Search for model barrio


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Search for model barrio
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•44444 >-*4444 *44444 • | ALBE THEATRE | | Aug. 10-16 Mon. - Suh. | <’ A Super Fantasy Presentation 4 ® Kojiro Hongo in J J The Return of Magin i 4 Cinemascope & Technicolor f 5 D-'w t , Dana Andrews in ? No Diamond for Ursula f < .*44444 xy44<4 B4< » 44 -44444 4 Founded in 1931 The Oldest; Region al Weekly Newspaper 4 44444* 444444 *44444 » I JADE THEATRE | J Monday - Sunday Aug. 10-16 4 » Ad Roit Production presents « Tito Galla * Lito Legazpi ; | & Merle Fernandez ! ’ in Pogi Komiks ( Uhaw 4 D/w * Henry Daval * Rosana Ortiz ! 4 and Kin Metcaff in < | Spy Hunt J (For Adults Only) < 5444444 004444 *44444 >44444 •» 0 ♦ Year 37 Vol. 35 No. City of Naga, Philippines August 8, 1970 6 Pages 15 Centavos PNR IMPROVEMENT Sabido, Tan bat for PNR NURSES’ CAPPING---Sister Anne administrator of DePaul Hospital in N rfofk, Va , and Sister Mary Louis (left), director of the hospital’s School of Nursing, place nurse’s cap on Corrine Marie Bachiller (2nd from right) and Judith Ann Anderson. The hono rees were two of 29 students capped in Solemn investiture, at which time they pledged themselves to “...the careful and continued observance of the highest and noblest ideals of (my) profession.” The daughter of Mr. Raynero Bachiller of Nqbua, Camarines Sur, and Mrs. Bachiller (the former Socorro Margate of Iriga City), Miss Bachiller said the cap symbolizes the hard work she’s gone through and the sacred responsibilities it entails. The Bachiller family resides in Washington, D.C. (Photo by, Ely U. Orias ) faaturan, members of troupe accused in Sor’gon for violation of Election Law Gubat, Sorsogon Aug. 5 - The preliminaiy hearing of the case of Singer Diomedes Maturan and 43 members of his troupe scheduled July 27 to Aug 10 before the Gubat court of first instance for alleged serious violation of election laws was reset for a new date because all the 44 accused were reported missing from their supposed addiesses. in Barcelona, Sorsogon. All subpoenaes setved on the accused were returred by the Barcelona police with the note that all the accused had left for Manila of unknown addresses. They were all accused by Comelec for alleged illegal registration and illegal voting. They listed Barcelona as their permanent residence and named the mayor and several residents as their uncles, cousins and guardians. Buznaventura Baccay Comelec trial attorney who was snnt by Comelec chairman Jaime Ferrer to handle the Maturan prosecution, acceded to a postponement provided that if the accused do not show up next time, Comelec would be allowed to present thtir witnesses ex-parte, th: t even without rhe presence of the accused. Fiscal Oscar Peralta is collaboiating with Baccay tn the prosecution. Judge Severino de Leon is handling the investigation himself, Comelec turan case voter case Comelec. Comelec had a battery of 15 witnesses on the opening of the hearing ready to testify that Maturan and his group were and are actually residents of Greater Manila, but allegedly brought to sources said the Mais the biggest flying being handled by Sorsogon bv a Congressman only as Campaign entertainers, were never born, nor married, nor own lands nor residents of the tiny town of Barcelona, and therefore were never qualified as voter in that town. Jose Riza) Samonte, chief of Comelec records in Manila,, brought to Gubat all the records of the Ma uran case, Similarly accused with Maturan and his troupe were Fausto Espeno, municipal treasurer and acting Comelec registrar in Barcelona, and Eliseo Nicolas, member of the registration board, Espeno is scheduled to retire this October.-J GF Search for model barrio The Souteast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) will launch a joint venture with the Presidential Atm on Community Development (PACD) to select a model barrio in each of the three regions of the country: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao Thia was revealed recently by Commerce and Industry Secretary and concurrently PACD chairman Ernesto M. Maceda. According to Maceda, “all barrios in the country legally existing as of July 1, 1969 will be eligible for the contest.” The committee to select the model barrios is composed of the PACD chief as Chairman, and the president of the PRRM and the SEATO information officer as members. In the local (Continued on page 6) For CC delegates Being boosted to be candidates for Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in the First District of Camarines Sur are Atty. Fred P. Cledera and Atty. Lueiano Magay The first district is entitled to three dele gates while the Second District to five delegates. Atty. Perfecto Palma and Atty. Jacobo Briones are also