Legal notices


Part of The Bicol Star

Legal notices
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
May 25, 1968 ★ THE BICOL STAR ★ 3 monkey business PETE L. AMPOLOQUIO My good friend and paiseno, Mr. Diez, the "Partial Reviewer" was introduced by Governor 4. B. Cledera to Mayor Tony Villegas some weeks ago as a man who is like a father to him. Mr. Diez, incidentally is the political adviser oj the Governor. Now, 1 know what fatherly political advice he. will give to Pading Manding in 1969 - Help Fuente for 5th term bid. Mr. Diez is a principled and disciplined man. I don’t think he will prefer a Liberal over a Nacionalisla candidate in 1969 • • There seems to be a lot of noise created by the fencing of ARMDUR’S lot near the RCA area, this city. Armour is reported to have fenced his lot deep within the 7-meter distance from the center of the street. The q lestion is simple, and need not bother anyone If the City paid for the land, it can insist on the 7-meter distance If it has not paid for th land, it has no right to insist We have laws giving us just compensation for properties that the stale may need, and other laws for that matter. • • Governor Cledera is a man of guts an l strong will, but I donjl think he can control the electric J ms installed in his office The control mchanism was removed and sold reportedly to an electrical supplies store at General Luna street, this city. For further information, Mr. Governor, please inquire from a certain Tom in your offfice. I was told that he knows the whole story. Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of Camarines Sur Office of the Prov. & City Sheriff Naga City RURAL BANK OF POLANGUI, INC., Mortgagee, - versus - Spouses: ALFREDO CASTRO & FILIPINAS P. CASTRO Mortgagor (s) EXTRA-JUDICIAL PORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act No. 3135 The Cledera admistration, in my humble opinion, is trying hard to get things done. Strangely enough, Mr. Cledera seems io be slow in the direction of availing of the mass media to keep people informed about what actuilly is happening in his administration. It appears that the Governor does not trust the working press. He can do all the good things th it he can think of but he won't reach first base if the press publishes only the small, but un-favorable stories about him and his a i ministration. President Quirino was destroyed by foolish talks about an "urinola” costing 500 pesos. Foolish talks [true or false) about anybody are better remembered than good ones. I humbly believe that the Reclamation Committee under the chairmanship of Councilor Del Castillo has a right to function with the freedom of movement. To heckle him al every turn may do more harm than good. It is only fair that we start by assuming that he has good faith and love for this city like all other councilors. Let's give the guy a chance. Litton Barrio Council, HCMC Conduct Lectures To Youth Here The Liboton Barrio Council, in cooperation with the Home Catechetical Mission of Caceres, launched last week the First Liboton Youth Seminar at the San Andres residence, Jacob St., this city. The Seminar is a weekly lecture-discussion session on the youth of today, conducted by expert lecturers from Manila and Naga City. Guest lecturer during the first session, last Sunday, was Miss Betty Villa, former vice-president of the International Federation of Young Christian Workers. She spoke on "The Role of the Youth in the Community.” In her lecture, Miss Villa challenged the youth to prove with concrete projects that they are the pillars of their community’s progress. Miss Villa, before coming to the city, had worked with the youth of Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asian countries. She will again speak before the Liboton youth during the latter part of the Seminar. Meanwhile, Dean Evelyn Maronilla-Seva of the Colegio de Sta. Isabel will be the guest lecturer at Tomorrow’s [Sunday] session. She will speak on “The 4 Journalism Studes of S. U. Take Intership Four junior students in Journalism from Silliman University will go out and work with the mass media as interns this summer, in the only journalism internship program in the Philippines. Edna Flores will work with the Agence France-Press [French News Agency] in Manila; Elma Abellanosa, society editor of the Weekly STi ;ianian this year, will work with the Cebu Aduo cate, a daily; Franklin Ituriaga, this year’s news editor of the Weekly (Continued on page 8) Psychology of Teenagers.” Other experts now scheduled to give lectures are Rev. Fr. Jose Saltarin and Mrs. Bernarditta Carpio. Fr. Saltarin will speak on “Love and Courtship"; Mrs. Carpio on “Marriage.” A graduation exercises will mark the culminating affair of the seminar, tentatively scheduled June 30. Seminar coordinators are Miss Ttofila Nivales, HCMC