Deanna Durbin's second love?


Part of Swing and rhythm

Deanna Durbin's second love?
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MAY A; 1945 .Page 3 IS DEANNA DURBIN IN LOVED AGAIN? DEANN A. DURBIN uys she isn't marrying this February, ""'xt February, or the Feoruary aft6r - in fact, she isn't marrying for many to come. "Why should I hibernate again?" she said. "I hibernated all my life, and when [ rnarrisd Vaughn Paul, it wa.m't any different. l was everyone tt1ought for me, and at the age of 19 I stepped from that cloistered girlhood into a marriage thiit !(ave me the 1POrt of protection. H:very girl should be allowed t~ think for her;ielf," said Univeri!al's favorite actres1. ''It; wasn't V11.u1hn's f1111lt or my fault that we failed to make a go of our marriage. He, too, was spoiled and. a.n only child. If I'd had. previo11s romances l might not have married th"S first man I was permitted to go out Rlone with and to see, That would hJlve saved him unhappiness and saV'ed me from a ftl~rriaste i.hat should l\ever ha.q-e taken place.'' I had asked .Deanna to oome and sea me for I'd heard rumitrs thllt she was goini to marry Felli Jackson when his dilM)rce wu final iQ. Fehruil.ry and then laler that she had transfered her affections to Robert L"n<lry. I've been writin~ about motion pictures too lcPl!r aot to discount any rumors tliat come my wa.y, "W.hy should I marry?" she said. ''I have my own home, my cook. my maid and my dog." Then she went on to explain. I'm glad to have a chance Bl'. LOUELLA 0. PARSONS Moti<m Picture Editor International News Service to talk with you, begause when play t"rVHY sort of characI got my divorce from Vaughn ter -I want to d'o tho things I didu't telephone you because that Irene Dunpe a.nd Clautbe N 11.vy frowns u oon, publ.icity dette Colbert de-I war. t to regarding their officers. Rem- he a !!U&t commedienne-. ember l told you firl'lt about a tnotion picture actresii os our ene;agement, and a11Hin if I well as a siIJger. I ~ant to riecide to tnarry, I'll tell you be like Claudette Cvlbert in first."· 'Si'fll~e Ymt ·went Awnvl" Deanna's hair is much lighter .I started to laugh when than it· WaS when she W~lS af,Satd that, child. And I've illever seen laef "Well, you will have to so thin. wait a little while before JOU "Are you dieting?" I as·ied. '•Mercy, nol" she answ•red. ''I hope to get back some of those pounds I've lost. I don't like thin women. and my voice iii far tooimpartant to me to risk ruining it. I just worked so hard in my last picliure. Can't Help Sinuing.' I dropped 12 p<;nindswhere, [ don "t know . .,, Rut I 0-0ticed Deanna was very careful uot to eat any of the hors d'ouenes I offered her. "You didn't like 'Chriltmas Holi,iny, ,.did you?'' sae asked. ''Well, l admit it was a shock to see yoa play a bad girl," I answered. ''Oh, I love all the controver;:oy, ",..she said, "And I tiliink Felix Jackson was a\vfolly smart iustead of gradually changinr me from a &oody-eood eirl into a woman of the world by tet-tia ~ me make a complete .break. I've never )leen so happy in any moment of my career aR I am now, bPeause I iike the rii:rt>ntors thfy're g1v1n11: me-r like the SUf'?"· ircstions 2.nd ideas M,r. Jack· son has for me. I want to pl11y tlle mother of 'fl. 16-yearold girl,'' 1 tole her. "That woulit make you exactly fl years old when you had JeRnifMr Jones." The one thieg I noticed about Dueoa is that she;s become VCiy positive. She knows; what ehe wants. and she's no !oncer a friahtened little girl. M}' mind weat back to the day she eame to my home with Vawtthn Paul to tell me of their engaRement. ~be wu a plump little tiirl weannt a red drel'S and her first mink coat. This Deanna ... was a far cry from that little gid, but thesfl children do •row up, and she's grown into a rareb intelligent ymu1g per~on. , She'~ been unfertunatf', hf>~urn eo many i;um(,Tfs toTd about her have not been true. "I don't mind rum0rs a nit," she said. "J liru11n at t hem-thf'y cut tiilk all tb~y want 11 R long 11s I know the thiDl!B they i;:ay are not true." With these puting word!', ehe left, promiE'irig to tell me if she really falls in lovf', Now I bqpe Deann• won't g~t married before is printed!