Liboton Barrio Council, HCMC conduct lectures to youth here


Part of The Bicol Star

Liboton Barrio Council, HCMC conduct lectures to youth here
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May 25, 1968 ★ THE BICOL STAR ★ 3 monkey business PETE L. AMPOLOQUIO My good friend and paiseno, Mr. Diez, the "Partial Reviewer" was introduced by Governor 4. B. Cledera to Mayor Tony Villegas some weeks ago as a man who is like a father to him. Mr. Diez, incidentally is the political adviser oj the Governor. Now, 1 know what fatherly political advice he. will give to Pading Manding in 1969 - Help Fuente for 5th term bid. Mr. Diez is a principled and disciplined man. I don’t think he will prefer a Liberal over a Nacionalisla candidate in 1969 • • There seems to be a lot of noise created by the fencing of ARMDUR’S lot near the RCA area, this city. Armour is reported to have fenced his lot deep within the 7-meter distance from the center of the street. The q lestion is simple, and need not bother anyone If the City paid for the land, it can insist on the 7-meter distance If it has not paid for th land, it has no right to insist We have laws giving us just compensation for properties that the stale may need, and other laws for that matter. • • Governor Cledera is a man of guts an l strong will, but I donjl think he can control the electric J ms installed in his office The control mchanism was removed and sold reportedly to an electrical supplies store at General Luna street, this city. For further information, Mr. Governor, please inquire from a certain Tom in your offfice. I was told that he knows the whole story. Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of Camarines Sur Office of the Prov. & City Sheriff Naga City RURAL BANK OF POLANGUI, INC., Mortgagee, - versus - Spouses: ALFREDO CASTRO & FILIPINAS P. CASTRO Mortgagor (s) EXTRA-JUDICIAL PORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act No. 3135 The Cledera admistration, in my humble opinion, is trying hard to get things done. Strangely enough, Mr. Cledera seems io be slow in the direction of availing of the mass media to keep people informed about what actuilly is happening in his administration. It appears that the Governor does not trust the working press. He can do all the good things th it he can think of but he won't reach first base if the press publishes only the small, but un-favorable stories about him and his a i ministration. President Quirino was destroyed by foolish talks about an "urinola” costing 500 pesos. Foolish talks [true or false) about anybody are better remembered than good ones. I humbly believe that the Reclamation Committee under the chairmanship of Councilor Del Castillo has a right to function with the freedom of movement. To heckle him al every turn may do more harm than good. It is only fair that we start by assuming that he has good faith and love for this city like all other councilors. Let's give the guy a chance. Litton Barrio Council, HCMC Conduct Lectures To Youth Here The Liboton Barrio Council, in cooperation with the Home Catechetical Mission of Caceres, launched last week the First Liboton Youth Seminar at the San Andres residence, Jacob St., this city. The Seminar is a weekly lecture-discussion session on the youth of today, conducted by expert lecturers from Manila and Naga City. Guest lecturer during the first session, last Sunday, was Miss Betty Villa, former vice-president of the International Federation of Young Christian Workers. She spoke on "The Role of the Youth in the Community.” In her lecture, Miss Villa challenged the youth to prove with concrete projects that they are the pillars of their community’s progress. Miss Villa, before coming to the city, had worked with the youth of Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asian countries. She will again speak before the Liboton youth during the latter part of the Seminar. Meanwhile, Dean Evelyn Maronilla-Seva of the Colegio de Sta. Isabel will be the guest lecturer at Tomorrow’s [Sunday] session. She will speak on “The 4 Journalism Studes of S. U. Take Intership Four junior students in Journalism from Silliman University will go out and work with the mass media as interns this summer, in the only journalism internship program in the Philippines. Edna Flores will work with the Agence France-Press [French News Agency] in Manila; Elma Abellanosa, society editor of the Weekly STi ;ianian this year, will work with the Cebu Aduo cate, a daily; Franklin Ituriaga, this year’s news editor of the Weekly (Continued on page 8) Psychology of Teenagers.” Other experts now scheduled to give lectures are Rev. Fr. Jose Saltarin and Mrs. Bernarditta Carpio. Fr. Saltarin will speak on “Love and Courtship"; Mrs. Carpio on “Marriage.” A graduation exercises will mark the culminating affair of the seminar, tentatively scheduled June 30. Seminar coordinators are Miss Ttofila Nivales, HCMC secretary; Miss Lily Rieza, secretary of the local Young Christian Workers chapter; and Mr. Manuel Punzalan, technical assistant to the Barrio Captain. X...............................................X Notice of Extrajudicial Sale WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the Deed of Mortgage executed by Spouses: Alfredo Castro & Filipinas P. Castro of Dinaga St., Naga City, Philippines in favor of the RURAL BANK OF POLANGUI, INC., Polangui, Albay, Philippines, under date of March 25, 1966, and for payment and satisfaction of the loan of TWO THOUSAND (P2.000) Philippine currency, plus interest thereon of (12%) per centum per annum from March 25, 1966, plus ten (10%) per cent of the total amaunt due as attorney’s fees in accordance with