The Laurel-Langley Communiquie


Part of The Bicol Star

The Laurel-Langley Communiquie
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
0 * THE BICOL STAR * December 23 1/67 feequiel-CKarda Nuptials Edna Jane Garcia »J Manila and Jusliniano S. Ezequiel, Jr of Naga City were married at hr San Vicente de Paul chinch, San Marcelino, M.inila, six o’clock in the marning Saturday last Derm'rcr 9, officiated by Rev. Fr Antonio Cuna , S J. Rec ption after the marrioge ceremonies was held at the Aristocrat Safari, Dakota, Malate. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo A. Garcia of Manila and the groom is the son of Deputy Clerk of Court of Cam Sur Justiniand R. F.zequiel and the late Rechilda Sancho of Naga City. Both, groom and bride are C.P.A. Principal sponsors: John Cokongwei, Jr., Mrs. Pilar A Coquingco. Congressman Ramon H. Felipe, Jr and Atty. Carmen C. Alfonso; maid ot hontr Ma. Sylvia A. Garcia and best man, Manuel S. Ezequiel. Secondary sponsors: ibr ides maids: Sandra Luisa A Garcia and armen A. Garcia; ushers: Marcial S. Ezequiel and Nilo S. Ezequisl Candle: Raul Sto. Domingo and Eppie S. Ezequiel; veil: R' ul A Garcia and Norma C. Salud; cord: Vicente Rodriguez, Jr. and Evelyn U.-Garciu; coin and ring bearer: Rodolfo Ezequiel, Jr,; Flower girl: Sylvia C. Alfonso. baptismal JBartp Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo Noel owner of the Saga Recreation Center were hosts at a luncheon party held at the New China Restaurant last December 13 in honor of the christening of their sort. Ar turo. Sponsors of christening were Ramon Tolaram, Leon Palmiano, Jr., Luie Ajero and Raymundo Concha. Among those present were Jessie Rodriguez, Cebu and Legazpi businessman, Ally. Abelar do Iwrambe, Ra m o n Malagad C ly C >uncilor-elect Carlos del Castillo, Remy Angeles, Heli Miranda, Bert Villegas D A. Escalante, Fddie Alanis, Joke Torres, Eliser Woden, Note K. Sta Cruz and Joaquin Taduran,Jr. Christmas PISTA SA NAYON Held at Triangulo Center Very successful Christmas Pisla sa Nayon was celebrated the whole day last Sunday at the Triangulo Recreation Center at Triangulo, Tabuco district, this city. The affair was jointly sponsored by the Martan associations, namely: Daugh lets of Mary, and Handmaids & Apostles of Mary with the full cooperation of the Trian auto Young Ladies, Barrio Council, Mothers Club. Nursery Teachers, and local Seminarians. led by Sister Therese v/ D M. prccmber 'fflcftbing ^idls fur Jfflinba Ziutiga Miss Luzviminda A. Zuniga became the bride of Mr. Pete B. Jam r, Jr in solemn rites which look place at the Archbishop's Palace of Nueva Ctccres Saturday afternoon at 4:Z0 last December 16 officiated by Mons. Teopisto Alberto Archbishop of Nueva Caceres. Reception followed at the Zurbano's residence in Bagumbayan, Naga City. The brid. groom is a Bachelor of Arts graduate third year law student at UNC College of Law, and presently connected with the Governor's Office in Camarines Sur He is the sir. of Mr. and Mrs. Pedro V. Jamer, Sr of Tigaon, Camarines Sur, Miss Min a A. Zuniga, a BSE-HE gradua.e of UNC and presently working for her master degree, is a home economics teacher al Cabusao Elementary School She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Felix L, Zuniga of Libmanan, Camarines Sur. Congressman Ramon H Filipe Jr, Mrs. Consorcia 0 Cb dera Cam Sur Sch. Division Superint nd nl T r bio J v llanos and Mrs Rebecca R Castaneda were the. principal sponsors Miss Edith Zuniga, was the maid of honor while Mr. Napoleon Jcrner was the best man. The following were s e c o n d a r y sponsors: Miss Estrella F. Orbita and Mr. Remberto C Cabrido, candle; Miss Lourdes F Orbvta and Mr. William F. Mesia, veil; Miss Edithi Aldama and Mr. Oscar Miraflor cord; Ester P. Adan I.elit A. Jamer, and Cielo E. Salil, flower girls; Peter A. Jamer III, ring bearer; Eddie D. Regala arrhae bearer; Maribel Monte, Joselita F Leonardo, Gerry Orbita, and Marico Orbita, little attendants. €fjristmas $artp anb JUll The Judges of the Court of First Instance, the Municipal Judges, the Members of the Bar Associations, the Clerk of Court and the Personnel of the Court of First Instance of Camarines sur held a Christmas Party and dance last Wednesday night at the Provincial Capitol in Naga City. The occasion was well attended, swell and merry. It was headed by Clerk of Court Atty. Mauro B Fajardo The day was featured by the inauguration of the new recrealitn center, athletic games, lantern contest, Confirmation of children officiated by Most Rev Archbishop Teopisto V. Alberto, Thanksgiving Mass, literary