Strictly ad lib


Part of Swing and rhythm

Strictly ad lib
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 6 Nite Club Keyholes .By Bert S. Barlaan PAQUITO BlJ.H:NCAMl~O has signed with the Metropolitan Ulub retaining the 8oaiety .Band TrN 0 GA TCHALCA.N lef&. "l'be band is a new organization, some of tllem are Paquito's boys ltT. the Id~al and the others are AVH:Lf.NO'Sat Lotus ••• and a Yank is also with the ork. It's a sur·prise, the pu~c may not believe tba.t the A.Rl8TOR.1£.S- AS' BAND playing a.~ the Blue Kagle is tbei same troop that furnish the mmic at the White Eagle Club , •. , practically working from 11 :00 A._ ~· till late in .Ii-be evening, sttli tney ca.n take it ... they ca.a ~ive delights. to the euslomers with their 11weet symphonies. Willow Inn is a c6ol place ..• cooled by the su breezes that cones from the b!ly of ,\I.a.nil". Even if y'ou give a double-time w~rm-up on the dance, you will not perapire. One more enjoyment is t~ melodies of the on: even though they are only strings •• , they can drift you alon11: to pleaslll'e, RODl!lN' AS' caden<:e of the 11wi n~ ia pleasing ..•• especially in the brushing of the slow tempo, well, .... they can drag it. Floor Manager Montinol& ia. a.buys busy in his weicomea so the many Yisitore, This is at tbe Iidtibew Garden. Floor ·sh'lWi are alw.iys attractions between the dances, MIK!l) VELARDE is always bully, He lookR into his boys only once in-a whil11 although they can fill the customers with their airy harmonies, The Jazzthcrats is the-only ,hand we have lleard .playinr the latest t()p t.lme orchestrations. Larry is Sl'lpposod to be the warbler of the ork and we have. not heard him so far .•• Mang Ba· bang h tortureJ. with his for, MY HERO (Espfcin.lly dedicated to the ''one nnd only A.G." by Vicente iee of Boulevatd-) In dreams I wa.s yout< hero long long ago But. now, l am your hero of yester I knbw You You. you ll3Ve rieceived me You have betrayed me You ht1. ve dismayed me I love you, Come come [ love· you only, come come be mine. fJome, come L love you only my heart is true Come, .(lome, my heart is yearn· I long for you ing Come come none can replace thee :Vly 'arms are aching just to thee, I love you BO Come come I loTe you only Come come be mine. ALWAYS Bally Darlinu's Favorite, Apolo (Dedicated to Rosie Flores by A be Acacio; to Pilar Sanchez by A. P. B. oi M. W.D. I'H be lovFnr you always With a love that's true always When the things you've planned Need a helping hand I'll understanti always always Oays roRy not be fair always That'• when I'll be there alwus Not for-just an hour Not for just a. d'ay N9-t for just a year but 1l)ways. wards and to-the-rears within the ball to the' kitche~, , . this baited man is B29 ol fdod at Club Manila. Don Yanuel Nite Club'Popening was a grand a{fair. Hund· reds of pairs flocked the salon although it is spacious. The music is alright .• -. attractions were the floor shows 11erf8rm· ed by se·ected stus from the different stage show houses in the city. Food and drinks to buttom-ups: MAY A, 1945 Strictly Ad Lib By ALONA The public was puzzied of what have become of Manila Theater two weeks air:o. when time have pa:si:led without shuws. Why, generator question or the managemei1t? •... Metropoiitan Club have changed too •.. Tim> Gatchalian may have found a better market for bis rhythms·· and even Suzing, the floor manailer too ... Oiana Toy ( M rti, Monc11.uo) have not bei:.n htind yet. Has 11he retired from tit11i;.e career iu order to debut herself in housekee'pina? ... Mad_ame Butterfly Jovita B'uentes ca me news of her broadcast for the delegates to th• San Francisc9 Conference of Uni tea Na tioDs ~·~ . Tirso Cruz seems to be tired of employment al-ready. He nas ais own elub at Juan Luna, with bii;i son, the Gene Krup& of the t>hili ppines assisting• .. • An~enia FranciE'co was irlanced once at the <nub Manila with a T15 G-l ... Bolero, we have heard, is Ahining in Dagupan stalf.E! ... and Leopold& 8;1.lcedo, it seemi;i. is tryinir to invade the with mor4' better weapofis ... iiayJ what bad he· come of the ZahatB, the Tleyas'? Where they dirPct- hitted? Or ambushed by the .PJ..f:'!.'Pnt Cl\: tR~thro1>be of th" Pwing? Weir foikB, basia la vista. .1-0v.ita Fuente• Sing• Jovita FuenteP, famed Filivina lyric soprano, Fang a numbn of E!~ngs in the Red CroFs hall at the Holy Ghp"t collPge lsst Monday even}ng', :wi\h Mrs. Lo.urries Perez Sala as arrempanist. During intermi1>l'ions, Louis· Tantoco, accompanie<l hy Miss Feliciliao 'tantoco, played the violtn "Li Vt!. nnd Lf't live .,hould be our 7wlicy ''