Legal notices


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Legal notices
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© LEGAL NOTICES $ Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CATANDUANES 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR A CHANGE OF NAME, YAN WEY, petitioner. SPL. PROC. NO. 132 x...................................................... X ORDER In his verified petition, the petitioner, a bona fide resident of the province of Catanduanes since 1946, seeks to obtain judicial authority to change his Chinese name, Yan Wey with the Filipino name Lucas Arcilia Yan, the name allegedly given him when he was baptized in the Catholic Church sometime in the year 1947. WHEREFORE, the petition being sufficient in foim and substance, the Court hereby sets the same fcr hearing on April 29, 1968, at 8:30 o’clock in the morning and directs that a copy of this order be published in the Bicol Star, a newspaper published in the City of Naga and of general circulation in the province of Catanduanes, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, which won the lottery conducted in the office of the Clerk of Court, pursuant to the provisions of Rep. Act No. 5469, so that all persons interested in the petition may then and there appear and show cause why the same should not be granted. Let a copy of this petition be served upon the Solicitor General. SO ORDERED. Virac, Catanduanes, November 25, 1967. FELICIANO S. GONZALES Judge Certified True Copy. MANUEL A. MAGISTRADO Clerk of Court Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, 1967. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby gi^en that lie estate left by late Sps. Isolate Valencia and Liberate Alarte, conshting of tn agricultural _ lot situated at Sea Antonio, Tiaam b a c, Cams.Sur; covered by O.C.T. No* 7751 (Patem) with an area ef 97,522 square meters, has been the subject of an Extra jad sial settlement with ra e by the only heir, Edilberto Valeneia, who eubeequeatlv sold the same to Marcelo Calls, for Pt.500 60; ■ aid deed acknowledged before Not. Pub. Hilario Espano per Doo; No. 651; Page 4; B;ok 21; S. 1967 on Dec. 8, 1957 st the City of Naga. Pub. Deo. 16, 23, 30, 19S7, LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant ta Sec. 1. Rule 74 ul the Ru'es of Court, an Affidavit of Adjudication has bee« executed by Eula'ia Lamog, only heir of the late Cleotilde Recapeeo and Re mualdo Laniog, over a parcel of residential I ad situated in San Agustin, Liga, CansariDes Sur with an area of 1,504 sq, m. new under Tax Declaiation No. 16414 and valued at 1*5,130. The instrument was executed Deoimber 6, 1957 before Nota y Public Hilario Espano an I recorded as Doo. No. 633; Pag’ No. 100; Bosk No. XJK; Series of 1967. Pub. December 9, 16 and 23, 191 Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF SORSOGON, SORSOGON DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, SALVACION MOLINA, Mortgagor, FORECLOSURE x - - ... x SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 As Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by SALVACION MOLINA, single, of legal age, Filipino, with residence and postal address at Daet, Camarines Norte, in favor of the Development Bank of the Philippines, formerly R. F. C. Mortgagee, under date of August 5, 1961, and for the satisfaction of the debt in the amount of ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE AND 68/100 PESOS (Pl,855.68) as of December 23, 1966, including interest thereon, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 110% of the totrJ indebtedness as attorney’s fees also secured by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff levied upon all the rights, interest, title, dominion and participation that of the Mortgagor Salvation Molina has in and upon the real property mortgaged LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sec. 1. Rule 74 of the Bules of Court, an Extrajud rial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Rights, has been executed November 26, 1967, by and among the Heits of Eulalia Villareal, namely, Dioniaic Magistre* do, the surviving Widow aod the childien, Caez b, Nelly, Teotimo, Lcur^es aDd Pediito all eumamed Vi'lareal, affecting the property situated in Aniog, Saghay, Camarines Sur, with an area of 5.9870 hectares and by Original Certificate of Title No. 22698 Heirs waived their rights in favor of Corazon Villareal under an instrument executed before Notary Public Hdario Espsho of Cenaman, Camarines Sur, under Dec. Ni. 607; Page 95; Book No. XX; Series of 1967. Pub. December 9, 16 & 23. NOTICE Pursuant to Bsc. