Partial Review: For public information


Part of The Bicol Star

Partial Review: For public information
Diez, Andres G.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2 * THE BICOL STAR ★ March 9, 196S * tLlic ^Bicnl JBtar * ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE. CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES ON MAY 20, 1933. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY ★ jQumiitgn ^Escalante GENERAL MANAGER, PUBLISHER & EDITOR IHeumj fUafuagint JlnntM ^suiteintt JBal. (dM. jOitnmguitt ^iltaerio jAlcaht ADVERTISING & PROMOTION ^nnten JL ^stalauie CIRCULATION & SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION RATES; P4.00 PER YEAR; P2.50 6 MONTHS P. O. BOX 123, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES partial review by Andres G. Diez For Public Information We are here bringing to the attention of all the citizens important matters affecting their lives which are given primordial concern by the present provincial administration. Immediately after Governor Cledera assumed office, one of his original plans was to organize the Provincial Economic Council for the purpose of assisting him in the implementation of his program of government. This thinking of Gov. Cledera preceded a considerable amount of time the recent Executive Order of Pres. Marcos enjoining all provincial executives to organize es early as possible their Provincial Economic Councils. One of the imperative necessities for the people of this province is to know our total present population. According to statistics it has reached the staggering total of 1,015,000 which is about the equivalent of the populations of the provinces of Albayand Camarines Norte. Of this total population of our province 63% depends on farming and the remaining 30% directly or indirectly depends on fishing industry. Immediately upon assuming office, Gov. Cledera has launched an intensified agricultural campaign with the fullest cooperation of our Agricultural Productivity Commission. In appreciation to the farmers’ enthusiastic response, the Provincial Board in the Month of January approved a resolution setting aside the amount of P3.600.00 for purchase of shortcrop seedlings for distribution to the small farmers. Through his own efforts our province has also received sometime in the month of February this year, a considerable amount of varied seedlings from the American government which were immediately distributed to our farmers by the Agricultural Productivity Commission. The second phase of the provincial administration that the Governor is now attending to is the promotion and improvement of our fishing industry in conformity to its importance to the 37% of our population who depend on this undertaking for livelihood. The Philippine National Bank, for the purpose of he'ping our provincial administration has recently approved the amount of P25.000.00 as aid to our small fishermen in the form of small loans. In view of the insufficiency of this financial aid, the Provincial Governor hopes that the Provincial Economic Council upon being organized will successfully find a way by which funds for aids for our small fishermen can be augmented. Part of the Governor’s time during these two months that he is in office was spent in mutual consultations with the Officers Incharge of the Bureaus of Land and Forestry. The purpose was for him to obtain full knowledge of how these two bureaus are administering these public properties of the government. The Governor is also very much interested in the reforestation of our denudedforestal areas. It is our belief therefore that with all his dedication to public service the people can hope to see a new province emerging from what Camarines Sur was known in former days. Aggiornaineiito I I Alfredo G. Parpan, S.J. As Advent looked towards Christmas, so does Lent, to Easter. During both seasons of wait ng the liturgical color is nurple. It is the colorsymbol for penance. Because it is often raised, it is good to air the question: Do penance, self denial and mortification hane any meaning still today? The things of this world and the human body have also their values. Why this laborious exercise of virtue in order to attain ( hristian perfection when we o u g h t to acknowledge the goodness of human nature? To many of us Christians these dags, especially among our literati and urban folks, penance and asceticism hove indeed lost their meaning the March Apostleship of Prayer leaflet reminds us, because the pursuit of pleasure and comfort holds a stronger attraction. But we are still called to penance. The March intention re minds us that the purpose of penance and asceticism is to free the soul of inordinate elements, lest we become entangled in the enjoyment of earthly things. A person indeed cannot be master of his passions, nor be temperate in the use of earthly goods without some restrictions. We ought, in a responsible way to practice the penance which before God we know we need; what and how the law of penance obliges us. We should patiently accept the sufferings, difficulties and pains which God in His Divine Providence allows us and do some voluntary acts of penance besides. Devotion to the Sacred Heart, we are reminded one more, will help much- especially with its practice of reparation to help us understand these virtues By penance and asceticism we begin to think, feel and acl like Christ. Without these virtues, w1. eannot even think of ourselves as genuine Christians. If you will, remember fast and abstinence is kept on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Strict abstinence must be observed on all Fridays of Lent. On all Fridays of the year outside Lent, all the faithful who have completed 14 years oj age have the choice of either to observe abstinence, or to perform a work tf mercy, an act of piety or any work of the lay apostolate. The