the Promissory Note, aside from sheriff’s fees and expenses in connection with the foreclosure sale, all secure by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur (thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff) announces that on July 25, 1968, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon at his Office in the second floor of the Provincial Capitol Building, Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the following real estate property more particularly described as follows: “A parcel of residential land with all the improvements thereon, situated at North Centro, Sipocot, Camarines Sur; Bounded on the North by Angustia Ribaya, on the South by Angustia Ribaya; on the East by Provincial Road and on the West by Mamerto Cruz. Declared under Tax No. 8988 and Assessed at Pl,450.00.” WHEREFORE, pursuant to Section 3 and 4 of Act 3135 as amended this NOTICE of extrajudicial sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper, published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol Region, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place sixty (60) days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, copies of this NOTICE will be posted in the Municipality of Sipocot, Cam. Sur where the property is located and on the Bullein Board of the Provincial Capitol Building, Naga City, where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said property and the encumbrances existing thereon, if any thefe be. Naga City, this 18th day of May, 1968. RENATO R. MADERA Sp. Deputy Provincial Sheriff of Cam. Sur PUBLISHED IN THE BICOL STAR ON May 25, June 1, & 8, 1968. Gene E. Balfermoso FROM THE HILLTOP Libre’ng Pilipino (12) BUHI BECKONS ... “ Undeveloped But Potentially a Great Tourist Site.” - Frank R. Hernandez The Libre’ng Pilipino is a picture oj contemporary life transcending social change and development of the local sceneiy. From time to time under the series will be presented tidbit biographies of personalities who one way or another had shared or contributed to the uplift of the Pilipino environment. -The Editor. Lake Buhi . . . And looking down the face of thine languid waters The starry firmament, the half moon . . . The leisurely moving clouds . . . Are mirrored like dancing landscapes . . . The Hundred Hills . . . A loft they stand as if to shelter .4 runaway exlentialist, a vagabond . . . Who came to escape from love Only to find solace in another's love. Land of Enchantment . . . In thy awesome magic and splendour, Man the dreamer, man the traveller, Will Ji nd repose and forgetfulness In admiration of thy lavish charms . . . Such is the mystic nature of thy beauty, Endowed graciously by the unseen Architect Whose creative vision and crafty hand Showered upon thee 01 land of envy. From the Author’s 'Garden of Verses’ The Need for a Tourist Spectacle Int’l. Tourism Year - This being a tourism year- it is about time that this premier province of Bicolandia should vie as a matter of consciousness- inspire to devtlop the vast potentialities of a tourist site as a tourist spectacle. It should not be amiss to say the least that by harnessing the promotional gear toward all-out interest in tourism- it can be considered both as wise and expedient the cultivation arid development of a beautiful spot which could produce the end results t» attract the incessant flow of tourist trade within our boundaries. It is a sad note to make the observations that the previeous provincial administration has left a big void which should be filled to dramatize our participation and involvement into the tourist area where other provinces before us such as neighboring Albay or Sorsogon for this matter are now making such bountiful harvests as worthwhile dividends for past endeavors. Our Future Tourist Paradise In an earlier interview sometime in February of this year, our energetic and imaginative provincial secretary- the honorable Mr. Silverio Veluz has intimated to this reporter his plans visa vis the development of the Tourist town of Buhi which was the subject of the secretary’s communication to the Board of Travel and Tourist Industry last year just before the electoral campaigns. As an offshoot of this initiative along with the age-old desire of this writer to arouse interest among the private and government sectors calling our government instrumentalities to lay the groundwork or such a well- meaning and well-intended development tourist projectile within the course of the foreseeable future. HILLTOP NEWS COMMENTARY Frenchmen Need Reforms For A Change The Antidote to Chaos and Disorder - President Charles de Gaulle's Fifth Republic stands still today on the verge of anarchy. Half a million students and 8-million French industrial workers, teachers tn and around Paris joined hand to ignore the orders of the government in exchage for massive reforms in education, higher wages, better living conditions, etc. This is the reaction of Frenchmen today after following up the second term of President de Gaulle’s government. True- Charles de Gaulle brought France from a tottering pedestal to one of economic stability. But this is not all- spiralling prices have been telling on the French people. Economic stability should share the workers, the teachers, professors and studentsa better form of “equality, f rater - nity and liberty.’’ Living conditions today is a very much different when all Frenchmen had to speak of the French Empire covering the different continents. Canada was lost, French Louisiana was sold to the new emerging American nation, French empire in Africa was lost when de Gaulle favored to give the revolting African colo(Continued on page 8)