2 Bicol governors get Pres. Marcos book


Part of The Bicol Star

2 Bicol governors get Pres. Marcos book
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4--------THE BICOL STAR-------- M._reh_i5j9c,9 2 Bicol Governors Get Pres. Marcos Book • LEGKL NOTICES • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District City of Naga OFFICE OF THE CITY SHERIFF PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —versus— REMEDIOS RUEDAS ALMONEDA, et al., Mortgagors FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE x-------------- x Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Properties Under Act 3135 As Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgages by REMEDIOS RUEDAS ALMONEDA for herself and guardian of minors Olga, Santiago, Antonio, Angela, Leonardo, Francisco, Javier and Veronica, all surnamed ALMONEDA and as Attorneyin-Fact of Carlos, Milagros, Horacio and Ofelia all surnamed ALMONEDA of Bagumbayan, City of Naga in favor of the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, at Naga City, under date of December 10, 1964 and with a Promissory Note dated December 16, 1964, and for the satisfaction of the debt of FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY TWO PESOS AND FIFTY CEN T A V O S (P4,392.50), Philippine currency, as of December 27, 1968, plus interest of the rate of 11-1/2 % per annum on the amount of P3,000 from December 28, 1968 to the date of sale, plus attorney’s fees and sheriff’s fees for the service of this execution and other lawful expenses incident thereto, the undersigned City Sheriff Ex Officio of Naga City, announces that on March 31, 1969, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., will sell at public auction at the sheriff’s office, located on the Second Floor of the Provin cial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the following described real property, together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: List of Property Mortgaged LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 11371—ASSESSED AT P2,660—NAGA CITY ‘‘A parcel of land and building erected thereon, and all improvements thereon, situated in Bagumbayan, City of Naga, Philippines, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED FIFTEEN (315) SQUARE METERS, MORE OR LESS. Bounded on the N., by Ciriaca Fernandez; on the E., by property of Adela Pelonio; on the S., by property of Esperanza Cabalquinto and on the W., by property of Delfin Cabalquinto.” In accordance with law, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property under Act 3135 as amended will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol region and in the City of Naga, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, three (3) copies of this notice will be posted in the City of Naga on three public and conspicuous places for the same period of time and on the Bulletin Board of the Provincial LEGALN OTICE Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the Late Bernardo Melchor, who died intestate on July 4, 1967 at Tigaon, Cam. Sur consisting of a parcel of agri, land situated in Bolo, Sagnay, Cam. Sur with an area of 41,157 sq. m., and covered by OC.T. No, 239*13 (Free Pat.), has been settled by his heirs extra-judiciallv; the children waiving their respective heridetary shares in favor of their mother, Demetria B. Vda. de Melchor, said deed executed before Not. Pub. Rosendo Barra meda, per Doc. No. 223; Page No. 84; Book XXXVI; S. of 1969 on March 4, 1969 Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Heirs of the deceased Pascual Surara, who died in the Municipality of Del Gallego, Camarines Sur, Philippines, on November >16, 1961, have executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate of the the said deceased contained in that instrument executed and ratified before Notary Public, Mr. R. Barrameda, per Docket No. 233, Page No. 86, Book No. XXXVI, Series of 1969, dated March 6, 1968, of the latter’s notarial Registry. Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, Petra S Vda. de Yanto, widow of the decedent; Maximo Melchora, Natalia, Marcela, and Anicia, all surnamed Yanto, of legal age,children of decedent Eustaquio Yanto who died intestate in May, 1968, at Brcelonita, Cabusao, Cam Sur, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Sale over a parcel of riceland, located in sitio Biong, barrio of Barcelonita, Cabusao, Camarines Sur with an area of 9.9012 Has. under Tax Dec No. 481 and assessed at P2,341, adjudicating unto themselves said estate and subsequently sold it for a consi In a surprise number at the Naga Rotary Dinner - meeting held at the Holiday Hotel recently, Benjamin A. Gray presented autographed copies of his book, “RENDEZVOUS WITH DESTINY”, to Wenceslao Vinsons, Jr. ex-governor of Camarines Norte and Governor Armando B. Cledera of Cam. Sur. Dedicated to the Filipino Youth, who “will foiter the constructive and positive feelings of belonging; advance our people's will toward peace, safety and progress in the Republic; t-nd wage effectively the defense of liberty, free<'om aid aenociacy in Asia RENDEZVOUS WITH DEgTlNY’ is the latest and only Marcos biography written by a Filipino author who says NOTICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule '74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that Pantaleon, Luisa, Ricardo, Melchora, and Jose, all surnamed BEL TRANO; Teopista Docot and Estanislao Togade, all of legal age, Filipinos, of Nabua, Cam. Sur are the sole legal heirs of the late Sps. Maxima Beltrano who died in 1941 at Bula, Cam. Sur and Don. Eligio Raquipo who also died long ago, executed an Extrajudicial Patition of Estate over a parcel of land located in barrio of Itangon, Bula, Cam. Sur covered by TCT No. 612 C. Sur, Tax Dec, No. 407 valued at Pl,360, adjudicating it unto themselves pro-indiviso and with them as co owners, The instrument was ack on wledged by them before Notary Public B. Usigan on April 28, 1956 at Nabua, C.S. per Doc. No. 324; Page 13; Bk. 9; S. 1956. Pantaleon Beltrano, et al. Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. deration of P9,000 unto Domingo Ravis, Filipino, of legal age, married to Leonila Ibasco of 1623 Soler St., Sta. Cruz, Manila. The document was acknowledged by them before Notary Public Jose C. Claro at Libmanan, Cam. Sur on Feb. 26, 1969 per Doc. No. 13; Page 3; Book III; S. 1969. MAXIMO YANTO, et al. Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. his work is calculated to stir readers to "a purposive’ struggle to help make his country stand out tall and straight among nations”. This 424-page book, clot, bound, in English, came off the press on Novcmbe 29, 1968, when the (Continued on page 6) Author Benjamin A. Gray, handing an autographed copy of the "Rendezvous With Destiny", most recent biography of President F. E. Marcos to C. S. Provincial Governor Armando B. Cledera during the dinner-meeting of the Naga Rotary Club, Feb. 22, 1969 at the Holiday Hotel. Author Gray handing the autographed copy of the book “Rendezvous With Destiny", a biography of President Marcos, to former Governor Wenceslao G. Vinzon (facing the camera) of Camarines Norte with PNR Manager Jimenez, guest speaker and Naga Rotary Club Pres. Gregorio Aq. Limjoco congratulating Vinzons. NOTICE The estate of the late INOCENCIO RAMIREZ comprising a parcel of land of 20 HECTARES 62 ARES and 49 CENTARES situated at Curry, Pili, Camarines Sur and more particularly described under OCT No. 1455, Camarines Sur assessed at P36, 935 under Tax No. 5463 has been extrajudicially settled by his heirs per document acknowledged before notary public Jose Penas bearing Doc. No. 260! Page No. 53; Book No. Ill; Series of 1968 Naga City, Phils., March 6. 1969. MARIA MISTOLA VDA DE RAMIREZ Pub. March 8, 15, & 22, 1969. Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City for the information of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buyers of the foregoing described property are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the property and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any for their own interest. Naga City, Philippines, March 5, 1969. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio City Sheriff of Naga City Pub. March 8, 15, 22, 1969. L P Vote WHOM DO YOU CHOOSE TO BE THE CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE LIBERAL PARTY IN THE NEXT NOVEMBER ELECTION? Check your choice from among those listed below or name your own choice other than those listed hereof. Send the straw ballot to P.O. Box 123, Naga City. SERGIO OSMENA (--..) ANTONIO QUIRINO ( .. . .) (....) AMBROSIO PADILLA (....) CORNELIO VILLAREAL (....) -------------------------------( •••) Send your straw vote at once in order to be received in Naga City March 12, 1969.) The result will be published in the March 15 issue of the on or before Bicol Star. 6 THE BICOL STAR March 15,1969 UNESCO - NSDB - UST Chemistry Teaching Summer Programme A summer training programme on chemistry teaching will be held under the auspices of the National Study Group on Chemistry Teaching on May 5 to June 13, 1969 by the University of Santo Tomas with the co-operation and support of the National Science Development Board and UNESCO. This will be a 5-unit course creditable towards an MS or MA degree to be developed by the UST graduate school. The course will be conducted for six weeks (105 hours of laboratory and 60 hours cf lecture) by a team selected chemistry professors. The obejectives of the programme are (1) to broaden the teachers’ background in modern concepts and techniques of chemistry teaching; (2) to improve techniques of demonstrating and supervising classroom experiments in chemistry; and (3) to develop leaders, in outlaying districts where there has been little prior opportunity, who would be willing to spread their experiences to other teachers in the region. The course will be titled “Selected Topics in Chemistry Teaching" and will cover: molecules, the periodic table, equilibrum, energy of reactions, electro-chemistry, and evaluative techniques. Participation will be limited to 30 secondary chemistry teachers from government and private schools who will be provided tuition, book allowance, materials, and field trip expenses by NSDB. Travel expenses from and back to the trainee’s post will be for his account. The trainees will use for the first time the new chemistry laboratory equipment donated by UNESCO Paris. This group of Teacher summer trainees will ais0 have the opportoni-y t0 try out the mistry teaching materials prepared during tbe workshop con<jucte i by the National Study Groun on Chemistry Teaching at the University of Santo Tomas in September 1968. Preference will be given to teachers who have not received a scholarship or grant during lhe last five years and who have taught chemistry for the last two years. Invitations to nominate candidates were sent to principal® of high schools in Central and Northern Luzon regions. All. apolications should be received by the National Study Group on Chemistry Teaching, c/o Unesco National Commission of the. Philippines, 1580 Taft Ave., Manila, not later than March 17, 1969. Applicants selected will be advised by April 7, 1969. 