stress, do not forget, is on the spirilnot the letter of the law. The stereotyped image of the convento-priest, thank God, is fast becoming passe. We see the "new breed" a pacesetter in many things seemingly far removed from the ambit of the sanctuary and sacristy. Among last year’s TOYM awardees was a young secular priest of the Manila Archdiocese who was cited for his “humanitarian” services. For one called to the professed vocation of an "alter Christus” nothing less could be expected of course. The award embodies however the public expectalionand approbation of the new breed’s realization that there’s mare to the priesthood besides Mass and the Sacraments and that "souls” entrusted to their care are not disembodied creatures and that impoverished and hungry parishioners scrounging about for their next meal won't have much time for God. Padre Kikoy Molina may not get the limelight of a TOYM award. But he too is Army type Pre-Fab Schoolhouses may be manufactured in C. Sur by joaquin t. Rep. Felix A. Fuenbella re"ommended to Col. Elezar Pinto, chief engineer of the Presidenliil School Building Commit ee, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, the establishment of a School Building Plant for the manufacture of army-typed prefabricated sch mlhouses in the municipality of Garhitorena here. The second district solon’s move was in response to the representations made by Garchitorena Mayor Tomas B. Riva. Fuentebella batted strongly for this project in as much as Garchitorena has vast areas of forest from where lumber materials required maybe taken. He said there are plenty of sand and gravel resources in the nearby places arou d the locality which can be made into hollow blocks at a very 'ow cost. Fuentebe'la saiJ the location of the school building plant in Gar-hitorena is both stra egic and convenient for purposes of distribution. The municipality of Garchilorena is located along the Northeastern Coast of this province and it is accessible to ocean-going vessels which anchor at the Sisiran Bay just in front of the townsite, he said. Fuentebella said, school building materials can be cheaply transported to reachable places in this province, ot er municipalities STTA advocates 'Wildlife Week' The Sorsogon Tourist and Travel Association has sought a presidential proclamation declaring a National “Wildlife Prevention Week.” In seeking the proclamation, STTA said “the problem of preserving wildlife in the country has become critical in the wake of the destruction of their habittats through logging operations and kaingins.” It urged civic organizations and school authorities to drum up action for a coordinated drive towards the conservation of the country’s wildlife now facing extinction due to indiscriminate hunting and destruction of habitats. STTA stated that observance of a week in a year wherein everyone from all walks of life is made aware of the value and necessity of the conservation of wildlife was necessary to protect it from becoming extinct. * * * of the new breed. He cannot help but be concerned with the sad state of the read and the wooden bridges that link his five-year old mountain parish of Sari Raman to the outside world. He is one with the barrio captains of his parish in all that concern community development. In fact, his is the moving spirit. The enthusiastic response generated by the Priests’ Se minor sponsored by the Union of Caceres Clergy in Naga City last month will probably ensure the holding of such sessions as annual affairs. Priestsnot only from Caceres but from Legazpi (e.g. Msgr. Jose Sanchez whose appointment as bishop was announced after one noon session) and Sorsotaduran, jr. of Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Aloay, Sorsogon, Masbate and even the Eastern Visayan provinces. The establishment of . this plant will also create J o b opportunities for residents of the coastal towns o f this province like Caramoan, Garchitorena, Siruma and Parubcan, he said. The second district solan added the establishment of a School Buildi g Pi a nt in Garchitorena is now under the project study of the Presidential School Building Committee authorities. Longer pasture leases up for study The plan for longer leases of pasture lands in order to stimulate animal raising is under study by the Bureau of Plant Industry on orders of President Marco?. The President directed newly-designated Forestry Director Teofilo Santos to prepare the plan in two weeks. The Chief Executive observed that the ten-year period provided by existing regulations is tuo short for long range planning. The Constitution, however. authorizes the grant of 25 year leases, renewable for another 25 years. Juan R. Ravelo, assistant chief of the Land Uses Division of the Bureau of Forestry has informed Malacanang that only a few lease contracts had been approved. He said that thegranting of leases of pasture lands was even suspended in 1965, when then Justice Secretary Salvador Marino ruled that pasture grants should be issued only through public bidding. The Marino desision nullified all lease grants issued earlier. But this was modified by President Marcos sueh that pasture grants issued prior to the Marino ruling should be subsisting. gon (e.g. Fr. Gregorio Triunfante, Spiritual Director of the first Cursillo in Caceres) attended the three-day lecture forum and exchange of ideas. On the panel of lecturers with t w o Dominican theologians (Frs. Loenardo Legazpi and Pedro Salgado), a Carmelite Bishop {Msgr. Julio X. Labayen, National Director of Social Action) and Naga Major Seminary’s Fr. Alberto Roman, C.M. was a layman, Atty. Jeremias Montemayor, President of the Federation of Free Farmers, who talked on “Rural Development.” H i s message? The root cause of the problems of poverty and hunger in the world is social injustice and no Christian can fail to ignore it and do something about ill