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that Matilde Bracero, surviving wife and only legal heir of late Fausto Lagre, who died in Pagscnga-an, Lagonoy, Cam. Sur on May 6, 1963, executed an affidavit adjudicating ul to herself with simultaneous absolute sale unto C?sar Goyenr, Filipino, of legal age, married, ixaga City, for t> consideration of P2,500 that certain parcel of land, situated in Pagsanga an, C.S. with an area of 90,043 Sq M. elemibed io OCT No. 16329; (Lol 981 Pls 687-D). The instrument was executed and acknowledged before Notary Public Htlatio Eipano at Canaman, C.8. per Doc. No. 643; Page 2; Bk. 21; 8. 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23 80, 1967. Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF SORSOGON, SORSOGON RURAL BANK OF BULAN, INC., Mortgagee, -versusSAMUEL ALBOR AND EMMA HILOTIN, Mortgagors. X....................................... X SHERlFE'S NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE AND SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Acr 3135 As Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of Mortgage executed by SAMUEL AI.BOR and EMMA HILOTIN (spouses) of legal age, Filipino, with residence and posand more particularly described, as follows: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-1477SORSOGON A parcel of land situated in the barrio of Sto. Nino, Municipality of Bacon, Province of Sorsogon, Philippines. Lot. No. 1 - Bounded on the North, by property of Hipolito Daual; on the East, by property of Fausto Arnaldo; on the South, by property of Damian Molina; and on the Southeast, by property of Marciliano Arnaldo, x x x containing an area of 0.8649 hectares. Lot No. 2 - Bounded on the the Northeast, by Guisok Creek; on the Southeast, by Lfipolito Daual and Guisok Creek; on the Southwest, by properties of Teodoro Dalea and Malcelino Arnaldo; and on the Northwest, by properties of Marcelino Arnaldo, and Damian Molina, x x x containing an area of 4.0101 hectares. WHEREAS, pursuant to the said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Section 3 and 4 of said Act 3135 as amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff ANNOUNCES that on January 10, 1968, at 10:03 In the morning at the Office cf the Provincial Sheriff below the Courthouse at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, the above described real property in order to satisfy the total amount of indebtedness claimed by the bank in said mortgage. WHEREAS, this notice of public auction sale will be published io. the BICOL STAR, a newspaper of general circulation in the province of Sorsogon as well as in the Bicol regior^and edited in the City of Naga once a week for three concecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty days before the date of auction sale. Copies of this notice will be posted for the same period of time in the conspicuous public places in the Municipality of Bacon and Sorsogon where the properties are located and the auction sale will take place. Wherefore, prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themsejves the title of the properties and the encumbrances thereto if there be any for their own protection. Done at Sorsogon, Sorsogon this 1st day of December, 1967. ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex- Officio Provincial Sheriff By: ANGEL D. JARICAL Deputy Provincial Sheriff Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ‘67. December 23, 1967 ★ THE BICOL STAR + b tai address at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, in favor of the RURAL BANK OF BULAN, INC., under date of June 6, 1964. May 11, 1965 and May 24, 1966, and for the satisfaction of the debt in the amount of TWO THOUSAND FIFTY SIX AND 62/100 PESOS (1’2,056.62) as of November 15, 1967, including interest thereon, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 10% of the total amount of indebtedness as attorney’s fees and the Sheriff’s fees for the foreclosure and sale all secured by said mortgage, at the indication of the Morgagce Bank, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, livied upon all the rights, interest, titles, dominions and participations that of the mortgagors might have in and over the following described real properties mortgaged, to wit: Parcel-1- A parcel of agricultural land (abaca and coconut) located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of Thirty Six Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Five (36,485) Square Meters, more or less, x x x Bounded on the North, by Cayetano Mendaro and Isidro Hilotin; on the East, by Public Land; on the West, by Epifanio Dey to. Tax Decl. No. 5112 and Assessed for P480.00. Abaca and coconuts are the permanent improvements and visible boundaries are Creek, Balite and Taquilala trees. Parcel -2- A parcel of coconut, abaca and thicket land located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of THIRTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY ONE (30,451) Square Meters, more or less, Bounded on the North, by Marcos Golloso; on the East, by Pawic River; on the South, the Pawic River; and on the West, by Marcos Golloso. Tas Decl. No. 4152 and Assessed for P230.00 Coconut and abaca are the permanent improvements and BL posts, River and Taquilala trees are the visible boundaries. Parcel 3- A parcel of agricultural land containing an area of 70,000 Square meters more or less located at Tula-tula, Magallanes. Sorsogon, bounded on the North, by Samuel Albor and Jesus Moraleda; on the East, by Felipe Llarina; on the South, by Rosendo Totica; and West, by Francisca Lopos and Samuel Hilotin. Tax Decl. No. 5255 and Assessed for Pl,700.00. Coconuts and abaca are the permanent improvements and quilala and hojasmorado trees are the visible boundaries . . Parcel -2-2 parcel of agricultural land located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND (75,000) Square Meters more or less, bounded on the North, by property of Julian Marmol; East, by property of Plutarco de los Reyes; South, by property of Pastor Alcantara; and on the West, by property of Arturo Albor, Tax Decl. No. 5651 and Assessed for Pll,180.00 and abaca and coconuts are the permanent improvements and living trees are the visible boundaries. WHEREAS, pursuant to the said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Sections 3 and 4 of said Act 3135 as amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Sheriff ANNOUNCES THAT on February 7, 1968, at 10:00 in the morning of that day he will sell at Public auction to the highest, bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, in the Office of the Provincial Sheriff at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, below the Courthouse the above described real properties in order to satisfy the total amount of indebtedness claimed by said Bank. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sec. 1, of Rule 74 of the New Rules of CoiMt, the estate of the late Salvador Reye? consisting of a parcel of '’’coconut land situated at Grijalvo, San Fernando, C. Sur, designated as Lot 2149, Pls. 737-D, with an area of 2.6244 Has. has been the subject of an Extrajudicial Settlement by the heirs executed before Notary Public Flavio Esplago as per Doc. No. 290, Page No. 90, Book No. V, Series of 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the property of the late Arcadio Sicad, located at Dimadlagan, Panlayaan, Sorsogon, Sorsogon, has been the subject of this Summary Settlement with Sale by the heirs, namely: Exequiel, Presentacion, Justina, Asuncion, Gregorio, Amador, Salvacion and Rosario, all surnamed Sicad and Marcos Bermundo, in favor of Daniel Javier which was executed and acknowledged on Nov. 17, 1967, before Notary Public Atty. Hugo D. Dado of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, as evidenced by Doc. 1166; Page 8; Book 29; and Series of 1967 of his notarial register. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. - A.J‘ WHEREAS, this notice of public auction sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a newspaper of general circulation in the Bicol Region and edited in the City of Naga Philippines, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication totake place at least Sixty (60) days before the date of auction. Copies of This notice will be posted in three conspicuous places in the Municipality of Magallanes where the properties are located and same copies will be pasted at Sorsogon, Sorsogon where the auction will take place. WHEREFORE, propective buyers or bidder are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the t'tles of the properties and the encumbrances thereto if there = be any for tfieir own protection. Done at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, this 1st day of December, 1967. ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff By: ANGEL D. JARICAL Deputy Sheriff Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ‘67 PACD Progress Report President Marcos was informed recently that the Presidential Arm on Community Development undertook 45,764 various projects at municipal and barrio levels in all parts of the country within the span of one and a half years. The combined value of the projects is p 24.51 million. Of these projects, 2,828 were assisted by USAID grants-in-aid, of which 1,398 have been completed and 1,430 are on-going. The bigger bulk, totalling 42,936, consists of self-help undertakings, to which PACD and other government agencies supplied the technical know-how, guidance and supervision. These accomplishments surpassed by 61 percent the achievement of the PACD for the period immediately preceding Tulv 1966. The above figures were gleaned from the PACD performance report for July 1966 up to Sept., 1967, submitted to Malacanang. Most of the projects were (Continued on pug • 6) HE B1C01 STAR ★ December 2.1, I. * LEGAL NOTICES * Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SCR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga ROTILA BENJAMIN, Plaintiff, CRISOSTOMO KEVILLA, et al., Defendants. CIVIL CASE NO. L-201 (EXECUTION) X............................... x Sheriff's Notice of Auction Sale Whereas, by virtue of the writ of execution issued by the Court of First Instance of Camarines Sur, Branch V, whereby the Provincial Sheriff of, Camarines Sur or any of his lawful deputies was commanded to make effective the sum of TWO THOUSAND PESOS (P2.000), Philippine currency, the mortgage debt, with interest of twelve per cent (12%) per annum from June 18, 1964 until fully paid; plus attorney’s fees in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500); plus the costs of the suit in the sum of FOUR HUNDRED FOURTEEN PESOS .AND EIGHTY CENTAVOS (P414.80) and together with the sheriff’s fees and ether lawful expenses incident to this execution, all in Philippine currency, against the judgmentdebtors or the defendants hereof; Wherefore, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff, ex officio, of Camarines Sur announces that under the provisions of Section 3, Rule 70 of the Rules of Court, he will sell at public auction* at ■ the office of the Provincial SheI riff, located at the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on January 9, 1968. to the highest bidder for ca.h in Philippine money, the mortgaged, property of the defendants hereof, hereunder described as follows: “A parcel of upland rice and calaan land with all the improvements thereon, containing an area of TEN HECTARES or 100,000 square meters, more or less, situated in the barrio of Colacling, Municipality of Lupi, Province of Camarines Sur, bounded on the North, by Catalino Alforte; on the East, by Margarito Saniel; on the South, by MRR Co.; and on the West, by Bolo Creek. This land is delimited on each sides by Talisay Trees, Apitong Trees, Bunga Tree and Madre de Cacao Tree, respectively; covered by Tax Declaration No. 705 in the name of Miguela Miralpin and assessed at P250. This property has not been registered under the provisions of Sec. 41 of Act No. 496, nor under the Spanish Mortgage Law, hence, both parties agreed to register the document in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 3344 as amended. The mortgagors are in actual I peaceful possession of this , property." F In accordance with law, this notice of public auction sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Like[Wpr, for the same period of time, NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given in connection with the Extrajudicial Settlement Among Heirs cxejuted among the heirs of the late FELIX JACOME of Buhi, Cam. Sur, namely: Restituto, Cristina, Marciana, Victoria, Maxima, all eurnamed Jacome, of legal age, all married of |hihi, Cam. Sur, adjudicating unto themselves proindiviso that certain parcel of riceland, situated in the barrio of San Pascual, Buhi, Cam. Sur with an area of 5,501 Sq. M. covered by OCT No. 12892 of the Reg. of Deeds of Cam. Sur known as Lot No. 1404 Cad-296 and left intestate by deceased Paula Jacome, the sister of late Felix Jacome. All other heirs renounced and quitclaimed their interests and shares in favor of the other heirs named above who arc the children of late F.iix Jacome. The instrument was subse.d :J and sworn to before i . > lry Public Francisco C. Mcndizabal at Buhi, C.S. on Aug. 22, 1967 per Doc. No. 48; Page 78; Bk. IV; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. Repub'ic of the Philippines KURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, -versus • SPS. FELIX