2 Bicol Governors (Continued from page 4) author presented the first copy, a leather - bound volume, to President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Copies were released to the public on Dec. 7, an eventfull day for the President. For it was on Dec. 7, 1938 when Marcos, as a law student was arrested in the University of the Philippines’ College of Law for the alleged murder in 1935 of the late Julio Nalundasan, congressmanelect of the second district of Ilocos Norte; it was also on Dec. 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was attacked treacherously by Japan. Both events made Marcos a famous man. leading his way on to Malacanang. Incidentally, Dec. 7 is also the birthday of Mrs. Ester AbayaGray, the author’s wife, -bmd Naga City’s Problems Mailed in Malacanang PRESIDENT MARCOS discusses local problems of Naga City with Councilors Roberto Ruelo, Felicisimo Deasis, Reynaldo P. Borja and Carlos del Castillo of this city, who called on the President in Malacanang recently. Ex-Municipal Treasurer Gregorio Borja Marks His 79th Natal Day Last Wednesday in Pasacao Gregorio Borja, former municipal treasurer (now retired) in six municipalitites in Camarines Sur, namely, Gainza, Pasacao (twice), Pamplona, Minalabac, Baao, (twice) and Cabusao observed his 79th birthday anniversary last Wednesday in Pasacao with his wife and members of the family. He is a native of Baao. Mr Borja altho more than three quarters of a century in age, is in excellent health, living a normal contented life. He goes to church and attend to his little farm daily. He is z very religious GREGORIO BORJA municipalities before, namely, Juan Abano, Estanislao Agravante, Doroteo Parco, and Sixto Boncodin had also been appointed municipal treasurers to different municipalities of Camarines Sur are now also retired from government service like him. Mr. Borja said that it is a great consolation to him to recall that those who worked under him had rendered efficient long service to the government. He is proud of’ them. . . Those in the photo with their old government positions (taken in Pasacao, C.S., in ,1936)-Sitting (left to right) Fernando Bonnevie, councilor; Vice.nte Amador, Vicemayor; Gregorio Olivan, councilor; Macario Oliver, mayor; Antero Madrigal, councilor; Esteban de la Cruz, councilor (all deceased), and Gregorio Borja, mun.treasurer. Standing, second row (1 to r) Genaro de la Cruz, mun. secretary; Bonifacio Regnim, clerk; Atty. Medichem Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ayala Corner Makati Ave. MAKATI, RIZAL ... P. O. Box 4019, Manila man and a member of the Adoracion Nocturna Filipina, Pasacao Turno, Naga - Camarines Sur Section. He is a high school undergraduate but because of his experience and devotedness to his work he was able to pass the third, second and first grade Civil Service Examinations. He got a rating of 99% in experience. He served the government for 42 years—11 years as a mere clerk and 31 years as municipal treasurer. Four of his former principal clerks in his office in different Roberto Zurbano, municipal judge of Pasacao, now judge of the court of first instance in Albay and recently appointed associate justice, Court of Appeals, Dr. Jose Prieto (municipal doctor) now deceased; Jacinto Solomon, postmaster; Sixto Boncodin, principal clerk. Third row, at the back, same order, Daniel Paibay, policeman (now Actg. Chief); Zosimo Miserilia, chief of police (deceased); Zoilo Espinas, policeman and Felix Borja, policeman (deceased.) l eg al n o t ic e Notice i8 hereby given that pursuant to Sec. 1 Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Waiver of Rights has been executed by the Hrs. of Felipe Muralla, namely, FLORA, EUGENIA and ESTELITA, all surnamed MURALLA over a parcel of residential land in Buhi, Camarines Sur, with an area of 1,501 Sq. M., under Tax No. 2257 and valued at P2,570.00. The two heirs waived their rights in favor of Eugenia Muralla, one of the heirs. The instrument was executed before Notary Public Hilario Espano of Canaman, Camarines Sur on March 14, 1969 under Doc.' No. 290; Page No. 57, Book XXIV; Series of 1969. Pub. March 15, 22 and 29, 1969. One thing that sometimes makes him sad, he said, is whenever he looks at the group picture here with him, sitting with his friends who are now living in the Great Beyond. “Should I die, I would not regret for I’m sure it’s the will of God.“ Mr. Borja softly remarked. The members of his family are: . Mrs. Rafaela Babilonia Borja, his wife, 69. is also a native of the town of Baao. They have eight children. They are Fidel, chief clerk of the Prov. Fiscal’s office of Cam. Sur and married to former Miss Lourdes G. Maningas of Nueva Ecija; Dionisia, single; Cristino, married to Carmen Victoria: Bienvenido who is in Austria today as chief radio operator in a commercial boat; then Nenita who is also married to Juanito Bombase; Antonio who is connected with the BIR and married to Amparo Oliveros; Lorenzo, married to Remedios Maningas the- younger sister of the wife of Fidel; and the last is Dolores, single, a public school teacher. Welcome President Marcos and Party — ROCHA HARDWARE Business is going on as usual at the same address Gen. Luna St. City of Naga For your construction materials — Brand new stocks at jour remodelled store for your full satisfaction. Happy greetings to PSIAA Officials, Athletes and Visitors — Leonardo Pacheco, Jr. Professional Service Representative For Cam. Norte — Cam. Sur