PFM nominates 7 Bicolanos to CA for confirmation


Part of The Bicol Star

PFM nominates 7 Bicolanos to CA for confirmation
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THE BICOL STAR AUGUST 8, 1970 Partial Review ^ical J^tar ENTERED, AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER At THE POST OFFICE, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES ON MAY 20. 1933. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Bomtnao A. Escalante GENERAL MANAGER. PUBLISHER & EDITOR Anftres (B. I" tea ASSOCIATE EDITOR SBettng tHafoagnn Liberia JUcaSa £Bal. (4M. ^Butraguitt Jaime be los J^antos ADVERTISING & PROMOTION Jlom»o ^Escalante CIRCULATION & SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION RATES; P5.00 PER YEAR; P3.00 6 MONTriS P. O. BOX 123, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES MANILA BUREAU, 1963 DAPITAN, SAMPALOC---^entarbitto (Angeles ©aftiagon—Manager Editorial: Fuentebella Lambasted for doing His duty When the burdensome task of drafting new constitution has long passed, the patriotism of Congressman Fuentebella will forever ring the bell in the memory of the Bicolanos as the only one among his peers who insistently enjoined the municipal and barrio officials of his district to take active participation in disseminating to all their constituents the reasons why a new constitution is needed for our country. The drafting of a new constitution is the same as building a new nation. Therefore a new constitution is a new life for a truly independent Philippines. The framework of our present constitution is colcnial and therefore obsolete. But the people must be made to understand the provisions to be changed or substituted a n d those that should be preserved. This exigency calls for elucidation by legal luminaries and for this reason Congressman Fuentebella offers the services of his legal ad visers and consultants. One of them is Atty. Perfecto Palma who is the Dean of the Colleges of Law and Commerce of the University of Nueva Caceres. It was because of this recommendation that Congressman Fuentebella was lavishly without any justification lambasted and reviled. The true purpose of the critics was not faultfinding but to rib the Congressman so as for him to file another libel case against the same critics in addition to those that are now pending in the courts of Pili and Tigaon against them. Obstruction to a laudable purpose for public interest and welfare is criminal. Our constitution, being the fundamental law of all laws, must be properly elucidated for full comprehension. This job is for prestigious lauyers end Deans of colleges. We cannot entrust this delicate work to just ordinary unlearned wiseacres. — A. G.D. PFM Nominates 7 Bicolanos To CA For Confirmation Rep. Felix A. Fuentebella, in his capacity as majority floorleader of the Commission On Appointments, announced that President Marcos has submitted the nominantions of seven ( 7 ) Bicolanos to the Commission On Appointments for confirmation. The Bicolano nominees include: Former Masbate Congressman Andres Clemente, Jr., undersecretary of education; Auxiliary City Judge Artemio A. Rillo, city judge of Iriga Branoh 11; Atty. Eleuterio Agudo, city judge of Legaspi city Branch 111; Atty. Eriberto Berces, munipal judge, Sto. Damingo, Albav; Atty. Nieto Tesvalles, municipal judge, Gigmoto.Catanduanes; Atty. Jacinta Tambago, municipal judge, Esperanza, Masbate; and Atty. Pura J e er- Callejr, assistant clerk 01 court, Court of First Instance, Albay In the meantime, President Marcos has certified H.B. No. 535 which seeks to create the Abaca and Other Fibers Develoq ment Comaany. It will merge the Abaca Corporation of the Philippines, the Abaci and Other Fiber Development Baird and the Bureau of Fiber Inspection Service. By Andres G. Diez On June 25 of this year, Congressman Fuentebella sent out off.ciil communications to a 1 municipal and barrio officials appealing to them to exercise active participation in the preparation of a new Constitution for our country. Only one thing was implied in those correspondences, ard that was to remind them that it was the responsibility and duty ’of all citizens to know about the imperative necessity of crafting a Constitution that is suitable to the natural characteristics and idiosyncracies of our people. But in order to carry out this par ticularduty successfully, Fuentebella enjoined them to first familiarize themselves with our present Constitution, its history, righteousness, and weaknesses. The purpose of the communications which is easily obvious to every intelligent person is no other than to create or arouse in the minds of the municipal and barrio leaders of his1 district the pertinent interestand concern for an acceptable Magna Carta for our people. Considering that the history of the Constitution of every democratic country in the world wa9 originally drafted by brilliant and renowned legal luminaries, Fuentebella is definitely right in offering the services of his legal advisers and consultants, Attys. Perfecto Palma, Anastacio Prila, and Salvador Occiano for purposes of elucida tion as t v, hy our present Constitution should be amended. There