No fake sweeps tickets being sold to the public says manager


Part of The Bicol Star

No fake sweeps tickets being sold to the public says manager
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* Southern Arms & Equipment Co. | t Tel'1I-96-R P.O. Rea 136 ♦ * 230 Elias Angeles Street ♦ * Plaza Kiosk, Naga City X « "EUTECTIC” low-h«at welding t y rods ,for cast iron,stainless steel * X copper, aluminum, zinc, etc. J 0 BUKH” and "SOUTHERN 0 | CROSS” diesel engines. Pumps. | 4 Lathes, Shapers, welders, grin- $ 0 ders, drills, etc. ♦ v Service - Sales - repairs ♦ * Fabrications;—Steel windows, $ v - grills, doors, etc, ♦ Year 35 * Vol. 33 * No. 10 * City of Naga, March 9)k 1968 * 12 Pages * 10 Centavos Roxas Seeks To Create Citizen's Counsel League New Train Service ! Between Naga-Manila | Andolong Denies Aquino’s Charges ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ No Fake Sweeps Tickets Being Sold tothe Public Says Manager NEREO ANDOLONG, Chair- the Philippine senate. Andolong Sen. Gerardo M. Roxas spon- Col. Nicanor T. Jimenez, ge- man and general manager of the said that there were attempts sored recently a bill seeking to create an independent and permanent office to be known as the Office of the Citizen’s Counsel. This permanent and independent office shall be clothed with the powers to investigate, criticize publicly, and recommend remedies for the faults of the bureaucracy. Senator Roxas explained that today only the grossest instances of mismanagement are accorded enough remedy and cognizance. “Sufficient attention and correction are seldom given to the many serious, if undramatic, instances of injustice to individuals, injury to public interest, and plain and simple inefficiency imputable to the various administrative sectors of the government.” Roxas said. Blame for this he stated “lies on the inordinately political” orientation of most of our administraSenator Roxas tive reforms that are generally geared towards the sensational and the big scandals in the government.” “ The less sensational but very r<?al difficulties that are everyday inflicted on the common tao by the inefficient, arbitrary and the outright unscrupulousness of the (Continued on page 8) nerai manager ot tne rmiippine National Railways, announced recently the introduction of a new motor train service between Manila and Naga City effective March 1, 1968. Using the newly arrived diesel rail cars, the new train will leave Manila everyday at 9:40 a.m. to arrive at Naga City at 8: the evening. On its return trip this will leave Naga City at 4:30 a.m. arriving Manila at 2:38 p.m. Jimenez said that the new train schedule will serve stations unserved by present express trains to the South. This new train is designed primarily for points in the south where there are now other means of transportation. This train will stop in (Continued on page 5) Sa Isay An Responsable Paggadan Ki Gob. Alberto? i 111 nppinc L>nar<iy owecpsiuKCS strongly denied and answered the charges of fraud and mismanagement thrusted against the PCSO by Senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. in his privileged speech last Wednesday night in ANDOLONG maae Dy some persons to aetraua the PCSO by presenting some “doctored” tickets for collection of prizes but were frustrated and' nipped in the bud. Tickets issued by the PCSO to authorized agents and being sold to the public are printed with great care and security on imported paper from England and foolproofed with perforations that could not be duplicated. Andolong furnished the Senate Committee on games and amusements and tourism the documents describing the different steps in the process of production and distribution of tickets of the PCSO, so it would be fully informed of the matter. The manager further explained that all unused spoiled and damaged paper requisitioned for printing of tickets are always condem(Continued on page 8) D.I. Supreme Regent Due Here; Naga Host to D of I District Convention Mrs. Anna C. Walsh, Supreme Regent of the Daughters of Isabela, is due to arrive from - the United States to be the guest of honor of the 1st District Convention of the Daughters of Isabela at the Colegio de Sta. Isabel in the City of Naga on March 9 and 10, 1968. The theme of the convention will be: “Charity-Love of God and Love of Neighbor." Vice Mayor Jenny F. Perez, the Supreme Director of the Daughters of Isabela, called all the Regents of the D of I circles of the Bicol Region last Saturday to lay down the preparations for their first District Convention. Those who attended WeDr. Edith D. Dizon, Regent cf the Lady of Nativity Circle No. 1019, Naga City; Atty. Charito Q. Losa, Regent of the Blessed Sacrament Circle No. 1145, Naga City: Mrs. Adela C. Malonda, Regent of the Little Flower Circle No. 1090, Iriga, Camaiines Sur; and Mrs. Francisca K. Moll, Regent of the Holy Trinity Circle No. 1091, Tigaon, Camarines Sur. Unable to attend the executive meeting were Mrs. Aurora C. Vinzons, Regent