secretary; Miss Lily Rieza, secretary of the local Young Christian Workers chapter; and Mr. Manuel Punzalan, technical assistant to the Barrio Captain. X...............................................X Notice of Extrajudicial Sale WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the Deed of Mortgage executed by Spouses: Alfredo Castro & Filipinas P. Castro of Dinaga St., Naga City, Philippines in favor of the RURAL BANK OF POLANGUI, INC., Polangui, Albay, Philippines, under date of March 25, 1966, and for payment and satisfaction of the loan of TWO THOUSAND (P2.000) Philippine currency, plus interest thereon of (12%) per centum per annum from March 25, 1966, plus ten (10%) per cent of the total amaunt due as attorney’s fees in accordance with the Promissory Note, aside from sheriff’s fees and expenses in connection with the foreclosure sale, all secure by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur (thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff) announces that on July 25, 1968, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon at his Office in the second floor of the Provincial Capitol Building, Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the following real estate property more particularly described as follows: “A parcel of residential land with all the improvements thereon, situated at North Centro, Sipocot, Camarines Sur; Bounded on the North by Angustia Ribaya, on the South by Angustia Ribaya; on the East by Provincial Road and on the West by Mamerto Cruz. Declared under Tax No. 8988 and Assessed at Pl,450.00.” WHEREFORE, pursuant to Section 3 and 4 of Act 3135 as amended this NOTICE of extrajudicial sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper, published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol Region, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place sixty (60) days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, copies of this NOTICE will be posted in the Municipality of Sipocot, Cam. Sur where the property is located and on the Bullein Board of the Provincial Capitol Building, Naga City, where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said property and the encumbrances existing thereon, if any thefe be. Naga City, this 18th day of May, 1968. RENATO R. MADERA Sp. Deputy Provincial Sheriff of Cam. Sur PUBLISHED IN THE BICOL STAR ON May 25, June 1, & 8, 1968. Gene E. Balfermoso FROM THE HILLTOP Libre’ng Pilipino (12) BUHI BECKONS ... “ Undeveloped But Potentially a Great Tourist Site.” - Frank R. Hernandez The Libre’ng Pilipino is a picture oj contemporary life transcending social change and development of the local sceneiy. From time to time under the series will be presented tidbit biographies of personalities who one way or another had shared or contributed to the uplift of the Pilipino environment. -The Editor. Lake Buhi . . . And looking down the face of thine languid waters The starry firmament, the half moon . . . The leisurely moving clouds . . . Are mirrored like dancing landscapes . . . The Hundred Hills . . . A loft they stand as if to shelter .4 runaway exlentialist, a vagabond . . . Who came to escape from love Only to find solace in another's love. Land of Enchantment . . . In thy awesome magic and splendour, Man the dreamer, man the traveller, Will Ji nd repose and forgetfulness In admiration of thy lavish charms . . . Such is the mystic nature of thy beauty, Endowed graciously by the unseen Architect Whose creative vision and crafty hand Showered upon thee 01 land of envy. From the Author’s 'Garden of Verses’ The Need for a Tourist Spectacle Int’l. Tourism Year - This being a tourism year- it is about time that this premier province of Bicolandia should vie as a matter of consciousness- inspire to devtlop the vast potentialities of a tourist site as a tourist spectacle. It should not be amiss to say the least that by harnessing the promotional gear toward all-out interest in tourism- it can be considered both as wise and expedient the cultivation arid development of a beautiful spot which could produce the end results t» attract the incessant flow of tourist trade within our boundaries. It is a sad note to make the observations that the previeous provincial administration has left a big void which should be filled to dramatize our participation and involvement into the tourist area where other provinces before us such as neighboring Albay or Sorsogon for this matter are now making such bountiful harvests as worthwhile dividends for past endeavors. Our Future Tourist Paradise In an earlier interview sometime in February of this year, our energetic and imaginative provincial secretary- the honorable Mr. Silverio Veluz has intimated to this reporter his plans visa vis the development of the Tourist town of Buhi which was the subject of the