and musical program. Msgr. Nicanor C Belleza, parish priest of Naga and V.G tossed the first ball during the athletic games in the morning. Jean Monnet Endorses U $. Vietnam Policy New York - Jean Monnet, the ‘father of European unity," endorses U.S. objectives in Vietnam and says “organized equality within common institutions” is the key to world peace. The chairman of the action committee for the United States of Europe was honored at the annual Society for the Family of Man dinner the night of November 29. He was awarded the top 1967 Society Award “for contributing creatively to the challenge of the times and the cause of human rights and democratic freedoms.” U $ Gene, al Abrams Praises Effectiveness South Vietnamese Forces Washington - U.S. and South Vietnamese forces are making steady progress in reducing the effectiveness of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese army forces, a high-level American General reports. “We are beating them down, so that their numbers, their training, their morale, their capabilities go lower and lower. We are making steady progress in all this all the time,” General Creighton W. Abrams, Jr., says in an interview published in U.S. News and World Report, an American weekly news magazine. General Abrams is U, S. Deputy Commander in South Vietnam Rusk S ys Communists Must ( Peace Washington - “There can be peace in Southeast Asia if North Vietnam and Communist China are prepared to live at peace with their own neighbors. "There cannot be peace in Southeast Asia if North Vietnam and Communist China are determined to seize thier neighbors by force.” So said U.S.'’ Secretary of State Rusk in an interview published Monday in the monthtly magazine Readers’ Digest. PACD . . . geared towards the Administration’s infrastructure program, notably on irrigation, roa’d and school-building constructions. The idea behind these projects was to spur the- rural residents to help themselves on matters of common welfare, which the government has not provided funds for their accomplishments but they may be accomplished with little assistance from the PACD and other agencies. On the heels of President Marcos recent pronouncement of a widened barrio assistance program, the PACD has started laying the groundwork for a massive rural development program which will reach all towns in the country. At present, it is still beyond the financial and physical capability of the PACD to extend assistance to all towns. Other highlights of the PACD performance report follow; 1. Provided leadership training to 1,074, 049 rural residents who enrolled in 18,833 classes. 2. Conducted some 10,000 information and other mass media activities, of which some 500,000 persons participated. 3. Gave training on civic action to 3,680 armed forces personnel, who represented all the major services of the AFP, and 4. Trained 230 successful civic service recruits for six months on community development. R.p, U.S. Scientists Discuss Fisheries Research, Oceanography at *SDB workshop Manila - About 103 Philippine and American scientists discussed fisheries research and development and oceanography at a workshop held this vcckatthe Science Pavillion of the Naticnal Science Development Board (NSDB). This workshop is a concrete step taken to implement the agreement on oceanography as embodied in the joint communique issued by President Marcos and Piesident Johnson during the state visit of the former to Washington in September, 1966. “Philippine-U.S. Workshop on Fisheries and Oceanograghy” is sponsored by the NSDB, the National Research Council of the Philippines and National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council of the U.S. in cooperation with the U.S. Agency for International Development. In the workshop, Philippine experts on fishery and oceanography will sit down with their American counterparts to consider the manpower training needs and opportunities for international cooperation in fisheries research and development between the Philippines and the United States on the regional basis. Compliments ofLuzonian Machine Shop Concepcion Pequeha Naga City Luzcmian Auto Supply Prieto St. Compliments ofPeoples Electrical Supplies Repair Pa di an St. Tel 92 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year De Luxe Luncheonette & Refreshment We Serve Beer, Coffee, Chinese & Filipino' Menu Gromd Floor Evangelista St. Bicolandia Hotel Naga City Compliments ofAling Uping’s Kitchenette Prieto St.