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EMPLOYEES SUSPENDED Twenty-five postal employees were recommended suspended by Postmaster General Enrico Palomar for alleged smuggling and other acts of dishonesty. Palomar said he has the confidential testimonies of certain I employees who have direct knowledge of the activities of a - those being charged. The Postmaster General also announced the relief of seven regular employees and the separation of 17 casual workers. SOCIAL ACTION Eight religious denominations in the country are set to launch a massive social action drive, according to a report of the Church World Service of the Philippines, a division of the National Council of Churches of the Philippines. The drive, which will emphasize on economic and community develOpment, aims to undertake a minimum of 250 projects. These will include food distribution to rural areas, building of irrigation systems. school houses and centers, construction and repair of roads, vocational education, maternal-child welfare, feeding and nutrition program. FLOATING MUSEUM "Kasaysayan," a floating museum of Philippine history has been launched by the Historical Commission. On the ship "RPS PILIPINAS," "Kasaysayan" will call on several ports of the country where lectures on various aspects of Philippine history will be given by prominent historians. Historical books, principally Rizal's works, will be sold at popular prices. Important public documents, pamphlets, and other publications will be given away as gifts and souvenirs to visitors. MARCOS SURE OF RE-ELECTION President Marcos is sure of being re-elected in the elections next November. Basing his claim on the result of a recent survey, he said his national popularity is still running strong everywhere. Even in Manila, a traditional oppositionist area to incumbent presidents, he said he is rated as a 2-1 favorite. Marcos also revealed that in other provinces outside of his political homebase in the nocos region, he is favored with a 6-1 lead over his closest expected opponent. BARRIO FUND LEGAZPI CITY, March 25, P ACD Secretary of Community Development Ernesto M. Maceda announced the other day that checks of P2,000 per barrio under the PlOO Million Rural Development Fund are to be released soon. All eligible barrios will receive their share of P2,000 without consideration of political affiliation. All checks are covered by adequate funds. The P ACD chief al3o said that the release of P2,000 checks cannot be made simultaneously to all barrios throughout the country because of the time required in proceesing, complying with auditing rules and regulations and necessity of fiscal programming. VILLAREAL HITS OSMElQA Former Speaker Cornelio Villareal recently asked Liberal leaders to "condemn the malicious conduct" of Senator Sergio Osmeiia, Jr. in the current presidential nomination c amp a i g n. Villareal raked up charges previously aired by President Osmeiia against his then congressman son to bolster his (Villareal) charge of young Osmeiia's "dispicable behaviour" in the present LP fight. THE PHILIPPINE MAGAZINE / MARCH 31, 1969 HIKED COCONUT EXPORT Coconut production this year is estimated to hit 1.55 to J .575 million ton mark in copra terms, according to a report from the United Coconut Association of the Philippines. This is expected to generate an increase of about $20.24 million over last year's total foreign exchange earnings of the industry which amounted to $253,033,339.60. OIL REFINERY FOR RP The National Economic Council is set to approve the setting up of a petroleum refinery by a Filipino-owned corporation to put an end to the monopoly of alien oil firms on the national economy, according to H o u s e Assistant Majority Leader RO-: g a c i a n o Mercado who is also a member of the NEC. The NEC decision is interpreted by some quarters as a punitive action on the foreign oil firms in the country who have decided to increase the prices of premium gasoline and other petroleum products. AGUINALDO CENTENNIAL The lOOth birth anniversary of General Emilio Aguinaldo, the Repu_plic's first president, was marked last March 22. Led by the Aguinaldo National Centennial Commission, the center of the nationwide celebration was in Kawit, Cavite, birth place of the late president. President Marcos had earlier signed into law declaring the period January 1 to December 31, 1969, as the "Gen. E m i 1 i o Aguinaldo Centennial Year." ICE FOR FISHERMEN Another ice plant that will exclusively supply ice to fishermen has started full operation in Barugo, Leyte. The Pl00,000 plant is the fifth in a nationwide program of providing cheap ice to fishermen. The plant in Barugo will produce 10 tons daily and wil1 supply fishermen operating in Visayas Sea, San Pedro Bay, Biliran Island, Carigara Bay, Samar Sea, Leyte Gulf, Camotes Sea, and other fishing grounds in Eastern Visayas. 11