PACD progress report


Part of The Bicol Star

PACD progress report
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
© LEGAL NOTICES $ Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CATANDUANES 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR A CHANGE OF NAME, YAN WEY, petitioner. SPL. PROC. NO. 132 x...................................................... X ORDER In his verified petition, the petitioner, a bona fide resident of the province of Catanduanes since 1946, seeks to obtain judicial authority to change his Chinese name, Yan Wey with the Filipino name Lucas Arcilia Yan, the name allegedly given him when he was baptized in the Catholic Church sometime in the year 1947. WHEREFORE, the petition being sufficient in foim and substance, the Court hereby sets the same fcr hearing on April 29, 1968, at 8:30 o’clock in the morning and directs that a copy of this order be published in the Bicol Star, a newspaper published in the City of Naga and of general circulation in the province of Catanduanes, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, which won the lottery conducted in the office of the Clerk of Court, pursuant to the provisions of Rep. Act No. 5469, so that all persons interested in the petition may then and there appear and show cause why the same should not be granted. Let a copy of this petition be served upon the Solicitor General. SO ORDERED. Virac, Catanduanes, November 25, 1967. FELICIANO S. GONZALES Judge Certified True Copy. MANUEL A. MAGISTRADO Clerk of Court Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, 1967. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby gi^en that lie estate left by late Sps. Isolate Valencia and Liberate Alarte, conshting of tn agricultural _ lot situated at Sea Antonio, Tiaam b a c, Cams.Sur; covered by O.C.T. No* 7751 (Patem) with an area ef 97,522 square meters, has been the subject of an Extra jad sial settlement with ra e by the only heir, Edilberto Valeneia, who eubeequeatlv sold the same to Marcelo Calls, for Pt.500 60; ■ aid deed acknowledged before Not. Pub. Hilario Espano per Doo; No. 651; Page 4; B;ok 21; S. 1967 on Dec. 8, 1957 st the City of Naga. Pub. Deo. 16, 23, 30, 19S7, LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant ta Sec. 1. Rule 74 ul the Ru'es of Court, an Affidavit of Adjudication has bee« executed by Eula'ia Lamog, only heir of the late Cleotilde Recapeeo and Re mualdo Laniog, over a parcel of residential I ad situated in San Agustin, Liga, CansariDes Sur with an area of 1,504 sq, m. new under Tax Declaiation No. 16414 and valued at 1*5,130. The instrument was executed Deoimber 6, 1957 before Nota y Public Hilario Espano an I recorded as Doo. No. 633; Pag’ No. 100; Bosk No. XJK; Series of 1967. Pub. December 9, 16 and 23, 191 Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF SORSOGON, SORSOGON DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, SALVACION MOLINA, Mortgagor, FORECLOSURE x - - ... x SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 As Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by SALVACION MOLINA, single, of legal age, Filipino, with residence and postal address at Daet, Camarines Norte, in favor of the Development Bank of the Philippines, formerly R. F. C. Mortgagee, under date of August 5, 1961, and for the satisfaction of the debt in the amount of ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE AND 68/100 PESOS (Pl,855.68) as of December 23, 1966, including interest thereon, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 110% of the totrJ indebtedness as attorney’s fees also secured by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff levied upon all the rights, interest, title, dominion and participation that of the Mortgagor Salvation Molina has in and upon the real property mortgaged LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sec. 1. Rule 74 of the Bules of Court, an Extrajud rial Settlement of Estate With Waiver of Rights, has been executed November 26, 1967, by and among the Heits of Eulalia Villareal, namely, Dioniaic Magistre* do, the surviving Widow aod the childien, Caez b, Nelly, Teotimo, Lcur^es aDd Pediito all eumamed Vi'lareal, affecting the property situated in Aniog, Saghay, Camarines Sur, with an area of 5.9870 hectares and by Original Certificate of Title No. 22698 Heirs waived their rights in favor of Corazon Villareal under an instrument executed before Notary Public Hdario Espsho of Cenaman, Camarines Sur, under Dec. Ni. 607; Page 95; Book No. XX; Series of 1967. Pub. December 9, 16 & 23. NOTICE Pursuant to Bsc. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that Matilde Bracero, surviving wife and only legal heir of late Fausto Lagre, who died in Pagscnga-an, Lagonoy, Cam. Sur on May 6, 1963, executed an affidavit adjudicating ul to herself with simultaneous absolute sale unto C?sar Goyenr, Filipino, of legal age, married, ixaga City, for t> consideration of P2,500 that certain parcel of land, situated in Pagsanga an, C.S. with an area of 90,043 Sq M. elemibed io OCT No. 16329; (Lol 981 Pls 687-D). The instrument was executed and acknowledged before Notary Public Htlatio Eipano at Canaman, C.8. per Doc. No. 643; Page 2; Bk. 21; 8. 