launching their candidacies for delegates in the 2nd District. Other candidates will be announced later. ITS seminar on Aug. 15-16 A seminar on the INTEGRATED TRANSFORT SYSTEM of the country will be held at the Ateneo de Naga on Aug. 15-16, 1970 to discuss the advantage of an integrated transport system over the present set-up that we have now. Executive of big transportation companies are invited to attend the seminar, according to Rev. David of the Ateneo, who is responsible for the gathering, They are supposed to bring with them their own impression on the advantage and disadvantage of the system if they have any. PNR General Manager Nick T. Gimenez will head ihe delegation of officials of the railway firm that will attend the seminar. (Continued on page 6) THE GRADUATE---Miss Minerva “Minnie” Naldo (Center), 22 year-old daughter of Philippine Labor Attache’ and Mrs. Jose A. Naldo (extreme left, right), receives toasts of congratulations on her graduation recently from Southeastern University in Washington, D.C. Helping the Naldos mark the occasion a.e (back row, 1-r) Peter Stein, the universi y’s dean of general studies; Dr. John P. Maurer, university president; and Edward J. Shaughnessy, university dean. The new business administration graduate-first native of Donsol, Sorsogon, to receive aj degree from an American universityworks at the World Bank’s Washington headquarters. (photo by Ely U. Orias.) Sabido of Albay, File Bill For PNR The Philippine National Railways received another boast to its sagging morale when House Bill No. 2451 was filed the other day at the house of Representatives. Authored by Reps. Robe'to M. Sabido of the third district of Albay and Godofredo Tan of the 2nd district of Quezon, the bill among others seeks to inject much needed funds to maintain operations while the company is in the process of rehabilitation. The bill, according to CongSabibo provides for the appropriation of PIO million a year for the next five years to enable the railroad to repair its bridges, improve the right of way, modernize its communications, repair its motive power and other rolling stocks. “Without this’ help” the Bieolano solon said, “the PNR will not be able to take advantage of the benefits to be derived from its share of reparations equipment this year amounting to to S7.2 million. Sabido said that the PNR has been neglected by the government for so long and because of this neglect the Bicolanos have also suffered because the PNR is the region’s most dependable lifeline. He said that the Bicolanos are gratefull because this year President Marcos has included the Tan of Quezon Rehabilitation Rep. SABIDO railroad in the administration’s infrastructure program. Sabido revealed that P5 million of the goverment’s bond fund has been programed for the PNR’s civil engineering works. Can am an feast day CANAMAN, Cam. Sur - The residents of this town will observe their town fiesta on August 15-16 in honor of their Patrons saint Asumption and Saint Roque. The affair will be highlighted by a Grand Auditorium sponsored by the Ginner’s Org. n zation. THE BICOL STAR AUGUST 8, 1970 Search For . . As I See It NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the legal heirs of the late spouses EUGENIO ALLAMEN and AMBROCIA FLORESTA who both died intestate on April 12, 1953 and January 20, 1970, respectively, in Naga City, namely: Severa Allamen, Eduardo, Rolan • do, Paciencia Acelita, all surnamed Punzalan; Liberate and Guadalupe, both surnamed Maravilla, Filipinos, of legal age, residents of Bagumbayan, Naga City, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate over the estate left by the decedents, situated in Haring, Canaman, C.lur w/ an area of 9,744 Sq. M. under Tax Dec. No 5643 and Tax Dec. No.5642, adjudicating and dividing said estate among themselves in the following manner: 1/3 of the area, in the middle, to Severa Allamen; the other 1/3 of the area, rorthern portion, to Liberate and Guadalupe Maravilla, in equal share, pro-indivis ; and last 1/3 of the area, the southern portion, unto Eduaado, Rolando, Paciencia and Acelita all surnamed Punzalan, in equal shares, pro^indiviso. The instrument was acknowledged before Notary Public Hilario Espano on July 31, 1970 et Canaman, Cam. Sur, as Doc. No.1108; Page 18; Book 28; S. 1970 of his notarial records. Pub. Aug. 8, 15, 22, 1970. B. Star. NOTICE The Heirs of the late VICTORINA ALCALA who died many years ago at Virac, Catanduanes executed an Extra-judicial Settlement of Estate With Sale, namely; Josefa Vda. de Alcala, wife of the decedent and Juan, Frediswindo.Aurora, Maria, Filotea and Teresita, all surnamed Alcala, children of the decedent, adjudicating and dividing among themselves in equal share, pro-indiviso, the parcel of land, located in Marilima, Virac, Catanduanes with