PARAF1NA & CORAZON DAU RAN, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES X..................................................X NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDI( IAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Act 31 S3, as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgages executed by the spouses FELIX PARAFINA and CORAZON DAU RAN, of the Poblacion, of Ragay, Camarines Sur in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly REHABILITA T I O N FINANCE CORPORA T ION, under date of December 4, 1958, February 8, 1960 and August 28, 1962 and for the satisfaction of the debt of Pl,572.23 plus 6% and 8%, respectively annual interest on the amount of Pl,572.23 from March 16, 1967 plus at tornev’s fees in the amount of P157.23 and the fees and expenses in connection with this sale, also secured by said moitgages, the undersigned ex officio Provincial Sheriff announces that on January 9, 1968 at 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Sheriff Office, located on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol, in Naga City, he will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following real properties, together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 9272 - CAMARINES SUR Tax Dec. No. 2610-Assessed Value - P510 Plan Psu-148562 A parcel of land situated in Bo. Salvacion, Mun. of Ragav, Province of Camarines Sur. Bounded on the NE. along line 1-2 by property’ of Cristobal Aquino; along lines 2-12 by Center of Creek and property of Benjamin Mapa; and along lines 12-24 and 24-1 by Center of Creek and property of Cristobal Aquino, xx containing an area of SIXTY TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN (62,118) square meters, more or less. three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in the municipality of Lupi, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described property is situated and another three copies of same will be posted in the City’ of Naga, one at the Bulletin Board in the Provincial Capitol, where the auction sale will be conducted for the information of all concerned. Prospective buyers or bidders, are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the property and the encumbrances thereon, in Case there be any, for the protection of their interest. Done in Naga City, Philippinees, December 12, 1967. MAURO B. PAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, 1967. NOTE: This survey is covered by F.P.A. No. V-56436. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. I lul l — CAMARINES SUR Tax Dec. No. 3922-Assessed Value - P240. A parcel of land (Psu 148664) situated in the Barrio of Salvacion, Mun. of Ragay, Province of Camarines Sur. Bounded on the SE., along line 102 by Jacinto Hanoy; on the SW., along lines 2-3-4-5 by Corazon Dauran (Psu-148663); and on the N., along lines 5-6-1 by Public Land, x x containing an area of SIXTY ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE (61,835) square meters. NOTE: This survey is covered by FPA-V-55436-A. In accordance with law, this notice of extra-judicial sale of mortgaged properties under Act 3135 as amended, will be published in the Bicol Star, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted in three different public and conspicuous places in the municipality of Ragay, Camatines Sur where the above-described properties are located, and another three copies will be posted in the City of Naga, one at the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol, where the auction sale will be conducted for the information of all concerned. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles of the said properties and the encumbrances thereon, if any there be. City of Naga, Philippines, December 12, 1967. MAURO B. FAJARDO Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Ex- Officio Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, 1967. Advertise in Tide of War IUi AgaLiil Hajai: Hdpak? Wellington, New Zealand - A turning point in the Vietnam war could be reached if Hanoi would face up to "the startlin ; changes which have occurred in South Vietnam; says New Zealand's Prime Minister Keith Ilolyoake. In a statement November 27 reviving military and political realities in Vietnam, Mr. Holyoake pointed out that New Zealand decided to commit troops to South Vietnam two-and-a-half years ago "for the same reasons that we went to the assistance of South Korea and Malaysia. In all three cases aggression had been committed. The peace and security of Asia were threatened, and legal, treaty and moral obligations were involved." LEGAL NOTICE No’ce is hereby givnthat puruiinl u .