Minute mentions


Part of Swing and rhythm

Minute mentions
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Page- 4 HOLLYWOOD GOSSIPS By PHILLIP For ASeault (),[l the actor Jon Hall, TomTDY Dorsey a wellknown Band Leader, his wife t.be actres -Pat, Dime and Allen Salley were taken to the court. The trial wa!! dismissd latter on December 1945. Lew Aires 'had been in Leyte during the iiberation -0f that island- went back of the States on furlough. Charlie Chaplin was brought to a patflrnalty suit by Jo&JI Berry, who brought in.to 1.hiti world Carol October 2, 1943, who is denied by him as hiB child. Through blood tests, it was found the child is not the comod'ian's. Actress Donna Reed, the former Campus Queen of 'Los Angeles hinted a divorce against hAr husband, William Tuttle, Reason is hmil,- question. The little Oeanna 1VaS c'1ristened Edna Mae whfl was born in Winnireg, fla11ada, 2'2 years A~o. Her family moved to Lo3 An~efe~, she st11died voice wis rii•oover.ed by Hollywottd and changed her name to Deanna. Her 1Ate11-t picture is "Can't Hfllp Sine:1ng'' She was selected hy the YANK Maaazi ne as GI Pin Up for February issue. Hnllywood, California-ShirLiiY Temolethis week announcetl her enitagement to Sgt. John G Al{IH, of the AAF. Shii*iy was 17 April 23. The couple Ron' t plan to marry "for at least two years". kgari~ of Beverly Hills and Tiake Foret!t, II J. hoy who wnrked in a I a hni;a t-or:v in Chicuo hofore1rnliPtingiR 1942. He is stationed in March Field in CAlif. CAS4NOVA BROWN <International) Mon• 11uce!isfnlly than most starP, G11rJ <'oopn has mansfed to,n'-afn Jlopnlar Wlfen You're Away (Featured in the universal pictur~. "Hi~ Butleu' Sistet's'') (Lovingly dedicated to A.. L. of the W.A.B. of La Tondefia by Neb) Though times muy _let tts B<Jmeti mes forget Until bHt with a siih Then rpemories of passionatll Jo7e Turn 'Us when cold and die For me the e still can be but you Come weal or woe my love is true Ab! dear one if )OU only knew My heart when you're away, CHORUS When you're away dear bow wPary the lonfsorne hours S•mhine seemP gray peat, the fraizra.nce hRs left the flow'rs Evn I bear you in seeming whhip'ring soft love words to me Ah! H I k11ew t'wne hut dreaminl? ne'er to b'1'Tben w1'en you're 11e11r rn-e there's naught that I i,itrlve to do Save to endPar Jll1l more fondly m:v iove to you Never 111?11in lef us part oPar I die wit.bout you my own Hold me a1rnin to vour heart, I Jove you alone Lo•e you rn y own, love you atone. with both men and women .. Forwomen one of bis strongel.'t attractions bas been a rug11ed quasi· helplessnes as of J>fOIDtthe us hound of a great Dane on e. te·a w11gon, Tntenational pictures in its first product.ion i;ihrewdly carried his appeal to its ~ree-fiire ultimate. Jt bal' P1td0 dleci ~sry Cooper wi1h the care andt feedinl? of baby, Shirley Temple sweet 16 wH SOUnoly & Jenglbily kiE~ in a (scenes for s KiB'lt & Tell) Appeared C(l(rl and collected tbroe-gh<mt 99 bmsings by 22 MA,,- A, 1945 Stale Mentions It's not a surpriee for fhe public. Every one knows Carmen H.osaleti. In her first appear· a nee at the A polo, \be theater was pa.eked full of her fanlj. Her song and arts sparked the listening audien,ce with kiasb deli11hts. Carmen will chirp with Lou Salvador for the next ten months. ''Violets on Par;.de" was a colorful mus-i.calt. Bouquettes for Zarah llg11in for the musicll'! prernntation, so with Infante for The short anecdotes ...... Dely Sison 's sprouts in high tension during tbe ~wing ...... Baby Darling's winking Etrokei>. The circus troupe and aero• ahts are the best attractions at the Manila Theater: The perforrner.s arfl the Chinese Circus Tro~t'. The Lotus' ~till un· eaFy these bmy days of performances. It is al~sys crowded, Well, there are but t:wo rPssons. Tsfj 11ppe11rwce of Rol?elio and the drama ..... ..,a domestic11nd a thrilling epic ...... dra.maiized in our "wike.ng p11mbaDFA." and don't forget th~ sm1dl ha· he11 ...... the twinP, and tbreefootPd P11mboy, 28 yrf'. olci. "Nal~ntiksn si 8arK1" et the Ji'.lile. is a !!!pe-ake11!ly ron,f'rly. Not extT11ort'lin.11ry i~ any w11y except Silos' play on t.be bello-pbmH'. \!enn:v and Ron; 1J1Y furnhihes l11nj!'bters ...... Tolindoy, inserioustty. :: ... and Dulcy Din's, etrong feet .. DD .(be boo!li~s ....... also Adelin1?1A treat· ment ef tne swing. Ry tbe r11v, Carlos Pa'ciills an·d Mnnll l,1sa"s act11 are simplicity it~PH, ----actors. As if she bad doDe any private practicing, Shi.rley ~aid, ol coari>e not, Ob,- per· haps a kies or twf> st a New York's party or sometbin£ like t.lut, said her mother, who had been w11tcbinl!' 8hirtey at w~nli; My 6odn"el!s, I wouldn't know. This is a new experietce for me too.