Hagad ki presidente Marcos can Concejol Municipal ipaaudit an Bicol Electric Company


Part of The Bicol Star

Hagad ki presidente Marcos can Concejol Municipal ipaaudit an Bicol Electric Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Speakout Bicolandia By JUAN G. FRIVALDO I have bee.n wondering why Bideco and Munding Cea’s plan to put up a sugar central in Bi'1 colandia fizzled out. Could it be that a good friend I know has more faith in Negros sugar than Bicol sweets? This good friend has reportedly been buying extensive tracts of land. He has considerable landholdings in Cagayan Valley, in Greater Manila area, and in Bataan and Baguio. He has even a villa in Zurich. But then many said he has also taken fancy on choice Negros sugar lands. One of these he bought was the 900-hectare Hacienda Grande and Hacienda Carmencita in La Cariota, Negros Occidental. It was’ acquired foiP15,000 per hectares from a Spanish family now residing in Madrid. Start figuring the total cost. Mama mia, thatrruns to a cool P13.5 millions. The next property he purchased was the 800 hectares Hacienda Oriarte, also in Negros. This was acquired only very recently, after the floating rate, at at P20.000 per hectare. Total cost again - wow. P16 million. Negotiations are believed going on for the purchase of the 700-hectare Hacienda Fe in Bago, Negros Occidental, at a muchhigher price. Total cost for Hacienda Fe will be around...susmaria. The manager of these haciendas is the agriculturist son of a senator. Would my fiiends in Negros and in the Bicol Bloc please confirm these purchases? Because if true, I would suggest that we make very strong efforts to invite this Mr. Big, Big landowner to buy haciendas in Bicol so we could establish a . sugar central near Naga or Legazpi or Sorsogon.But please,please not in Masbate or in Catanduanes, Dapat kitang Magataman nin Rabbits An rabbit daculang tabang sa familia. An carne caine garo man sana carne nin manok. Labis pa gnani an halaga. Sa sadit sanang lugar sa licodan nin harong puedeng magataman nin rabbit. Libra xxx The 38 families who fled terrorism in Matnog, Sorsogon and who are now settled in the squatter areas of Paranaque are now getting attention from the department of social welfare, from Camp Aguinaldo civil affairs unif and even from Catholtc Charities. , How did this Bantay of 'Sor-, sogon happen? During the last election, a top official in Matnog gave P20 to every voter in the town, regardless of party. On condition that they vote for a congressional candidate. Apparently the instructions got crossed or the people did not follow instructions. Because the candidate got very few votes in some barrios. The leader got sore and the next day he brought along some goons and policemen and ssked the unfaithful voters to return the P20. Some did, but others could not. They said they have used the money to buy rice, fish and meat. And wham, they were hit with rifle butts, boxed and mauled.’ Let us see what 'the government will do to the poor ifugees from terror. August 8, 1970 The BICOL STAR Hagad ki Presidents Marcos can Concejol Municipal Ipaaudit an Bicol Eectric Company Huli sa caisipan can Bicol Electric Co. na lancawan an bayad na dati can consumo nin electricidad na ipigsumetir na an Public Service Commission sa Manila, asin dahilan man sa dai pagatubang can BEC sa Junta Municipal can Naga tagnaning pagorolayan ninda an planong tarifa can BEC, hinagrd lugod can Junta Municipal ki Presidente Marcos na autorizaran an Oficina can Auditor General na auditon an libros can BEC tagnaning maaraman cun talagang maninigo man nangad na ilancao an tarifa can electricidad digdi sa Naga. por libra an earn-, can rrbbit mas an halaga sa manok cun iyong pagolayan an mga minerales erm carne can duang hayop na ini. An tubig can rabbit 67.85 por ciento; sa m^inok 74.8 % . protein- sa rabbit 25 % ; sa manok 21. 5 %.;.- sa taba an rabbit 4.01 % ; an manok 2,5%; ash ( mineral) rabbit 2.13 % ; manok 1.1 %; sa tulang - an rabbit 17 % ; manok 36 % . An gastos sa pagataman nin rabbit cadikitke kan sa manok. Caya an sabi ni Director Anacleto B. Coronel can Animal Industry dapat an mga tao macanood pagataman nin .rabbit asin masabotan an halaga can carne caini. Sabi ni Concejal R. Borja igua pa sinda nin resolucion sa JM na sinda ni Concejal Eduardo Enojado an autor, na may catoyohan man na hagaron ki Pres. Marcos autorizaran an Philippine Instituteof CertifiedPublicAccountants na magexamen can libros de cuentas can BEC. Si Borja miembro caini. Sabi ni Concejal Borja, an catoyohan ninda caiyan gabos, roayong iba kundi macalinkod sinda, sa publico. Ta cun maninigo daa na langcawan an tarifa can corriente o can electricidad ta cun namimirede an BEC, sinda dai man macontra na ilancao nin cadikit an dating tarifa gnonian. Pero cun mahiling daa ninda na nangagana man an Bicol Electric Co. sinda dai maoyon na ilancao pa an tarifa can BEC. Sabi man can BEC an bagong tarifa na piano can BEC somitido na duman sa Manila asin ta si Concejal Borja nagpresentar na man can saiyang pagcontra sa bagong tarifa, caya an maninigo daa, halaton an decision can PSC, dangan roagorolay an BEC asin an JM. FOR BEST RESULT ADVERTISE IN — industrial life insurance company in the Philippines life insurance company in the Philippines to issue policies by electronic computer to offer premiums as low as twenty centavos weekly and to collect these premiums at the policyholders’ very homes to introduce the Special Paid-Up Addition plan FILIPINAS LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY PUTS FIRST THINGS FIRST That is what makes us what we are today. The biggest life insurance company in number of policyholders - more than 700,000. With 78 district offices throughout and a sales force of more than 2,51)0. Three Filipinas Life buildings now stand in three big key cities of the Philippines, with more to be constructed in the near future. 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