an area of 126,448 Sq. m. covered by OCT No. 180-Prov. of Catanduanes (FP No. 207944, Lot 7825 - Pls-662-D) and subsequently sold it to Maria, Filo, tea, Teresita and Juan, co-heirs named above for P3,000. The document was acknowledged before Notary Public Angeles A. Velasco at Virac, Catanduanes, per Doc. Nc. 558; Page 14; Book XII; S. 1970 of his notarial records. Pub. Aug. 8, 15, 22, 1970 Bicol Star NOTICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is herebv given that the heirs of the late VICTORIO ALCALA who died intestate many years ago at Virac, Catanduanes, namely: Josefa Alcala, widow of the decedent, and Juan, Fredeswindo, Aurora, Maria, Filotea, allr surnamed Alcala, children of the decedent, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate With Sale over a parcel of land, with an area of 3,884 Sq. M. covered by OCT No. 181 Prov. of Catanduanes (FP No. 279236, Lot 3911, Pls - 662-D), situated in Sto. Nino, Virac, Catanduanes, adjudicated and distributed it unto tbemSeminar on . > . (From page 1) It must be recalled that Col. Jimenez, much earlier before had been advocating the formation of an Integrated Transport System in the country as a means of improving our much expanding transport complex. He will strongly bat for the early formation of an Integrated Transport System, it is understood. Other big transportation firms that will bring in participants are the PAL, ALATCO, other big land transportation in the Bicol Region representatives, Coastwise shipping and Ferry Transportation Executives, Civic groups and Professionals. The forthcomming seminar will bring to the fore the long time topic that the PNR Manager has been expounding in most of bis public appearances. He had been quoted as telling his audiences that the Philippines must have an Integrated Transport System to take care of the public transport complex for efficient coordination. In other countries like England and Japan they have the Ministry of Transport to take care of their Transport Complex because only in effecient handling of transportation cou d a nation effectively help its commerce and industry. NOTICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the Heirs of the late spouses Ramon Manallo and Primitiva Delumen who both died intestate, on July 30, 1961 at Iraya, Bulan, Sorsogon, and on September 29, 1963 at Namo, Bulan, Sorsogon, respectively, namely: Benjamin Manallo, of legal age, and Ramon Manallo, Jr, minor (represented by Benjamin), executed an extrajudicial Partition of the estate left by decedents, to wit: a portion of Lot 2033, Cad-263 (F-V1907) and Lot 6490, Cad - 263 (F-V-1002) both covered by OCT No. P-97, with a total area of 13.3490 Has. adjudicated it between themselves share and share alike, pro-indiviso. The document was acknowledged before Notary Public Hilario Espano at Naga City, on August 3, 1970, per Doc. No. 125; Page 20; Bk. 28; S. 1970 of his notarial records. Pub. Aug. 8, 15, 22, 19/0. B. Star. selves in equal shares pro indiviso, and subsequently sold it unto their co-heir, named above, Filotea (A. C|ark) for P2.2O0. The document was acknowledged before Notary Public Angeles A. Velasco at Virac, Catanduanes on July 18, 1970 per. Doc. No. 558; Page 14; Book XII; S. 1970 of his notarial notarial records. Pub. Aug. 8, 15, 22, 1970. B. Star. FOR BETTER RESULT ADVERTISE IN— The BICOL STAR levels, committees will also be created. "The selection of a model barrio of a municipality will be handled by a municipal committee, a model barrio by the regional committee.” The final selection, however, will be handled by the National Solection Committee,” Maceda explained. One among the major considerations in the selection of the best barrio is the manifestation of the bayanihan spirit which means that most of the community projects have been put up with minimun assistance from outsids sources. The purpose of the SEATOPACD tie-up undertaking is to backstruff community development operations not only in the country but also in other SEATOirember countries through models and demonstrations. The prizes at stake for the best barrio in the whole country is P3.000 cash plus a golden plaque, while the three model barrios for each region will reRepublic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES-SUR lOtb Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE INTESTATE ESTATE OF JOSE CONSTANTINO, LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. AMADO DE VERA, Petitioner SPEC. PROCS. NO. T-188 X - ... X NOTICE TO CREDITORS Letters of Administration having been issued in the aboveentitled case in favor of Concepcion Colasito vda. de Constantino of Sangay, Camarines Sur. Notice is hereby given requiring all persons having claims for money against the decedent Jose Constantino arising from contract, express or implied, whether