-.eclion I, Rule 71 of the Rul s of Court, an affidavit of self adjudication has been executed by Zacarias R. Imperial, the surviving spouse and the only heir of the late Rustica C. Imperial, who died with no valid will on July 13, 1966, at the City of Naga, over the six (6) parcels of riceland, coconut land, residential land, located at Tinagnis, Pili, Camarines Sur, City of Naga, and at Makati, Rizal, with a total area of one hundred sixty four (164) hectares, ninety six (96) ares, and eighty one (81) centares or 1,649,681 square meters, more or less, and a personal property consisting of cash, deposited in the Philippine National Bank. The affidavit of self adjudication was executed before Branch Clerk of Court, Leoncio Garchitorena of the Court of First Instance of Camarines Sur, at the City of Naga, on the 15th day of December 1967. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967 and Jan. 6, 1968. NOTICE Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that an Extrajudicial Sei dement of ■ Estate with Sale was executed in Naga City on Nov. 2, 1967 by and among Primitiva, Alejandro, Vicente, Rosario and Beata, all surnamed Agong, of legal age, of Camaligan, Cam. Sur, the legal heirs of late--Spouses Leocadio Agong and Nicanora Villar who died intestate in Camaligan, C,S. in the years 1944 and 1951, respectively, adjudicating unto themselves pro-indiviso that parcel of coconut land, left by decedents, situated in Marupit, Camaligan, Cam. Sur with an area of .948 Sq.M., declared under Tax No. 1886 and assessed at P80 and simultaneously sold it to Ramon Alimuin, Filipino, of legal age, married to Paz Lagasca, Camaligan, Cam. Sur for a consideration of P5,00«. The instrument was subscribed and sworn to before Notary Public Hilario Espano on December 6, 1967 in Naga City per Doc. No. 634; Page 100; Bk. XX; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. House and Lot for Sale J A seven room house together with the lot oJ which i is standing with an area of 475 square’ meters are for sale at low reasonable price. Located 1 on A Bonifacio St., Naga City Heights Subdivision. Interested buyer, contact right away. MR. TEOFILO ZARA 381 Igualdad St., Naga City IJ liled Nations groups N/es pr.tein lack in (iav.,lo?)’ng countries Paris - The shortage edible proteins, particularly io developing countries and especially among children, received primiry attention fron a U.S. cimnittee during.a ten-day meeting in Paris. The consultative committee of the United Nations on the applications of science and technology to development stressed the gravity of the shortage and called for measures to increase protein production and consumption. These mcasurej included greater output of animal and vegetable proteins, and cooperation between the United Nations and bilateral organizations to modify eating habits in the developing countries. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given, that the heirs of the late Marcela Labodlay, Bonifacio, Eleno, and Bernards all surnamed Jaudalso, who died respectively on Nov. 1, 1937, Sept. 22, 1943; June 19, 1961 and May 7, 1951, respectively, namely: Felisa Jaudalso, widow, Tomas Dolot, Emeterio Ledesma; Teotimo, Cenon, Francisco, and Jose, all surnamed Dolot, the legal heirs of the four decedents named above, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of the estate left by decedents by adjudicating unto themselves pro-indiviso the parcel of land (Lot No. 6122, before Lot No. 1959-A of Sorsogon Cad.', located in Sorsogon, Sorsogon, covered by OCT No. 2223 under Tax Dec. No. 12320, valued at P3,160 with an area of 3,345 Sq.M., in the manner stated in the instrument which was subscribed and sworn to before Notary Public Maximino R. Ables at Sorsogon, Sorsogon on March 21, 1967. Pub.. Dec. 23, 30, 1967, Jan. 6, 1968. R.A. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the heirs of the late Eustaquia Delfin de la Rosa who died intestate sometime in 1963 in Pasacao, Camarines Sur, namely; Saturnino de la Rosa, widower of the decedent, and Domingo, Fernando, Jaime and Enemias, all surnamed De la Rosa, children of the decedent, Filipinos, all of legal age, maried and residents of Pasacao, Cam. Sur, executed an Extrajudicial Partition of the Estate, proindiviso among themselves of the conjugal share of the decedent over the parcel of land situated in Magtabid, Caranan, Pasacao, C.S., covered by OCT No. 9366, FP-No. V-71504 with an area of 10.0232 Has. under Tax Dec. No. 7770 valued at P3.350. The instrument was subscribed and sworn to before Notary Public Alfredo A. Velasco at Pasacao, C. Sur on Dec. 13 1967, per Reg' No. 275; Page 58; Bk. Ill; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967, Jan 6, 1968. Sorsogon News ________ ______ By JOSE D. DESTURA_____________ Elected Officials Proclaimed SORSOGON. Sorsogon - Augusto Ortiz and Absalon Golpco were proclaimed governor and vice governorelect, respectively of Sorsogon by Fiscal Abelardo Borce, chairman of the Provincial Board of Canvassers. Proclaimed elected with Ortiz and Golpeo during the November 14 elections were Ramon Fajardo, Tito Garcia and Pedro Carranza, members of the Provincial Board. The incofning provincial officials, all new, are Nacionalistas. Ortiz beat his rival, LP bet Juan G. Frivaldo by 10,410 votes while Absalon Golpeo beat Salvador Es.udero, Jr. by 11,776 votes. Among the 16 mayors, 3 are LPs, 11 are NPs while 2 are still unproclaimed; vice mayors, 3 LPs, 9 NPs and 4 independents; councilors: 38 LPs, 74 NPs and 9 independents. The LP mayors are Salvador Deduque, Bacon; Oscar Escudero, Casiguran; Sergio Fulay, Barcelona, all reelectionist were reelected. The NP mayors are Pedro Destura, Prieto Diaz; Alejandro Encinas, Gubat; Vicente Guysayko, Bulusan; Jose Mechelina, Irosin; Guillermo Corea, Sta. Magdalena; Johnson So, Matno;;; Manuel Carranza, Magallanes; Alejandio Llado n e s, Castilla; Jcse de Hitta, Pilar, and Melchor Aquino, Donsol. Ortiz asks CAA to resume Airport work SORSOGON, Sorsogon - Governor-elect Augusto Ortiz wired recently Civil Aviation Director Nilo de Guia to send here CAA Engr. Narciso Zalde to resume the work at the Sorsogon Airport. It was learned that out of the PIOO.OOO released to the Civil Aeronautics Administration last June for the repair and improvement of the local airstrip there is still a balance of P36,000. Improvement of the Sorsogon airport was suspended last September. Ortiz said making airport operational to commercial flights would help boost the economy of the province, besides promoting tourism development in Sorsogon. Philippine Air Lines suspended plans flights to Sorsogon last February. The flight suspension raised a howl of protests from various segments of the population, notably businessmen and air commuters. However, it was only late last June when funds were released. Halfway during the repair and improvement work at the local airfield, PAL conducted a proving flight. According to Capt. Alberto Jocson who conducted the proving flight, the DC-3 piloted by him had a tendency to skid on the thick grass covering the runTwo years is limit for extending services of retirable Public Officials Two years is the limit by which the services of public officials who have reached the compulsory retirement age may be extended, President Marcos ruled recently. The new policy had been recommended by Executive Secretary Rafael Salas in a memorandum to the President on the request for the extension of the services of Leon B. Ilagan, municipal treasurer of Taal, Batangas. In view of the new policy the new request for the extension of the service of Iligan, whose services had been extended six times was disapproved. In his instruction to Secretary Salas, the President said that the extensions of services of any government officials, who is over 65 years of age, should be limited to only two years. In no case, the President added, should the r.,services of any government official be extended to keep him in the service even after he reached the age of 70. Essay Writing Contest with Prizes at Stake DZGE’s' BAKO BAGANGPAGKAIBA”, thirty-minute »ommentary on a vital issues of the day, in Naga City, by Tomas H. Kilates, Sr. publisher and editor of the regional magazine, Pahayagan BICOLANDIA, is sponsoring an essay-writing contest on the subject, ‘‘WHAT I CAN DO FOR THE GOVERNMENT”. The contest is open to all Bicolanos, regardless of their (Continued on 8) December 2i 1967 ★ THE BICOL STAR * 5 mtr 8c Clnstonters a JMl t t u ffiljrfefntajs aitb a YANG’S BAKERY & COFFEE Dinaga Street Naga City NAGA FURNITURE Elias Angeles Street Naga City SABANG RICE mIl L CIPRIANO AGAWA - Prop. - Manager Sab a ng Naga City B1COLANA RICE MILL Mabulo Naga City NAGA POULTRY SUPPLY Prieto St. Naga City LOY’S BAKERY & CAFE Gen. Luna St. Naga City ONG LO Iriga Camarines Sur NAGA RICE MILL Zamora St. Naga City Compliments ofKalayaan Wines & Liquors Igualdad Street Naga City Manifesto para sa mga Taga Tinago, Naga City (Capahayagan) (Eleccion: Enero 14, 1968) Cami po, sa sincero; malinig asin dedicadong aprvicio tanganing mcg PROGRESAR an satong barrio, minadoloc cami asin na apelar sa gabos na manga tugang niamong taga TINAGO na pag tarabangan asin pagcasararoan an camawotan na MAPACARHAY asin MAPAOSWAG an satong comunidad asin tawan nin pag asicaso an problemas, lalo na an tungkol sa: 1) SCHOOL PROBLEMS & EDUCATION - An pag tabang asin pag resolver can problemas sa escuelahan tanga ning matawan niatong atencion an education can manga aqui ta sa barrio. 