secretary’s communication to the Board of Travel and Tourist Industry last year just before the electoral campaigns. As an offshoot of this initiative along with the age-old desire of this writer to arouse interest among the private and government sectors calling our government instrumentalities to lay the groundwork or such a well- meaning and well-intended development tourist projectile within the course of the foreseeable future. HILLTOP NEWS COMMENTARY Frenchmen Need Reforms For A Change The Antidote to Chaos and Disorder - President Charles de Gaulle's Fifth Republic stands still today on the verge of anarchy. Half a million students and 8-million French industrial workers, teachers tn and around Paris joined hand to ignore the orders of the government in exchage for massive reforms in education, higher wages, better living conditions, etc. This is the reaction of Frenchmen today after following up the second term of President de Gaulle’s government. True- Charles de Gaulle brought France from a tottering pedestal to one of economic stability. But this is not all- spiralling prices have been telling on the French people. Economic stability should share the workers, the teachers, professors and studentsa better form of “equality, f rater - nity and liberty.’’ Living conditions today is a very much different when all Frenchmen had to speak of the French Empire covering the different continents. Canada was lost, French Louisiana was sold to the new emerging American nation, French empire in Africa was lost when de Gaulle favored to give the revolting African colo(Continued on page 8) 4 T11E BICOL STAR ★ May 25, 1968 • LEGAL NOTICES • Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE PROMNCIAL s h e r if f V irac, Catanduanes ’^VBEOPMENT b a NK o f t h e PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, - versus - JUAN A. TUPUE and CEPCION B. TUPUE, Mortgagors. CON* EXTRA-FORECLOSURE FOR MORTGAGED PROPERTY Notice of Extra-judicial Sale of Mortgaged Properties Under Act 3135 as Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by the spouses, Juan A. Tupue and Concepcion B. Tupue, both of legal age, Filipinos, with residence and postal address at Viga, Catanduanes, in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES formerly Rehabilitation Finance Corporation under date of September 7, 1963 and for the satisfaction of the debt of P5,643.89 plus 6% annual interest on the amount of P5.643.89 from September 21, 1967 plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P564.38 and the fees and expenses in connection with the sale secured by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Catanduanes, thru the undersigned deputy, levied upon all the rights, titles, interest and partic’ pations that the spouses mortgagors have in and over the following property more particularly described and bounded as follows, to wit: ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 73 CATANDUANES Tax Dec. No. 7822-Assessed Value: P480.00 Lot 1, Plan Psu-190932 A parcel of land situated i f the sitio of Omagav, Barrio o Rizal, Province of Catanduanes' Bounded on the N., and NE.’ along lines 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 by Omagay Creek; on the E., along line 8-9 by Lot 2, Psu190932; on the S., along line 9-10 by Carmen A. Ala; on the W., along line 10-11 by Alipio Tomaniog; along line 11-12 by Juan Tonio; and along line 12-1 by Hrs. of Carmen Tupas containing an area of SIX! Y EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THREE (68,153) SQ. METERS. NOTE: This lot is covered by F.P.A. No. 10 3-2550. WHEREFORE, pursuant to the said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Section 3 & 4 of said Act 3135, as amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Catanduanes, thru the undersigned Deputy, ANNOUNCES that on June 11, 1968, at 10:00 o’clock in the morning or soon thereafter, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the aforesaid property to satisfy the total amount of indebtedness plus in cidental expenses that maybe incurred in connection with this foreclosure and sale of said real estate mortgage. This sheriff’s notice of public auction sale will be publishdd in the Bicol Star, a newspaper of general circulation in the province of Catanduanes as well as in the other provinces of the Bicol region and is-edited in the City of Naga, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least Twenty (20) days before the date of public auction sale. Likewise, NOTICE Puisuant to Section .1 Rule 7» of the Rtules of Court, nolioe is hereby given that RAMON, CARMEN. RAFAEL, MERCEDES. ANGELES and ANTONIO, all surnamed TOLENTINO, and beinu the children and legal heirs of the late Spouses DOROTEO T. TOLENTINO a n d ENGRACIA DE LA CRUZ, who both died intestate in, Camarines Sur on June 16.1946 and