Can Marcos break the reelection jinx


Part of The Philippine Magazine

Can Marcos break the reelection jinx
Marcos, Ferdinand Emmanuel E. Sr., 1917 - 1989 -- Political activity.
Elections -- Philippines.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
FOR BARRIO CAPTAINS HOW TO GET AND TO CASH BARRIO AID CHECK As of last week, more than 15,600 barrios in 590 towns have received from President Marcos their share of P2,000 each from the PIOO-million Rural Improvement and Community Development Project. P ACD Secretary Ernesto Maceda and Assistant Executive Secretary Flores Bay·ot have requested The Philippine Magazi11e to publish the following guide for barrio captains regarding the P2,000 FM checks: STEP ONE: Know what your barrio needs most in the following areas of development: roads and bridges, waterworks, communications, health and sanitation, and food production. STEP TWO: Sit down with the barrio council and determine priorities of development - doing first things first. officer that the P2,000 will be used for the approved project. STEP THREE: Prepare a program of work including a bill of materials. Consult with government technical agencies or P ACD representatives in your area. STEP SIX: As an alternate step, the barrio treasurer may deposit the check with the PNB branch in the province or with the provincial or city development officer as a trust account. STEP SEVEN: Disburse the amount according to the approved budget and upon resolution of the barrio council, following applicable auditing-accounting rules. STEP FOUR: Upon approval of your program, you will receive your P2,000 check personally from President Marcos. STEP FIVE: As custodian of barrio funds, the barrio treasurer (duly bonded) may encash the P2,000 check. He must have with him a written certification from the assistant provincial development Remember to keep a record of your disbursement. TWO OF A KIND If you have any question, ask a PACD representative or write The Philippine Magazine; we shall be happy to find the answer for you. Pl\JI Philippine politiC81 year begins Can Marcos Beat the Reelection Jinx? By Lorenzo J. Cna .......... 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"_,. ~ ...,,_ ....,,_.. .. ..,._,., ..... -------~-............ .... . .. ~..,. .... . .........,,._..._ __ __ ..... ............. "'""" ... By a very happy coincidence, The Philippine Magcmne, which has been patterned and conceived along the concepts of The Asia Magazine, have in the space of four weeks (P.M. Feb. 15) came out with identical prog-' nostications (see above) on Philippine political development beamed to the forthcoming presidential elections in November. Both maqazines have essqyecl realistic appraisal of the local situation and asked "Can Marcos Break the Reelection lime?" As we go to press with this issue, the Liberal Party was enmeshed in an· expensive 5day-long survey (the LP hierarchy calls it a consensus) to find the man likely to tangle with Marcos. Our guess is that it will be the tycoon from Cebu: Sergio Osmeiia, Jr. Right photo, A.M. Mar. 9. THE PHILIPPINE MAGAZINE I MARCH 31, 1969 5