was ^nothing in those correspondences which directly insinuated ' that Congressman Fuentebella indorses the candidacy of Perfecto Palma as delegate to the Constitutional Convention. What was attached to the correspondences was the curriculum vitae of Perfecto Palma so as for all to be informed of his personal qualifications in matters of elucidating to all who may approach him for con-, sultation about what is meant by Constitution and the difference between what is effectively sound Constitution and a defective one. Curriculum vitae is not an electoral manifesto. Everything, therefore, that was broadcast in the radio and published in the local papers to berate and de. ride Congressman Fuentebella and Atty. Palma had no basis for justification. It was not only an imprudence but gruesome immorality for anyone to put into the mouths of their fellowmen words that have not been written or uttered by them. It is about time that we, the pressmen of this province, should begin to learn proper behaviour in dealing with all mankind. Admitting for the sake of argument, that Dean Perfecto Palma is an aspiiant for delegate to the Constitutional Convention, no Prince Valiant, for sure, can stop him The people of this province shoiid instead be proud that a citizen of the stature and dignity of Dean Perfecto Palma is voluntarily involving himself in the hard task of framing a new Constitution that is most desirable to every citizen of our country. READ ^ical Jitar lene E. Balfermoso FROM THE HILLTOP The Plain Truth On Constitutional Convention Bill IVe hold on to the notion that no nation can be a democracy without freedom of spttch and action. In plain truth this should be the real essence making t:ue to form basic fundamentals of freedom- flowering as they are on the seedbed of faith and remaining there sacrosanct and not one moment of deviation whenever man’s caprice should so desire to reduce it to irreversible inconsistencies. And this sadly we have noted that so a nation at the crossroads of its destiny is being compelled to believe and admit against its own will, that this coming Charier Meet intended to revise the fundamental law - in order to be democratic, first and above all must meet the requirement: prohibiting the direct and indirect paiticipation of political parlies and all other organized groups in the election. This is what other segments of our population, especially the young, would have a new course of democratic thinking. This is quite incredible if not irrelevant tn the sense that a new brand of the so-called ‘dictatorship of opinion’ is being imposed from the so-called "parliament of the streets" to the parliament of the people - other way of saying that a new mode of dictatorship is being handed upon our legislators by another group of people, the demonstrators. By way oj demos, this is coming to us lhe emasculation and permutation of democratic freedom. In time coming, intellectual elite in our developing society will realize that a true democratic constitutional convention must be attended and participated by the best there are in parliamentary talents and experience irrespective or political and group affiliations. What kind of constitution will this country have if the best in public affairs expertise who are in the know Io give fresh meaning and insight1 to the ‘new concept’ of a _ fundamental law, are debarred? This precise attempt muscling democratic freedom thru dictation is a backward step io revise our basic law. ,We believe that a nation confronted ly a crucial dilemma should emancipate itself from the quagmire of a vexing paranoia. But to do so its thoughts must go a mile forward not bach ward or the trauma caused by the travails of the present ‘ihs will only cause not to relieved but to hasten the pain of the hidden past. It is about time we take to the field giving much desired info on the dependability, know-how and resourcefulness of a certain group we know most Qualified to ’run’ as constitutional delegates to th*, forthcoming Charter election in November. Let’s start with a personable young man. a confidant to the governor of this premier province, lawyer profissor of an A-I university and presently tncharge of the much-talked of 'research and statistical planning division. This reporter chance to make an inquiry and he answered: 'Let it be.’ For any good reasons-we would like to take the opportunity to introduce Atty. Fred Cledera, who is deeply inclined to represent as one of the delegates of the first district. We remember him 'hugging’ for the Alberto Highway, an important road network traversing the hinterlands of Caramoan peninsula linking the premier province of Camarines Sur to the island bastion of Catanduanes, home province of the Albertos. The 'Alberto-Cledera Fuentebella’ Highway which we would prefer as a name carries a sizable appropriation of Pl.5 Million. So Fred, here’s to Let it be. Card of Thanks THE BEREAVED FAMILY AND RELATIVES OF THE LATE SERGIO C. LAGANSON, SR. (who ,died last August 3,~ 1970) wish to convey, their greatfulness and heartfelt gratitude to those who in one or another helped and condoled with them at their hour of bereavement.