January 28, 1938, respectively ■ - - have freely entered into Partial Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate of Deceased Persons and Waiver ol Rights or Quit Claim over a parcel of land (plan Psu-49672) situated in barrio Tinugoman. Mir.alabae. Cam Sur under OCT No. R-427 and Tax Dec. No. 2868 in the name of Doroleo K. Tolentino, assessed at rll,3o0. and containing an area of 593,916 sq. m.. more or less, which parcel of land had been subsequently subdivided into two (2) lots. Lot No. 1 containing an area of 34.3916 Has., more oF less. Psd-£537Jin plan Psu-19672, L C Rec. No. 29077 being adjudicated to heir ANGELES C. TOLEN TINO, and Lot No. 2, Psu-85373 ?? pla" Psu-1967 , L.T.C. Rec. No. 29077, containing an area of 25 Has. to heir HAFa ELC. TOLENTINO, of which the co-heirs RXMON, Ga KM--N. MERCKal1 surnamed TOLENTINO whereby waived *-■nounced and quit claim, now and forever, any and all their respective rights, title, claim, interest and participation therein. this instrument was executed March 28, 1968 before Notary Public Lorenzo C Rosales as Doc. No 488; Page No. 98, Bk. XV S. of 1968, THE BICOL STAR: Pub. May 11, 18, 25, 1968. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1 Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the intestate estate left by the late Spouses Dionisio Pacla and Pelagia Hartus, who died on August 10, 19o3 and February IS, 19^1, respectively, in Caiamoan, Camarines Sur, which properties are: 1) a parcel of land located in Taboan, Caramoan. Cam. Sur under OCT No 5062 - Lot No. 430. Ac-100l (FPA-IO-526) area 50, 664 sq. m; under Tax No. 8829 valued at P550 in the name of Dionisio Pacla; 2) a parcel of land located in Toy toy. Caramoan. Cam. Sur area 14, 568 sq. m under OCr No. AS 18 - Lot No. 4551,Ac 1001, (FPA-10-525) under Tax No. 8828 valued at?150 in the name of Dionisio Pacla have been extrajudicially settled among their legal heirs, namely, Irineo, Edilberto Maria, Romana, Barbara and Honorata all surnamed PACLA. Filipino citizens, married, residents of Caramoan. Cam Sur. adjudicating them unto themselves pro-indiviso in equal shares and simultaneously sold them to Felipe Pacla of Caramoan, C.S for a consideration of P950. The document was acknowledged before Notary Public Cresencio D. Beltran. Jr. on March 28, 1968 as Doc. Nj . 20Page 59; Bk I; S. 1968 Pub. Muy 11, 18, 25, 1968 B. Star copies of this notice of public auction sale will be posted in the Bulletin Board of the Catanduanes Provincial Capitol Building, Virac, Catanduanes, where the public auction sale shall take place and on Three (3) conspicuous public places in the Municipality of Viga, Catanduanes, where the aforesaid property is located. Prospective buyers or bidders are herebv enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles of to the said property and the encumbrances existing thereon, if any there be. Virac, Catanduanes, Philippines, May 9, 1968. MANUEL A. MAGISTRADO Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff By; (Sgd.) PIO M. IMPERIAL Deputy Sheriff Pub. May 18, 25, June 1, 1968. Republic of the Philippines IN THE CITY COURT OF NAGA 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTION OF THE MINOR, EDEN TAflON, BENJAMIN ESTARAS and SALUD TANTEO, Petitioner*. SPEC. PROCS. NO. 47 For: ADOPTION OF MINOR ORDER A petition having been presented to this Court by the spouses Benjamin Estaras and Salud Tanteo, of legal ages, Filipinos and residents of No. 124, 20th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines, praying for the adoption of Eden Tanon, thirteen years of age, likewise residing at San Jose, Penafrancia Avenue, Naga City, whose parents are Valentin Tanon and Remedios Tanteo, so that she be regarded as their own child, and considering that the petition is sufficient in form and substance, with the affidavit of consent of the parents of the child to be adopted. Let the said petition be, as it is, hereby set for hearing on the 17th day of June, 1968, at 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon at the session hall of this Court, on which date, time and place, all persons having opposition may appear to show cause why the petition should not be granted. Let this order be published before the date of hearing, at petitioner’s expense, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in the BICOL STAR, a newspaper edited in the City of Naga and of general circulation in this City and in the province of Camarines Sur, for the information of all concerned. SO ORDERED. Done in the City of Naga, this 6th day of May, 1968. JOSE R. LUNTOK City Judge Pub. May 18, 25, June 1, 1968 NOTICE An extra-judicial settlement with sale has been entered into by the HEIRS OF VALERIANA AGEDILLO covering a parcel of land situated at Pobiacion, Libmanan, Camarines Sur containing an area of 161 90 