New train service between Naga-Manila


Part of The Bicol Star

New train service between Naga-Manila
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
* Southern Arms & Equipment Co. | t Tel'1I-96-R P.O. Rea 136 ♦ * 230 Elias Angeles Street ♦ * Plaza Kiosk, Naga City X « "EUTECTIC” low-h«at welding t y rods ,for cast iron,stainless steel * X copper, aluminum, zinc, etc. J 0 BUKH” and "SOUTHERN 0 | CROSS” diesel engines. Pumps. | 4 Lathes, Shapers, welders, grin- $ 0 ders, drills, etc. ♦ v Service - Sales - repairs ♦ * Fabrications;—Steel windows, $ v - grills, doors, etc, ♦ Year 35 * Vol. 33 * No. 10 * City of Naga, March 9)k 1968 * 12 Pages * 10 Centavos Roxas Seeks To Create Citizen's Counsel League New Train Service ! Between Naga-Manila | Andolong Denies Aquino’s Charges ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ No Fake Sweeps Tickets Being Sold tothe Public Says Manager NEREO ANDOLONG, Chair- the Philippine senate. Andolong Sen. Gerardo M. Roxas spon- Col. Nicanor T. Jimenez, ge- man and general manager of the said that there were attempts sored recently a bill seeking to create an independent and permanent office to be known as the Office of the Citizen’s Counsel. This permanent and independent office shall be clothed with the powers to investigate, criticize publicly, and recommend remedies for the faults of the bureaucracy. Senator Roxas explained that today only the grossest instances of mismanagement are accorded enough remedy and cognizance. “Sufficient attention and correction are seldom given to the many serious, if undramatic, instances of injustice to individuals, injury to public interest, and plain and simple inefficiency imputable to the various administrative sectors of the government.” Roxas said. Blame for this he stated “lies on the inordinately political” orientation of most of our administraSenator Roxas tive reforms that are generally geared towards the sensational and the big scandals in the government.” “ The less sensational but very r<?al difficulties that are everyday inflicted on the common tao by the inefficient, arbitrary and the outright unscrupulousness of the (Continued on page 8) nerai manager ot tne rmiippine National Railways, announced recently the introduction of a new motor train service between Manila and Naga City effective March 1, 1968. Using the newly arrived diesel rail cars, the new train will leave Manila everyday at 9:40 a.m. to arrive at Naga City at 8: the evening. On its return trip this will leave Naga City at 4:30 a.m. arriving Manila at 2:38 p.m. Jimenez said that the new train schedule will serve stations unserved by present express trains to the South. This new train is designed primarily for points in the south where there are now other means of transportation. This train will stop in (Continued on page 5) Sa Isay An Responsable Paggadan Ki Gob. Alberto? i 111 nppinc L>nar<iy owecpsiuKCS strongly denied and answered the charges of fraud and mismanagement thrusted against the PCSO by Senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. in his privileged speech last Wednesday night in ANDOLONG maae Dy some persons to aetraua the PCSO by presenting some “doctored” tickets for collection of prizes but were frustrated and' nipped in the bud. Tickets issued by the PCSO to authorized agents and being sold to the public are printed with great care and security on imported paper from England and foolproofed with perforations that could not be duplicated. Andolong furnished the Senate Committee on games and amusements and tourism the documents describing the different steps in the process of production and distribution of tickets of the PCSO, so it would be fully informed of the matter. The manager further explained that all unused spoiled and damaged paper requisitioned for printing of tickets are always condem(Continued on page 8) D.I. Supreme Regent Due Here; Naga Host to D of I District Convention Mrs. Anna C. Walsh, Supreme Regent of the Daughters of Isabela, is due to arrive from - the United States to be the guest of honor of the 1st District Convention of the Daughters of Isabela at the Colegio de Sta. Isabel in the City of Naga on March 9 and 10, 1968. The theme of the convention will be: “Charity-Love of God and Love of Neighbor." Vice Mayor Jenny F. Perez, the Supreme Director of the Daughters of Isabela, called all the Regents of the D of I circles of the Bicol Region last Saturday to lay down the preparations for their first District Convention. Those who attended WeDr. Edith D. Dizon, Regent cf the Lady of Nativity Circle No. 1019, Naga City; Atty. Charito Q. Losa, Regent of the Blessed Sacrament Circle No. 1145, Naga City: Mrs. Adela C. Malonda, Regent of the Little Flower Circle No. 1090, Iriga, Camaiines Sur; and Mrs. Francisca K. Moll, Regent of the Holy Trinity Circle No. 1091, Tigaon, Camarines Sur. Unable to attend the executive meeting were Mrs. Aurora C. Vinzons, Regent of the Holy Family Circle No. 932, Daet, Camarines Norte, Mrs. Cielo Yujuico, Regent of the Sta. Rita’s Circle No. 928, Legazpi City, and Mrs. Naty Pigon, Regent of the