2) PLAYGROUND - para sa manga JOVENES asin caaquian niato. Pueding guibohon ni. to sa piagui nin “self help or joint efforts.” 3 BARRIO READING CENTER - Hihingoahon ta ni maca togdoc nin Barrio Reading Center na pueding gan ito.i na Earrio Session Hall asm lugar na adalan tanganing mag oswag an cultura asin education can vecinos mato sa barrio. way. Since then, the CAA project engineer assigned here, Rodolfo Serdena, had the grasses cut and drainage of the runway improved but PAL has up to now not resumed flights. It was also learned that another airline is interested in including Sorsogon in its flight schedule if airfield is made operational to commercial flights. Greetings of the SeasonAtty. Carlos (Itos) Reyes Naga City Christmas & New Year Greetings from — Waterworks District Engineer and Mrs. Pablo D. Yage Officials and Employees of NWS A District No. XI Naga City 4) hEAUTIFICATION & LIGHTING - An pagpagayon can manga SOLAR, manga guilid can manga calles asm pagdug.r.g nin ILAW sa manga tinampo. 5' GF.ALTH & SANITA TION - An pag asicaso can sriud ' ’ asin calinigan can barrio. An pagpalimpia sa manga CALE r::n an pagresolver can culang niatong “DRAINAGE” lalo ea parteng Panganiban Street na iyo an ina-aguihan can tufeig bale sa firmeng lanagan na solar sa may Iifgatan niato an FUNDO laler !“s° /]) \ Ra caherasan can barrio niato sa REAL ESTATE 1AXLS m c'branza can ciudad. An “average income” can barrio nin Tina- o labing F2 000 pesos cada taon. Dapat gastohon ta ini sa manga nr yeetjs kmang r.a macacatao nin daculang paqmnabang an mayoria o enter y^c nos can barrio. DAI TA PAGSAYANGON AN ANO MAN NA FUNDO CAN BARRIO. Matao quita nin suport asin cooperation sa programas de nrovnet an CONCEJAL na minarepresentar can satong barrio sa Con- m Municipal asin itatao ta man an cooperacion niato sa pre’•■eming administration can ciudad particularmente an ano man na proyecto na matao nin PROGRESO sa satong barrio. VALENTIN RODRIGUEZ Candidato para Capitan del Barrio Para Crncejales ZMEROSIO FRANCISCO MRS. VIRGINIA B. LORICO IRENEO R. MORENO BEN ESPIRITU RAMON MAGALONA MARCIAL ENRIQUEZ LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the late Cresenciana Resare situated in the Barrio of Malindog, Caramoan, Cams. Sur, covered by O.C.T. No. 3C21, with an area of 28,642 sq. m., has been the subject of an extra-judicial settlement wi h sale by her heirs, namely: Urbano Ferrin, the surviving husband; and children, Precioaa, Marciana, Tranquilina & Felix, all surnamed Fe ran, who sold the same unto CECINIp S. PADUA, for Pl,700.00, said deed acknowledged before Not. Pub. Ex-Officio, Felix B. Pan is per Reg. No. 33; Page No. 53; Book IV; S. of 1965 on March 15, 1965. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967, fan. 6, 1968. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the intestate estate left by the late Angelo Eduarte, all situated in Bacon, Sorsogon, covered by OCT Nos. 518, 270; TCT Nos. 1769, 3632, has been the object of an Extrajudicial Partition with Quitclaim, executed and acknowleged before Notarry Public Maximino R. Ables of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, per Doc. No. 4329; Page 12; Book XIX; S. 1967. Pub. Dec. 23, 30, 1967; Jan. 6, 1968. - A: Greetings of the Season — Tuaxon Sawmill Lagonoy, Camarines Sur Christmas Greetingsfrom§ D. Cruz Hollow Blocks (Builder’s Choice) Manufacturer of: Hollow Blocks - Cement Tiles— Concrete Pipes, Granulitic Marble Works and other decorative products. Dealer of Gravel, Sand Boulders, Earth Fill and other road materials D. Cruz - Manager, Concepcion, Naga City Wishing a merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year to our-Friends and Customers . t . NASA IRON WORKS We accept orders: IRON GRILLS-GARDEN SETS—DOOR GATE-FENCES SALA SETS—STEEL WINDOWS-UPHOLSTERS, all types CRAFT FURNITURES—ACCORDION DOORS and ALL KINDS OF WELDING JOBS, ETC. I PANGANIBAN ST. CORNER DINAGA ST., NAGA CITY