New song hits


Part of Swing and rhythm

New song hits
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page- 4 HOLLYWOOD GOSSIPS By PHILLIP For ASeault (),[l the actor Jon Hall, TomTDY Dorsey a wellknown Band Leader, his wife actres -Pat, Dime and Allen Salley were taken to the court. The trial wa!! dismissd latter on December 1945. Lew Aires 'had been in Leyte during the iiberation -0f that island- went back of the States on furlough. Charlie Chaplin was brought to a patflrnalty suit by Jo&JI Berry, who brought 1.hiti world Carol October 2, 1943, who is denied by him as hiB child. Through blood tests, it was found the child is not the comod'ian's. Actress Donna Reed, the former Campus Queen of 'Los Angeles hinted a divorce against hAr husband, William Tuttle, Reason is hmil,- question. The little Oeanna 1VaS c'1ristened Edna Mae whfl was born in Winnireg, fla11ada, 2'2 years A~o. Her family moved to Lo3 An~efe~, she st11died voice wis rii•oover.ed by Hollywottd and changed her name to Deanna. Her 1Ate11-t picture is "Can't Hfllp Sine:1ng'' She was selected hy the YANK Maaazi ne as GI Pin Up for February issue. Hnllywood, California-ShirLiiY Temolethis week announcetl her enitagement to Sgt. John G Al{IH, of the AAF. Shii*iy was 17 April 23. The couple Ron' t plan to marry "for at least two years". kgari~ of Beverly Hills and Tiake Foret!t, II J. hoy who wnrked in a I a hni;a t-or:v in Chicuo hofore1rnliPtingiR 1942. He is stationed in March Field in CAlif. CAS4NOVA BROWN <International) Mon• 11uce!isfnlly than most starP, G11rJ <'oopn has mansfed to,n'-afn Jlopnlar Wlfen You're Away (Featured in the universal pictur~. "Hi~ Butleu' Sistet's'') (Lovingly dedicated to A.. L. of the W.A.B. of La Tondefia by Neb) Though times muy _let tts B<Jmeti mes forget Until bHt with a siih Then rpemories of passionatll Jo7e Turn 'Us when cold and die For me the e still can be but you Come weal or woe my love is true Ab! dear one if )OU only knew My heart when you're away, CHORUS When you're away dear bow wPary the lonfsorne hours S•mhine seemP gray peat, the fraizra.nce hRs left the flow'rs Evn I bear you in seeming whhip'ring soft love words to me Ah! H I k11ew t'wne hut dreaminl? ne'er to b'1'Tben w1'en you're 11e11r rn-e there's naught that I i,itrlve to do Save to endPar Jll1l more fondly m:v iove to you Never 111?11in lef us part oPar I die wit.bout you my own Hold me a1rnin to vour heart, I Jove you alone Lo•e you rn y own, love you atone. with both men and women .. Forwomen one of bis strongel.'t attractions bas been a rug11ed quasi· helplessnes as of J>fOIDtthe us hound of a great Dane on e. te·a w11gon, Tntenational pictures in its first product.ion i;ihrewdly carried his appeal to its ~ree-fiire ultimate. Jt bal' P1td0 dleci ~sry Cooper wi1h the care andt feedinl? of baby, Shirley Temple sweet 16 wH SOUnoly & Jenglbily kiE~ in a (scenes for s KiB'lt & Tell) Appeared C(l(rl and collected tbroe-gh<mt 99 bmsings by 22 MA,,- A, 1945 Stale Mentions It's not a surpriee for fhe public. Every one knows Carmen H.osaleti. In her first appear· a nee at the A polo, \be theater was pa.eked full of her fanlj. Her song and arts sparked the listening audien,ce with kiasb deli11hts. Carmen will chirp with Lou Salvador for the next ten months. ''Violets on Par;.de" was a colorful mus-i.calt. Bouquettes for Zarah llg11in for the musicll'! prernntation, so with Infante for The short anecdotes ...... Dely Sison 's sprouts in high tension during tbe ~wing ...... Baby Darling's winking Etrokei>. The circus troupe and aero• ahts are the best attractions at the Manila Theater: The perforrner.s arfl the Chinese Circus Tro~t'. The Lotus' ~till un· eaFy these bmy days of performances. It is al~sys crowded, Well, there are but t:wo rPssons. Tsfj 11ppe11rwce of Rol?elio and the drama ..... ..,a domestic11nd a thrilling epic ...... dra.maiized in our " p11mbaDFA." and don't forget th~ sm1dl ha· he11 ...... the twinP, and tbreefootPd P11mboy, 28 yrf'. olci. "Nal~ntiksn si 8arK1" et the Ji'.lile. is a !!!pe-ake11!ly ron,f'rly. Not extT11ort'lin.11ry i~ any w11y except Silos' play on bello-pbmH'. \!enn:v and Ron; 1J1Y furnhihes l11nj!'bters ...... Tolindoy, inserioustty. :: ... and Dulcy Din's, etrong feet .. DD .(be boo!li~s ....... also Adelin1?1A treat· ment ef tne swing. Ry tbe r11v, Carlos Pa'ciills an·d Mnnll l,1sa"s act11 are simplicity it~PH, ----actors. As if she bad doDe any private practicing, Shi.rley ~aid, ol coari>e not, Ob,- per· haps a kies or twf> st a New York's party or sometbin£ like t.lut, said her mother, who had been w11tcbinl!' 