What is Human Rights Day?


Part of Philippine Educator

What is Human Rights Day?
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What Is Duman Rights Day? ON DECEMBER 10, 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations, meeting that year in Paris, adopted and proclaimed the historic Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration had been in the making for three years. Word for word it had been fashioned by representatives from many countries so that it could be accepted as an agreed set of standa.rds and goals by peoples of different nationalities and different cultures. Its formal adoption was, therefore, to achieve freedom and security. To celebrate it, the General Assembly in 1950 asked that in future years 10 December be set aside as Human Rights Day by governments and interested organizations, and that reports on these celebrations be made to the Secretary-General by governments. This day has been celebrated since 1949 in an increasing number of countries. Last year eighty nationa and territories reported to the United Nations a wide variety CYf official and unofficial celebrations on the third anniversary. The 8\ll'gestions which follow a1» b8eed on these reports. SUGGESTIONS FOR CELEBRATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS DAY How GovBt"fliment und UNESCO Nation.qi Commurions Celebrate the Anniversary Proclaim 10 December Hmnan Rights Day. Sponsor official ceremonies, con .. certs, receptions. public meetings, exhibitions. Issue special postage stamps or use special postage cancellations. Issue special instructions or suggestions and teaching materiala to schools. Issue new language t.exts or editions of the declaration. Issue posters for display in public places. Sponsor Human Rights exhibits in government buildings, libraries and museums. Sponsor UNESCO Album display on Human Rights. Sponsor special observances at national shrines. Illuminate national monuments on 1() Der.ember. Sponsor special displays of United Nations flag. Call upon non-governmental orgamzationl!I to help plan and execute celebrations. Sponsor study groups or 'Human. Rights institutes. How State, Pr.ovinciai Territomt. or Municipal Authori1ies Celebr.ata the AnniversQ.ry Chief authority iasues Human Rights Day proclamation. Legislature or Council adopts Human Rights Day resolution. Local educational authorities stim .. ulate celebrations in schools. State or Municipal government 8 4 THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR sponsors concert, public meetings or Human Rights study groups. State or Municipal government sponsors broadcast of international, national or local celebration. State or Municipal government sponsors exhibits in libraries, museums, or other public buildings or places. State or Municipal government sponsors film showing. State or Municipal government calls on non-governmental organizations to co-operate in planning and executing celebration. How Colleges and Universities Celebrate the Anniversary Sponsor public lectures and symposia by members of the faculty on historical and other aspects of the Declaration. Sponsor student assemblies or university-wide ceremonies. Sponsor student debating, essay, fine arts, dramatic or musical contests on the theme of Human Rights. Ar.range Human Rights exhibits in college libraries. ~ponsor Human Rights broadcasts. Sponsor student model meeting of eommissi'On on J{'uman Rights. Publish Univer.sal Declfiration of Human Rights i:D: college paper or periodieal How SchooT-8 Celebrate the Annivefsary Distribl;J,te text; widely in the schools. Arrange a p_;lgean~ iq w:t,ich all schools in the commanity take part. Prepare several weeks in advance for celebration in the school, through class activities such as history, art, music. Display posters and other exhibit material prepared by pupils. Hold a school assembly, including music, reading all or part of the Declaration, talk by a teacher, reading of statements by national leaders. Study text of the Declaration in higher classes. Each student selects one article and gives his own interpretation which is discussed by class. In class, relate selected articles to history, literature, civics. Study the connection between rights and duties, with examples drawn from pupil's experience. In school assemblies or class work, show how the work of the United Nations and the specialized agencies helps to establish conditions under which Human Rights can be widely achieved. Sponsor intramural or interscholastic debating, essay ar poster contests. How Non-Governmental Organizations Celebrate the Day Hold spec!ial local, state or national meetings. Reprint the UniTersal Declaration of Human Rights in organiza.. tion journals. Co-operate with government, UNESCO National Commission~, U .N. Information Centres in national celebrations. Join with other organizations in planning local a~ivities, such as concerts, human rights institutes, conferences or other special observances. THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR & Prepare and release special press and radio material. Orga·nize public exhibitions, art competitions, essays or debating contests. Conduct community action projects or surveys. How Press, Radio, Television and Cinema Celebrate the Anniversary Press reproduces the text of the Declaration. Press reports celebrations. Press prints editorh\ls on Human Rights, photo features, stories and cartoons. Radio broadcasts U.N. Headquarters celebrations. Radio broadcasts special U.N., UNESCO radio documentaries and features. Radio and television broadcast special anniversary events. Radio and television originate and broadcast feature of programmes. Radio and television use Human Rights Day spot announcements. Radio and television broadcast reading of the Declaration by eminent actors. Cinemas ~how special Human Rights films. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights PREAMBLE WHEREAS recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, WHEREAS disregard and contempt for huma rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a wqrld in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and beHef and freedom from fea1· and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, WHEREAS it is esaential, if man is not to be compelled to have :recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, WHEREAS it is essential to pro.. mote the development of friendly relations among nation~, WHEREAS the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, WHEREAS Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations. the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, WHEREAS a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full. realization of this pledge, NOW THEREFORE THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROCLAiMS THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARA