'Farm & Food Tips' column to start next week


Part of The Bicol Star

'Farm & Food Tips' column to start next week
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TI1E BICOL STAR March 15, 1969 t * ' ^irof .Star ENlERE0,^S(^ECpND CLASS MAIL f^ATT POST OFFICE,' CITY OF NAGA. PHlLfl ON MAY 20. 1933. PUBLISHED. EVERY ^TURD^Y jOomiitpo '{A. Escalante GENERAL MANAGER. PUBLISHER & EDITOR JXntiri-s (S’. litre ASSOCIATE EDITOR ^>eitn^ (Eafoagint J&ilberto .Alcala $lal. jfH. JDun«iguin Jaime be Io b Jsantoa f - ADVERTISING, & PROMOTION Borneo 111. ^Escalante * 2? CIRCULATION a SUBSCRIPTION " I • SUBSCRIPTION RATES; P4.00 PHR YEAR: P2.50 6 MONTHS I P. O. BOX 123. CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES MANILA BUREAU. 1963 DAPITAN. SAMPALOC--- TEL. 60-66-55 ^Bernarhinu JXngeleB fUafaagnit—Manager f--------- ->■---------|------------ ------------------------------------------------S------- ;------J <_ Editorial Presidential Case Needs People’s Judicious Thinking President Ferdinand E. Marcos is definitely coming to Camarines Sur to inaugurate the beautiful landmark which he lovingly dedicated to the welfare and happiness of our citizens. The beautiful landmark which we jnean is the now terminated Public Schbol Interjscholastic Athletic Field which cost dur government r[l,200,000. It stands as one of the big public projects which was' terminated at the exact cost estimated for its construction. No taxpayer of this province lost a peso through Fed tape, tong and padded payroll which Senator Osmeha bravely charged as 'attributes of the present Nacionalista administration. ' ) , . No taxpayer of this province has also known of any tong and kickback, to have benefit ted anybody from the appropriation of P6,000,000 given by President Marcos to this province for the construction of the now almost completed huge Irrigation System at Iriga which will Supply water to all the rice fields opRincionada towns. The concern of President Marcos for the welfare of our province is’ shown .by deeds because it is in the" many school buildings allocated to us. It is in the cemented and asphalted toads and in the continuing work of cementing and asphalting roads and highways. IT is ■■ in the1 several Irrigation Projects already concluded. It is in his ceaseless efforts to increase farm production. It is in his endless desire to help us and to serve us. It is therefore, paradoxical that the big Liberal leaders would come now and then for no other purpose than to criticize, traduce, vilify and redicule the very person who is .doing his very best to help us, the Bicolanos. For the sake af justice, the Liberals should exercise prudence specially because they themselves know they did nothing beneficial for Camarines Sur during the 4 year period of their Macapagal administration. -A. G. Diez. ★ i 'Farm & Food ! To Start Next i Beginning next issue, the Bicol Star starts a new column, "Farm and Food Tips” by Juan S. Deborde, press relations officer of the A$qetaf University Foundation in Malabon, Rizal. The column will entertain questjpns and pther solutions that may be feent iifl by the readerespeciallv the Bicol farmers and housewives. Deborde started young as a w: cr. li: was a staffer of the The Scout officials toured the entire Jamboree site and made an occular inspection of their respective sub-camps where they designated the contingent ca’mp-, sites. Earlier in the day, the/ visited Fort Magsaysay where they were greeted by General Garcia who showed them around the area and explainedthe Various projects being un&ertalten in the fort. . f.", ' ★ Tips' Column Week "Blue and Gold” of the Ateneo de Naga where he graduated from the secondary honors course in 1959. In college he became news editor, associate editor and editor-in-chief of the FURROWS, student newsmagazine of Araneta University where he finished his B.A. course in 1963. An agricultural writer, he has contributed popular articles in the Philippine Farms and Garden and the Weekly Graphic. He edited the Philippine Farmer’s Digest and the Golden Harvest Newsletter. He is at present editor of the Alumni Newsletter, a quarterly publication of the Araneta Alumni Association of which he is the executive secretary. A Bicolano, Deborde was born in San Isidro, Pamplona, Camarines Sur. He is married to the former Luisa Intac of Cuenca, Bitongas. wi'h whom he has three children. BSP officials visit Jamboree site Buy Scout officials all over the country, \Hio attended the kick-off ceremonies for the BSP Member-1 ship Campaign at Malacanhng, recently‘Visited" the site of the/ 4th National 'JamboieC' of the” Boy Scbbts Of the Philippines in" Palayan’Cif/ <rh<K'$-3 Mis 1 Gene E. Balfermoso FROM HILLTOP ......... 4..... and scout exJfutiveS representing Listen and Learn Diplomacy 69 local" cbuhcils in the Philip-' pines wete accdmpanied by several membefi df’the fiatjonal exe- ' cutive bo^tjd %f the! ‘^SP ^aticl members of the national staff/ ' THE NIXON WA Y - As a fgrinef business executive — the incumbent' President of the United States has been rtmembers of the1 national s'taff. Jo ast Americans and as Chic' Thev were warmlv welcomed bv ' Executtve the most powerful, super-power, President Milrxr ............? hails N ixon will have a chanci: to gel restive and oftener will hnyg ihg'npn'Arinnitn 1q *,'•$*! SVSF'J sll# Of thf! IlIDrIfI thru his 'listeri-and-learn' tours. Completing his western Europebm visit' recently, he is out Solmding his allies about -his projected sUrrtmer itinerary to Soviet'Russia for a face-toface dialogue with thei Kfemlin leaders. As ,a two-terjner. vice-president under the Eisenhower administration Mr. Nixon nevertheless covered almost, all .countries,,in South America, Europe and, Asia wiih the exception of course of Red China. Ip South America' as, fit . goodwill representative of Pres. Eisenhower - Mr. Nixon on several occasions had been spitted at and thrown with tomatoes and eggs. And at a Moscow agricultural and industrial, exposition while visiting the American fair he ,is remembered for his famous ‘kitchen debate' with the former Soviet Premier Nikita’ Khruschev. With the above experiences - we can very well foresee that the Nixonian theory of ‘learn-dnd-listen diplomacy’ will give the American leader on-the-spot observations to understand world problems and to effect factual remedies with a view to ease world tensions and to avoid the dangers of a growing menace of nuclear confrontation. X -X' ABRIDGEMENT OF PRESS FREEDOM officials of Nueva Ecija. led by. W" ° C,U!nCe nr P Jose P. Dizon, president of the ^ve ^ opportunity Jo visit every ajly of the Jree world Nueva Ecija Boy Scout council. The 4th National Jamboree, with an expected attendance of 9,000 Scouts and Scouters all over the country and from over- . seas, will be held on May 10 lb in Palayan City. 1 ’ ’ The visitors were inpfessed by the progress of the work being done to build the Jamboree City. They were surprised to see at once lonely spot slowly being transformed into a big community with complete facilities. The task of building the Jamboree city was laid squarely on the Physical Arrangements Committee of the Jamboree headed by Undersecretary bf' Public'Wotk's and Communications Manuel B. Syquio. The action group of this ' Committee is dubbed Task Force 69 whose officer in charge is General' Eduardo Garcia, (2om- ‘ mandipg General of tfie ' First" Tabat Division at Jj'ort 'Magsay-' / say- '' ■■■ \ General Garcia briefed the visitors on the work being done to build the Jamboree City. He said that the road network • wre^completed and that buildings that would housed the offices of the various Jamboree services were nearing completion. Garcia assured the delegates that the Jamboree will have lots of water and such facilities as light, communication system, post-telegraph services, trading post?, central mess, radio-TV center, ecumenical chapel, medical clinics and hospital, motor pool and many other services. Garcia said that the Jamboree City will be completed by the end of March. General Garcia and Provincial Commander Jose B. Gutierrez allayed fears on the peace and order situation by saying that Nueva Ecijs is a peaceful place and that all-out efforts will be exerted by military and police agencies to keep the Jamboree City, safe and secure. The full implementation of the security plain laid out by the authorities will insure peace and order in the Jamboree City. I LET THE FLOWERS BLOOM - At the least this writer would, like to congratulate that segment of our youth activist'whose propensity it is to advocate for reforms against the backlash of alleged malpractices among local columnists, newswriters and radio commentators. The 'protest’ indeed 1 should consider as deserving more than just a ‘grain of salt’. Insofar as the motives are concerned-responsed is a matter of dire necessity among members of the fourth estaters. Let alone that our budding newsmen are ‘on the level’ so to saythe challenge is an encouragement that should be developed without a whimper if to attain the perspective of a newsman 'on the beat’ is a Y ARDSTICK for self-analysis and improvement. ACCELERATED APPROACHES-I was able to listen by remote control coverage al my hilltop hideaway to a sizable portion of the student (press week) rally at Naga City Quezon Square. For obvious reasons known only to. the student activistsI could not discern a formal presentation of an’accelerated guideline’ intended to improve the performance of a ‘misfit’ columnist, a newsman or the radio commentator. By reading a glossary of names will not make the name any better. Nick Joaquin of the Free Press is a mere high school graduate yet his short stories and other writings are superb. So then what is the index of a good writer? Is it because he is a lawyer or a doctor of philosophy degree holder? I knew of someone who during his freshmen days in college would excel in composition writing. A number of his writings were selected by the English professor and read before lhe different English composition classes for sheer mastery of simplicity, beauty and thought. I understand the professor is now the dean of graduate studies of a leading university, an acknowledged international short story writer and a novelist of standing in the country today. I would delight to the encouragement that the professor gave to the freshman: “Your writings can be compared to the best ten in the U. P." LET FREEDOM RING- Congressman Ramon H. Felipe in a subsequent CSPA press and radio interview- March 2 in relevance to the (press week) student rally at Quezon Square intimated that he should be for complete and unabridged freedom for the members of the press and radio commentators. He said any imposition on thought control is muzzling pres, freedom and the mass media which is fundamental to our maturing democracy. It is to be inferred that members of the fourth estate and mass media hove a way for articulating varied styles and idiosyncracies and as a composite group their affinities also are varied as the complexities of ordinary humdrum life. For it can be pointed out that although what they think or say are faultless or flawless to respond to sophisticated criticsms - yet it can likewise be inferred that the role played by the newsmen and commentators are dismensional in lhe categorical stand of fiscalizing the thoughts and actions of our leaders who enjoy the glamours and pleasures of private and public life. In our ‘troubled’ democracy - the columnists, the newsmen, the commentators who keep the beat going altho disregarding ethics yet theirs are the toil to keep the ramparts of freedom shielded by their criticisms day in and day out - intended to preserve our democracy against the ini.ads of insvrmcunla le ’evils’ attendant in our times.