- Beside Supermarket Naga City Compliments ofMalabon Candy Factory Home, of High Quality Candies 5th Avehue Grace Park, Caloocan City The Laurel-Langley Communiquk Baguio - The Philippine’ and U.S. teams, chaired by Undersecretary. of Industry Cesar A. Virata and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Eugene M. Braderman, respectively, have completed eleven days of exploratory discussions on future economic relations between the Philippines and the United States. The discussions resulted from the agreement of President Marcos and President Johnson that "there should be an early beginning of intergovernmental discussions on the concepts underlying a new instrument to replace the Laurel-Langley Agreement after its scheduled expiration in 1974”. The discussions began November 20, 1967 and were conducted in Manila and in Baguio. The respective teams agreed at the beginning that the purpose of the discussions was to exchange idea on the concepts underlying future trade relations and to determine the issues needing future attention by the respective governments in this area. The meetings were held in a friendly atmosphere, each team tearing opinions and learning facts which were mutually beneficial. All aspects of trade and invest(Continued on page 7) Naga City Electric - Radio - Records Shop 69 Naga City Message from Ateneo de Naga Welcome, NU PConvention Delegates The host schools and families of Bicolandia look forward to welcoming the delegates to the Eleventh Annual Convention of the National Union of Students of the Philippines in Naga City on December 26-30, 1967. We consider it a blessing to have so many student leaders from all over the country gather in our midst and share with us their youthful dreams and idealism. Some may think of youth only in terms of juvenile delinquency, because this is what is often played up in newspapers. J he jheme of this Convention 'Youth Answer to the OH Challenge’ aims to prove the contrary. We should rather think of youth as a rich reservoir for good. The country stands to profit from their initiative and youthful enthusiasm. Local officials and members of the NUSP are sparing no effort to accommodate the delegates, and to provide the facilities for a well planned schedule of activities. Our fervent prayers and best wishes go for the success of this Convention. (REV.) MAXIMO DAVID, S.J. Rector, Ateneo de Naga MESSAGE FROM FATHER RECTOR WELCOME, AtENEANS Your Alma Mater, the Ateneo de Naga, bids you warm welcome on your 21st Alumni Homecoming on December 30, 1967. Fittingly this is the same day the nation remembers the supreme oblation of your fellow Atenean and national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. We welcome you as warriors who have borre the brunt of Rattle and are coming home for a brief but welcome rest. You may be a public servant or business executive, a doctor or priest, a farmer or lawyer, a laborer or offce worker, a husband or wife, a father or mother, whatever your station in life, we know that you have made small and big oblations of self to project in your own ’deal of what an Atenean should be. That ideal is summed up in the school motto 'PRIMUM REGNUM DEI’. First the Kingdom ■of God. We welcome you to share with us and your fellow alumni your personal exploits and adventures in that field of life that God has marked out for you. And we trust that all of us will draw from this Alumni Homecoming fresh vigor and inspiration to continue our work of self-giving fo Go’, our neighbor and country. Make this a ‘must’ in j oar calendar, December 30, 1957, AON Alumni Homecoming at the Ateneo de Naga. (REV.) MAXIMO DAVID, S.J. Rector December 30, 1967 * Concelfibrated Mass by alumi-priests 7:30 A. M. at ADN * Motorcade around the city and floral offering at Plaza Rizal 9:00 A. M.; assembly at ADN * Business Meeting & election of officers at Santos Hall, ADN * Luncheonat ADN guest speaker- Benigno S. Aquino, Senator-elect 12:00 A. M. at ADN gym-auditorium * Blue & Gold Ball 8:30 P. M.; ADN Gym-Auditorium # .Induction of New Officers 12:00 P. M.,§ ADN Gym-Auditorium The Lauiei-Ldhgfey . ♦ (From Page 6) ment relations were examined during the discussions. Particular attention was devoted to identifying areas of agreement and delimiting issues to be resolved. Many of these issues will, of co_ir§~, require further examina tion by both governments. Both groups recognized that, for any new instrument to become effective, action by the respective -legislative bodies of the two countries wculd be required. In view of the necessity for further examination of the remaining issues, it was considered premature at this lime to discuss the text of the new agreement, or