St. Therese Circle No. 1061, Ligao, Albay. (Continued on page 5) Sagkod gnonian dai pa nangad nahuhusay kun sa isay an mga responsables can paggadan cadtong gobernador Juan Alberto can Catanduanes. Si Alberto binadil can Septiembre 18, 1967 sa groundfloor can Government Service Insurance System sa calle Arroceros sa Manila mientras siya naghahalat can elevator na saiyang lulunadan pa itaas sa saiyang oficina. Si Alberto miernbro can Junta de Gobernadores can GSIS. Cal. 45 an badil na iginadan sail a. Segun sa' bareta igua gabos nin sampolo catao an sinasahutan na invuelto can paggadan ki Alberto, alagad tolo pa sana an arestado asin nlcuculong can CIS; an pito dai pa pigsasambit an ngaran alagad caiba na sinda sa sampolong acusado por asesinato (murder) sa fiscalia sa Manila. Dai mahahaloy dadarhon (Dagos sa pagina8) Price Breakthrough RHF AppropraitesP300-Tfor Ragay And Sipocot Emergency Hospitals P200,000 For Cam. Sur Provincial Hospital Congressman Ramon Felipe, Jr. of the First District of Camarines Sur announced that the Municipalities of Sipocot and Ragay, Camarines Sur will soon have their own emergency hospitals. In Republic Act No. 5187, otherwise known as the Public Works Act of 1968, Cong. Felipe included the following appropriations: “Page 31 Item No. 15: CAMARINES SURa) Sipocot Emergency Hospital P150.000 b) Ragay Emergency Hospital 150,000” (Continued on page 6-A) Rep. FELIPE Schistosomiasis problem inS gen One of the biggest health problems in this province is schistosomiasis or snail fever as it is also known. Some 4,000 persons in the Juban-Irosin valley are said to be afflicted with this debilitating disease. Schistosomiasis is a chronic parasitic disease caused by a blood worm (schistosoma Japonicum) transmitted by certain type of aquatic snails. The disease affects not only human beings but also domestic animals such as pigs, dogs, carabaos and cattle. i In the Philippines the intermediate host of the disease is (Continued on page 6-A) Abaca World Market Increased A floor price for abaca fibers in the world market that would result in the general increase of the per capita income by our local producers was approved in the recently concluded international conference on hard fibers in Rome, it was announced by Dr. Estelito M. Madrid, Chairman-General Manager of the Abaca Corporation of the Philippines. modity is increased by 2.5 to 3.5 cents per pound of the raw fibers or an average increase of from P28 to P35 'per bale over the current price to be implemented gradually. Dr. Madrid said that the increase of abaca floor price was the vital point of the position paper he submitted to the delegation left for Rome. The mission, Dr. Madrid added, was a great success because an increase of at least $5 per bale would mean an increase of $35 million earning in foreign exchange for the country considering that our annual average abaca export is around 700,000 bales. Madrid, who arrived from Rome recently was one of the Philippine delegates to the crucial meet that presages the upward swing of our heretofore dwindling abaca industry. As approved, the recommended indicative price of the comIn his discussion with abaca end-users and industrialists in continental. Europe, America and Japan, Madrid observed that: 1. The inroad of synthetic fibers in the manufacture of cordage poses a great threat to the survival of the abaca industry. The fall in demand for hard' fibers and corresponding drop in price is traceable to the increasing use of synthetics; 2. Rope manufacturers would prefer synthetics to abaca the moment its production cost is lowered. However, since the cost to produce synthetics for the present is three times as (.Continued on page 6 A) 4-H Club Prov’l. Rallies Scheduled The 16th 4-H Club Provincial Rallies in the six Bicol provinces will start on Saturday, this was bared by Mr. Abraham H. Acompanado, Regional Rural Youth Club Supervisor of the Agricultural Productivity Commission this region. Highlights of the affair will be the different methods demonstration on 4-H club subjects such as field crops, poultry and swine raising, vegetable gardening, entomology, foods and nutrition, home industry, home improvement, and clothing including judging contest, interview of project contestants and talent (Continued on page 8) March 9, 19G8 * TIIE BICOL STAR * 5 ® LEGAL NOTICE • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of Camarines Sur Naga City RURAL BANK OF NABUA, Inc. Mortgagee, -versusREGINA MANJARES Mortgagor. EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act No. 3135 NX............................................XX Notice of Extrajudicial Sale Whereas, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the Deed of Mortgage executed by Regina Manjares of Sta. Rita, Del Gallego, CS, Philippines, in favor of the RURALBANKOF NABUA, INC.,Nabua, Camarines Sur, Philippines, under date of Aug. 1,1963 and for payment and satisfaction of the loan of. TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE A’35/100 Pesos (F2,855.35), Philippine Currency, p'us interest thereon of twelve (12%) per cent per annum