of the Holy Family Circle No. 932, Daet, Camarines Norte, Mrs. Cielo Yujuico, Regent of the Sta. Rita’s Circle No. 928, Legazpi City, and Mrs. Naty Pigon, Regent of the St. Therese Circle No. 1061, Ligao, Albay. (Continued on page 5) Sagkod gnonian dai pa nangad nahuhusay kun sa isay an mga responsables can paggadan cadtong gobernador Juan Alberto can Catanduanes. Si Alberto binadil can Septiembre 18, 1967 sa groundfloor can Government Service Insurance System sa calle Arroceros sa Manila mientras siya naghahalat can elevator na saiyang lulunadan pa itaas sa saiyang oficina. Si Alberto miernbro can Junta de Gobernadores can GSIS. Cal. 45 an badil na iginadan sail a. Segun sa' bareta igua gabos nin sampolo catao an sinasahutan na invuelto can paggadan ki Alberto, alagad tolo pa sana an arestado asin nlcuculong can CIS; an pito dai pa pigsasambit an ngaran alagad caiba na sinda sa sampolong acusado por asesinato (murder) sa fiscalia sa Manila. Dai mahahaloy dadarhon (Dagos sa pagina8) Price Breakthrough RHF AppropraitesP300-Tfor Ragay And Sipocot Emergency Hospitals P200,000 For Cam. Sur Provincial Hospital Congressman Ramon Felipe, Jr. of the First District of Camarines Sur announced that the Municipalities of Sipocot and Ragay, Camarines Sur will soon have their own emergency hospitals. In Republic Act No. 5187, otherwise known as the Public Works Act of 1968, Cong. Felipe included the following appropriations: “Page 31 Item No. 15: CAMARINES SURa) Sipocot Emergency Hospital P150.000 b) Ragay Emergency Hospital 150,000” (Continued on page 6-A) Rep. FELIPE Schistosomiasis problem inS gen One of the biggest health problems in this province is schistosomiasis or snail fever as it is also known. Some 4,000 persons in the Juban-Irosin valley are said to be afflicted with this debilitating disease. Schistosomiasis is a chronic parasitic disease caused by a blood worm (schistosoma Japonicum) transmitted by certain type of aquatic snails. The disease affects not only human beings but also domestic animals such as pigs, dogs, carabaos and cattle. i In the Philippines the intermediate host of the disease is (Continued on page 6-A) Abaca World Market Increased A floor price for abaca fibers in the world market that would result in the general increase of the per capita income by our local producers was approved in the recently concluded international conference on hard fibers in Rome, it was announced by Dr. Estelito M. Madrid, Chairman-General Manager of the Abaca Corporation of the Philippines. modity is increased by 2.5 to 3.5 cents per pound of the raw fibers or an average increase of from P28 to P35 'per bale over the current price to be implemented gradually. Dr. Madrid said that the increase of abaca floor price was the vital point of the position paper he submitted to the delegation left for Rome. The mission, Dr. Madrid added, was a great success because an increase of at least $5 per bale would mean an increase of $35 million earning in foreign exchange for the country considering that our annual average abaca export is around 700,000 bales. Madrid, who arrived from Rome recently was one of the Philippine delegates to the crucial meet that presages the upward swing of our heretofore dwindling abaca industry. As approved, the recommended indicative price of the comIn his discussion with abaca end-users and industrialists in continental. Europe, America and Japan, Madrid observed that: 1. The inroad of synthetic fibers in the manufacture of cordage poses a great threat to the survival of the abaca industry. The fall in demand for hard' fibers and corresponding drop in price is traceable to the increasing use of synthetics; 2. Rope manufacturers would prefer synthetics to abaca the moment its production cost is lowered. However, since the cost to produce synthetics for the present is three times as (.Continued on page 6 A) 4-H Club Prov’l. Rallies Scheduled The 16th 4-H Club Provincial Rallies in the six Bicol provinces will start on Saturday, this was bared by Mr. Abraham H. Acompanado, Regional Rural Youth Club Supervisor of the Agricultural Productivity Commission this region. Highlights of the affair will be the different methods demonstration on 4-H club subjects such as field crops, poultry and swine raising, vegetable gardening, entomology, foods and nutrition, home industry, home improvement, and clothing including judging contest, interview of project contestants and talent (Continued on page 8) 8 STAR * Maroh 9> 1968 l * "The Star Witness” $ By ELIX ABE TERO ® Dai Paglingawan An Hagyan Mong Sinakatan Dakol na an nakakareparo sa mga bagong gavegau e kan satuyang tnga bagong lideres kan gobierno local. Igwa akong naheheling diyan na garo nang nabuburat kan kadikit na poder na itinao saiya kan banuaan. Kadakol na an mga bitis na saiyang natungtuhgan sa hbi-labing paghidale na rnakaabot gayod sa boot niyang padomanan. Garong dai siya minatobod sa soanoy na kasabilian, na "an dai magsalihgoy sa pinaghalian dai makaka abot sa saiyang padodomanan”. ★ ★ Nagkakapera na an sakuyang naheling na nadesgracia, nin hule sa pagsikad ’o pagkalingaw kan hagyan na sinakatan sagkod na rnakaabot sinda sa kaitaasan. Lalong makolog an pagkahulog kun lalong halangkaw an >ugar na nahulogan. ★ ★ An sarong bagay na inoamaw ki Gobernador Cleiera kan mga tao na tiagkaigwa nin tuyo saiya, iyo an pagkasincsro daa kan Gobernador. Moray na tnanangad an sabihan ka tolos nin claro kun puede ’o dai, an bagay na hina-hagad mo nin favor — kan palaoman ka sa.aa nin doing kamugtakan. Sa gawing ini ni Manding lalong padadaHgaton siya kan banuaan — orog na kan saiyang tnga katood na binubucasan niya kan saiyang daghan. ★ ★ Alagad dakol an naghaha’dit na tibaad daa mangyari man ki Gob. Manding Cledera an saro pang soanoy na kasabihan: "na an rninaraot sa bakal (lansang) iyo man sana an sadiring kalawang •takla)”. Aivot pa man lugod na dai man mangyari ini; maski ngani igiva pa nin sarong soanoy na pilosopiya na - "an maabot daa siempre maabot'’, Q le seta-sera". ★ ★ An pagkontra 'o pagoyon sa paggibo nin ciudad kan banuaau na Iriga koipuhan na liwanagon na maray kan mga oficiales na nanonongdan. Ta kun dai, minalowas na garo bagang karahayan-persdnal sana an razon kaidtong mga minaoyon. Sering man - garo bagang karahayan-politicalmente sana man an razon kan mga mina-kontra. Lalong maray kuta kun an mga tao asin namamanwaan mismo an magtao nin decision sa bagay naini - total sinda man sana an kahuri-hurihi na makarga kan gabos na gabat asin c>nsecuencias; maski ngani dai ninda masosolo an pagani kan mga kasuronod asin katampad na karahayan sa paggibong iyan nin ciudad kan saindang banuaan. ★ ★ Oyon ako sa sinabi na Senador Aquino, na dapat hifigohaon kan administrador kan Philippine ' Charity Sweepstakes na ma prcteger an pagtobod asin paggalang kan mga tao sa dignidad asin cantidad kan tiket sa sweepstakes- siring kan pagtobod asin paggalang niato sa cantidad asin dignidad kan satuyan-! “Peso”. Horophoropa baya kun ano an mangyayari sa PCS kun ornabot an panahon na dai na magtobod an tao sa mga ginigibo kan agenciang iyan; lalo na kun dai na maaraman kan tao kun arin an “tunay”, asin ar in an falsificado sa mga agente kan PCS. tiket na pigpapabakal kan mga ¥ * No Fake . . . ned and burned four days before each respective draw. Unsold tickets are also burned two days befote the respective draw, he explained. Andolong, likewise, justified the publicity expenses of the PCSO and the use by the management of the uncollected and forefeited prizes. * Sa isay an . < sa juzgado nin primera inslanciasa Manila an casong ini. Dai na man mahahaloy ilalagda na sa oahayagan an saindang mga gnaran gabos, lalo na pagvista caini. An totong acusado na nacocolong iyo sa Gregorio Binamira, 40 afios an edad, taga banuaan nin Sto. Domingo, Aloay na sinasahotan na iy»ng nagbadil; Pedro Zuniga, 39, taga Bato, Catanduanes, sinasahotan na iyong nagbabantay can pagbadii; icatolo iyo si Gaudcncio Martinez, 39, dai nasabi kun taga sain ini. An pito na saboot calabot asin mga cabesa pensantes, binuglacan sana ngona nin gnaran na John Does. Dai pa sinda inaarestar alagad aram na can mga nagiiinvesligar can casona ini an saindang mga ngaran. Roxas Seeks . . . (Continued from page 1) bureaucracy remain unattended and unremedied,” Senator Roxas declared. In explaining the measure, Senator Roxas declared that since in a democracy the bureaucracy exists for the citizens, his rights and interests are both ensuied and enhanced when bureacratic weaknesses are brought to official and public notice through the instrumentality of a truly independent and competent investigator with sufficient access to relevant and vital information. The Office of the Citizen’s Counsel, which is patterned after the Office of Ombudsman in Scandinavian states, shall have jurisdiction to investigate on a complaint by any person or on his own motion, any administrative act of a government agency when he has reasons to believe that such act (a) unjust, unreasonable, oppressive or improperly descriminatory even through in accordance with law; (b) under a mistake of law or fact, partly or wholly; (c) without adequate statement of reasons; (d) based on grounds that are improper or irrelevant; (e) done inefficiently; (f) in conflict with law; or (g) otherwise erroneous. “Similarities can be seen between the office herein proposed and the offices created in the past under the Office of the President through executive orders but unlike the latter previous offices, the Office of the Citizen’s Counsel shall be a permanent and independent office that will not be under the Office of the President nor of any other office,” Senator Roxas emphasized. He added that the experiences of the Integrity Board of President Quirino, the PCAC of President Magsaysay, the PCAPE of President Garcia, and the PAGCOM of President Maoapagal, offices which were created by their respective administrations and later abolished, shows that insulation from politics is basic to the efficient and effective performance of these various government agencies. In sponsoring the measure, Senator Roxas stated: “Two considerations, at least, stress the great need for the Office which this bill seeks to create. The more evident of these is, of course, the very prevalent problem of graft in the government. The stench of immorality blights many parts of the governmental structure. Covetous b u r e a ucrats continue to deprive the citizen of the kind of government service he needs and deserves. “The other consideration goes even deeper than the problem of graft. It arises from the greatly involvement of the affairs of the citizens. “Today, administrative agencies, because of the vastly expanded demand for government services, have grown in number, powers and functions. Set against this growth of the bureaucracy, the exisGene E. Balfertnoso FROM THE HILLTOP Libre’ng Filipino (5) "So live that you can look a man straight in the eye.”— Pres. Elpidio Quirino. Editor's Note: — The Librc’ng Pilipino is a picture of the contemporary local scenery and life, transcending social change and idealism of the past Io the present. From time to time under the series will be presented tidbit biographies of government and private, executives, professionals os well as laymen who one way or another contribute to the uplift of the Pilipino environment. The Irony of Our Heritage — Three hundred years of dominant Spanish rule and half century of American tutelage in the field of education and the art of self-government did accomplish the desired two objectives, namely, from the Spaniards — the rich religious endowment and its fatal fanaticism ingrained in the Pilipino soul and from the Americans — our flare of the English language and our taste for foreign standards. The jeans, the minis and what will it be next? You may have it coming, the topless? Of course those night clubs have all these darn bellicose unusual circumstances going all along. And the movies — the uncensored striptease and burlesque is a usual fantastic delight. And then the hippies — a year ago I was getting the run of stories about college students whose thirst for the 'unkown’ - the mitigating facts to discover Darwin’s "Theory of Evolution." I was jolted into believing that the w'.stern “transplants” have made unlimited joy rides’ into the vast scheme of things. We are approaching the saturation point wherein desultory antics and crime upsurge -have join hands to forsake our independence to inter dependence. Year, year and vear-oul - our hard-boiled politicians have turned to Uncle Sam - the perennial Santa Claus all the year thru to dole out to friends and satellites from mechanized civil action paraphernalia and all about other problems in commerce, trade, the military from internal to regional security and the chaf of worldly economics. For the daring to outdo the classical performance of greatness - we are confronted with the most serious imbalance in our political career. There is really the alternative to slave off disenchantment an the part of the populace to reconcile the 'performance issue’ with the desired practical results. This is now our greatest worry. A few more years and three is a long time, our Asian big neighbor - Communist China will have developed its nuclear capability and for sure a nuclear blackmail will follow. There are signs that our "brand of nationalism" will really come to clash with ‘‘American isolationism.” In an American pull out to a safe perimeter, will leave the Pilipino the master of his own idiosyncracy and of his land of a thousand islands. 4-H Club Provincial .; show which will be participated by selected 4-H Club members representing the 200 clubs throughout the six provinces with a total membership of 6,451 in and out-of school youth with age ranging from 12 to 21 ting checks available to the citizen against bureacratic abuse and error show certain inadequacies. “Only a handful of cases of maladminis t r a t i o n could well be investigated by Congress; indeed. Congress could not attend to more of such investigatory work without impairing its essential function of legislation. Redress through the press is itself reserved usually for the more serious bureaucratic misbehavior.” (Continued from page 7) years old. In Camarines Sur, the provincial rally will be held at the Camarines Sur High School Assembly Hall with Governor Armando B. Cledera as Guest Speaker, and City Mayor Vicente Sibulo as Keynote Speaker during the Opening Program. Board Member Nicanor Orino will induct the newly elected officers of the Adult Leaders Association of Camarines Sur. The provincial rally is a culminating activities of all 4-H clubs as part of the evaluation of different projects undertaken by the members for the whole year. Winners in the various contest will represent their respective provinces to the National Rally to be held at the Araneta University this coming May.-ftv