Low-down on the ladies


Part of Panorama

Low-down on the ladies
Hartman, E. V.
Man-woman relationships.
Life partners.
Girls -- Physical characteristics (Human body)
Women -- Physical characteristics (Human body)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
This article was condensed from The Commentator.
1fHow to choose women. LOW-DOWN ON THE LADIES BROTHER, are you tussling with the urge to merge? As :i rule you have very little to do with choosing your mate. Some little fluff with a new permanent, a nice paint job, a doll hat, and an iron will, puts her brand on you and backs you into the corral. That's all there is to it. But take hope, my friend. for I'm about to give you the lowdown on the ladies. First, you will have to rid your mind of the idea that women are mysterious. Women are motivated mainly by instinct. Their vital necessities are food, clothes. shelter, and love. A few of them also desire to propagate their kind in the conventional manner. To fill these various needs a male must be captured and tamed. This the gals consider their main business. Now. let us study the character from the babe's eyes. The color, the shape, the size. are all little sign posts which indicate her natural traits. Hazel eyes-the favorite of the poets and painters-are light brown, changing to green or gold. The pupils usually dilate rapidly. which is a sign of emotionalism. The honey JUNE, 1939 with the changeable orbs is a many-sided personality. She is unstable, inconstant, and fascinating. If your heart throb has lovely brown eyes, then she is affectionate, dependable, and will make a swell mother. Intelligence is denoted by grey eyes. Light grey, or greyish blue show that she weighs every thought and action. Her tendencies are toward the studious and she is often inclined to be literary. Large eyes show a love of luxury, while very small ones are signs of a morose, selfish nature. If the small eyes are close together, look out! It shows deceit. Noses are very important in revealing character. The sugarpie who sports a short one is changeable, enthusiastic, loves to be on the go, is a good mixer. and always jumps to conclusions. She's a cheerful little person to have around the house, if you don't mind an entire lack of system and order .. There are exceptions to tpis rule, but only when the short nose is very beautifully shaped, with a rather high bridge. A nose turned up is evidence of a fine sense of humor. A long nose indicates 9 determination, concentration, and business ability. Miss Long Nose will be punctual. keep her promises, and live on a budget. She's a nice gal in a dogmatic way. If her long nose is very pointed at the tip, she is of a suspicious turn of mind, and will read your letters. Don't keep a diary. If the bridge of the nose is high, the little woman will have a tendency to boss you. If it's low, she will be obstinate and slow of thought. Now, we're all ready to peer into the next mystery-the mouth. This is the one feature which taken alone is a true index of the· character. The ideal mouth is fairly large, with quite full, well-shaped lips. This shows a generous, lovable nature. A very small oral cavity betrays penuriousness and selfishness. If the lips are unduly thicl~. it displays a temperament extremely material. She will be sensual. greedy, and badtempered. On the other hand, if the wench has these thin, tightly clamped lips that make you think of nutcrackers, she's a pickle puss, and you'd better not stop to dally. A long upper lip signifies that the delicious will want her own way. A short upper lip, like the tiptilted nose, shows a sense of humor. Next in importance comes the chin. A sharp-pointed chin is 10 a sign of wit, and quick thinking. A large, wide chin evidences perseverance and tenacity. A projecting type proves the femme to be very positive, while one which recede~ implies the gal is more or less negative in temperament. A dimpled chin shows that the lovely is a bit on the passionate side. A double-decker exhibits self-indulgence. There are three types of faces: the triangular, the square, and the round. The first is wide at the temples and narrow at the jaws. If your precious has that shape face she is smart. She will go in for a career. Some of these limbie-pies make good, in which case you become "Mary Lee's husband." Those who fail become sour and discontented, and you have a simply harrowing existence. Square faces, I'm glad to say, are rarely found among the femmes. This type of gal has the Mussolini complex, and it's hard to quell her. She has a firm will and tenacity of purpose. The lovely with the round face isn't cursed with the high tension of Miss Triangular, or the unswerving determination of Miss Square Jaw. She loves to eat, drink, and be merry. As a rule, this apple-cheeked cutie will be a swell cook and can certainly push a neat grciup of food together. She's a honey PANORAMA to live with, too. She enjoys, good, wholesome love-making, and has no objections to a few noisy kids. She adores company, and your gang will always be welcome for dinner. She may be a trifle sketchy with the broom, and your socks may stay air conditioned for all she cares, but for real companionship and happiness, the sweetie-pie with the round face can't be beat. The shape and size of a girl's forehead give you a fairly accurate idea of her quota of gray matter. They also manifest the various talents she has. Aptitude for art, musical ability, or a flair for dramatics are all blazoned forth by the tiny bumps on the dome. Other qualities such as love of home, love of gadding, economy, and extravagance are plainly denoted. A sweetie who is just naturally extravagant is a happy, easygoing gal. Extravagance is shown by a well-defined hollow at the temple. Any darling with such conformation simply can't save. If Little Bright Eyes has very bulging temple, however, she's quite a different dish. She has a streak of penny pinching in her make-up which may develop into downright miserliness. She is the answer to a tightwad's prayer. Forewarned is forearmed, so look 'em over carefully before you give yourself up. If you can't resist, at least you'll know what struck you. -E. V. Hartman, condensed from The Commentator.