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23 80, 1967. Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF SORSOGON, SORSOGON RURAL BANK OF BULAN, INC., Mortgagee, -versusSAMUEL ALBOR AND EMMA HILOTIN, Mortgagors. X....................................... X SHERlFE'S NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL FORECLOSURE AND SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Acr 3135 As Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of Mortgage executed by SAMUEL AI.BOR and EMMA HILOTIN (spouses) of legal age, Filipino, with residence and posand more particularly described, as follows: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. T-1477SORSOGON A parcel of land situated in the barrio of Sto. Nino, Municipality of Bacon, Province of Sorsogon, Philippines. Lot. No. 1 - Bounded on the North, by property of Hipolito Daual; on the East, by property of Fausto Arnaldo; on the South, by property of Damian Molina; and on the Southeast, by property of Marciliano Arnaldo, x x x containing an area of 0.8649 hectares. Lot No. 2 - Bounded on the the Northeast, by Guisok Creek; on the Southeast, by Lfipolito Daual and Guisok Creek; on the Southwest, by properties of Teodoro Dalea and Malcelino Arnaldo; and on the Northwest, by properties of Marcelino Arnaldo, and Damian Molina, x x x containing an area of 4.0101 hectares. WHEREAS, pursuant to the said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Section 3 and 4 of said Act 3135 as amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff ANNOUNCES that on January 10, 1968, at 10:03 In the morning at the Office cf the Provincial Sheriff below the Courthouse at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, the above described real property in order to satisfy the total amount of indebtedness claimed by the bank in said mortgage. WHEREAS, this notice of public auction sale will be published io. the BICOL STAR, a newspaper of general circulation in the province of Sorsogon as well as in the Bicol regior^and edited in the City of Naga once a week for three concecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty days before the date of auction sale. Copies of this notice will be posted for the same period of time in the conspicuous public places in the Municipality of Bacon and Sorsogon where the properties are located and the auction sale will take place. Wherefore, prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themsejves the title of the properties and the encumbrances thereto if there be any for their own protection. Done at Sorsogon, Sorsogon this 1st day of December, 1967. ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex- Officio Provincial Sheriff By: ANGEL D. JARICAL Deputy Provincial Sheriff Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ‘67. December 23, 1967 ★ THE BICOL STAR + b tai address at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, in favor of the RURAL BANK OF BULAN, INC., under date of June 6, 1964. May 11, 1965 and May 24, 1966, and for the satisfaction of the debt in the amount of TWO THOUSAND FIFTY SIX AND 62/100 PESOS (1’2,056.62) as of November 15, 1967, including interest thereon, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 10% of the total amount of indebtedness as attorney’s fees and the Sheriff’s fees for the foreclosure and sale all secured by said mortgage, at the indication of the Morgagce Bank, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, livied upon all the rights, interest, titles, dominions and participations that of the mortgagors might have in and over the following described real properties mortgaged, to wit: Parcel-1- A parcel of agricultural land (abaca and coconut) located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of Thirty Six Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Five (36,485) Square Meters, more or less, x x x Bounded on the North, by Cayetano Mendaro and Isidro Hilotin; on the East, by Public Land; on the West, by Epifanio Dey to. Tax Decl. No. 5112 and Assessed for P480.00. Abaca and coconuts are the permanent improvements and visible boundaries are Creek, Balite and Taquilala trees. Parcel -2- A parcel of coconut, abaca and thicket land located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of THIRTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY ONE (30,451) Square Meters, more or less, Bounded on the North, by Marcos Golloso; on the East, by Pawic River; on the South, the Pawic River; and on the West, by Marcos Golloso. Tas Decl. No. 4152 and Assessed for P230.00 Coconut and abaca are the permanent improvements and BL posts, River and Taquilala trees are the