Southern Luzon NICA holds seminar in Legazpi


Part of The Bicol Star

Southern Luzon NICA holds seminar in Legazpi
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
| rjADE Theatre | | June 29 - July 5 f * For the first time * • Two Big Sexy Program | | (For Adults Only) | * Tattooed Temptress ♦ ♦ a,s0 . I ♦ The Loves of Rosie | Year 37 • Vol. 35 • No. 26 • City of Naga, June 27, 1970 • 6 Pages • 15 Centavos » ALBE THiATRi j i(Home of Quality Tag. Picture-),' • June 29 - July 5 4 J Double Super Comedy-Drama | ♦ First Run Pictures < $ Rosemarie * Ricky • Pepito « | Gintong Alaala ♦ ♦ D/w ♦ • Jean Young J i as | Petrang Paminta ♦ Terorismo sa C. Luzon Sesion Especial Liwat Icaduang Sesion Especial L Can Congreso Matacot an Goradanan sa Central Luzon can mga Huks} Hihigpitan can Gobierno Inapod liwat ni Presidente Marcos an icaduang sesion especial can ica-pitong congreso na mapoon sa lunes Junio 29 na dai lomihis sa 30 aldao. Sa sesion na ini pagpipijaran na an palacao dapit sa election sa Noviembre 1970, can delegados sa Convencion Constitutional na gigibobon 1971Palaen caiyan, may 28 pang bills an ipigrecomendar ni Pres. Marcos na dapat trataron sa sesion especial na ini. Si enot na sesion especial natapus soodma asin ta na aprobaran na si General Budget para sa gobierno nacional. An mga bills na recomendado ni Marcos caiba an dapit sa problemas can mga escuelahan, arog can paglimitar sa ganancias caini Expansion of Vocational Education President Marcos asked for a re-examination of curricula in existing state vocational schools, emphasizing the priority given to the establishment, maintenance and upgrading of vocational schools. In a memorandum to Secretary of Education Onofre D. Corpuz, the President also ordered that a survey be • immediately conducted to determine where more vocational schools can be set up as soon as possible, with national and local needs and capabilities as the primary criteria. The reexamination of curricula in state vocational schools is aimed at affecting a more vigorous implementation of the government’s program of accelerating employment, developing outof-school youths, and relating vocational education to national development. The President also directed Secretary Corpuz to impress upon all school officials and other parties concerned that the administration’s policy on vocational schools is among the highest in government programming priorities. tagnaning dai man malabihan an lancao can mga matriculas sa mga estudiantes, asin mga bagay na caipuhan sa economia can nacion. Rotary Club of Naga Marks its 22nd Year Induction of Officers The Rotary Club of Naga City is celebrating its 22nd anniversary and induction of officers tonight at 8 o’clock in the Ateneo de Naga Gymnasium with a Barrio Fiesta. Native attiref is requested to all attending the affair. The JD orchestra will furnish the music. The development of vocational education, for both students and out-of-school youths, has been given emphasis since the early part of the President’s first In March 1967, the President asked then Secretary of Education Carlos P. Romuio to coordinate with the Department of Labor in developing vocational education in public schools. He asked that innovations in the school system aimed at vitalizing vocational training be explored. The goal, he said, is to give the country a pool of skilled workers for industry. The President has always viewed vocational training as pertinent to the present stage of development of the country, when skilled labor and technical specialists are needed in almost every area of enterprise. The President specially asked that the program be focused on the secondary level because many students drop out of school at this stage. The plan to give out-of-school youths and adults wider opportunities for gainful employment led to the adoption of the manpower development program. Calabanga Youth Stabbed to Death Vicente Buban, 19 years old native of barro Borabod,Calahanga, Cam. Sur, single, was stabbed by another youngman last night in that town. The victim was taken to the Cam. Sur provincial hospital last night but died this non. The author of the crime whose nime was not yet revealed to the Star is now confined in the municipal jail in Calabanga the report said Southern Luzon NIC A holds Seminar in Legazpi LEGAZPI CITY — The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA), through its Regional Office for Southern Luzon, recently concluded a threeday Seminar on Intelligence and National Security at the Regan Barracks Office in this city. The seminar, held from June 16 to 18, 1970, was designed as an orientation course on national intelligence and security for government officials who may have access to classified information. Participants came from agencies and offices in the Bicol and Southern Tagalog provinces. Resource speakers from the NICA head office were: Atty. Nestor