the same be due, not due or contingent, for funeral expenses, expenses of the last illness of the decedent, and judgment for money claim against him to file said claims with the Clerk of Court of this Court, at Tigaon, Camarines Sur, within a period of six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice, serving a copy of said claims upon the said Concepcion Colasito vda. de Constantino, appointed administratrix in this proceedings Let the said administratrix cause this notice to be published once a week for three consecutive weeks in the “BICOL STAR”, a weekly newspaper edited in the City of Naga, and to be posted for the same period of time in this province and in two public places at Sangay, Camarines Sur, which was his residence at the time of his death. WITNESS, the HON. RAFAEL S. SISON, Judge of this Court, this 14th day of July, 1960. FOR THE CLERK OF COURT (Sgd.) MANUEL S. GARCHITORENA Branch Clerk of Court Branch IV Pub. Aug. 8, 15, 22, 1970 BY B. M. DUMAGUIN Maybe whatever happened to Bantay, Ilocos Sur is for the best. Look what is happening? First, the cogon grass houses of Ora Centro and Ora Este are now replaced by strong materials. Second, it brought to the fore the group of Fr. Araneta who can find in the case a chanee to practu e their fighting stance ’for future fights. Third, those that have been talking only thru the wind can now show the public that they too can mean business. And lastly, for future references, whatever other gr ups will do in connection with Bantay will do it with surefire sincerity and justice, not for palabas, because the case is not a joke anymore. Fetil-Ballena wedding CANAMAN, Camarines SurRev. Fr. Orlando P. Pagapong officiated the wedding rites of Miss Marina Fetil and Salvador Ballena solemnized at the Canaman parish church last Thursday morning, August 6. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Fetil of San Jose Pili, Camarines Sur, while the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pracsidio Ballena of Canaman, Cam. Sur. . Principal wedding sponsors were: Mr, "and Mrs. Tomas SeAfter the 'wedding rites reception held at the bride’s residence in San Jose, Pili, Camarines ceive P2.000 and a silver plaque each. However, the 1,000 dollars offered by SEATO as award to only one barrio was increased to 2,000 dollars to be distributed as follows: 1,500 dollars for prizes and 500 dollars for miscellaneous expenses such as plaques, office supplies and traveling expenses of PACD representatives. IRavei yiapHH SCHEDULE OF PNR TRAIN (SOUTHERN LINES) " SOUTHER]N TRAINS: TRAIN: DEPARTURE DESTINATION ARRIVAL 511 Manila 6:05 a.m. Camalig 7:351 p.m. 515 Manila 6:30 p.m. Camalig 8:36 ja.m. 503 Manila 7:20" p m, Naga 3:14 p.m. 517 (T-Ma-1) ” 5:45 p.m. Camalig 6:20 a.m. (Mayon Ltd) 505 Manila 9:10 a.m. Naga 7:56 p.m. 535 Manila 4:00 pjn. Legazpi 10:27 p.m. NORTHBOUND TRAINS: 512 Legazpi 7:00 a.m. Manila 9:04" p.m. 516 Legazpi 6:00 p.m. Manila 8:50 a.m. ' 504 Naga 10:50 a.m. Manila 6:28 a.m* J 518 T-Lg-2 Leg. 5:00 p.m. Manila 6:43 a.m. ( (Mayon Ltd.) I J 506 Naga 4:40 a.m. Manila 3:38 p-m. ' 536 Legazpi 4:00a.m. Naga 8:33 a.m. Rev. Fr. Araneta and his group demands resignation from the jCrisologos. I will also ask Fr. Araneta to resign from his priesthood to make the fight even. I hate to witness an uneven fight. There is no fun in it. Even in boxing, there must be equal chance. Poor Vincent, he will have no rooters while Chavit will have Fr. Araneta and his group. Hometown decision and partisan crowd. Foul! I heard Mayor Vincent Sibulo the other day talked on Insurance protection and Savings Plan wisdom. Boy, the Mayor can sell heavy in Insurance. He can be an star Insurance man, the way he dished his selling points. Or, was his eloquence on the topic inspired by the presence of his fellow Jaycees? The imported drinks and the sumptuous foods? Congress 4th floor got burnt the other day. Well, there is still a stronger force to put Congress on fire than the force of the student demonstrators despite the moral support of Taruc and Fr. Araneta and Raul Manglapus. Congress lower floors however were saved by our Manila Firefighters. We have now in Naga City an office of a Company that will engage in sugar production. Well, what happened to the BIDECO plan to put up a sugar central in this area? CALLING VITOY OF THE BIDECO! Are we good only in planting eggplants and pichay? Max Soliven in his column said RP democracy is dying of social cancer. No. RP is dying of too much talk. Let us save RP by working. Let us save RP by producing, not analysing. I have known Nano Querol fo-' over two decades now. The fellow have not changed since the first time I have met him. He kibitz. That is what is nice about him. He doesn't relax and give a fellow a quarter the moment he starts opening his salvo.