1st Philippine Coco oil export to Bulgaria


Part of The Bicol Star

1st Philippine Coco oil export to Bulgaria
Medina, Ramon AG.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
1st Philippine Coco Oil Export to Bulgaria Bi): RAMON AG. MEDINA Masbate Press & R^dio Club, Inc. M^bate, Masbate A shipment of coconut oil to Bulgaria, the 1st Philippine export to a qomnuintst country, will usher ip a ne\v era of Ph'lippipe trade in the wealthy markets of Eastern Europe. The sale of 5|Q0 long tops of coconut oil by Legaspi Oil Company to pranexport, a trading firm based in Spfia, ^ulgarja, was scheduled last February, 1969. The terms of the salt: arp in accord with the framing rules and regulations which goyern export sales to ot|ier European pities like London, Amsterdam, and RotterdBm. The (nitial contact between tfte Bulgarian firm an^i Legaspi Qil Co., was made by representatives of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce (PCC) ^uring a tour of Eastern Europe After a study of Granexports’ ptjoposaJ, the Philippine^’’ National Export Coordinating Center (NECCJ recommended approval of (the export transaction. Its recommendation y^as premised on the feasibility of discovering new markets fpr Philippine traditional exports, Other trade arrangements and cpvenanfs with Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Poland have been formally suggested, whe-eby the Philippines would vend ‘textile, coconut, oil, shoes, and possibly rice. Shopld these trade prospects bp consummated, it would mean increased outlets for Philippine prodppts which have hitherto been exported to traditional markets spch Japan and U.S.A, . In ratifying the 1st transaction with Bulgaria, however. Pres. Marcos state fhat the safe not being taken, as a precedent but only as a, jingle case of a practical and! acceptable nature. AH future transactions, wifi be op a case to case basis. Among others, the transaction must follow the mechanics a e. JXllnta'o Imnfok . Died in the Peace of Our Lord at 5:00 A. Mj. Maic,h 9, 1969, ai the age of 6d; interred March 11, at Peftafrancia Cemetery her bergaved husban^ ANGEL ROMERO' LUNTOK, Area Supervisor, Bureau,of Private Schools; sons, ANGEL and ISIDQRO;. daughters, TERESITA and LAQRIMASi son-ip-law, EDDIE GALANG; daughter-inTlaw, ALICE EMBESTRO; grandchildren;, brothers, DR. FRANCISCOi ALBUERO and- REV. FR, SALVADOR ALBUERO; sisters, MRS. GENEROSA SALAZAR, MRS. FRLICITiAS FAJARDQ; brothers ip-law; sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces and other relatives, reapest a prayer tor, the eternal repose of her sopl. Jose B. Penetrante Asst. District Director (NAMAWU-MIF) BICOL DISTRICT OFFICE IRIGA CITY. PRES. MARCOS 'Became Aircns & National Mines & Allied Workers’ Union MPS. MARCOS Javier A Barbado District Director , ROQUE G. MANRIQUE District Secretary EXPED I TO POOT Liaison Officer JOSE L. PAJARIN President, Local 109 PAULINO GONZALES President, ,Local 11), Iriga City ANTONIO P. CLERIGO President, Local 119, Legazpi City RAFAEL G. RUB1T, JR. General Clerk' DEOGRACIAS PEfiA President, Local 110, Naga? City ' SALVADOR A. DAYRO President, Local 112, ’Legazpi City*' SERAPIO L. JOLO Prtesident, Local 113, Sorsogon, Sorsogon LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that ithe Estate left by the Late Donata Ramos, who died intestate on Get. 28,, 1968, at Ragay, C. Sur, consisting of certain land situated in Brnahian, Ragay, CS. identified as Lot B of the Subd. Plan (LRC) Psd-16393 and covered by T.C.T. No. 9290 has been adjudicated unto himself by Aguedo Corod, the Surviving hueband, alleging to be the sole heir of his deceased wife, who subsequently sold the same unto Heracleo Valenzuela in consideration of P5.500 00, said deed acknowledged before Not. Pub. Jose R. Ruy of Ragay, C. Sur, per Doc. No. 44; Page No. 95; Book VIII; S. of 1969. Pub. March 15, 22, 29, 1969. set up by the National Export Company which has been designated as a clearing house for export sales ot native goods and local products. The trade mission of the Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, headed by Teopisto Guingona, Jr., in its report to Pres. Marcos, scheduled the following 35> products which could be exported to. Eastern Europe; Refined sugar, coco oil, copra, hemp,, rope, rice, maize, bananas, pineapple, coffee beans, ground nuts, onions, vegetables, food vegetable oils, tobacco, shoes, iron ore, manganese ore, chromium ore, asbestos, zinc concentrates,, copper, lead, plywood, veneer sheets, saw logs, round lumber, building lumber, coniferous lumber, cement, cottomfabrics, carpets, cotton,handkerchiefs,,and domestic sewing machines.. Ir- . ■■•r-r-3 »<>♦♦♦<> 111.—. Read the JBtar March 15, 1969 THE BICOL STAR 9 Welcome to all PSIAA Delegations! May you enjoy your sojourn in Bicolandia - - ‘ • BENJAMIN L. LEDDA Acting Regional Coofdinatcif Abaca Development Board B. P. L Region 1V e SAN AGUSTIN, PILI CAMARINES SU# Can you Save PIO a Month for Your Family Security? i Progress Bonds- are the most popular investment1 in the Philippines today. Because they’re safe and pay you a guarantee 7% tax-free interest every year. And now you can save for Progress-Bonds with as little as P10 a month! See or Write f ! DBP NAGA BRANCH< NAGA CITY ‘ ABOUT T11E DftP PAYROLSAVINGS PL AN