8hirtey at w~nli; My 6odn"el!s, I wouldn't know. This is a new experietce for me too. Page 6 Nite Club Keyholes .By Bert S. Barlaan PAQUITO BlJ.H:NCAMl~O has signed with the Metropolitan Ulub retaining the 8oaiety .Band TrN 0 GA TCHALCA.N lef&. "l'be band is a new organization, some of tllem are Paquito's boys ltT. the Id~al and the others are AVH:Lf.NO'Sat Lotus ••• and a Yank is also with the ork. It's a sur·prise, the pu~c may not believe tba.t the A.Rl8TOR.1£.S- AS' BAND playing a.~ the Blue Kagle is tbei same troop that furnish the mmic at the White Eagle Club , •. , practically working from 11 :00 A._ ~· till late in .Ii-be evening, sttli tney ca.n take it ... they ca.a ~ive delights. to the euslomers with their 11weet symphonies. Willow Inn is a c6ol place ..• cooled by the su breezes that cones from the b!ly of ,\I.a.nil". Even if y'ou give a double-time w~rm-up on the dance, you will not perapire. One more enjoyment is t~ melodies of the on: even though they are only strings •• , they can drift you alon11: to pleaslll'e, RODl!lN' AS' caden<:e of the 11wi n~ ia pleasing ..•• especially in the brushing of the slow tempo, well, .... they can drag it. Floor Manager Montinol& ia. a.buys busy in his weicomea so the many Yisitore, This is at tbe Iidtibew Garden. Floor ·sh'lWi are alw.iys attractions between the dances, MIK!l) VELARDE is always bully, He lookR into his boys only once in-a whil11 although they can fill the customers with their airy harmonies, The Jazzthcrats is the-only ,hand we have lleard .playinr the latest t()p t.lme orchestrations. Larry is Sl'lpposod to be the warbler of the ork and we have. not heard him so far .•• Mang Ba· bang h tortureJ. with his for, MY HERO (Espfcin.lly dedicated to the ''one nnd only A.G." by Vicente iee of Boulevatd-) In dreams I wa.s yout< hero long long ago But. now, l am your hero of yester I knbw You You. you ll3Ve rieceived me You have betrayed me You ht1. ve dismayed me I love you, Come come [ love· you only, come come be mine. fJome, come L love you only my heart is true Come, .(lome, my heart is yearn· I long for you ing Come come none can replace thee :Vly 'arms are aching just to thee, I love you BO Come come I loTe you only Come come be mine. ALWAYS Bally Darlinu's Favorite, Apolo (Dedicated to Rosie Flores by A be Acacio; to Pilar Sanchez by A. P. B. oi M. W.D. I'H be lovFnr you always With a love that's true always When the things you've planned Need a helping hand I'll understanti always always Oays roRy not be fair always That'• when I'll be there alwus Not for-just an hour Not for just a. d'ay N9-t for just a year but 1l)ways. wards and to-the-rears within the ball to the' kitche~, , . this baited man is B29 ol fdod at Club Manila. Don Yanuel Nite Club'Popening was a grand a{fair. Hund· reds of pairs flocked the salon although it is spacious. The music is alright .• -. attractions were the floor shows 11erf8rm· ed by se·ected stus from the different stage show houses in the city. Food and drinks to buttom-ups: MAY A, 1945 Strictly Ad Lib By ALONA The public was puzzied of what have become of Manila Theater two weeks air:o. when time have pa:si:led without shuws. Why, generator question or the managemei1t? •... Metropoiitan Club have changed too •.. Tim> Gatchalian may have found a better market for bis rhythms·· and even Suzing, the floor manailer too ... Oiana Toy ( M rti, Monc11.uo) have not bei:.n htind yet. Has 11he retired from tit11i;.e career iu order to debut herself in housekee'pina? ... Mad_ame Butterfly Jovita B'uentes ca me news of her broadcast for the delegates to th• San Francisc9 Conference of Uni tea Na tioDs ~·~ . Tirso Cruz seems to be tired of employment al-ready. He nas ais own elub at Juan Luna, with bii;i son, the Gene Krup& of the t>hili ppines assisting• .. • An~enia FranciE'co was irlanced once at the <nub Manila with a T15 G-l ... Bolero, we have heard, is Ahining in Dagupan stalf.E! ... and Leopold& 8;1.lcedo, it seemi;i. is tryinir to invade the with mor4' better weapofis ... iiayJ what bad he· come of the ZahatB, the Tleyas'? Where they dirPct- hitted? Or ambushed by the .PJ..f:'!.'Pnt Cl\: tR~thro1>be of th" Pwing? Weir foikB, basia la vista. .1-0v.ita Fuente• Sing• Jovita FuenteP, famed Filivina lyric soprano, Fang a numbn of E!