Songs requested and dedicated


Part of Swing and rhythm

Songs requested and dedicated
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MAY A, 19i5 Pse:e 9 Who Are Your Favorite Singers? You Are My Sun•hine (.Hila Cortes Favorite of Apolo) Yoa are my sanshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear how 'much I Jove you Please don't take 'my sunshine away The other night dear when I was sleeping I dream I hold you in my arms But when I wake dear I was mistaken Please dont take m,. sunshine away I'll always love yon and make you happy That no one else can go between But if you love me to love another WAS IT RAIN? {Dedicated to Tonie Mariano of Ritz by "some one") Skies were gray that rainy day We parted in the lane Was it tears that fell Or was it rain? There we stood as lovers wonld Did parting tiring you pain Was it tears tuat fell Or was it rain ? I couldn't tell if your eyes were misty Or if you felt regret But { noticed when you kissed me That both your cheeks were wet Till we meet aiain my sweet That mem'ry will remain Was it tears that fell Or was it rain? Please don't take my snnRhine a_way, :START_ING GLORIA THEATRE MAY R, 194 5 PR'ltIL, TONDO VICTORY, JOE! 8TARRI:S-G YOUR FAVORITE SCREEN STARS Luningning, Fred Montilla, Vicenta Fernandez and others DIRECTION: JUANITO GUINTO ~~~~~~~~~ -~~--~~B 0 X I N MANILA SQUARE GARDEN "HO\:IE OF SPORTS & AMUSE\iE.N'.l'" Next to Quiapo Market, Echague Street Speed CABANELA va. Kid BASCONES 10 ROUNDS - 124 LBS. G -J!'...,.ig_.h_t -B-eg-i-ne-1 u--:a_t_e_O_p-en-B I I s AT u R D A y 6:30P.M l2:00P.l\1. MAY 12,1945 cunnn1e Dado vs. Arce santl)S 8 Rds. - 112 Lbs. lack. McCoy' vi!. loe Eilo 4 Rds. 124 Lbs. Reserved Tick.eta On Sale at MANll.A SQIJARE GARDEN 63 'l Bataaaas sr. HERE YOU ARE Vote for Them Public Selection of the Best Singers of the Seaaon! To select the beet singers [male and female] of the stage and determine the top staae show of the seasoa, the Swing and Rhythm Maguine is sponsoring an all.stare poll for its readerf!' which will terminate the last issue. ef this month. The top singers who get the highest number of votes will be proclaimed as the Prince and Princess of Swing, this 1eason, respectively, and good awards will be given them as tokens of distinction from the publication. Our readers may vote for their favorite singers, by using aoupon below and dropping the ballots at the poll box at our office at the corner of A.z· carraga and Qu~zon Boulevafd. Ballots filled with names of singers not connected with the stage shows will be invalid. - - - - BALLOT - - - - I vote for: l, ............................. . (Beet male singer) 2 •... , , , ...................... , . (Best femllle singer) 10 VOTES