from February 15, 1968 plus ten (10%) per cent of the total amount due as attorney’s fees in accordance with the Promissory Note, aside from sheriffs fees and expenses in connection with the foreclosure sale, all secured by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur announces that on May 9, 196 3, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon at his Office on the second floor of the Provincial Capitol Building, Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the high st bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, the fdlowing real estate property, more particularly described as follows: Tax No. 2398 Ass. F620.00 T.C.T. No. 4310 A parcel of agricultural land situated in Sta. Rita, Del Gallego, Camarines Sur, declared under Tax No. 2:98 in the name of Regina Manjares, Jorge, Joven, Niceta, Marilyn, & Marites, all surnamed Canon. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT (1 3,158) SQUARE METERS.All points are marked on the g ound as follows: Points 5 & 6 by Slakes, and the rest by B.L. Gyl. Cone. Mons. Bounded on the W., along lines 1-2-3-4 by Lot 40, Pls-651; on the N., along lines 4-5-6, by Lot 42, Pls651; along line 6-7 by Lot 49, Pls 651; on the NE., along fine 7-8 by Lot 50, Pls-651; on the E., alonglines 8-9-10 by L o t 39, Pls-651; and on the SE, and SW., along lines 10-11-1 by Lot 55, Pls 651,. the property bears T.C.T. No. 4310. Incl. Authority to Regioa Manjares to mortgage minors share in Spc. Proc. No. 1738, Order of Oct. 17, 1962. Judge Surtida. Wherefore, pursuant to Section 3 and 4 of Act 3135 as amended, this NOTICE of extra-judicial sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, once a week, for three(3)conseoutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least sixty (60)days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, copies of this notice will be posted in the Municipality of Del Gallego, CS, where the property is located and on the B u I 1 e t i n Board of the Provincial Capitol Building, Naga City, where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said property and the encumbrances existing thereon if any there be. Naga City, this 4th day of March, 1968. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. March 9, 16 & 23, 1968 Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial Disfrict Branch IV IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION TO CORRECT ENTRY OF NAME IN THE CIVIL REGISTER OF TIGAON, CAMARINES SUR JOSE T. LEELIN, in behalf of his minor son, JOSEPH G. LEELIN, Petitioner, THE CIVIL REGISTRAR OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF TIGAON, CAMARINES SUR, Respondent. SPEC. PROCS. NO. T-71 X - - - —-------X ORDER Jose T. Leelin, in representation of his minor son Joseph G. Leelin thru their counsel, has filed a petition praying that after due notice, publication and hearing, the entry of name ih the Civil Register of Tigaon, Camarines Sur, for June 13, 1949, under registry No. 508, wherein the name of a child appearing therein as LEE LIM be corrected to appear as Joseph G. Leelin. . It is alleged by the petitioner that the entry in the record of birth for June 13, 1949, a child nimed LEE LIM was boin to the spouses Maria Paz Go and Jose T. Leelin, as evidenced by a certification by the Local Civil Registrar attached to the petition as annex “A”. That the child since boyhood up to the present in good faith had been using the name Joseph G. Leelin and the reasons for the change of his family name are: “3. That the entry of the name referred to in the immediate preceding paragraph is purely a clerical error, and the mistake in the entry might have been committed by the one relaying the name of the child to the clerk in charge in the office of the local Civil Registrar, or by the latter in writing the name in the civil 4. That the said spouses Leelin never intended that the child concerned be so named LEE LIM, but the true and real name is JOSEPH G. LEELIN; and as a matter of fact this name Joseph G. Leelin has been commonly, officially and continuously used since his birth up to the present, in schools he attended, in correspondence and in the records of private and other public institutions and agen0.1. Supreme . < ♦ (Continued from page 1) The Supreme Regent of the D of I international organization will be meet by the Daughters of Isabella at 2:00 p.m. on March 9 al the Pili Airport. From there, a motor, cade will usher here into the city. Mrs. Anna C. Walsh will be presented with the key to the city by City Mayor Vicente Sibulo at the boundary where he and other city Officials will await her. The motorcade will proceed to the Penafrancia Shrine for Thanksgiving Mass and Te Deum at 4:00 p.m. From there, the Guest and the delegates will call on His Grace, Msgr. Teopisto Alberto, Archbishop on Caceres. March 10 will be the crux of the convention. Aller the opening of the morning session, the Filipino and American Flags will be presented side by side, and the “Pambansang A wit” and (he ‘‘Star Spangled Banner” will be sung. Mrs. Anna C. Walsh will give her keynote cies; moreover, LEE LIM and LEELIN are edam-sonam, or having nearly the same sound, hence the possible mistake in the entry. 5. Consequently, petitioner desires that his son continues using the name by which he has always been known and referred to is Joseph G. Leelin because so many public records in different government offices will have to be straightened and rectified to avoid confusion unless peti ioner request for correction be granted.” It is hereby ordered that the petition be set for hearing on August 7, 1968 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, before this Court sitting at Tigaon, Camarines Sur, and notice is hereby given that anyone who has objections to the petition should file, on or before the date of hearing, his opposition thereto with a statement of the grounds therefor. Let a copy of this order be published at the expense of the petitioner once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, with the last publication being made not later than April 5, 1968 or four (4) months at least before the date of hearing, in the newspaper of general circulation in the province of Camarines Sur, to which the same shall be distributed by the Clerk of Court pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act 4569. The petitioner is hereby ordered to serve a copy of his petition upon the Office of the Solicitor General within ten (10) days from receipt hereof. SO ORDERED. Given at Tigaon, Camarines Sur, this 15th day of February, 1968. [SGD.] RAFAEL S. SISON Judge Certified true and correct: (Sgd.) TEOTIMO SERGIO Deputy Clerk of Court 3/7/68 Pub. March 9, 16, 23, 1968 Jehovah’s Witnesses to Hold 4-Day District in Naga City More t]ian 40 department overseers and their assistants met recently at Naga City to discuss plans in connection with a Watch Tower Societysponsored 4-day annual district convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses to be held at the Camarines Sur High School grandstand on March 21-24, 1968. speech during the morning session of the convention. A set of instructions explaining the different duties and works pertaining to the officers of the circle and also their responsibilities in accepting their charges will be discussed. His Excellency, Archbishop Teopisto Alberto will address the Daughters in a Luncheon Speech. After this, Mrs. Anna C. Walsh, a Bachelor of Music degree holder, will respond with a song. The afternoon session will consist of workshops which will include a formal business meeting and a long initiation of all the recently recruited members of all the circles of the Bicol Region, officiated by the Supreme Regent. The 1st District Convention of the Daughters of Isabella will close with a formal dinner and ball at the Ateneo Gymn in a ‘‘Sarong Bangui” starting at 8:30 p.m. of the same day. This will coincide with the Anniversary celebrations of the Lady of Nativity Circleof Naga City and the Holy Trinity Circle of Tigaon, Camarines Sur. On March 11, Mrs. Walsh will be escorted to Legazpi City for sightseeing. From there, she will fly to the Visayas and Mindanao where she will also visit other D of I circles there. Train . ♦ ♦ (Continued from page I) all flagstops where there are passengers. The PNR head stated that the railroad is steadily increasing its economy service to serve the rural folk in the south who are at present forced to walk long distances to centers of population or avail of the highly dangerous rail skates improvised by enterprising residents in these areas. Meanwhile, Jimenez ordered the organizafion of a group of operating personnel to study and revise train schedules to make them responsive to the needs of its passengers and shippers. Presently, he said, train schedules are "operations oriented” rather than "service oriented”. Annual Confab March 21-24 Presided over by Perfecto Bafiez, convention manager, t h e meeting dealt with the coordination of more than 20 departments to meet the needs of around 1,200 expected delegates to come from CamarinesNorte, Camarines Sur, Albay, Sorsogon, Cataduanes and Masbate to attend the conference. Appropriately named ‘‘Disciple-Making Assembly” it is designed to stress, the importance of being a disciple of Jesus Christ in order to combat the over-increasing problems of mankind. It was disclosed that such an assembly is one of the 10 series of district conventions scheduled in the Philippines this year. Their locations and dates are as follows: Febraury 1-4, - Laoag City; February 8-11, - Tagbilaran City; February 15-18 - Lingayen, Pangasinan; March 7-10, - Cavite Ci. ty; May 2-5, - Digos, Davao; May 9- 12, - Iligan City; May 9-12, - Tuguegarao, Cagayan; May 912, - Bacolod City. All sessions are open to the public free of charge. Isipa Baya Tanosa an pako, Pacolon sa payo, Pulpoga an batbat, Yayang mapula pa. Kun may gigibohon, Itodok sa boot. An gabos na sakat, Na-agui sa poon. Nacatindog ca man, Tingara sa aldad, Anong aabton mo, Kun dai ca lumakao? Napadapaca man, Dai ca mamongnan, Tindog asin lakad, Tuyo mo macamtan. -Juan N. Avila Ragay, Cam. Sur (Retired Pub. School Teacher). »«««♦« Read and Advertise in iOicul JStar *