~ngs in the Red CroFs hall at the Holy Ghp"t collPge lsst Monday even}ng', :wi\h Mrs. Lo.urries Perez Sala as arrempanist. During intermi1>l'ions, Louis· Tantoco, accompanie<l hy Miss Feliciliao 'tantoco, played the violtn "Li Vt!. nnd Lf't live .,hould be our 7wlicy '' MAY A, 1945 HUSBAND HUNTERS In En~la.nd Many a Girl Is Suffering AcutelJ What the Doctors and l'hychologist Call "Husband Anxiety." If you're y.:mng and pretty, husband neorosis, aecording to and 1ooking for a hus•and - phychologists hero and abroad and can·•t find one-don't fret is to get across the idea that about it, If you do, th• psy- the war will soon be over, and chologists warn, you're going that the men anxious to marry to wind up a nervous wreck. as the girls, will be coming And the odds are ten to one back, eajler to grab off a wife that you'll ct1.p your sell- and settle down, creat~d neor?i;is by grabhing Meanwhile, the experts ad· the frrst eleg1ble bachelor thaL vise, it is futile to worry about c'lrn"s along whether he's tha the situation or to marry the rigilt guy·for you q_r not, first fellow-that comes along Girls, e~pecially the good- just for the aake of getting looking one,i, begin blaming hitched, theruselveR ,when. th~y can't get The folly of thi!!. they point a mat~. Its tb1s intro~pP.ctwn out can be beFt iliuFtrated by ~ccord1~1g to the doctors, that the old saw, "Marry in baste 1s startrng all the trouble. and repent at lei1mre " That The lassies are in no way in their opinion is 1.he worst at fault, They can't help it thing any girl ~an do. if the war has tall::en the great majority of eligible young men off the market. Over in Engl1rnd, where the New Talent ls Discovered problem is much more acute then it is in the United States, p;iychologist.s and .other experts cJncerned with juvenile delin· quency oall the problem "bus· ti and anxiet;.y," '··rbe war accrding to Basil HenriQues. Britain's expert on javani!e&. "has given the girls a 1ense of insecurity. This i;i b ~c 11.111e t.he ere am of tbti oountry ha~ gone to war. The gentler -sex feels that if they want to hue. a huaband \hey must he qnick abobt it." l'his anxiety is, in the opinion of the British expert a:-serious thini. and steps, he said, should he taken to see that t~ teen· agers don't go off· on indiscriminate mail hnn\s, Because the war been going on sinne 193q in Britain-and only sinee 1941 in Americathe nroblem h11.s been oroitres"ively more difficult for. our J1ln1f}ish allieB. Rut there's plentv nf concern here too Ooe way of battling the The Wonder Boy, popularly known as the "81pgin1t Boothiack.", at Ideal Theater is tbe tt\lk of the town.. He is a new t~l•nt discovered by Director Avellana one rla.y while he was having his shoi>s 8hined at Rizal Ave. A boy, while doing hiE• work, was bumming 8f1d crooning and Bert's ear did not decieve him and after tlie ·job, tae dfrector oulled him imido the theatn for anditinn. And the "Shine-shoe" boy of twelve ye"r~ nld and "two grade" is discoverod and appe11rP<l the vl'!ry e.fternoon.-recieved the correppon ri i ng sslary of Thirty pesos for the day. The wonrl>'r Boy singR smoothly in delighfful manner giving emphasis on the .. temJ>O as well as the eta_~atto of the RODJ "Smoke <iets In Yonr Ryes" is interpreted hv him chore" ouaphh·ally. He still shine shoes betweed' seenes. Page 7 SWING & RHYTHM C. FLOR ALBANO-Publisher LILY FLOR, Editor BERT S BARLAAN, Associate Editor LINO D.'ONAGAN, Circulation Manager FRED BOLO, Advertizing Director First Flo~r. Boule·.-ard Hotel Quezon Boulevard eoraer Azcarraga Vol. I No. 6 You'll NeveT Know (For my "ONE and ONL)'" by the Ae1ociate Editor, Popular "1001" SONG HITS and l!:ditor, .30NG HITS SOUVENIR") You'll never know just how much I've misseo you You'll never know just bow much I care And if I tried I 11till couldn't hide my love for you You ooabt to know for haven't l told you so A hunri red or more times You went away and my heart went with l ou I'll speak yonr name in my every pray 'r And if there's some other way to prove that I love you I swear I don't know bow You'll never know, if you don't know now. BECAUSE OF YOU (Dedicated to My One and only by C. Castro of NCF; to Lilian by Tinoy; to RaiFy by L,11is Grande, Jr., to DRiey hy 1"\ike) To Op!. Fr-ed Whitehead by G. Medrano Because of you there's a song in my heart Becaufe of you. my romance had its start Becau11e of yon the Fun will shine TheJilOOn llnri stars wiil say yon'rP mine ForPver and never l!'Ould part. I only live for your love and your kiPs 'Tie psradi~e to he near .YOU you Hk"' this Because of you my life is now worthwhile A nq I can smile became of you.