the Convention to create a Committee to petition His Excellency, the President of the Philippines, to arrange for the immediate granting of more autonomy to Provincial and City Governments. RESOLVED F'URTHER, to :trans· mit this resolution to the Chairman o:ll this Convention for his information and guidance. Carried. NO. 4 . WHERIEiAS, it is necessary that all resolutions and motions be first arranged and compi.Jed before they are submitted and brought up to this Body for final deliberation, consideration and action; WHEREAS, to properly attain this and there also .arises the necessity of creating a committee to take charge of. same· · NOW, THEREFORE, on motion by Governor Jose IA. Madarang of Nueva Vizcaya, the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors unanimously RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to create a Committee on Motions and Resolutions, hereby authorizing the Chairman of the Convention to appoint the member13 thereof. RESOLVED FURTH!ER, to furnish the Chairman of this Convention with r, copy of this Resolution for his information, guidance and appropriate· action. Carried. NO. 5 WHEREAS, this Body of !Provincial Governors and City Mayors now in THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW convention in the City of Manila has been called for the purpose of working solidly for the improvement of the respective provinces and cities; WHEREAS, in the proper solution and analysis of the varied problems confronting the various provinces and cities, it is absolutely necessary rthat certain days within the time it is allotted be fixed whereby the members of this convention may air their views and problems with the President and the various Department SecretariE's; NOW, THERE·FORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors unanimously Upon motion by Governor .Jose A. Madarang of. Nueva -Vizcaya RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, to authorize the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior to request His Excellency, the President of the Phili1I1pines, to set one morning for the President to hear our problems. RESOLVED ·FURTHER, to forward this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of the Interior, Manila, for his information. Carried. NO. 6 WHEREAS, the shortage of the rice supply has been even before the outbreak of the last war, the scourge in the economic .Jife of the people of this country; WHER'.EAS, such shortage has since the termination of the war become most acute, and has reached such extent as to constitute the most ticklish and diffi· cult problem which only the Government, by a most decisive and drastic action is in a position to solve; WHEREAS, this rice crisis or problems threatens the very life of the great masses of our people, and therefore requires an immediate and a most effective solution; WHEREAS, it is a well-known fact that one if not the most principal cause of this ever-recurrent rice problem is the evil practice of alien rice dealers of hoarding most if not all the rice S'Upply in the country so that by doing so, they can and actually control APRIL, 1949 and dictate the price of the cereal, thereby praoticalJy monopolizing the rice business and realizing huge profits for themselves, to ithe great detriment of the consuming public, especially the .poor; WHEREAS, the Government' of this Republic is in duty bound to exert, put forth and use aJ.l the authority within its power to remedy the sad situation herein pointed out in order to free the people from the BONDAGE of this great evil in their daily exist" ence; Upon motion by Governor Dominador Chipeco of Laguna, NOW, THEREF'ORlE~ be it resolved that this Convention recommends to the Congress of the Philippines, the immediate enactment of a LAlW, providing for the immediate and absolute nationalization of the Rice Business in the Philippines by !PROHIBITING !ALIEN RESIDENTS OF WHATEVER NATIONALITY FROM' ENGAGING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, in the rice business. To make such proposed law actually effective stiff penalties s~ould also be provided for any viola-. tlon thereof against !Filipino dummies. R!ESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution thru the Honorable, the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resouroes, to His Excellency, the President of the Philippines, recom· mending the creation of an Educational Extension Service for pu:riposes herein indicated. Carried. NO. 7 WHEREAS, under the present regulations, Provincial and City .Budgets duly approved by the respective Provincial and City Boards, before they become of fuU force and effect, are subject to the approval of the Department of the Interior as the Agency of the National Government which has supervision and control over the administrative functions of the provinces and cities, and the Department of Finance, the agency of the National Government charged· with the supervision and control of their finances, under Section 323 of the Revised Manual of Instructions to Treasurers ; Page 247 WHEREAS, the ;Provincial and/or City B·oards are the agencies charged with .the administrative functions of the provinces and/or cities and the Provincial and/or City Treasurers over their finances ; •WHEREAS, before the approval by the Provincial and/or City Boards of their respective budgets, the opinion and recommendation of the Provincial and/or City Treasurers are invariably sought; . :WHERIEAS, the respective Provmcial and City Boards know more than any other offices of the needs and problems of their respective governments and as such they should be given more autonomy if not free hand in th!l consideration and a~proval of their respective budgets; NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the . foregoing considerations, the Conf~r­ ence of Provincial Governors and City Mayors has Upon motion by Governor Mamerto Ribo of Leyte, unanimously RESOLVED, to request the Honorable, the Secretary of tpe Interior, the Secretary of Finance, and the !Auditor General, Manila, to amend Section 323 of the said Revised Manual of Instructions to Treasurers in the sense that Provincial and City Budgets shall become effective without the approval of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Finance once they are approved by the respective Provincial and/or City Boards and the Provincial and/or City TreaS'urers, but that copies of said budgets shall be furnished the latter officials. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to the Honorables, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of :Finance, and the Auditor General, Manila, for their information and favorable consideration. Carried. NO. 8 WHER!EAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 4 of this Body there was created a Committee to take charge of all bills, resolutions and motions; WHEREAS,_ in order to facilitate the· work of this Convention it is necessary that all resolutions and. motions Page 248 before being submitted to this con· vention be first studied by said committe as to their feasibility, legality, ad dsability and practicabili:ly; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors has On motion by Governor Felipe Azcuna of Zamboanga unanimously RESOUVED, as it is hereby resolved, that all resolutions and motions submitted to the Convention sha11, before being acted upon by this Body, be first referred to the Committee on Resolutions and Motions for study as to their fea.sibility, legality, advisability and practicability. RESOLVED FURTH!ER, to transmit this resolution to the Committee on Resolutions and Motions, thru its Chairman, furnishing copies hereof to all Governors and City Mayors for their information. Carried. NO. 9 'WHEREAS, under the present regulations, the 5 7o Provincial Surcharge on public works projects accJ.'lues exclusively to the Engineering F'und as per Section 771 of the Revised Manual of Insitructions to Treasurers of the General Auditing Office; WHEREAS, it is but just and proper that part of the Provincial Surcharge accrues to the General Fund of the province so that there shall be equitable distribution of iProvincial Inc9me in the interest of public service; On motion by Governor Alfredo Abueg of Palawan, the Co~ference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, ~ .............................................. ~ t : t Bazar La Moda : t : ~ '11AN TIN BO, Prop. : ~ ! ~ Copra Buyer & ~ t General Merchandise : • • t · Boac, Marinduque ~ • • L .................................................................................... ~ THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW to earnestly request the Honorable, the Secretary of Public Works and Communications and the Honorable, the iAudifor General, Manila, to amend Section 771 of the Revised Manual of Instructions to Treasurers of the General Auditing Office in the sense that 2% of the Provincial Surcharge fixed and provided in the above-mentioned section 771 of the Revised Manual of In-' structions to . Treasurers on public works projects accrue to the General F'und for the province, il1 the interest of the public service. R.ESOLVIE:D !FURTHER, to forward this resoJ.ution ·to the Honorable, the Secretary of Public Works and Communications and the Honorable, the Auditor General, Manila, strongly recommending favorable consideration, furnishing copies hereof to all Engineering Offices of the coun1 try for their information. Carried. N0.10 W.HEREAS, under the present policy, 'Provincial and City Budgets are still subject to· the lJ<pproval of the Departments of the Interior and Finance before they become effective; WHEREAS, this arrangement entails unnecessary delays in carrying out immediately important projects and paralyzes government activities requiring immediate attention; WHEREAS, the Provincial and City Boards are conscious of their duties and powers with regard to the con· sideration and approval of their respective budgets and know more of the needs of their own governments and as such they should be given free hand in the consideration and approval of their respective budgets; NOW, THERE:FORIE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayors has Upon motion by Governor Jovencio Mayor of Romblon RESOLVED, to request the Honorable, the Secretary of iFinance, to endorse favorably the petition as embodied in Resolution No. 7 of this Body that the approval of Provincial and City Budgets by the respective ProvAPRIL, 1949 MEMORANDUM f9r EVERY CITIZEN: [Excerpts from Speeches and .Messages of His Excellency ELPIDIO QUIRINO President of the Philippines If every citizen were to conduct himself in accord·ance with the rules of good manners and right conduct, there would be less need for laws, policemen and courts. There would be .tranquility within the nation and peace all over the world. I urge everyone to cul· tivate courtesy as a way of l.ife for that also is the way of democracy and of universal peace.-From Message in connection with the Cowrtesy Week sponsored by the Rotary Club of Manila launched February 3, 1949. * * * On that core of Christian compassion for the human being rests the strength of the Red Cross throughout the world. Wherever there is suffering, there are people of goodwill - selfless, bighearted men and women - prepared and eager at all times to help the needy. * * * It is, therefore, our duty-the duty of every man, woman and child in our counrty, regardless of race, na· tionality or cre2d-to support the Philippine National Red Cross so· that it may adequately perform the great mission entrusted to it. Only as it com· mands the determined backing of the people can it be expected to discharge its responsibility to the community and the nation-From Remarks on Opening the 1949 Red Cross Campaign, Feb. 14, 1949. incial and 'City .Boards as the final act for their effectivity. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution to the Honorable, the Secretary of Finance, Manila, for his information and favorable consideration. Carried. (To be continued) Page 249