sq. meters, more or less and declared under Tax No. 4511 said parcel of land being sold therein to JOSEFA DILANCO married to Nicanor Dilanco. Said document bearing Doc. No 105; Page No 98; Book No. V; Series of 1968 of the notarial register of notary public Arsenio Royales, dated May 10, 1968. Libmanan, Camarines Sur May 10, 1968. FELIPE PAVIA, et al Pub. May 11, 18 & 25, 19 38 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given, that pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Rights has I een executed by the Heirs of Sofronio Aliboso. namely, Julia Ramos, the surviving wife and the only children Clara and Salomon, all surnamed Aliboso, affecting the property covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 3681, situated in Sitio Pigtabuan. Barrio of Pulantuna, Lupi, Camarines Sur, Julia Ramos and Clara Aliboso have waived their rights in favor of one of the heirs, Salomon Aliboso. The instrument was e x e cuted before Nota y Public Hilario Espaflo of Canaman, Camarines Sur js.Doc, No. 1410, Page 49; Book No. 22; Series of 1968. Pub.’ May 11, 18 & 25, 1968. 20 Marcos-Type Pre-fab School Bldgs. Allocated to Sorsogon Twenty Marcos-type pre-fabricated school buildings were allocated to this province for this month, it was learned here today. The latest allotment are for the following barrios: Gubat central, Bulan central, Barcelona central, San Roque, Bulusan; Lajong, Irosin; Matnog central, Prieto Diaz central and Sta. Magdalena central. Juban cential, Casiguran central, Cumadcad, Castilla; San Roque, Bacon; Bulabog, Sorsogon; Alin Donsol; Bacon central, Donsol central, Aguada, Magallanes, and Pineda, Pilar. JDD NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, an Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate of deceased LEONORA COMESO who died intestate on February 28. 1968, at Lucena City, Quezon, has been executed by her legal heirs, namely, MELECIO BANA WA, the surviving spouse and FOR TU SATO B iNAWA, the only surviving child over the 2 parcels of real property covered by TCT No 6508 ■■ Cam. Sur as Lot 11, having an area of 19 I 375 Sq. M., located in barrio Cagbunga, Pamplona, Cam. Sur and TCT No. 6806 Cam. Sur as Lot 12, located in barrio Cagbunga t'amplona. Cam. Sur having an area of 199,375 Sq. M., declared under Tax No. 3236 and assessed at 1*5.660, adjudicating unto themselves said estate and dividing it between them, viz., Lol It shall belong to Me lerion Banawa and Lot 12 shall belong to Fortunato Banawa as indicated in the said Extrajudicial Settlement pel Doc. No. 99; Page 34; Bk. 10; S 1968 of the Notarial Records of Notary Public Antonio N. Gerona and acknowledged by tne Heirs on May 10. 1968 at Naga City. Pub. May 11. 18. 25, 1968. B. Star NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notic" is hereby given that the legal hiers of late EMILIO SARMIENTO who died intestate on March 12, 1968, in Garcbitorena, Cam. Sur, namely, ITMOTEA SARMIEN IO, his surviving spouse, and II DEFONSO, JUANITO, VICENTE. TEODUL0, Ca YETANO and LUISA, his surviving children, all surnamed SARMIENTO, have mutually executed a deed of extra judicial settlement over the intestate estate left hv the late HMETERIO SARMIENTO which pro perty. a parcel ol land, with OCT No, 1360, Tax Dec. No. 1855 assessed value of P5.190 and adjudicating it unto themselves and dividing same, share and share alike among them, The instrument was executed before Notary Public Atty. Martin Badong, Jr. on May 17, 1968; as Doc. No. 44 Page No. 10, Bk, No V, Series of 1968; in Naga City. Pub. THE BICOL STAR; May 18. 25, 1968 & June 1, 1968. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that ELENA MONTE and PATRICIA M'>NTE, both are widows, Filipinos, of legal age residents of Milaor, Cam. Sur are the two only legal heiis of t h e late Basilio Monte, spouse of the first and father of the latter, and who died on March 27, 1966, in Milaor, Cam. Sur, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Quit Claim over the real property left by deced nt under Tax Dec. No. 2660, valued at P .00 located in Fundado, Gainza. C Sur. and Tax Dec. No. 2710 valued at P480 located in Sam p a 1 o c, Gamza, cam. Sur, adjudicating unto themselves said property.share and share alike pro-indiviso’ and tor a consideration of P500 paid by Patricia Monte to Elena Monte the latter renounced her share and quit claimed forever her claim and interest in said estate in favor of Patricia Monte. The document was executed and acknowledged at Milaor C S. on May 17. 1968, before Notary Public Isidro Bulao per Doc. No, 1065Page 27; Bk. 15; S. 1968. Pub. May 18, 25, June 1, ’68. 25 College Students Doing Volunteer Service SORSOGON, Sorsogon, May 14 — Some twenty five college students completed on May 11 the second phase of the workshop for student-volunteers seivice. The skill training was held at the Sorsogon Dairy Farm under the auspices of the Presidential Arm on Community Development and the U.S. Peace Corps. The first part was the leadership training held in this capital town last month. The third phase is the assignment of the student - volunteers to selected barrios for a five week stint on community development. The volunteers and their schools are: • Raul Ramos, Renee Esquivias, Teresita Domalaon, Edmundo Gabrentina, Julita Laban, Lourdes Labetania, Jose Lopez, Antonio Jao, Hilda Llaneta, Caroline Jeresano, Carmelita Ditan, Lourdes G. Guela, Milagros Habig, Antero Jimenez, Rosario Lesaba, Adelinda Agudo, Cenon Halcon and Juliana Mardoguio - Colegio dela Milagrosa. Elenita Jamora, Alma Dominguiano, Evelyn Vargas, Ovidio Ebuenga and Leovigilda Licup - Sorsogon School of Arts and Trades. Adelaida Marcial - Divine Word - Chit Atutubo - Bicol Teachers College.—JDD Advertise in JBtar* »«♦«♦« HOT MINERAL MEDICINAL WATERS at Tiwi Hot Springs Resort Subdivision, TIWI, ALBAY A Duly Approved Subdivision - All Lots with Clean Title - Here is your chance to buy a lot with a 1-2 DR vacation or residential house to be constructed & provided with a hot cold water dipping pool @ only P10,000 to P15.000 @ 10% to 20% down payment and balance in 10-25 years. Lots only can be sold separately if desired @ Pl7 to P22 per sqm. 10% down. Minimum area is 300 sqm. Ideal location on , both sides of asphalted gov’t, road. Easy means of transportation. Excellent peace & order. RESERVATIONS accepted with a remittance of P200 for a house & lot. If lot only send Pl 00. Appointment for inspection can be arranged by wire 5 days in advance & 10 days by air mail. Your money back if not satisfied. ROSENDO V. DONIDA .Managing Realtor Suite 10 Stilianopulos Bldg Legazpi City f * t h e BICOL STAR ★ May 18, 1968 * "The Star Witness” ★ • By ELIX ABEJERO > Another Legislative Mill Output The last sentence of the first paragraph in this column last week should have read: "This time the less fortunate students who are in some way forced by circumstances to quit schooling in order to earn a living will now have the chance to resume their studies even if some of them have already grown up, and possibly - have already a family of their own.” ★ ★ In its regular session last Tuesday, the Provincial Board considered, at the instance of B/Member Abonal, a petition to the Secretary of Justice requesting among others the designation of municipal Judges as concurrent cadastral judges in their respective municipalities in order to expedite the termination of cadastral cases The idea is to ultimately expedite the issuance of titles so as to enable the small land owners to avail of the credit facilities of Banks, Certain Bonk policies you know frowns upon untitled properties offered as collaterals to loans. ★ if Another Abonal motion considered by the Provincial Board is a request to Pres, Marcos to authorize the PNB to make an allocation of 2 million pesos for Cam. Sur thru the RCA so as to enable that Agency to go on with its palay purchase here at the authorized ceiling price, instead of the fluid price dictated by ollien financiers. ★ ★ The General Appropriation bill has financially hurdled its last obstacles in the Senate. As anticipated, the Liberals were not only outnumbered - they were also out-fought. Also as expected, the 100 mill o i-pesoitem for rural and community development was likewise untouched and incorporated with the final budget inspite of a Roxas, of a Salonga, and of a Padilla, in that chamber. * ★ The most intriguing question now, is as to how far that rural and community development fund could go. Will it really reach all barrios for, and under its intent and purposes as enacted? It being a lump sum appropriation ■ what must be the criteria for its disposition or distribution? The liberals insisted that there must be safeguards - now for what? and why? ★ ★ Of course there is no truth to the rumor that only nacionalista barrio councils will be entitled to the 100 million peso lump sum fund, ★ ★ Likewise, don’t ever believe also the rumor that these rural and community development funds will only be released in the mid-year of 1969. Priority Road Recommendations ... (Continued from page 7) maintenance programs, because of this, it is imperative that the national government gives substantial aid in the undertaking of the construction of the road The ground work for this has already been laid. The Bicol Development Planning Board (BDPB) recommended the Caramoan Peninsula Road for construction as part of the proposed Juan M. Alberto Memorial Highway, and this recommendation was included in the priority infrastructure program prepared for the Bicol Region by the BDPB technical staff. In order to show its enthusiasm over the construction of a Caramoan