Our diplomatic and consular corps abroad


Part of The Manila Guardian

Our diplomatic and consular corps abroad
Tolentino, Dioscoro L.
Diplomats – Foreign countries.
Ambassadors – Foreign countries.
Consuls – Foreign countries.
Filipinos – Foreign countries.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
November, .1950 THE MANILA GUARDiAN Page 27' Our Diplomatic and Consular Corps· Abroad By Dioscoro L. Tolentino THERE are 17 c'onsulates, legations, and embassies located in different parts of the world, principally in Australia, South America, United States c;i."nd Europe. In 'VVriting this article, it is our purpose to consider the foreign service as a whule rather than discuss or pass upon the merits or demerits of its· personnel of, let us say, the consular system. In passing it might be well to state that tlte men heading these offices as well as those who were trained in the United !'States Department of State are, with few exception, active, 1 intelligent, and capable Filipinos, some of them shrewd 8.nd alive to the trade opportunities within their jurisdiction. Their re~ective Filipino communities have been pleased with fheir. readiness to impart whatever information they had ~hich have been of value to them as w~ll as with their apparent willingness to serve our commercial interests to the best of their ability. There exists a widespread im'Pression, however,, that the duties or' diplomatists are chiefl}r social, and that their activities in the social sphere, -are purely ornamental. To this impression, so far as it may imply that our diplomats furnish to society "the ~ass of fashion and the mould of form," the writer is not disposed to object. But so far as it may imply that their activities are wanting in serious design and practi~al Usefulness, it is altogether to be deplored. Certainly, a diplomatic representative, if he . would gain infonn.ation and acquire influence, must be active socially, must be agreable, and w:ith firmness, must blend c.onciliation. ~AMCAR c INC. If-we abandon om: attitude of superficial observation and false accusation, and inquire closely for the object to the atta~ent of which our diplomat is devoting the ·hours spent in the ·drawing rooms, as well as in his office, the chances aJ"e ten to one that he is concerned with the solution of some questions of commercial intercQurse, with the removal of some obstruction to the exchange of commodities, the amelioration (Continued on page 31) ON E NATIONAL HEROES DAY WE PAUSE AND PAY HOMAGE TO OUR NATIONAL HEROES • MANILA SURETY AND FIDELITY CO., INC. Srd Floor, Monte de Piedad Bldg., ·'°laza Sta. Cruz Manila November, 1950 THE MANILA GUARDIAN Page 31 Our Diplomatic;. ••• · (Continued from page 27) of some onerous rate of duty, or the unravelling of a Jrn:ot·tied at the customs house. Beh~ld then, the 'proud practitioner of the art 9f.diplomacy, the aloof embodiment of its il!'istocratic' 1 traditions, in his actual role of an agent of trade, is concerned not with the plrilosophy of Maclriavelli, die poliy of Richelieu and the craft of Talleyrand, but with fertilizers, nai!S, barbed wire, hemp, tobacco, rice, sugar, c4-ie4 fish and bago-ong ~d a th.Ousand and one other humdnun but essential things that enter into our ordinary daily life. . The truth is that foreign ,trade is the life blood of the nation. Our diplomatic representatives,' amb~ssadors, and oiµ- con! .,._suls in the -United States, Australia, South America, and Elll'Ope constitute together our foreign sarVice. Their jµterestS ·- are not diverse; but are cooperative; and is the colnpl~~tary part of an entire and harmonious organization and conserv'a- · ti.on of our interests abroad. They are necessarily under the supervision and· control of our Department of Foreign 4ffairs which, as the special guardian, looks after our commercial in:terests and particularly over- the development and extenSiori of oUr tradei. - .,,. . , - They have d~ties to perf~ in connection not only with shipping and seam~ with. t4e au'thentic;a"t:ion of documents, and \'\ith DO!arial acts, but also with the is.suance of passports, and with the protection of Filipino citizens and their property abroad, as for example in New York, Chicago, California and ·cmna at"present But there is a feature of our-consuJ.ar service .. a! at present constiiuted which seriously impairs its usefulness. Any Fillpino visiting the Uruted States will immediately ob;..'" serve the-small proportion of aliens who hold positions of niOre or less importance at our consulates and embassies. It is possible presumably that a similar si~uation prevails in our legations in Europe and ·south America. The· clerks, stenographers, secretaries and i1l sonle instances, some Of the officials are of foreign birth and· nationality. , Without intending to cast any reflection upon the good intentions or loyalty of more or less small nuinber of aliens in oUr diplomatic service, there is nevertheless . some danger inherent in the make-up of .an official famiif 011.. Unes ·so coc;;mopolitan in character. Should our· rela,_tion. with a foreign country or shou.ld anything occur to disturb the ententa corcllitle, it will be; readily seen that our consul or other representative would be placed at a serious disadvantage, as he Would llecessadly be dependent o:O his otaffs oi: aides and interpreters for tha! _intimate knowledge of existing· conditions wlµch alon_e would enable him to deal successfully with the matters at issue. · PHILIPPINES COLD ST0RES Argentine, Aus~alian & jlmerlcan Frozen Meat.a · .WboiesaJe & Retail Tels._ iJl-S&-45 f S-86-48 S03-511 Echague St . Manila, Philippines ~. ~~~~-=--~.~.~:...--,,.,,.~-,.-:-:u-.t~ ... :::,,..:.:~:,n:t1~~ie. . In mem.o'l"ll of otl-1' a:::~igkt'll G4Jd on th-is histOf'lcal aiJle'l"S to the . · ••• N.1'.'otiono\ Heroes'. Doy b 30 ·1950) - . (Novem er ' · . · ~ ~~~. -----=' - Right In The Cent.er Of The Capital· City -P-9. o.o and up per sqm. of thl~ Country ~hose heroes' day we are. celebratlne now-you'll find the much.cherished M.E. SubdJvlslons• BOMESITES. ·onJy __ l& CENTAV0.5-and 10 .MINUTES by motor oar from Pls:i:a ·Gotti. Payable within 10 ye"ars on easy monthly installment plan. - Bi1rh land, · lungs-healing bree"zes; exuberant shade trees,' wide, a.6Pbalterl 1w~nueoi and Streets and excelle~t envirorunent. Magdalena Estate, Inc. ~17', 219, 221. Consollda.t.ed Investments" BldC':· Plaza Goltl, Manila, Tel. S-26·08 s•ys: 20 B"'8dwa.y, New ~a Tel. 8·8i.o&