F. Domingo, Atty. Jaime R. Gamad and Mr. Aristides G. Osorio. They discussed the following subjects: The Presidency and the National Security Council; National Intelligence Board; NICA; Problems of National Security (Foreign and Domestic); Security and Counterintelligence; Personnel, Document and Physical Security. After each session, an open forum was encouraged for better interpretation of tbe discussion. The seminar was the first of its kind sponsored by the NICA and the brainchild of Mr. Hernando R. Ganac, NICA Regional Chief for Southern Luzon. For future activities and lateral coordination, the participants elected from among themselves, the following officers: Pres., Atty. Ignacio D. Almodovar; Vice-Pres. for Aibay, Atty. Antonino Pobre; Vice-Pres. for Legazpi, Mr. Jose B. Barrameda; Vice-Pres. for Naga, Maj Eduardo S. Rey; Vice-Pres. for Cam. Sur, Mr. Lorenzo P. Padua; Vive-Pres. for Cam. Norte, Mr. Ricardo V. Chavez; Vice-Prts. for Sorsogon, Capt. Pedro G. Gabitan; Vice-Pres. for Catanduanes, Lt. Col. Federico P. Picar; (To page 4) Sagkod gnonian an garadanan sa Central Luzon, laio na sa provincia nin Tarlac asin PamCredit Union Seminar in Piliz Camarines Sur Pili, Cam. Sur-The San Rafael Cooperative Credit Union, Inc. in this capital town held a seminar among its members at the ABC building, here. It wa6 sponsored by the Agricultural Productivity Commission Training For Student and Education Committee last June 12. The seminar lasted for only 3 hours but considered successful (7 to 10 p.m. Those who spoke in the seminar with their respective subject are the following; CS Agriculturist Nicanor Clasio on the subject of: The Role of the Agricultural Productivity Commission on Cooperstives”, Manuel Bascuna on, “What is Credit Union”: Teofilo Orban on “How the Credit Union Operates”; Alberto Bergantin on “Responsibilities, rights and privileges of a member; "Florencio Florida on “Credit Union Funds and Its Operations.” After their speeches, open §arum was held.Certificates of attendance were distributed to all attendants. S. Dacanay, Jr. Tagnansng maaraman can mga Magurang Bucas can Classes Julio 6 asin 13 An pagbucas can clases sa mga paadalan mapoon sa Julio 6 asin Julio 13, 1970. Iyan an huring pagboot can departamento de educacion. Can enot ipigbuyagyag na an clases mapoon sa Julio 31. Sa ibang colegios na husay na an saindang programa asin ibang caipuhan para sa mga organizaciones can clases tinotogotan nang magbucas sa Julio 6; idtong iba puedeng magbucas sa Julio 13, icaduang lunes sa bulan na Julio. CAM. SUR HIGH SCHOOL Sa Camarines Sur High School, si tuition can sarong taon casi iyo man giraray asin an mga libros gratis na ipapasobli sagkod na panga, dai uin capondohan. Sabi si mga dating Huks na nagcampi na sa gobierno nagformar nin inaapod na Barrio Self-Defense Units, iyo an napasakit sa mga Huks na sainda caidtong campon. Igua man nin Sahot na an mga campon man Sana can defensa can gobierno iyo an minalikidar sa mga suspechadong Huks, na dai ns dinadara sa jusgado kundi binabaradil na sana garo hayop an mga nadadakop. Labalabo an Garadanan An mga Huks man dai na uin pakimano bastang saindang contrario minsan si dati nindang cairiba caidto na medio namasdan ninda na campi na sa gobierno o tiktik na can gobierno contra sa Huks ginigibo na man lang an paglikidar sa mga taong ini. Caya an nagdadanay duman terorismo asin anarkismo. An gobierno, lalo na an PC pigaadalan cun ano an marhay na palacao an gigibohon gnonian. Duman sa Central Luzon arog sa Tarlac canigoan nang badil asin ibang armts an pigdistribuir can Army asin PC sa mga Barrio Self-Defense units. Dacul man can agentes can gobierno an naglilibot sa paghanap sa mga lider can Huks. Tinawan sinda nin paisi na puede sindang magsurender tara cun dai maghali sinda sa Tarlac o lilikidaron sinda can agentes can gobierno. igua pa. Alagad dapat na ioli tolos cun maghale sa pagescuela. Minsan gnani an CSHS gagastohan na can gobierno nacional, baco na an provincia, alagad ta an yaon sana sa budget caini P250.000, mientras can sarong taon ominabot daa sa labing P300.000 an gabos na gastos, kun caya yaon man giraray an matricula asin tuition fees. Idtong mga bareta can enot na sabi hinale sa budget si P250.000 para sa Cam. Sur National High School mayo nin catotooha. Iyan pinatunayan ni Sen. Dominadot Aytona can Comite sa Budget sa Senado aain ni Rep. Ramon B. Felipe Jr. na autor caini. THE BICOL STAR June 27,1970 Southern . . . Partial Review By ANDRES G. DIEZ A Tribute of High Appreciation The BICOL STAR highly commends the efficiency and devotion to duty of the Naga City Police Department for the apprehension of one of the maniacmurderers of the late Jesus Diez of Camaligan, Camarines Sur, and Hermentgildo Odiamar of Pacol, City of Naga. Long wanted by the police departments of Manila, Quezon City, Pasay City, Makati, and Caloocan City for a series of murders and other high