visible boundaries. Parcel 3- A parcel of agricultural land containing an area of 70,000 Square meters more or less located at Tula-tula, Magallanes. Sorsogon, bounded on the North, by Samuel Albor and Jesus Moraleda; on the East, by Felipe Llarina; on the South, by Rosendo Totica; and West, by Francisca Lopos and Samuel Hilotin. Tax Decl. No. 5255 and Assessed for Pl,700.00. Coconuts and abaca are the permanent improvements and quilala and hojasmorado trees are the visible boundaries . . Parcel -2-2 parcel of agricultural land located at Tula-tula, Magallanes, Sorsogon, containing an area of SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND (75,000) Square Meters more or less, bounded on the North, by property of Julian Marmol; East, by property of Plutarco de los Reyes; South, by property of Pastor Alcantara; and on the West, by property of Arturo Albor, Tax Decl. No. 5651 and Assessed for Pll,180.00 and abaca and coconuts are the permanent improvements and living trees are the visible boundaries. WHEREAS, pursuant to the said real estate mortgage and in accordance with Sections 3 and 4 of said Act 3135 as amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Sheriff ANNOUNCES THAT on February 7, 1968, at 10:00 in the morning of that day he will sell at Public auction to the highest, bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, in the Office of the Provincial Sheriff at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, below the Courthouse the above described real properties in order to satisfy the total amount of indebtedness claimed by said Bank. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Sec. 1, of Rule 74 of the New Rules of CoiMt, the estate of the late Salvador Reye? consisting of a parcel of '’’coconut land situated at Grijalvo, San Fernando, C. Sur, designated as Lot 2149, Pls. 737-D, with an area of 2.6244 Has. has been the subject of an Extrajudicial Settlement by the heirs executed before Notary Public Flavio Esplago as per Doc. No. 290, Page No. 90, Book No. V, Series of 1967. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the property of the late Arcadio Sicad, located at Dimadlagan, Panlayaan, Sorsogon, Sorsogon, has been the subject of this Summary Settlement with Sale by the heirs, namely: Exequiel, Presentacion, Justina, Asuncion, Gregorio, Amador, Salvacion and Rosario, all surnamed Sicad and Marcos Bermundo, in favor of Daniel Javier which was executed and acknowledged on Nov. 17, 1967, before Notary Public Atty. Hugo D. Dado of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, as evidenced by Doc. 1166; Page 8; Book 29; and Series of 1967 of his notarial register. Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ’67. - A.J‘ WHEREAS, this notice of public auction sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a newspaper of general circulation in the Bicol Region and edited in the City of Naga Philippines, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication totake place at least Sixty (60) days before the date of auction. Copies of This notice will be posted in three conspicuous places in the Municipality of Magallanes where the properties are located and same copies will be pasted at Sorsogon, Sorsogon where the auction will take place. WHEREFORE, propective buyers or bidder are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the t'tles of the properties and the encumbrances thereto if there = be any for tfieir own protection. Done at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, this 1st day of December, 1967. ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff By: ANGEL D. JARICAL Deputy Sheriff Pub. Dec. 16, 23, 30, ‘67 PACD Progress Report President Marcos was informed recently that the Presidential Arm on Community Development undertook 45,764 various projects at municipal and barrio levels in all parts of the country within the span of one and a half years. The combined value of the projects is p 24.51 million. Of these projects, 2,828 were assisted by USAID grants-in-aid, of which 1,398 have been completed and 1,430 are on-going. The bigger bulk, totalling 42,936, consists of self-help undertakings, to which PACD and other government agencies supplied the technical know-how, guidance and supervision. These accomplishments surpassed by 61 percent the achievement of the PACD for the period immediately preceding Tulv 1966. The above figures were gleaned from the PACD performance report for July 1966 up to Sept., 1967, submitted to Malacanang. Most of the projects were (Continued on pug • 6) 0 * THE BICOL STAR * December 23 1/67 feequiel-CKarda Nuptials Edna Jane Garcia »J Manila and Jusliniano S. Ezequiel, Jr of Naga City were married at hr San Vicente de Paul chinch, San Marcelino, M.inila, six o’clock in the marning Saturday last Derm'rcr 9, officiated by Rev. Fr Antonio Cuna , S J. Rec ption after the marrioge ceremonies was held at the Aristocrat Safari, Dakota, Malate. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo A. Garcia of Manila and the groom is the son of Deputy Clerk of Court of Cam Sur Justiniand R. F.zequiel and the late Rechilda Sancho of Naga City. Both, groom and bride are C.P.A. Principal sponsors: John Cokongwei, Jr., Mrs. Pilar A Coquingco. Congressman Ramon H. Felipe, Jr and Atty. Carmen C. Alfonso; maid ot hontr Ma. Sylvia A. Garcia and best man, Manuel S. Ezequiel. Secondary sponsors: ibr ides maids: Sandra Luisa A Garcia and armen A. Garcia; ushers: Marcial S. Ezequiel and Nilo S. Ezequisl Candle: Raul Sto. Domingo and Eppie S. Ezequiel; veil: R' ul A Garcia and Norma C. Salud; cord: Vicente Rodriguez, Jr. and Evelyn U.-Garciu; coin and ring bearer: Rodolfo Ezequiel, Jr,; Flower girl: Sylvia C. Alfonso. baptismal JBartp Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Noel owner of the Saga Recreation Center were hosts at a luncheon party held at the New China Restaurant last December 13 in honor of the christening of their sort. Ar turo. Sponsors of christening were Ramon Tolaram, Leon Palmiano, Jr., Luie Ajero and Raymundo Concha. Among those present were Jessie Rodriguez, Cebu and Legazpi businessman, Ally. Abelar do Iwrambe, Ra m o n Malagad C ly C >uncilor-elect Carlos del Castillo, Remy Angeles, Heli Miranda, Bert Villegas D A. Escalante, Fddie Alanis, Joke Torres, Eliser Woden, Note K. Sta Cruz and Joaquin Taduran,Jr. Christmas PISTA SA NAYON Held at Triangulo Center Very successful Christmas Pisla sa Nayon was celebrated the whole day last Sunday at the Triangulo Recreation Center at Triangulo, Tabuco district, this city. The affair was jointly sponsored by the Martan associations, namely: Daugh lets of Mary, and Handmaids & Apostles of Mary with the full cooperation of the Trian auto Young Ladies, Barrio Council, Mothers Club. Nursery Teachers, and local Seminarians. led by Sister Therese v/ D M. prccmber 'fflcftbing ^idls fur Jfflinba Ziutiga Miss Luzviminda A. Zuniga became the bride of Mr. Pete B. Jam r, Jr in solemn rites which look place at the Archbishop's Palace of Nueva Ctccres Saturday afternoon at 4:Z0 last December 16 officiated by Mons. Teopisto Alberto Archbishop of Nueva Caceres. Reception followed at the Zurbano's residence in Bagumbayan, Naga City. The brid. groom is a Bachelor of Arts graduate third year law student at UNC College of Law, and presently connected with the Governor's Office in Camarines Sur He is the sir. of Mr. and Mrs. Pedro V. Jamer, Sr of Tigaon, Camarines Sur, Miss Min a A. Zuniga, a BSE-HE gradua.e of UNC and presently working for her master degree, is a home economics teacher al Cabusao Elementary School She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix L, Zuniga of Libmanan, Camarines Sur. Congressman Ramon H Filipe Jr, Mrs. Consorcia 0 Cb dera Cam Sur Sch. Division Superint nd nl T r bio J v llanos and Mrs Rebecca R Castaneda were the. principal sponsors Miss Edith Zuniga, was the maid of honor while Mr. Napoleon Jcrner was the best man. The following were s e c o n d a r y sponsors: Miss Estrella F. Orbita and Mr. Remberto C Cabrido, candle; Miss Lourdes F Orbvta and Mr. William F. Mesia, veil; Miss Edithi Aldama and Mr. Oscar Miraflor cord; Ester P. Adan I.elit A. Jamer, and Cielo E. Salil, flower girls; Peter A. Jamer III, ring bearer; Eddie D. Regala arrhae bearer; Maribel Monte, Joselita F Leonardo, Gerry Orbita, and Marico Orbita, little attendants. €fjristmas $artp anb JUll The Judges of the Court of First Instance, the Municipal Judges, the Members of the Bar Associations, the Clerk of Court and the Personnel of the Court of First Instance of Camarines sur held a Christmas Party and dance last Wednesday night at the Provincial Capitol in Naga City. The occasion was well attended, swell and merry. It was headed by Clerk of Court Atty. Mauro B Fajardo The day was featured by the inauguration of the new recrealitn center, athletic games, lantern contest, Confirmation of children officiated by Most Rev Archbishop Teopisto V. Alberto, Thanksgiving Mass, literary and musical program. Msgr. Nicanor C Belleza, parish priest of Naga and V.G tossed the first ball during the athletic games in the morning. Jean Monnet Endorses U $. Vietnam Policy New York - Jean Monnet, the ‘father of European unity," endorses U.S. objectives in Vietnam and says “organized equality within common institutions” is the key to world peace. The chairman of the action committee for the United States of Europe was honored at the annual Society for the Family of Man dinner the night of November 29. He was awarded the top 1967 Society Award “for contributing creatively to the challenge of the times and the cause of human rights and democratic freedoms.” U $ Gene, al Abrams Praises Effectiveness South Vietnamese Forces Washington - U.S. and South Vietnamese forces are making steady progress in reducing the effectiveness of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese army forces, a high-level American General reports. “We are beating them down, so that their numbers, their training, their morale, their capabilities go lower and lower. We are making steady progress in all this all the time,” General Creighton W. Abrams, Jr., says in an interview published in U.S. News and World Report, an American weekly news magazine. General Abrams is U, S. Deputy Commander in South Vietnam Rusk S ys Communists Must ( Peace Washington - “There can be peace in Southeast Asia if North Vietnam and Communist China are prepared to live at peace with their own neighbors. "There cannot be peace in Southeast Asia if North Vietnam and Communist China are determined to seize thier neighbors by force.” So said U.S.'’ Secretary of State Rusk in an interview published Monday in the monthtly magazine Readers’ Digest. PACD . . . geared towards the Administration’s infrastructure program, notably on irrigation, roa’d and school-building constructions. The idea behind these projects was to spur the- rural residents to help themselves on matters of common welfare, which the government has not provided funds for their accomplishments but they may be accomplished with little assistance from the PACD and other agencies. On the heels of President Marcos recent pronouncement of a widened barrio assistance program, the PACD has started laying the groundwork for a massive rural development program which will reach all towns in the country. At present, it is still beyond the financial and physical capability of the PACD to extend assistance to all towns. Other highlights of the PACD performance report follow; 1. Provided leadership training to 1,074, 049 rural residents who enrolled in 18,833 classes. 2. Conducted some 10,000 information and other mass media activities, of which some 500,000 persons participated. 3. Gave training on civic action to 3,680 armed forces personnel, who represented all the major services of the AFP, and 4. Trained 230 successful civic service recruits for six months on community development. R.p, U.S. Scientists Discuss Fisheries Research, Oceanography at *SDB workshop Manila - About 103 Philippine and American scientists discussed fisheries research and development and oceanography at a workshop held this vcckatthe Science Pavillion of the Naticnal Science Development Board (NSDB). This workshop is a concrete step taken to implement the agreement on oceanography as embodied in the joint communique issued by President Marcos and Piesident Johnson during the state visit of the former to Washington in September, 1966. “Philippine-U.S. Workshop on Fisheries and Oceanograghy” is sponsored by the NSDB, the National Research Council of the Philippines and National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council of the U.S. in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development. In the workshop, Philippine experts on fishery and oceanography will sit down with their American counterparts to consider the manpower training needs and opportunities for international cooperation in fisheries research and development between the Philippines and the United States on the regional basis. Compliments ofLuzonian Machine Shop Concepcion Pequeha Naga City Luzcmian Auto Supply Prieto St. Compliments ofPeoples Electrical Supplies Repair Pa di an St. Tel 92 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year De Luxe Luncheonette & Refreshment We Serve Beer, Coffee, Chinese & Filipino' Menu Gromd Floor Evangelista St. Bicolandia Hotel Naga City Compliments ofAling Uping’s Kitchenette Prieto St.- Beside Supermarket Naga City Compliments ofMalabon Candy Factory Home, of High Quality Candies 5th Avehue Grace Park, Caloocan City The Laurel-Langley Communiquk Baguio - The Philippine’ and U.S. teams, chaired by Undersecretary. of Industry Cesar A. Virata and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Eugene M. Braderman, respectively, have completed eleven days of exploratory discussions on future economic relations between the Philippines and the United States. The discussions resulted from the agreement of President Marcos and President Johnson that "there should be an early beginning of intergovernmental discussions on the concepts underlying a new instrument to replace the Laurel-Langley Agreement after its scheduled expiration in 1974”. The discussions began November 20, 1967 and were conducted in Manila and in Baguio. The respective teams agreed at the beginning that the purpose of the discussions was to exchange idea on the concepts underlying future trade relations and to determine the issues needing future attention by the respective governments in this area. The meetings were held in a friendly atmosphere, each team tearing opinions and learning facts which were mutually beneficial. All aspects of trade and invest(Continued on page 7) Naga City Electric - Radio - Records Shop 69 Naga City