the time at which any new agreement would become effective. The teams have prepared a joint report which the chairman of each team will submit to his President. It is expected that the group will meet again at the ear liest practicable date for the Meeting in Malacanang recently, the special committee in charge of Rizal day headed by Secretary of Education Carlos P. Romulo, decided to do away with speeches and focus instead on the historical aspects of the hero’s death, The committee announced that all over the nation, the ceremonies will be characterized by “solemnity”, dign.ty and restraint.” Main featurts of the commemoration include: 1. Lecture which will be given in Calamba, birthplace of Rizal; Dapitan, his place of exile; and at Fort Santiago, vTiire he was incarcerated and wheie he wrote his famous poem “My f.ast Farewell.” 2. Floral offerings at places abroad where the hero visited, such as at San Francisco’s Palace I J< lei, in Tokyo, and in Ileidt Iberg. Led by Philip pine ambassadors or consuls I hi re. the Filipino community in each place will participate. 3. Appropriate ceremonies at the Paco cemetery where the hero was laid to rest immediately after his execution at the Luneta. 4. School children will be urged to make a pilgrimage or offer wreaths at the shrines and monuments of the hero. 5. The Philippine flag will be flown at half-mast all over the count ry. Lectures at Fort Santiago will be the auspices of the Philippines Historical Commission and the Knights of Rizal. The project is headed by Fr. de la Costa, rector of Ater.eo de Manila University. Romulo said that special invitations to these lectures will be issued to presidents of students organizations, professors of history, tourist guides, labor leaders (Continued on png i 8) purpose of attempting to resolve the remaining substantive issues, thereby making possible the negotiation of a new instrument to replace the Laurel-Langley AgreeCattb D.'s^asajlStill MenacsslLivettock Sorsogon, Sorsogon, Raising of cattle whether for milk or beef will not prosper much in some areas of Sorsogon unless liverflucke disease is fully eradited or at least minimized. Several veterinarians, private as well as those employed by the Bureau of animal industry, hinted that parasitism infection among cattle and carabaos in the province is causing uptold losses to farmers. Production of milk is impaired, not ta mention the fact that those are usually discarded for human consumption, they said. . 1it i.ud cn pcgc 8) Rizal Day Celebration / December 2J, 1967 ★ THE BICOL STAR *7 Wishing all a Merry Christmas — NEW COSMOS RESTAURANT Padian Street Naga City Greetings of the Season — GOLDEN BAKERY & RESTAURANT Gen. Luna Street Naga City Dr. Jose Flizal Rizal ar d sa ial conscience. This will be the theme of this year’s observance of the 71st anniversary of the death of Dr. Jose Rizal next Dec. 30. President Marcos will lead the nation in honoring the hero when he lays a wreath at the foot of the Rizal monument at the Luneta. The ceremoby will mark the lowering of flags to Lalf-masl all over the nation. Merry Christmas and a Happy New YearBONING'S TRADING 74 General Merchandise & School, Office Supplies General Luna Street , Naga City Merry Christmas— HENRY TRADING 22 Gen. Street Naga City Happy Greetings of the Season — BENITO COMMERCIAL Dealing on Textiles, Glassware & Gen. Mrdze., Household Utenisls General Luna Street Naga City Christmas GreetingsNAGA l a s u er t e g l as s w ar e Elias Angeles Street Naga City Wishing our Friends and Customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New YearAGNA'S STORE General Merchandise Igualdad Street Happy Greetings of the SeasonNaga City I ------------ .1 NEW ERA LUMBER Igualdad Street Naga City Merry Christmas and a Happy New YearROMY TRADING Dealer; Copra, Sugar & Kerosene Tabuco, Naga City Tel. 41-41 Happy Greetings of the SeasonISAROG LUMBER Panganiban Ave. Merry Christmas to AllFAUSTINO ROCHA Hardware - Plumbing & Electrical Supply 86 General Luna Street Naga City Merry Christmas - Happy New Year NEW TINAMBAC LUMBER Igualdad Street Naga City Season’s greetings fromFARMACIA UY 106 General Luna Street Naga City Happy greetings of the SeasonATTY. BONIFACIO M. CUEVAS BIR Regional Director Naga City Sincere greetings of the SeasonMRS. CONSUELO J. TIMARIO Proprietor Sta. Cruz Naga City QU IM SON FORWARDERS ANGEL BARON, Branch Mgr. „ NA<?A CITY 'TEL. NO. 61-98T I Branches: Balagtas St. Tinajeros 488 Son Malabon, Rizal Tel Nos. 23-92-83 & 2-13-10 Prieto Street 488 San Fernando Binondo, Manila Tel. No 2-76-7J Tabaco, Albay