crimes, they have succeeded to evade apprehension by the said forces of the law. It took the Naga City Police to prove that no criminal is so evasive and slippery enough if the law-enforcers who are after them are consistent and determined to get them at all costs. Even if only one of the group consisting of several maniacs has fallen into the claws of the law, a great amount of satisfaction has been rendered to the aggrieved parties by the superior sleuthing of the Naga detectives assigned to solve the murder cases. TJiis satisfactory result is totally in contrast with the two pending murder cases in the same town of Camaligan entrusted to the local Philippine Constabulary and NBJ since more than 6 years ago. Despite the fact that both murders were committed early in the evening under separate dates, until now, the PC has miserably failed to find a satisfactory solution of these two pending cases. It is feared that they will have' to~ remain in that status until the end of the world. The Citizen . . . bent wants to run for re-electic n, very often he uses alt means at bis command in order to be re-elected, and certainly this is one evil we are trying to avoid. We complain also of the excessive powers, privileges and prerogatives of members of Congress. Well, there should be constitutional limitations on these powers. For example, prohibition against the practice of one’s profession in order to avoid undue advantages for a legislator’s clients or business; prohibition against intervention in business so that there will be no or less self-aggrandizement in Congress; also prohibition against well-known political dynasties. Third: Lack of representation. This is ^ne of the complaints as the root of the current unrest. Why? It is because some people believe, and perhaps rightly so, that they are not truly represented in Congress and so they have to resort to what is known as the "Parliament of the Streets”. It is said that our two major parties do not adequately represent the people; that there is no real alternative to the party in power. What after all is the two party system? The two-party system means that to the party in power there should always be an alternative. And if there is no alternative, then the people may be driven to the so-called extra-parliamentary opposition. Now, what is this due to? papers that there are at least 50 millionaires and multi-millionaires now in Congress. This only goes to show how expensive it is to be elected. Now, what are the proposed reforms? First again, adoption of a parliamentary or semi-parliamentary system where the President or the Prime Minister or the Chancellor, call him what you may, is elected directly by the legislature. This is to be done by’ secret ballot and with other safeguards so that there would be no buying of votes. As you very well know, a presidential election, being a nationwide popular election, is necessarily expensive. The presidential candidate has to campaign all over the country once or twice or even three times and he has to distribute as much patronage as he can. On the other hand, in the parliamentary system, or semi-parliamentary system, if you think the parliamentary system is too unstable for us, we have the President or the Prime Minister or the Chancellor elected by the members of Congress from among themselves. Now, another point: There should be no immediate re-election for all elective officials, fr om Congressmen and Senators down to barrio council officials. Why is this so? Don’t we want professionalism in politics? Yes, but at the same time we know the evils that re-election entails. The moment there is the socalled "equity” of the incumbent, the moment an incumVice-Pres. for Quezon, Atty. Florentino A. Natividad; VicePres. for Masbate, Atty. Rafael S. Almoradie; Secretary-Treasurer, Capt. Joaquin B. Bocalbos; Auditor, Atty. Eustaquio S. Garcia; P.R.O., Mr. Ildefonso J. Salazar. The seminar participants plan to hold a reunion-conference during the last week of July this year to deliberate on their future activities. — IJS Notice Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given to all whom it may concerned that the legal heirs of the late EULOGIA MONTALBAN AGUILA who died intestate on June 18 1970 at Canaman, Cam. Sur: namely, Ruben, married; Jaudines, Jr., married; Marietta, widow, all surnamed Aguila, of legal age, children of the decedent; and Jaudines R. Aguila, widower of the decedent, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Sale on June 26, 1970 at Canaman Cam, Sur over 3 parcels of land known as Lot 1, 2, and 6 of Psu-177392 covered by OCT No. 16366 and adjudicating them among themselves share and share alike, pro-indiviso and subsequently sold Lot No. 6 to Crisanta Medrano, single, and Patricia Medrano, married, of legal age, residents of Lerma St., Naga City, for a consideration of P4.800. The document was acknowledged before Notary Public Leoncio M. Clemente of Naga City on June 27, 1970 as Doc. No. 378; Page 77; Book VIII; S. 1970 of his notarial records. Pub. June 27, July 4, 11, 1970. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that DIONISIO AREVALO, Filipino, of legal age, married to Adela Deyto with resident and postal address at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, is a co-owner of the undivided parcel of land covered by TCT No. T-690 having an area of 106,133 square meters, Lot. No. 2694 of Sorsogon Cad. in the name of Romualdo, Eusebio and Dionisio, all surnamed Arevalo. The portion hereof corresponding to Dionisio Arevalo, with an area of 25,000 sq. m. declared under Tax No. 425 and assessed at Pl,390 was sold to Jaime F. Arevalo of legal age, Filipino, married to Zenaida Barrameda of Sorsogon, Sorsogon by Dionisio Arevalo for a consideration of P500. The instrument was executed before Notary Public Dominador S. Reyes of Sorsogon, Sorsogon on May 8, 1970 per Doc. No. 879; Page 179, Book VII; S. 19/0 in his notorial records. DIONISIO AREVALO Pub. June 27, July 4, 11, 1970. The Bicol Star. Well, this is due not only to the partisan composition of the Board of Inspectors and the Board of Canvassers in our present electoral laws which is sought to be eliminated in th? pending Pelaez and Imperial-Montano Bills, but aslo to the system of single-member districts in our Constitution; that is to say, for every district there is only one representative. Then, what is the proposed reform? (To be continued) Budget can Ciudad nin Naga sa Taon 19704971 Aprobado na An budget can ciudad nin Naga para sa fiscal annual Julio 1970 - Junio 1971 aprobado can junta municipal can ominaging semana. Segun sa record an total na presupuesto nagabot sa P2,692,399.05. Tagnaning aboton an sinabi nang fondo nagaprobar nin apat na ordinanza an junta municipal na mapalaog nin cuarta sa caja can ciudad. Ini iyo: an buhis sa arac,7 buhis sa gasoliqa, buhis sa comerciantes na minaabot an venta sa cada tolong bulan nin P450.000 a P500.000 asin an bayad sa permit na itinao can alcalde. An tolong pinacahalangcao na gastos can ciudad iyo in: para sa supermarket P967,976.40, departamento can polis P421,602.98; para sa junta municipal P201,744.20. An ibang oficinas: tesoreria P150,252.30; alcalde P133,543.60; fire dept. P114 788 76; ayuda can gobierno Pl 1,403.60; general services P107,531.92; city health P97,091.70; auditor P63,294.80; city engineer P58.859; fiscalia P54,264.70; assessor’s office P48,72I.80;city court P46,567.80; social development P43.000; agriculturist P34 861.40; library P21,487,20; welfare home P11.292; sheriff P4,294.80. Manila. Karate experts to hold Exhibition Show Here Karate experts (blackbelters) who. are touring the Bicol region are t scheduled to show their different karate techniques at the 7th floor of the Holiday Hotel in this city on July 1, next Wednesday, from 5 to 8 o’clock in the evening. A big crowd of karate enthusiasts are expected to attend the exhibition of basic form, free style sparring, advance kata, karate techniques, karate self-defense (against 1 opponent, 3 vs. 1 opponent, 2 vs. 1) Breaking of hollow blocks (flying side, back kick, solid punch, LADIES: We are at your Service - your full satisfaction is our business... Hairdo (Latest Style) * Wigs & Wiglets Hair Drying * Manicuring * Cold Wave Pedicure * Bleachings, ,Etc. CORAL BEAUTY PARLOR & DRESS SHOP Igualdad Street Naga City Mrs, R. P. GALICIA - Prop. Know your Constitution and Election Laws By Atty. Severo Dacanay, jr. (Continued from last week) Abra, lo'e district - 2 delegates; Agusan del Norte, inclu ding the City of Butuan, lone district - 2 delegates, Agusan del Sur, lone district - 2 delegates; Aklan, lone district - 3 delegaaes; Al bay, including the City of Legaspi, first district - 2 delegates; second district, - 2 delegates; third district - 3 delegates; Antique, lone district - 3 delegates; Bataan, lone district 2 delegates; Batanes, lone district 2 delegates; Batangas, including the cities of Batangas and Lipa, first district 3 deiegates; second district- 3 delegates; third district 3 delegates; Benguet, inclu ling the City of Baguio, lone district 2 delegates; Bohol including the City of Tagbilaran, first district 2 delegates: second district 2 delegctes; third district - 3 delegates Bukidnon, lone district- 2 delegates; Bulacan, first district 3 delegates; second district - 3 (To be continued) elbow strike, and others. The show is under the sponsorship of the Systip Club of the Philippines, Naga City Chapter, whose training director is Arman - do H. Remo. Participants from Greater Manila, are Romeo Conde, 3rd Dan blackbelt, Buddy Grijalvo 2nd Dau blackbelt; Ro meo Urgelio,, 2nd Dan blackbelt; Roberto Pamilar, 1st Dan blackbelt; Isidro Rubis, blackbelt; Eddie Hermosa, blackbelt; Eutegio Menesis, blackbelt; Felicisicro Gatmaitan, blackbelt.