road, the Provincial Board could pass a resolution reques1947 First Class - - 151.61 Second ClassThird Class - Trail TOTAL - kms. 32.87 ” 2.28 ” 4.00 ” 190.76 Kms ting that the proposed road beginning in Lagonoy and terminating in the poblacion of Caramoan, be designated as a National Road. From the year 1947 to Dec. 31, 1967, there was a total increase bv 33.81 kms. of National Road Kilometrage within the province. The bulk of the increase came in the area of first class roads which show an increase of 333.26 kms. There was also an increase of 3.05 kms. in the second class road category; whereas, a decrease of 3.05 kms. in the second class road category; whereas, a decrease of 1.28 kms. and 1.22 kms. was shown in third class road and trails respectively.____________________ 1967 184.87 kms. 33,26 kms 35.95 ” 3.05 1.00 ” 1.28 2.78 " 1.22 " 224.57 Kms 33.81 Kms LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby Liven that pursuant to Sec 1, Bule 74 of the Bules of Couit an Extrajudical Settlement of Folate Villi Sale has been executed by the Ileirs of the late Grcgoria Poinay. namely Juan Flores, the surviving busband and Paulino, Bonifacio and Ernesto, all surnamed Flores, over the properly covered by O.C.T. No. 1361 situated in Ta’mban, Tinuinbac, ' amarines Sur with an area of 59.032 square meters, more or le s. Sa d properly is also being sold to Fernando Mtigpanlay and the instriinent was executed May 20, 1968 befure fsotary Public Hilario Espafio of Canaman, Camarines Sur under Doc. No. 1446 Pane 60; Book No 22; Series of 1968. Pub. May 25 June 1 and 8, 1968. B. . tar NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Ru'es of Court, notice is hereby given that Ignacio L. Alano married to Rodolfo Alano, of legal age resident of Naga City, and the only heir and co owner of late JUSTIN A PILI of the parcel of land, located in Agos, Bato, Cam. Sur covered by OCT ' o 10706 declared under Tax No 3892, having an area of 5,039 Sq. M assessed at PI60. exacted an Affidavit Adjudicating unto herself the said property. The affidavit was acknowledged before Notary Public Hilario Espano at Naga City on May 23, 1968 per Reg Ao. J-75; Page 64; Bk. XII; S 1968 of his notarial records. Pub. May 25, June 1. 8, ‘68- B. 5 NOTICE Pursuant to Section I. Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby givin that the heirs of late JUANA CATAPANG who died intestate on April 17, 1957, in Catabagnan, Ragay, Cam. Sur, namely, Pedro Canson widower and spouse of the decedent; Cosme Canson and Felix Canson. children of the decedent; Cosme Canso and Felix Canson, children of the decedent, entered into agreement and executed an Extra-Judicial Partition of Estate and Quit Claim, over the parcel of agricultural land, located in Catabagnan, Ragay, Cam. Sur, having an area of 5.4904 Has., covered by OCT No. 201 under Tax Dec. No. 3433 valued at P2.570 and adjudicating it unto [themselves said property and thereby dividing it among themselves proindiviso and simultanously the two co-heirs, namely, Cosme and Felix canson quit and renounced forever their shares and claims over the property in favor of their father and co-heir Pedro Canson. The document was acknowledge by them before Notary Public ex-Officio Angel Huertas, Mun. Judge of Ragay. Cam. Sur on May 23, 1968 per Doc. No. 129; Page 27- Bk, 1; S.1968. Pub. May 25, June 1, 8, '68. B. Star. 4 Journalism . . ♦ limanian will go to the Bohol Chronicle, a weekly in Tagbilaran; and Jose Sarsoza Jr. will intern with radio station DXIC in Iligan City. Meanwhile, Silliman’s School of Journalism and Communications turned out its second batch of graduates this April-seven of them. One, Jurgette Honculada, graduated summa cum laude. She is now working with d?HP in Manila. Another, Siegfredo Vecina, finished cum laude. He has a job offer from a weekly newspaper and a college in Dipolog, Zamboanga del Norte. The internship program, going on its second year, is designed to give the student the chance to tie in his theory with practice. Under the usual arrangements, the paper, or radio station, or news agency with whom the student works, pays for his board and lodging during the internship period. In exchange the student works full time like a regular staff member with them. The student also gets academic credit for the internship. Philippine Gamble Pays Off (Continued from page 7) Though he has his critics, most Filipinos seem to approve of the start made by President Marcos. Right now, he appears to have a good chance to become the first President of the 22-year-old Republic ever to be reelected when the 1969 elections roll around. If he does get a chance to finish the job he has started, the Philippines shows signs of the possibilities of significant progress. From the Hilltop . . . nies their freedom. In 1954 the French Indo-China Empire was lost to the Ha Chi Minh Viet-Minh forces and even the Americans todate are trying hard to 'negotiate' an honorable peace from across the table confrontation with the Norih Vietnamese in Paris, site of the present cultural and industrial turmoil. In the United States-the Americans are fighting social and racial insurrection and they are concentrating an effective implementation to afford a better chance of livelihood for the American Negros. While Frenchmen are building ‘barricades’ against the government-soldiers numbering 100,000 strong, we here seem unaware of the tide of social necessity and change and what do we have: we are facing multi-facet realities and before long we should be aware of the dangers and the spread of the so-called ‘invisible torces’ of discontent in our midst. NOTICE Ftebella bares . . . Iriga Townsfolk . . (Continued from page. 1) vetoed by Your Excellency for the following reasons: "1. That the town annual income [reportedly 1’303,000 plus] is inadequate to undertake the normal functions and operations of a city government. “2. That additional taxes will be imposed on the residents, 60 per cent of whom are reportedly tax delinquents their properties having been destroyed by the strong typhoon Welming. “3. That about 99 5 per cent of the inhabitants are small real property owners who will have to suffer most of the additional tax burdens which the new city may require. "4. That, contrary to reports, no actual open forums in town and in the barrios had been held by our town officials for the purpose of informing the inhabitants relative to the status of cityhood. "5. That the resolutions passed by the municipal council and the league of barrio councils favoring the city status do not reflect the actual reaction and sentiments of the residents because they are overwhelmingly against the conversion of Iriga into a city. "6. That the members of the municipal council and of the league of barrio councils cannot act as spokesmen for the residents; to represent them for and in their behalf on the question of cityhood inasmuch as said council members were elected to their respective positions on purely party issues, not on the issue of oity status the same had never been raised as an issue by any political party during the preceding elections. "In view of the foregoing, we hereby respectfully submit and appeal to Your Excellency to veto House Bill No. 7270 in the interests of the Iriga residents who are vigorously opposed to the measure. We shall, however, welcome any move to hold a plebiscite for the purpose of conversion which, we believe, is more democratic rather than force upon us the city status via the legislative mill. "Hoping Mr. President that you will extend your utmost consideration on our stand on the matter, and with our highest esteem and regard, we remain. "Very respectfully yours, "FOR AND IN BEHALF OF THE ANTI-CITY STATUS1 "By (SGD.) MARGARITO DE VILLA TELEGRAM IRIGA CS MAY 17 1968 PRESIDENT MARCOS MALACANANG MANILA PLEASE VETO HOUSE BILL NUMBER 1270 CONVERTING IRIGA CITY RESIDENTS OVERWHELMINGLY OPPOSED DE VILLA (SGD.) MARGARITO DE VILLA IRIGA CS Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given, that the Heirs of the late JUAN DAGNALA\ who died intestate in Sorsogon. Sorsogon, namely, Eulalia Jaza r e n o, widow of the deceased; Fufracia. Maria and Roberto, all surnamed DAGNALAN the children of the deeeased, of legil age, residents of Sorsogon, Sorsogon. executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate and Sale affecting the real property located in Sorsogon, Sorsogon with an area of 87 Sq. M. under Tax Dec. No. 1062 valued at Pl 10 and covered by OCT No. 329, Lot 3572 of Sorsogon Cad. adjudicating unto th mselves said property and simultaneously sold it by them for a consideration of PHO unto Jose Laurinaria. Filipino, of legal age, married, of Sorsogon, Sorsogon. The document was acknowledged before Notary Public Maximinv R. Ables, per Doc. No. 195; Pace 61: Bk XII; S. 1959 of his notarial records, dated Dec. 29 1959. THE BICOL STAR: Pub. May 25 and June 1. 8. 1968. presentations in releasing the JJ27 which is for salaries of personnel in the office of the district Engineer in Camarines Sur. He also wired Provincial Treasurer Jesus Calleja and District Engineer Jaime Sarte regarding the new public works releases. He meanwhile advised Municipal mayors and treasurers to coordinate with the Provincial Treasurers in connection with these releases. Rep. Fuentebella also revealed that the appointment of Atty. Jose Obias Ampoloquio as municipal judge of Lagonoy, Camarines Sur was among the first group of nominess approved by the Commission on Appointments last week. Rep. Fuentebella is the assistant majority floorleader of the Commission on Appointments with Senator Jose Roy as the maioritv